Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/German

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Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in German
# Articles in German instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Japan country, island country, sovereign state Japan 400
2 Brasilien country, federal republic, secular state Brazil 368
3 Israel country, geographic region, sovereign state Israel 360
4 Österreich country, republic, state Austria 356
5 Afghanistan country, landlocked country, sovereign state Afghanistan 346
6 Paris department of France, megacity, metropolis Paris 346
7 Erde terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 342
8 Ungarn country, landlocked country, sovereign state Hungary 340
9 London city, megacity, metropolis London 340
10 Island country, island country, sovereign state Iceland 339
11 Pakistan country, sovereign state Pakistan 338
12 Südkorea country, constitutional republic, sovereign state South Korea 335
13 Sonne G-type main-sequence star Sun 333
14 Slowakei country, republic, landlocked country Slovakia 329
15 Georgien sovereign state Georgia (country) 328
16 Neuseeland country, island country, Commonwealth realm New Zealand 325
17 Berlin city-state, metropolis, Hanseatic city Berlin 317
18 Mathematik academic major, academic discipline, mathematical term Mathematics 317
19 Adolf Hitler human Adolf Hitler 311
20 Albert Einstein human Albert Einstein 307
21 New York City city in the United States New York City 307
22 Uruguay country, republic, secular state Uruguay 306
23 Europäische Union confederation, supranational union, regional organization European Union 299
24 Republik China country, island country, sovereign state Taiwan 296
25 Elfenbeinküste country, republic, sovereign state Ivory Coast 295
26 Karl Marx human Karl Marx 295
27 Laos country, landlocked country, people's republic Laos 295
28 Rio de Janeiro megacity, big city, municipality of Brazil Rio de Janeiro 295
29 Gambia country, sovereign state The Gambia 281
30 Helsinki municipality of Finland Helsinki 280
31 Istanbul megacity, big city, port settlement Istanbul 275
32 Gaius Iulius Caesar human Julius Caesar 275
33 Wien city-state, enclave, metropolis Vienna 273
34 Jamaika country, island country, Commonwealth realm Jamaica 271
35 Zweiter Weltkrieg world war, historical period World War II 271
36 Napoleon Bonaparte human Napoleon 268
37 Stockholm city, human settlement, Hanseatic city Stockholm 268
38 Buenos Aires city of Argentina Buenos Aires 266
39 Bogotá capital district or territory, human settlement, direct-controlled municipality Bogotá 265
40 Chicago global city, big city, city of Illinois Chicago 265
41 Sokrates human Socrates 265
42 Charles Darwin human Charles Darwin 264
43 Los Angeles city, megacity, metropolis Los Angeles 264
44 Gold chemical element, allergen, precious metal Gold 262
45 Schach type of sport, board game, game-based sport Chess 259
46 Jupiter outer planet, gas giant, superior planet Jupiter 257
47 Prag region of the Czech Republic, enclave, electoral unit Prague 255
48 Nauru country, republic, island country Nauru 252
49 Sydney city, metropolis, global city Sydney 251
50 Erster Weltkrieg world war, historical period World War I 251
51 Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt city, megacity, planned community Ho Chi Minh City 250
52 Chinesische Sprachen macrolanguage, language group, modern language Chinese language 249
53 Lissabon big city, municipality of Portugal, city of Portugal Lisbon 248
54 Alexander der Große human Alexander the Great 244
55 Bangkok city, megacity, big city Bangkok 244
56 Regen type of meteorological phenomenon Rain 244
57 Kaffee Coffee 242
58 Elisabeth II. human Elizabeth II 241
59 Tee Tea 239
60 Thomas Alva Edison human Thomas Edison 239
61 Mustafa Kemal Atatürk human Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 238
62 Neptun outer planet, superior planet, ice giant Neptune 238
63 René Descartes human René Descartes 238
64 Martin Luther human Martin Luther 237
65 Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski human Fyodor Dostoevsky 236
66 Immanuel Kant human Immanuel Kant 236
67 Jakarta province of Indonesia, megacity, metropolis Jakarta 236
68 Shanghai megacity, metropolis, global city Shanghai 236
69 Liebe theme, advanced emotion Love 232
70 Bukarest municipality of Romania, college town, big city Bucharest 229
71 Martin Luther King human Martin Luther King Jr. 229
72 Wolke type of meteorological phenomenon Cloud 222
73 Basketball type of sport, Olympic sport Basketball 221
74 Sauerstoff chemical element, nonmetal, lithophile Oxygen 221
75 Hamburg free imperial city, city-state, metropolis Hamburg 220
76 Ottawa human settlement, planned community, big city Ottawa 218
77 Schnee type of meteorological phenomenon Snow 218
78 Tiger taxon Tiger 218
79 Bratislava city, big city, municipality of Slovakia Bratislava 217
80 Mumbai city, megacity, metropolis Mumbai 215
81 Venedig city, carfree city, commune of Italy Venice 215
82 Insekten taxon Insect 208
83 1974 common year starting and ending on Tuesday, calendar year 1974 206
84 Koreanische Sprache natural language, modern language Korean language 206
85 AIDS pandemic, syndrome, endemic disease HIV/AIDS 203
86 Pythagoras human Pythagoras 203
87 Benjamin Franklin human Benjamin Franklin 202
88 Neapel city, commune of Italy, big city Naples 200
89 Ungarische Sprache natural language, language, specialty Hungarian language 199
90 Margaret Thatcher human Margaret Thatcher 199
91 Aluminium chemical element, metal, lithophile Aluminium 198
92 Bern city, administrative territorial entity, municipality of Switzerland Bern 198
93 Dschingis Khan human Genghis Khan 198
94 Logik formal science, class used in Universal Decimal Classification, branch of philosophy Logic 197
95 Milchstraße barred spiral galaxy Milky Way 196
96 Pilze taxon Fungus 195
97 John Locke human John Locke 195
98 Marcus Tullius Cicero human Cicero 194
99 Thomas von Aquin human Thomas Aquinas 193
100 Kalter Krieg proxy war, perpetual war, cold war Cold War 192
101 Qin Shihuangdi human Qin Shi Huang 190
102 Regenbogen phenomenon Rainbow 190
103 Afrikaans language, modern language Afrikaans 189
104 Brücke building, geographic location Bridge 189
105 Carl Friedrich Gauß human Carl Friedrich Gauss 188
106 Homosexualität sexual orientation, romantic orientation, male bonding Homosexuality 188
107 Chișinău city, municipality, big city Chișinău 187
108 Zürich municipality of Switzerland, college town, cantonal capital of Switzerland Zürich 187
109 Donau river, transboundary river Danube 186
110 Frédéric Chopin human Frédéric Chopin 186
111 Schwefel chemical element, chalcophile element Sulfur 186
112 Dinosaurier taxon, clade Dinosaur 184
113 Kartoffel taxon Potato 184
114 Star Wars media franchise, brand Star Wars 184
115 Köln metropolis, Hanseatic city, big city Cologne 183
116 Francis Bacon human Francis Bacon 182
117 Isländische Sprache natural language, modern language Icelandic language 182
118 Leonhard Euler human Leonhard Euler 182
119 Nordsee northern sea North Sea 182
120 Roubaix city, commune of France Roubaix 182
121 Ubuntu Unix-like operating system, Linux distribution, trademark Ubuntu 180
122 Schwangerschaftsabbruch medical procedure type Abortion 178
123 Beryllium chemical element, lithophile, simple substance Beryllium 178
124 Bob Dylan human Bob Dylan 178
125 Muhammad Ali human Muhammad Ali 178
126 Rosen taxon Rose 177
127 Johannes Kepler human Johannes Kepler 176
128 Max Planck human Max Planck 176
129 Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski human Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 176
130 Natrium chemical element, lithophile Sodium 176
131 Leo Trotzki human Leon Trotsky 175
132 Renaissance art movement, cultural movement Renaissance 175
133 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock 174
134 Apple corporation, brand, public company Apple Inc. 174
135 Schokolade Chocolate 174
136 Byzantinisches Reich historical country, historical period Byzantine Empire 173
137 Neon chemical element, atmophile element Neon 173
138 Roald Amundsen human Roald Amundsen 173
139 James Cook human James Cook 172
140 Johannesburg city, global city, financial centre Johannesburg 172
141 Tsunami Tsunami 172
142 Urknall occurrence, unmoved mover, cosmological model Big Bang 171
143 Freddie Mercury human Freddie Mercury 171
144 Lyndon B. Johnson human Lyndon B. Johnson 171
145 Phosphor chemical element Phosphorus 171
146 Kreiszahl real number, transcendental number, mathematical constant Pi 171
147 Chlor chemical element, essential medicine, lithophile Chlorine 170
148 Tibet geographic region, highland, cultural region Tibet 170
149 Düsseldorf big city, state capital in Germany, city Düsseldorf 169
150 Fluor chemical element, lithophile Fluorine 169
151 Kraft Force 169
152 Erdöl mixture, commodity, product Petroleum 169
153 British Columbia province of Canada British Columbia 167
154 Geoffrey Chaucer human Geoffrey Chaucer 166
155 Blitz type of meteorological phenomenon Lightning 166
156 Arthur Schopenhauer human Arthur Schopenhauer 165
157 Ethik academic discipline, branch of philosophy Ethics 165
158 Schlaf biological process, state of consciousness Sleep 165
159 Schildkröten taxon Turtle 165
160 Messer Knife 163
161 Mark Aurel human Marcus Aurelius 163
162 Daoismus religion, philosophical movement Taoism 162
163 Thüringen federated state of Germany Thuringia 162
164 Anne Frank human Anne Frank 161
165 Asteroid astronomical object type Asteroid 161
166 Währung Currency 161
167 Ludwig Wittgenstein human Ludwig Wittgenstein 161
168 Steinzeit human history, archaeological age, temporal entity Stone Age 161
169 Baseball type of sport, sport with racquet/stick/club Baseball 160
170 H. G. Wells human H. G. Wells 160
171 Verb part of speech Verb 160
172 Sezessionskrieg civil war American Civil War 159
173 Volleyball type of sport Volleyball 159
174 ABBA musical group ABBA 158
175 Bremen Hanseatic city, college town, big city Bremen 158
176 Kleopatra VII. human Cleopatra 158
177 Bruttoinlandsprodukt Gross domestic product 157
178 Katowice city, city with powiat rights, tourist destination Katowice 157
179 Niamey city, big city, administrative territorial entity of Niger Niamey 157
180 Diamant mineral species Diamond 156
181 Thomas Mann human Thomas Mann 156
182 David Hilbert human David Hilbert 155
183 Mozilla Firefox web browser Firefox 155
184 Kaliningrad big city, city or town, centre of oblast Kaliningrad 155
185 Ibn Chaldūn human Ibn Khaldun 154
186 Diego Velázquez human Diego Velázquez 153
187 Panamakanal ship canal Panama Canal 152
188 Dortmund major regional center, Hanseatic city, big city Dortmund 150
189 Plutarch human Plutarch 150
190 Eisbär taxon, apex predator Polar bear 150
191 Python object-based language Python (programming language) 150
192 Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen human Wilhelm Röntgen 150
193 FC Barcelona association football club, association football team, professional sports team FC Barcelona 149
194 Nouakchott city, big city, commune of Mauritania Nouakchott 149
195 Plutonium chemical element, radioactive element Plutonium 149
196 Rafael Nadal human Rafael Nadal 149
197 Selma Lagerlöf human Selma Lagerlöf 149
198 Almaty city, city of republican significance, largest city Almaty 148
199 Schuh Shoe 148
200 Strontium chemical element, lithophile Strontium 148
201 Comic literary genre, literary form, type of arts Comics 147
202 Joseph Haydn human Joseph Haydn 147
203 Altgriechische Sprache language, historical language Ancient Greek 146
204 Kerala state of India Kerala 146
205 Georg Friedrich Händel human George Frideric Handel 145
206 Shintō lifestyle, ethnic religion Shinto 145
207 Claude Monet human Claude Monet 144
208 Hafnium chemical element, lithophile, combustible powder Hafnium 144
209 Nebel type of meteorological phenomenon Fog 143
210 Evangelium nach Markus Gospel, book of the Bible Gospel of Mark 143
211 Graz statutory city of Austria, municipality of Austria, district of Austria Graz 143
212 Erbse taxon Pisum sativum 143
213 John Steinbeck human John Steinbeck 142
214 Bleistift product category Pencil 142
215 Real Madrid association football club Real Madrid CF 142
216 Kohlenstoffdioxid type of chemical entity Carbon dioxide 141
217 Heidelberg district capital, residenz, Luther city Heidelberg 141
218 John Stuart Mill human John Stuart Mill 141
219 Oblast Kaliningrad oblast of Russia, exclave Kaliningrad Oblast 141
220 Kernwaffe nuclear technology, weapon functional class Nuclear weapon 141
221 Ananas taxon Pineapple 141
222 Polynesien archipelago, geographic region, cultural region Polynesia 141
223 Aachen border city, college town, big city Aachen 140
224 Sternbild Constellation 140
225 Brille Glasses 140
226 Judo type of sport Judo 140
227 Konrad Adenauer human Konrad Adenauer 140
228 Minecraft video game, esports discipline Minecraft 140
229 Rhodium chemical element, combustible powder Rhodium 140
230 Berliner Mauer tourist attraction, cordon, fortified line Berlin Wall 139
231 James K. Polk human James K. Polk 139
232 Rhenium chemical element Rhenium 139
233 Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof human L. L. Zamenhof 138
234 Österreich-Ungarn historical country Austria-Hungary 137
235 Dnipro big city, city of regional significance of Ukraine, centre of oblast Dnipro 137
236 Erfurt major regional center, Hanseatic city, Luther city Erfurt 137
237 Wurzel Root 137
238 (1) Ceres dwarf planet, asteroid Ceres (dwarf planet) 136
239 Einsteinium chemical element, synthetic element Einsteinium 135
240 Hubschrauber aircraft lift class Helicopter 135
241 Lausanne municipality of Switzerland, college town, big city Lausanne 135
242 Olivenbaum taxon Olive 135
243 Seidenstraße trade route, historic road Silk Road 135
244 Warren Buffett human Warren Buffett 134
245 Drache class of mythical entities Dragon 133
246 Metaphysik academic discipline, branch of philosophy Metaphysics 133
247 Titanic film Titanic (1997 film) 133
248 Trompete type of musical instrument Trumpet 133
249 Łódź city, city with powiat rights, big city Łódź 133
250 Alexander von Humboldt human Alexander von Humboldt 132
251 Computermaus Computer mouse 132
252 Fermium chemical element, synthetic element Fermium 132
253 Yukon territory of Canada Yukon 132
254 Rainer Maria Rilke human Rainer Maria Rilke 131
255 Stonehenge tourist attraction, archaeological site, cromlech Stonehenge 131
256 Thukydides human Thucydides 131
257 Gorillas taxon Gorilla 130
258 Vesuv mountain, stratovolcano, tourist attraction Mount Vesuvius 130
259 U-Boot submarine type Submarine 130
260 Der König der Löwen animated feature film The Lion King 130
261 Internationale Raumstation space station, space laboratory International Space Station 129
262 Nordwest-Territorien territory of Canada Northwest Territories 129
263 Preußen historical country Prussia 129
264 Science-Fiction literary term, speculative/fantastic fiction genre Science fiction 129
265 Transistor Transistor 129
266 Europäisches Parlament institution of the European Union, international parliament European Parliament 128
267 Jimi Hendrix human Jimi Hendrix 128
268 Paul Gauguin human Paul Gauguin 128
269 Karlsruhe district capital, major regional center, big city Karlsruhe 127
270 Vegetarismus diet, dietary restriction Vegetarianism 127
271 Raubtiere taxon Carnivora 126
272 Elch taxon Moose 126
273 Friedensnobelpreis peace award Nobel Peace Prize 126
274 Robert Schumann human Robert Schumann 126
275 Deng Xiaoping human Deng Xiaoping 125
276 Fujian province of China Fujian 125
277 Mary Shelley human Mary Shelley 125
278 Herzinfarkt cause of death, class of disease, symptom or sign Myocardial infarction 125
279 Mannheim major regional center, residenz, college town Mannheim 124
280 Gen Gene 123
281 Pol Pot human Pol Pot 123
282 Weliki Nowgorod big city, city or town, urban okrug in Russia Veliky Novgorod 123
283 Bewusstsein type of property, psychology term Consciousness 122
284 Kaiser profession, noble title, position Emperor 122
285 Ethanol type of chemical entity Ethanol 122
286 Fischotter taxon Eurasian otter 122
287 Freiburg im Breisgau district capital, college town, big city Freiburg im Breisgau 122
288 Manaus big city, municipality of Brazil Manaus 122
289 Ulm city, district capital, major regional center Ulm 122
290 Freie Software software category Free software 121
291 Anwar as-Sadat human Anwar Sadat 120
292 Turksprachen language family Turkic languages 120
293 Legierung Alloy 119
294 Quechua language family, language, macrolanguage Quechuan languages 119
295 Störche taxon Stork 119
296 Beton Concrete 118
297 Elektrische Ladung Electric charge 118
298 Reiher taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Heron 118
299 IPhone smartphone model series IPhone 118
300 Immunsystem neural system type Immune system 118
301 Jennifer Aniston human Jennifer Aniston 118
302 Semitische Sprachen language family Semitic languages 118
303 Völkermord an den Armeniern genocide, forced displacement, ethnic violence Armenian genocide 117
304 (136199) Eris dwarf planet, plutoid Eris (dwarf planet) 117
305 Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy human Felix Mendelssohn 117
306 Eishockey type of sport, Olympic sport, team sport Ice hockey 117
307 Led Zeppelin musical group, rock band Led Zeppelin 117
308 Orang-Utans taxon Orangutan 117
309 Poliomyelitis infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Polio 117
310 Schwerin city, major regional center, residenz Schwerin 117
311 Spezielle Relativitätstheorie physical law, scientific theory Special relativity 117
312 Sushi type of food or dish Sushi 117
313 Willy Brandt human Willy Brandt 117
314 Afroasiatische Sprachen language family, macrofamily Afroasiatic languages 116
315 Chemnitz major regional center, big city, urban municipality in Germany Chemnitz 116
316 U-Bahn train and rail category Rapid transit 116
317 Schizophrenie mental disorder, class of disease Schizophrenia 116
318 Wisława Szymborska human Wisława Szymborska 116
319 Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2006 sports season 2006 FIFA World Cup 115
320 Entenvögel taxon Anatidae 115
321 Berbersprachen language family Berber languages 115
322 U2 musical group U2 115
323 Pelikane taxon Pelican 114
324 Sigrid Undset human Sigrid Undset 114
325 Uralische Sprachen language family Uralic languages 114
326 Zweiter Golfkrieg war Gulf War 113
327 Samurai profession Samurai 113
328 Bambi animated feature film Bambi 112
329 Johnny Cash human Johnny Cash 112
330 Kylie Minogue human Kylie Minogue 112
331 Schwertwal taxon Orca 112
332 Taekwondo type of sport Taekwondo 112
333 Transformator electrical element, current transformer, voltage transformer Transformer 112
334 Kohelet religious text, book of the Bible Ecclesiastes 111
335 Indus-Kultur archaeological culture, historical region, ancient civilization Indus Valley Civilisation 111
336 Pappeln taxon Populus 111
337 Römische Zahlschrift numeric writing system, non-positional numeral system Roman numerals 111
338 Elias Canetti human Elias Canetti 110
339 Epiktet human Epictetus 110
340 Speiseröhre organ type, class of anatomical entity Esophagus 110
341 Gemeiner Lein taxon Flax 110
342 HIV organisms known by a particular common name HIV 110
343 Jena major regional center, college town, big city Jena 110
344 Koblenz administrative territorial entity, district capital, big city Koblenz 110
345 Marmor Marble 110
346 Aeneis literary work Aeneid 109
347 Blauwal taxon Blue whale 109
348 Star taxon Common starling 109
349 Greta Garbo human Greta Garbo 109
350 Weimarer Republik historical country Weimar Republic 109
351 Carl von Clausewitz human Carl von Clausewitz 108
352 Kelten culture, style, historical ethnic group Celts 108
353 Hadrian human Hadrian 108
354 Ingolstadt major regional center, college town, big city Ingolstadt 108
355 John Kerry human John Kerry 108
356 Nightwish musical group Nightwish 108
357 Satire art genre Satire 108
358 Srinivasa Ramanujan human Srinivasa Ramanujan 108
359 Geschmack sense Taste 108
360 Bochum major regional center, Hanseatic city, college town Bochum 107
361 Klimawandel Climate variability and change 107
362 Europa regular moon, moon of Jupiter Europa (moon) 107
363 Freimaurerei human social group, fraternal organization Freemasonry 107
364 Tinte Ink 107
365 Hieronymus human Jerome 107
366 Kurt Gödel human Kurt Gödel 107
367 Piraterie activity Piracy 107
368 Eisenbahn Railroad 107
369 Achämenidenreich historical country, historical period Achaemenid Empire 106
370 Anämie class of disease, symptom or sign Anemia 106
371 Chichén Itzá tourist attraction, archaeological site, ancient city Chichen Itza 106
372 Compact Disc product category, physical media format, audio release format Compact disc 106
373 Koptische Sprache language, dead language, sacred language Coptic language 106
374 Friedrich August von Hayek human Friedrich Hayek 106
375 Steinadler taxon Golden eagle 106
376 Tyrrhenisches Meer sea Tyrrhenian Sea 106
377 Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de Richelieu human Cardinal Richelieu 105
378 Ganymed regular moon, moon of Jupiter, planetary-mass moon Ganymede (moon) 105
379 Giacomo Leopardi human Giacomo Leopardi 105
380 Sinotibetische Sprachen language family Sino-Tibetan languages 105
381 Windmühle Windmill 105
382 Altaische Sprachen language family, sprachbund Altaic languages 104
383 Christopher Nolan human Christopher Nolan 104
384 Horatio Nelson, 1. Viscount Nelson human Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson 104
385 Mikrofon Microphone 104
386 Supernova astronomical object type Supernova 104
387 Zitruspflanzen taxon Citrus 103
388 Sperber taxon Eurasian sparrowhawk 103
389 Brennnesseln taxon Urtica 103
390 Westliche Honigbiene taxon Western honey bee 103
391 Keuchhusten class of disease Whooping cough 103
392 Yellowstone-Nationalpark national park, biosphere reserve, tourist attraction Yellowstone National Park 103
393 Atlantis phantom island, mythical continent, mythological island Atlantis 102
394 Graugans taxon Greylag goose 102
395 Heinrich IV. human Henry IV of France 102
396 Eiszeitalter Ice age 102
397 Orgasmus Orgasm 102
398 Schreibmaschine Typewriter 102
399 Georg III. human George III 101
400 Glühlampe invention Incandescent light bulb 101
401 Erzengel Michael archangel, angel in Judaism, Mukarrabun Michael (archangel) 101
402 Schloss Versailles palace, museum, art museum building Palace of Versailles 101
403 Wanderfalke taxon Peregrine falcon 101
404 Ricinus communis taxon Ricinus 101
405 Thor thunder deity, Norse deity Thor 101
406 Tula big city, city or town Tula, Russia 101
407 Bermudadreieck triangle, geographic region, urban legend Bermuda Triangle 100
408 Habicht taxon Eurasian goshawk 100
409 Inquisition tribunal, religious organization, ecclesiastical court Inquisition 100
410 Bodensee lake, holomictic lake, mesotrophic lake Lake Constance 100
411 Perl programming language Perl 100
412 Petrus Abaelardus human Peter Abelard 100
413 Space Shuttle rocket model, spacecraft model Space Shuttle 100
414 Rückenmark organ type, class of anatomical entity Spinal cord 100
415 Fichten taxon Spruce 100
416 Senat der Vereinigten Staaten jurisdiction, senate, elected legislative house United States Senate 100
417 Cottbus city, major regional center, college town Cottbus 99
418 Krebstiere taxon Crustacean 99
419 Gonorrhoe infectious disease, class of disease Gonorrhea 99
420 Interstellar film Interstellar (film) 99
421 Lufthansa airline, public company, business Lufthansa 99
422 Anne Boleyn human Anne Boleyn 98
423 Gallenblase organ type, class of anatomical entity Gallbladder 98
424 Gammastrahlung electromagnetic radiation, type of quantum particle Gamma ray 98
425 Goten historical ethnic group Goths 98
426 Kanji logographic writing system, natural writing system Kanji 98
427 Kiebitz taxon Northern lapwing 98
428 Spanische Grippe pandemic, zoonosis, influenza pandemic Spanish flu 98
429 Winterthur municipality of Switzerland, big city, city of Switzerland Winterthur 98
430 Zurück in die Zukunft film Back to the Future 97
431 Kardiologie medical specialty, academic discipline Cardiology 97
432 Inception film Inception 97
433 Repräsentantenhaus der Vereinigten Staaten jurisdiction, house of representatives, elected legislative house United States House of Representatives 97
434 Wasserball type of sport Water polo 97
435 Borussia Dortmund association football club, sports club Borussia Dortmund 96
436 Krimkrieg war Crimean War 96
437 Stieglitz taxon European goldfinch 96
438 Joan Baez human Joan Baez 96
439 Krefeld big city, urban municipality in Germany, urban district of North Rhine-Westphalia Krefeld 96
440 Leverkusen big city, urban municipality in Germany, urban district of North Rhine-Westphalia Leverkusen 96
441 Pontius Pilatus human Pontius Pilate 96
442 Quarz mineral species Quartz 96
443 Rosengewächse taxon Rosaceae 96
444 Shaka human Shaka 96
445 Sumō type of sport Sumo 96
446 Mäusebussard taxon Common buzzard 95
447 Verschwörungstheorie reductionism Conspiracy theory 95
448 Europäische Kommission institution of the European Union European Commission 95
449 FC Everton association football club Everton F.C. 95
450 Homöopathie parascience, alternative medical treatment, branch of pseudoscience Homeopathy 95
451 Abbild Image 95
452 Balaton lake, geographical small region of Hungary, rift lake Lake Balaton 95
453 Unpaarhufer taxon Perissodactyla 95
454 Sealand artificial island, micronation, offshore construction Principality of Sealand 95
455 Sudoku riddle, mind sport, logic puzzle Sudoku 95
456 Voyager 1 space probe Voyager 1 95
457 Seeadler taxon White-tailed eagle 95
458 Amerikanischer Schwarzbär taxon American black bear 94
459 Wiener Kongress peace treaty, peace conference Congress of Vienna 94
460 Deutsch-Französischer Krieg war Franco-Prussian War 94
461 Geologische Zeitskala periodization, chronostratigraphic classification scheme Geologic time scale 94
462 Harold Macmillan human Harold Macmillan 94
463 Helsingborg border city, big city, port settlement Helsingborg 94
464 Taiwan island, disputed territory Taiwan (island) 94
465 (4) Vesta asteroid 4 Vesta 93
466 Albatrosse taxon Albatross 93
467 Avenue des Champs Élysées boulevard, tourist attraction, avenue Champs-Élysées 93
468 François Villon human François Villon 93
469 Jürgen Habermas human Jürgen Habermas 93
470 Mumps class of disease, symptom or sign Mumps 93
471 Anne human Anne, Queen of Great Britain 92
472 Anthony Eden human Anthony Eden 92
473 Bartgeier taxon Bearded vulture 92
474 Gemeiner Schimpanse taxon Chimpanzee 92
475 Hasenartige taxon Lagomorpha 92
476 Kloakentiere taxon Monotreme 92
477 Lichtwellenleiter Optical fiber 92
478 Wilhelm von Humboldt human Wilhelm von Humboldt 92
479 Olympische Winterspiele 2006 Winter Olympic Games 2006 Winter Olympics 91
480 Basilius der Große human Basil of Caesarea 91
481 Gänseblümchen taxon Bellis perennis 91
482 Codex Hammurapi code of law Code of Hammurabi 91
483 Kiwis taxon Kiwi (bird) 91
484 Pfadfinder social movement Scouting 91
485 2001: Odyssee im Weltraum film 2001: A Space Odyssey 90
486 Curling type of sport Curling 90
487 Jane Addams human Jane Addams 90
488 Konrad Lorenz human Konrad Lorenz 90
489 Kyoto-Protokoll environmental protocol Kyoto Protocol 90
490 Kurzsichtigkeit class of disease, symptom or sign Myopia 90
491 Ampel appliance Traffic light 90
492 Aquarell painting technique, painting material Watercolor painting 90
493 Yoruba language, modern language Yoruba language 90
494 Amerikanischer Bison taxon American bison 89
495 Aston Villa association football club Aston Villa F.C. 89
496 Geldautomat automated teller machine Automated teller machine 89
497 Europäische Zentralbank central bank, institution of the European Union European Central Bank 89
498 Ohrid city Ohrid 89
499 Olympische Sommerspiele 1992 Summer Olympic Games 1992 Summer Olympics 88
500 Affenbrotbäume taxon Adansonia 88
501 Luftschiff aircraft class Airship 88
502 Galle body fluid, class of anatomical entity Bile 88
503 Eschweiler urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Eschweiler 88
504 IPod model series IPod 88
505 Echte Walnuss taxon Juglans regia 88
506 Schwarzer Nachtschatten taxon Solanum nigrum 88
507 Anton Bruckner human Anton Bruckner 87
508 Rabenkrähe taxon Carrion crow 87
509 Gemeine Hasel taxon Corylus avellana 87
510 Kürbisgewächse taxon Cucurbitaceae 87
511 Europäischer Rat institution of the European Union European Council 87
512 Falklandkrieg war Falklands War 87
513 Chasaren historical ethnic group Khazars 87
514 Liza Minnelli human Liza Minnelli 87
515 Ärzte ohne Grenzen organization, non-governmental organization, international organization Médecins Sans Frontières 87
516 Ozelot taxon Ocelot 87
517 Short Message Service technical standard SMS 87
518 Saparmyrat Nyýazow human Saparmurat Niyazov 87
519 Sofja Wassiljewna Kowalewskaja human Sofya Kovalevskaya 87
520 Steffi Graf human Steffi Graf 87
521 Adrenalin type of chemical entity Adrenaline 86
522 Afrikanischer Elefant taxon African bush elephant 86
523 Biathlon type of sport, Olympic sport Biathlon 86
524 Boeing 737 aircraft family Boeing 737 86
525 Caspar David Friedrich human Caspar David Friedrich 86
526 Ernst Mach human Ernst Mach 86
527 Helgoland archipelago, coastal spa, car-free place Heligoland 86
528 Herbert Marcuse human Herbert Marcuse 86
529 Laura Bush human Laura Bush 86
530 Ludwig der Fromme human Louis the Pious 86
531 Montreux municipality of Switzerland, city of Switzerland Montreux 86
532 Oaxaca de Juárez locality of Mexico Oaxaca City 86
533 Fluch der Karibik film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 86
534 Stéphane Mallarmé human Stéphane Mallarmé 86
535 Harnröhre organ type, class of anatomical entity Urethra 86
536 Alexander Alexandrowitsch Aljechin human Alexander Alekhine 85
537 Alice Walker human Alice Walker 85
538 Epidemiologie branch of science Epidemiology 85
539 Herakleios human Heraclius 85
540 Sex human activity Human sexual activity 85
541 Laika Soviet space dog, individual animal Laika 85
542 Altkirchenslawisch dead language, ancient language, extinct language Old Church Slavonic 85
543 Runen alphabet, alphabetic writing system, unicase alphabet Runes 85
544 Tenochtitlan big city, altepetl Tenochtitlan 85
545 Albinismus God, disease Albinism 84
546 Diffusion physical law Diffusion 84
547 Eisenach medium regional center, Luther city, urban municipality in Germany Eisenach 84
548 Gänsegeier taxon Eurasian griffon vulture 84
549 Kornweihe taxon Hen harrier 84
550 Bibliothek von Alexandria research library Library of Alexandria 84
551 LibreOffice office suite LibreOffice 84
552 Ruhrgebiet conurbation, metropolitan area, Functional urban area Ruhr 84
553 Segel Sail 84
554 Olympische Sommerspiele 1960 Summer Olympic Games 1960 Summer Olympics 83
555 Armenische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik historical country Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic 83
556 Barbara McClintock human Barbara McClintock 83
557 Gemeiner Steinpilz taxon Boletus edulis 83
558 Caterina de’ Medici human Catherine de' Medici 83
559 Emanuel Lasker human Emanuel Lasker 83
560 Kasimir Sewerinowitsch Malewitsch human Kazimir Malevich 83
561 Moers large district town, big city, urban municipality in Germany Moers 83
562 Zweiter Japanisch-Chinesischer Krieg war Second Sino-Japanese War 83
563 Spencer Tracy human Spencer Tracy 83
564 Tokugawa Ieyasu human Tokugawa Ieyasu 83
565 Wellensittich taxon Budgerigar 82
566 Katalyse molecular function Catalysis 82
567 Edward Teller human Edward Teller 82
568 Genfer Konventionen treaty, international humanitarian law Geneva Conventions 82
569 Buckelwal taxon Humpback whale 82
570 Justus von Liebig human Justus von Liebig 82
571 La Chaux-de-Fonds municipality of Switzerland, city of Switzerland La Chaux-de-Fonds 82
572 Landshut district capital, urban municipality in Germany, urban district of Bavaria Landshut 82
573 Osmose chemical process Osmosis 82
574 Harnstoff type of chemical entity Urea 82
575 Britisch-Amerikanischer Krieg war War of 1812 82
576 Kanadagans taxon Canada goose 81
577 Bluthänfling taxon Common linnet 81
578 Braunbrustigel taxon European hedgehog 81
579 Jacques Lacan human Jacques Lacan 81
580 Marquesas archipelago, administrative subdivision of French Polynesia Marquesas Islands 81
581 Megadeth heavy metal band Megadeth 81
582 Minoische Kultur archaeological culture, style, civilization Minoan civilization 81
583 Anführungszeichen glyph Quotation mark 81
584 Schlangenadler taxon Short-toed snake eagle 81
585 Ségolène Royal human Ségolène Royal 81
586 Rettungswagen Ambulance 80
587 Bautzen district capital, Greater district town, urban municipality in Germany Bautzen 80
588 Dänische Krone currency, crown Danish krone 80
589 Global System for Mobile Communications mobile phone generation, mobile phone network standard GSM 80
590 Pardelluchs taxon Iberian lynx 80
591 Mount St. Helens mountain, stratovolcano Mount St. Helens 80
592 Ram Narayan human Ram Narayan 80
593 Rudolf Steiner human Rudolf Steiner 80
594 (90377) Sedna trans-Neptunian object, small Solar System body, detached object Sedna (dwarf planet) 80
595 Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray literary work The Picture of Dorian Gray 80
596 Bantusprachen language family Bantu languages 79
597 Coburg district capital, European City, Luther city Coburg 79
598 Krebsnebel supernova remnant Crab Nebula 79
599 Flagge Australiens national flag Flag of Australia 79
600 Gertrude Stein human Gertrude Stein 79
601 Saaremaa island Saaremaa 79
602 Spam Spamming 79
603 Dampflokomotive Steam locomotive 79
604 Tagebuch der Anne Frank literary work, posthumous work, written work The Diary of a Young Girl 79
605 Vertrag von Lissabon treaty of the European Union Treaty of Lisbon 79
606 Aalen district capital, medium regional center, spa town Aalen 78
607 Basilika building type Basilica 78
608 Bairisch dialect, language, dialect continuum Bavarian language 78
609 Cassini-Huygens robotic spacecraft, space mission Cassini–Huygens 78
610 Riesengleiter taxon Colugo 78
611 Schlagzeug Drum kit 78
612 Ethernet technical standard, media, de facto standard Ethernet 78
613 Ziegenmelker taxon European nightjar 78
614 Henry Morton Stanley human Henry Morton Stanley 78
615 Lockheed Martin F-22 aircraft family Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 78
616 Mongolische Sprachen language family, academic discipline Mongolic languages 78
617 Oktoberfest Volksfest Oktoberfest 78
618 Reinhard Heydrich human Reinhard Heydrich 78
619 Werder Bremen association football club SV Werder Bremen 78
620 Sacha Baron Cohen human Sacha Baron Cohen 78
621 Sachin Tendulkar human Sachin Tendulkar 78
622 Schweißen process Welding 78
623 Beachvolleyball sports discipline Beach volleyball 77
624 Wanderratte taxon, model organism Brown rat 77
625 Johannisbrotbaum taxon Carob 77
626 Charles Sanders Peirce human Charles Sanders Peirce 77
627 Dietrich Bonhoeffer human Dietrich Bonhoeffer 77
628 Dornbirn city, town, municipality of Austria Dornbirn 77
629 Firewall software category, computer science term Firewall (computing) 77
630 Fränkisches Reich historical country, barbarian kingdom Francia 77
631 Deutscher Bund confederation German Confederation 77
632 Karl Liebknecht human Karl Liebknecht 77
633 Königskobra taxon King cobra 77
634 Magic Johnson human Magic Johnson 77
635 Mairead Corrigan human Mairead Maguire 77
636 OSI-Modell reference model OSI model 77
637 Soul music genre Soul music 77
638 Wolverhampton Wanderers association football club, association football team, professional sports team Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. 77
639 Antarktis-Vertrag treaty Antarctic Treaty System 76
640 Elias Lönnrot human Elias Lönnrot 76
641 Ethen type of chemical entity Ethylene 76
642 Triel taxon Eurasian stone-curlew 76
643 Augenlid organism subdivision type, class of anatomical entity Eyelid 76
644 Göbekli Tepe tell, archaeological site Göbekli Tepe 76
645 Kempten major regional center, urban municipality in Germany, urban district of Bavaria Kempten 76
646 Kerguelen archipelago, island group, district of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands Kerguelen Islands 76
647 Lojban logical language, engineered language Lojban 76
648 Merkantilismus economic policy Mercantilism 76
649 Ockhams Rasiermesser aphorism, philosophical razor, heuristic argument Occam's razor 76
650 Rallen taxon Rail (bird) 76
651 Seppuku suicide method Seppuku 76
652 Manche mögen’s heiß film Some Like It Hot 76
653 Susa archaeological site, architectural landmark, ancient city Susa 76
654 Triathlon type of sport Triathlon 76
655 Velociraptor fossil taxon Velociraptor 76
656 Wels city, statutory city of Austria, municipality of Austria Wels 76
657 Wasseramsel taxon White-throated dipper 76
658 Bündnis 90/Die Grünen political party in Germany, green party Alliance 90/The Greens 75
659 Uferschnepfe taxon Black-tailed godwit 75
660 Boas taxon Boidae 75
661 Kaiseradler taxon Eastern imperial eagle 75
662 Struma class of disease Goitre 75
663 Grand Theft Auto IV video game Grand Theft Auto IV 75
664 Großer Nordischer Krieg war Great Northern War 75
665 Karl Barth human Karl Barth 75
666 Zitat Quotation 75
667 Statik starrer Körper branch of physics Statics 75
668 Kapitol der Vereinigten Staaten capitol building United States Capitol 75
669 Yak taxon, synonym Wild yak 75
670 Altenburg district capital, urban municipality in Germany Altenburg 74
671 Westfeldzug battle Battle of France 74
672 Schlacht bei Marathon battle Battle of Marathon 74
673 Betty White human Betty White 74
674 Betty Williams human Betty Williams 74
675 Jakobsweg pilgrims' way, long-distance trail Camino de Santiago 74
676 Chania city Chania 74
677 Zwergohreule taxon Eurasian scops owl 74
678 Meeressäuger organisms known by a particular common name Marine mammal 74
679 Mexikanisch-Amerikanischer Krieg war Mexican–American War 74
680 Philatelie specialty, philia, collecting hobby Philately 74
681 Philipp II. human Philip II of France 74
682 Korkeiche taxon Quercus suber 74
683 British Library national library, tourist attraction, library building British Library 73
684 Brauner Zwerg astronomical object type Brown dwarf 73
685 Ziviler Ungehorsam Civil disobedience 73
686 Constantius II. human Constantius II 73
687 Diplodocus fossil taxon Diplodocus 73
688 Fedora Linux distribution, free operating system Fedora Linux 73
689 Vierter Kreuzzug religious war Fourth Crusade 73
690 Landmine weapon functional class Land mine 73
691 Strahlentherapie medical specialty Radiation therapy 73
692 Revolver weapon functional class Revolver 73
693 Scalable Vector Graphics XML-based format, file format family, vector graphics file format SVG 73
694 Sark island, Crown Dependencies, car-free place Sark 73
695 Ammoniten fossil taxon Ammonoidea 72
696 Nelkengewächse taxon Caryophyllaceae 72
697 Kolorektales Karzinom class of disease Colorectal cancer 72
698 ENIAC decimal computer, one-of-a-kind computer ENIAC 72
699 Ameisensäure type of chemical entity Formic acid 72
700 Geschichte der Mathematik aspect of history History of mathematics 72
701 Lagrange-Punkte Lagrange point 72
702 Vollständige Induktion proof technique Mathematical induction 72
703 Mispel taxon Mespilus germanica 72
704 Navajo ethnic group, federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States Navajo 72
705 Küstenmammutbaum taxon Sequoia sempervirens 72
706 Slayer heavy metal band Slayer 72
707 Sonnenfleck Sunspot 72
708 The Velvet Underground rock band The Velvet Underground 72
709 Olympische Winterspiele 1928 Winter Olympic Games 1928 Winter Olympics 71
710 Analytische Philosophie philosophical movement Analytic philosophy 71
711 Berkeley Software Distribution Unix Berkeley Software Distribution 71
712 Boeing 707 aircraft family Boeing 707 71
713 Buch Tobit religious text, literary work Book of Tobit 71
714 Boudicca human Boudica 71
715 Eliezer Ben-Jehuda human Eliezer Ben-Yehuda 71
716 Flagge Mexikos national flag, ensign Flag of Mexico 71
717 Schelladler taxon Greater spotted eagle 71
718 Yamamoto Isoroku human Isoroku Yamamoto 71
719 Pergamon polis, ancient city, Ancient Greek archaeological site Pergamon 71
720 Schock syndrome, symptom or sign Shock (circulatory) 71
721 Blindschleiche taxon Slow worm 71
722 Streifenhyäne taxon Striped hyena 71
723 Wilhelm Steinitz human Wilhelm Steinitz 71
724 Badekultur Bathing 70
725 Capoeira type of sport, type of fighting style, type of dance Capoeira 70
726 Chaosforschung area of mathematics, mathematical theory Chaos theory 70
727 Tscherkessen ethnic group Circassians 70
728 Kormorane taxon Cormorant 70
729 Detmold city, district capital, large district town Detmold 70
730 Deutsche Bank universal bank, public company Deutsche Bank 70
731 Dieselmotor Diesel engine 70
732 Hugo von Hofmannsthal human Hugo von Hofmannsthal 70
733 Jenna Jameson human Jenna Jameson 70
734 Joseph McCarthy human Joseph McCarthy 70
735 Physikalische Größe general quantity, abstract class Physical quantity 70
736 Radiokarbonmethode radiometric dating Radiocarbon dating 70
737 Katharinenkloster monastery Saint Catherine's Monastery 70
738 Zweite Spanische Republik republic, historical country, historical period Second Spanish Republic 70
739 1. Buch der Makkabäer religious text, literary work 1 Maccabees 69
740 Weiß-Tanne taxon Abies alba 69
741 Armfüßer taxon Brachiopod 69
742 Windengewächse taxon Convolvulaceae 69
743 Deutsche Mark mark, obsolete currency Deutsche Mark 69
744 Gemeiner Efeu taxon Hedera helix 69
745 Jean-Baptiste Lully human Jean-Baptiste Lully 69
746 Karl Kraus human Karl Kraus (writer) 69
747 Trägheitsmoment Moment of inertia 69
748 Wiesenweihe taxon Montagu's harrier 69
749 Planetarischer Nebel astronomical object type Planetary nebula 69
750 Rothalstaucher taxon Red-necked grebe 69
751 Schere, Stein, Papier zero-sum game, Sansukumi-ken, simultaneous game Rock paper scissors 69
752 Forum Romanum square, tourist attraction, real property Roman Forum 69
753 Ajax acronym, initialism Ajax (programming) 68
754 Gotthard-Basistunnel base tunnel, transport megaproject, high-speed railway tunnel Gotthard Base Tunnel 68
755 Groß-Simbabwe ruins, archaeological site Great Zimbabwe 68
756 Geschichte Italiens academic discipline, history of a country or state History of Italy 68
757 Hoatzin taxon Hoatzin 68
758 Marsilio Ficino human Marsilio Ficino 68
759 Schwarz-Pappel taxon Populus nigra 68
760 Skateboard movement aid device Skateboard 68
761 Schielen visual disturbance, class of disease, symptom or sign Strabismus 68
762 JHWH names of God in Judaism, theonym Tetragrammaton 68
763 Flughafen Wien-Schwechat international airport, place Vienna International Airport 68
764 Algerienkrieg war of national liberation, war of independence Algerian War 67
765 Aliens – Die Rückkehr film Aliens (film) 67
766 Blauhai taxon Blue shark 67
767 Moose taxon, grade Bryophyte 67
768 Erdmagnetfeld planetary magnetic field Earth's magnetic field 67
769 Fossa taxon Fossa (animal) 67
770 Linux kernel, project, free and open-source software Linux kernel 67
771 Maria Sibylla Merian human Maria Sibylla Merian 67
772 Puducherry city Pondicherry 67
773 Rachitis rare disease, class of disease Rickets 67
774 Syllogismus technical term Syllogism 67
775 Wayne Gretzky human Wayne Gretzky 67
776 Naturstoff class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence Biomolecule 66
777 Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern one-state party Christian Social Union in Bavaria 66
778 Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan type of chemical entity DDT 66
779 Düren district capital, large district town, urban municipality in Germany Düren 66
780 El Hierro volcanic island El Hierro 66
781 Friedrich Paulus human Friedrich Paulus 66
782 Gustav Heinemann human Gustav Heinemann 66
783 Karl May human Karl May 66
784 Monroe-Doktrin foreign policy doctrine, United States presidential doctrine Monroe Doctrine 66
785 Stan Wawrinka human Stan Wawrinka 66
786 The Sixth Sense film The Sixth Sense 66
787 Steißhühner taxon Tinamou 66
788 Victorious television series Victorious 66
789 Kratzwürmer taxon Acanthocephala 65
790 Höhlengleichnis allegory Allegory of the cave 65
791 Arnsberg Hanseatic city, large district town, urban municipality in Germany Arnsberg 65
792 Flagge Südafrikas national flag Flag of South Africa 65
793 Narmer human Narmer 65
794 Nibelungenlied literary work Nibelungenlied 65
795 Affenadler taxon Philippine eagle 65
796 Schallplatte audio release format Phonograph record 65
797 Blasenkirschen taxon Physalis 65
798 Kurfürst noble title, historical position Prince-elector 65
799 Zweiter Burenkrieg war Second Boer War 65
800 Techno music genre Techno 65
801 Varianz descriptive statistic, moment of order r Variance 65
802 Anna von Kleve human Anne of Cleves 64
803 Schlacht um Midway battle, naval battle Battle of Midway 64
804 Berchtesgaden border city, climatic health resort, market municipality of Germany Berchtesgaden 64
805 Piercing Body piercing 64
806 Geta human Geta (emperor) 64
807 Glorious Revolution revolution, coup d'état Glorious Revolution 64
808 Großes Siegel der Vereinigten Staaten national seal Great Seal of the United States 64
809 Hans Adolf Krebs human Hans Krebs (biochemist) 64
810 Homo floresiensis fossil taxon Homo floresiensis 64
811 Jura massif, fold and thrust belt Jura Mountains 64
812 Lucy Maud Montgomery human Lucy Maud Montgomery 64
813 Minden district capital, Hanseatic city, large district town Minden 64
814 Moctezuma II. human Moctezuma II 64
815 Naqsch-e Dschahan square, cultural property, architectural landmark Naqsh-e Jahan Square 64
816 Moltebeere taxon Rubus chamaemorus 64
817 Simon Wiesenthal human Simon Wiesenthal 64
818 Kleine Magellansche Wolke irregular galaxy, dwarf galaxy Small Magellanic Cloud 64
819 TSG 1899 Hoffenheim association football club TSG 1899 Hoffenheim 64
820 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers literary work The Sorrows of Young Werther 64
821 Tibetische Schrift abugida, unicase alphabet, natural writing system Tibetan script 64
822 Waco county seat, city in the United States, big city Waco, Texas 64
823 Attentat von Sarajevo casus belli, murder, bomb attack Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 63
824 Aston Martin automobile manufacturer, public company, business Aston Martin 63
825 Bäreninsel island Bear Island (Svalbard) 63
826 Boeing 767 aircraft family Boeing 767 63
827 Eleonore von Aquitanien human Eleanor of Aquitaine 63
828 Gütersloh city, district capital, large district town Gütersloh 63
829 Hypothyreose class of disease Hypothyroidism 63
830 Iserlohn Hanseatic city, large district town, urban municipality in Germany Iserlohn 63
831 Koppa Greek letter Koppa (letter) 63
832 Sinn des Lebens problem Meaning of life 63
833 Otto Lilienthal human Otto Lilienthal 63
834 Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs class of disease Pancreatic cancer 63
835 Philanthropie activity, revenue model Philanthropy 63
836 Surtsey island, protected area Surtsey 63
837 T-Lymphozyt cell type T cell 63
838 Microsoft Windows 1.0 operating system shell Windows 1.0 63
839 Chinesischer Flussdelfin taxon Baiji 62
840 Blechblasinstrument family of musical instruments Brass instrument 62
841 Carl Schmitt human Carl Schmitt 62
842 Chikungunyafieber notifiable disease, infectious disease, class of disease Chikungunya 62
843 Ephräm der Syrer human Ephrem the Syrian 62
844 Ernst Cassirer human Ernst Cassirer 62
845 Ferdinand Lassalle human Ferdinand Lassalle 62
846 Raufußhühner taxon Grouse 62
847 Johannes Scottus Eriugena human John Scotus Eriugena 62
848 Northrop B-2 aircraft family Northrop B-2 Spirit 62
849 Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg human Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg 62
850 Fransenflügler taxon Thrips 62
851 Habichtskauz taxon Ural owl 62
852 Vertigo – Aus dem Reich der Toten film Vertigo (film) 62
853 Wostok 1 Vostok, human spaceflight Vostok 1 62
854 1. FC Union Berlin association football club 1. FC Union Berlin 61
855 Attentat auf John F. Kennedy murder, political murder, assassination Assassination of John F. Kennedy 61
856 Aurich district capital, port settlement, independent community Aurich 61
857 Don Giovanni dramatico-musical work Don Giovanni 61
858 Gleithörnchen taxon Flying squirrel 61
859 Galenit mineral species Galena 61
860 Gmunden town, municipality of Austria, place with town rights and privileges Gmunden 61
861 Schwebfliegen taxon Hoverfly 61
862 Europäische Stechpalme taxon Ilex aquifolium 61
863 Neusiedler See Steppe lake, endorheic lake Lake Neusiedl 61
864 Louis Bonaparte human Louis Bonaparte 61
865 M. Night Shyamalan human M. Night Shyamalan 61
866 McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet aircraft family McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 61
867 Neckarsulm urban municipality in Germany, Greater district town in Baden-Württemberg Neckarsulm 61
868 Postkarte product category Postcard 61
869 Das siebente Siegel film The Seventh Seal 61
870 Yao Ming human Yao Ming 61
871 1. FC Nürnberg association football club, handball team 1. FC Nürnberg 60
872 Aborigines ethnic group Aboriginal Australians 60
873 BDSM subculture BDSM 60
874 Ernst Otto Fischer human Ernst Otto Fischer 60
875 Massenaussterben Extinction event 60
876 Fish and Chips food Fish and chips 60
877 Joseph Fouché human Joseph Fouché 60
878 Philosophie des Mittelalters academic discipline, aspect in a historical period Medieval philosophy 60
879 Meiningen district capital, urban municipality in Germany Meiningen 60
880 Operationsverstärker Operational amplifier 60
881 Stephansdom Catholic cathedral St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna 60
882 Harnwegsinfekt infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Urinary tract infection 60
883 Weißrückenspecht taxon White-backed woodpecker 60
884 Yes musical group Yes (band) 60
885 Olympische Sommerspiele 1940 Summer Olympic Games, cancelled sports event due to World War II 1940 Summer Olympics 59
886 Carl Zeiß human Carl Zeiss 59
887 Klassisches Chinesisch written language, historical language, language variety Classical Chinese 59
888 Rheinbund confederation, historical country, Napoleonic client state Confederation of the Rhine 59
889 Eyes Wide Shut film Eyes Wide Shut 59
890 Fundamentalsatz der Analysis theorem Fundamental theorem of calculus 59
891 Goldene Regel motto, maxim, ethical principle Golden Rule 59
892 Gregorianischer Choral music genre, musical form, song type Gregorian chant 59
893 Grumman F-14 aircraft family Grumman F-14 Tomcat 59
894 Geschichte Englands history of a country or state History of England 59
895 Kendō type of sport, sports discipline, combat sport Kendo 59
896 Reich von Kusch kingdom, historical country Kingdom of Kush 59
897 Chilenische Waldkatze taxon Kodkod 59
898 Drehmaschine Lathe 59
899 Lignin structural class of chemical entities, class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence Lignin 59
900 Lüdenscheid district capital, Hanseatic city, large district town Lüdenscheid 59
901 New Age new religious movement, spiritual philosophy, religious syncretism New Age 59
902 Petunien taxon Petunia 59
903 Das Fenster zum Hof film Rear Window 59
904 Tarja Turunen human Tarja Turunen 59
905 Venustransit astronomical transit Transit of Venus 59
906 VW Käfer automobile model, automobile model series Volkswagen Beetle 59
907 Aktiver Galaxienkern astronomical object type Active galactic nucleus 58
908 Österreichische Schule school of economic thought Austrian school of economics 58
909 Riesenhai taxon Basking shark 58
910 KZ Buchenwald museum, concentration camp, Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald concentration camp 58
911 Hainbuche taxon Carpinus betulus 58
912 Grasfrosch taxon, model organism Common frog 58
913 François Duvalier human François Duvalier 58
914 Freie Universität Berlin comprehensive university, open-access publisher, public research university Free University of Berlin 58
915 Gaston Bachelard human Gaston Bachelard 58
916 Geschichte Österreichs history of a country or state History of Austria 58
917 Ilmenau mining community, college town, large district town Ilmenau 58
918 Margaret Sanger human Margaret Sanger 58
919 Peroxide structural class of chemical entities Peroxide 58
920 Phokas human Phocas 58
921 Gleichrichter Rectifier 58
922 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum art museum building, tourist attraction, museum building Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 58
923 Taijiquan Tai chi 58
924 Erdbeben von Lissabon 1755 earthquake 1755 Lisbon earthquake 57
925 Grau-Erle taxon Alnus incana 57
926 Antiochos IV. human Antiochus IV Epiphanes 57
927 Apollo 1 aviation accident, human spaceflight Apollo 1 57
928 Nationalfriedhof Arlington cemetery, war memorial, military cemetery Arlington National Cemetery 57
929 Löffelhund taxon Bat-eared fox 57
930 Braunpelikan taxon Brown pelican 57
931 Christ-Erlöser-Kathedrale Eastern Orthodox cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Saviour 57
932 Ceratosaurus fossil taxon Ceratosaurus 57
933 Schlangenhalsvögel taxon Darter 57
934 Dreizehenspecht taxon Eurasian three-toed woodpecker 57
935 Fentanyl type of chemical entity Fentanyl 57
936 Endlösung der Judenfrage genocide Final Solution 57
937 Bartkauz taxon Great grey owl 57
938 Heinrich VI. human Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor 57
939 Heterocyclen structural class of chemical entities Heterocyclic compound 57
940 Jim Thorpe human Jim Thorpe 57
941 Davidisch-salomonisches Großreich kingdom, historical country Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) 57
942 Eissturmvogel taxon Northern fulmar 57
943 Grottenolm taxon Olm 57
944 Stängellose Schlüsselblume taxon Primula vulgaris 57
945 Roy Lichtenstein human Roy Lichtenstein 57
946 SK Rapid Wien association football club SK Rapid Wien 57
947 Der dritte Mann film The Third Man 57
948 Canal du Midi summit level canal Canal du Midi 56
949 Islamische Expansion conquest Early Muslim conquests 56
950 Fuchsien taxon Fuchsia 56
951 Geschichte Albaniens history of a country or state History of Albania 56
952 Inu Yasha manga series Inuyasha 56
953 Klartraum Lucid dream 56
954 Museumsinsel neighborhood, tourist attraction Museum Island 56
955 Phenylketonurie rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Phenylketonuria 56
956 Netzpython taxon Reticulated python 56
957 Sauropoden fossil taxon Sauropoda 56
958 Solomon ibn Gabirol human Solomon ibn Gabirol 56
959 5. Sinfonie musical work/composition Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven) 56
960 Zwillingsparadoxon thought experiment, paradox Twin paradox 56
961 Windsurfen type of sport, sports discipline Windsurfing 56
962 Philosophie der Antike Ancient philosophy 55
963 BASF brand, public company, business BASF 55
964 Königspython taxon Ball python 55
965 Flughafen Berlin-Tegel international airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Berlin Tegel Airport 55
966 Doom video game Doom (1993 video game) 55
967 Eiger mountain Eiger 55
968 Morbus Basedow class of disease Graves' disease 55
969 Geschichte der Schweiz history of a country or state History of Switzerland 55
970 New Line Cinema film distributor, film studio, film production company New Line Cinema 55
971 Otto Loewi human Otto Loewi 55
972 Römische Religion religion Religion in ancient Rome 55
973 Styrol type of chemical entity Styrene 55
974 Streifenhörnchen taxon Tamias 55
975 Turbolader Turbocharger 55
976 Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944 attempted murder, conspiracy, decapitation strike 20 July plot 54
977 BSC Young Boys association football club BSC Young Boys 54
978 Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland constitution, written work Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany 54
979 Laufhühnchen taxon Buttonquail 54
980 Emergency Room – Die Notaufnahme television series ER (TV series) 54
981 Geocaching outdoor game Geocaching 54
982 Geschichte Südafrikas history of a country or state History of South Africa 54
983 Jozef Tiso human Jozef Tiso 54
984 Kapfenberg municipality of Austria, place with town rights and privileges Kapfenberg 54
985 Marbach am Neckar urban municipality in Germany Marbach am Neckar 54
986 Großfußhühner taxon Megapode 54
987 Michelson-Morley-Experiment experimentum crucis, physics experiment Michelson–Morley experiment 54
988 Schlingnatter taxon Smooth snake 54
989 Sternentstehung Star formation 54
990 Wasserrad Water wheel 54
991 Asienkrise financial crisis 1997 Asian financial crisis 53
992 Klub 27 urban legend, group of humans 27 Club 53
993 Airbus A310 aircraft family Airbus A310 53
994 Handelsbilanz economic equilibrium Balance of trade 53
995 Beatboxing music genre, vocal technique Beatboxing 53
996 Kathedrale von Burgos Catholic cathedral Burgos Cathedral 53
997 Containerschiff ship type Container ship 53
998 Copán archaeological site Copán 53
999 Kelchwürmer taxon Entoprocta 53
1000 FK Austria Wien association football club FK Austria Wien 53
1001 Film noir film genre Film noir 53
1002 Panoramafreiheit exception to copyright Freedom of panorama 53
1003 Bundesrat upper house, constitutional institution German Bundesrat 53
1004 H-II-Gebiet astronomical object type H II region 53
1005 Hemer urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Hemer 53
1006 Kalanchoe taxon Kalanchoe 53
1007 LZ 129 rigid airship LZ 129 Hindenburg 53
1008 Ludwig Quidde human Ludwig Quidde 53
1009 Mungo Park human Mungo Park (explorer) 53
1010 Naturalismus world view, philosophical movement Naturalism (philosophy) 53
1011 Nausicaä aus dem Tal der Winde anime film, animated feature film Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (film) 53
1012 Numbat taxon Numbat 53
1013 Patricia Highsmith human Patricia Highsmith 53
1014 Wasserpfeffer taxon Persicaria hydropiper 53
1015 RAID RAID 53
1016 St. Ingbert urban municipality in Germany Sankt Ingbert 53
1017 Toto rock band Toto (band) 53
1018 Lippfische taxon Wrasse 53
1019 Wu-Tang Clan musical group, hip hop collective Wu-Tang Clan 53
1020 Erdbeben von Valdivia 1960 earthquake 1960 Valdivia earthquake 52
1021 Glattwale taxon Balaenidae 52
1022 Childerich I. human Childeric I 52
1023 Citroën 2CV automobile model, automobile model series Citroën 2CV 52
1024 Essigsäureethylester type of chemical entity Ethyl acetate 52
1025 Grateful Dead musical group Grateful Dead 52
1026 Belagerung von Malta battle, siege Great Siege of Malta 52
1027 Intercity-Express trademark, train and rail category Intercity Express 52
1028 Lemuren taxon Lemuriformes 52
1029 Luwische Sprache language Luwian language 52
1030 Pfälzischer Erbfolgekrieg war Nine Years' War 52
1031 Patricia Kaas human Patricia Kaas 52
1032 Schmallenberg Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Schmallenberg 52
1033 Schiffbau industry, branch of science, key event (ships) Shipbuilding 52
1034 Shōnen target audience for manga, manga genre Shōnen manga 52
1035 St. Kilda archipelago St Kilda, Scotland 52
1036 Riesenseeadler taxon Steller's sea eagle 52
1037 WandaVision television series WandaVision 52
1038 Vorhofflimmern rare disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Atrial fibrillation 51
1039 Cameron County county of Texas Cameron County, Texas 51
1040 Compsognathus fossil taxon Compsognathus 51
1041 Digitale Rechteverwaltung Digital rights management 51
1042 Ellwangen urban municipality in Germany, Greater district town in Baden-Württemberg Ellwangen 51
1043 Far Cry 3 video game Far Cry 3 51
1044 Freital district capital, Greater district town, medium regional center Freital 51
1045 Gaußsches Eliminationsverfahren method for solving linear systems Gaussian elimination 51
1046 Gundermann taxon Glechoma hederacea 51
1047 Metro Helsinki rapid transit Helsinki Metro 51
1048 Jagdhund dog type Hunting dog 51
1049 Karlsruher SC association football club Karlsruher SC 51
1050 Lemgo Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Lemgo 51
1051 Leo von Caprivi human Leo von Caprivi 51
1052 Mandelbrot-Menge fractal, subset, mathematical concept Mandelbrot set 51
1053 Mars Science Laboratory space probe Mars Science Laboratory 51
1054 Ogden county seat, city in the United States Ogden, Utah 51
1055 Olympiastadion Athen Olympic stadium Olympic Stadium (Athens) 51
1056 Radebeul Greater district town, urban municipality in Germany Radebeul 51
1057 Tamarillo taxon, fruit Tamarillo 51
1058 Savannenadler taxon Tawny eagle 51
1059 Kugelfischartige taxon Tetraodontiformes 51
1060 Rotkopfwürger taxon Woodchat shrike 51
1061 Landasseln taxon Woodlouse 51
1062 Zgorzelec border city, urban municipality of Poland, town divided by border Zgorzelec 51
1063 Arches-Nationalpark national park, tourist attraction, National Park of the United States Arches National Park 50
1064 Aschersleben town, Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany Aschersleben 50
1065 Bindenwaran taxon Asian water monitor 50
1066 Barbecue food preparation technique, cuisine Barbecue 50
1067 Schlacht von Dünkirchen battle Battle of Dunkirk 50
1068 Schlacht bei Tannenberg battle Battle of Tannenberg 50
1069 Flösselhechte taxon Bichir 50
1070 Weihnachtsfrieden truce Christmas truce 50
1071 Eleonora Duse human Eleonora Duse 50
1072 Eta Carinae nova Eta Carinae 50
1073 Falco human Falco (musician) 50
1074 Kragenhai taxon Frilled shark 50
1075 Kletten-Labkraut taxon Galium aparine 50
1076 Gaudeamus igitur drinking song, commercium song Gaudeamus igitur 50
1077 Gothic subculture Goth subculture 50
1078 Hidalgo County county of Texas Hidalgo County, Texas 50
1079 John Searle human John Searle 50
1080 Lippstadt Hanseatic city, large district town, urban municipality in Germany Lippstadt 50
1081 New England Patriots American football team New England Patriots 50
1082 Nikolai Iwanowitsch Pirogow human Nikolay Pirogov 50
1083 Parasympathikus class of anatomical entity Parasympathetic nervous system 50
1084 Zirbelkiefer taxon, type of wood Pinus cembra 50
1085 Plaek Phibunsongkhram human Plaek Phibunsongkhram 50
1086 Porsche 911 automobile model series Porsche 911 50
1087 Ride the Lightning album Ride the Lightning 50
1088 Skateboarding type of sport, industry, individual transportation Skateboarding 50
1089 Spezialeinheit military unit type class Special forces 50
1090 Spracherkennung academic discipline Speech recognition 50
1091 Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan film, Star Trek film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 50
1092 Koboldmakis taxon Tarsier 50
1093 The Village – Das Dorf film The Village (2004 film) 50
1094 Tughra Tughra 50
1095 Deutsche Bank Park association football venue Waldstadion (Frankfurt) 50
1096 Warburg Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany Warburg 50
1097 Wörgl town, municipality of Austria, place with town rights and privileges Wörgl 50
1098 Alkmaion human Alcmaeon of Croton 49
1099 Anaheim Ducks ice hockey team Anaheim Ducks 49
1100 Arecibo-Botschaft project, Active SETI Arecibo message 49
1101 Rasterkraftmikroskop Atomic force microscopy 49
1102 Münchner Räterepublik historical unrecognized state Bavarian Soviet Republic 49
1103 Eilenburg town, Greater district town, urban municipality in Germany Eilenburg 49
1104 Etowah County county of Alabama Etowah County, Alabama 49
1105 Grindcore music genre Grindcore 49
1106 Hyperglykämie abnormally high value, class of disease Hyperglycemia 49
1107 La Bohème dramatico-musical work La bohème 49
1108 Potsdamer Platz square, architectural ensemble Potsdamer Platz 49
1109 Teichmolch taxon Smooth newt 49
1110 Steganographie Steganography 49
1111 Wangerooge coastal spa, car-free place, non-urban municipality in Germany Wangerooge 49
1112 William Lyon Mackenzie King human William Lyon Mackenzie King 49
1113 Äskulapnatter taxon Aesculapian snake 48
1114 Fußball-Bundesliga association football league Austrian Football Bundesliga 48
1115 Bad Oeynhausen designated spa town, urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Bad Oeynhausen 48
1116 Schlacht im Korallenmeer naval battle Battle of the Coral Sea 48
1117 Cao Pi human Cao Pi 48
1118 Kritische Theorie branch of sociology Critical theory 48
1119 Notfallmedizin medical specialty, academic discipline Emergency medicine 48
1120 Femizid manner of death Femicide 48
1121 Gilles Villeneuve human Gilles Villeneuve 48
1122 Geschichte Schottlands history of a country or state History of Scotland 48
1123 Holocaustleugnung crime, conspiracy theory, genocide denial Holocaust denial 48
1124 Humanitäres Völkerrecht International humanitarian law 48
1125 Menden Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Menden 48
1126 Mill Valley city in the United States Mill Valley, California 48
1127 Mobbing Mobbing 48
1128 Olav II. Haraldsson human Olaf II of Norway 48
1129 Chinesische Volksbank central bank, Constituent Department of the State Council People's Bank of China 48
1130 Sitka-Fichte taxon Picea sitchensis 48
1131 Reduktionismus theory, philosophical concept Reductionism 48
1132 Rosenkreuzer Rosicrucianism 48
1133 SK Sturm Graz association football club SK Sturm Graz 48
1134 Scoville-Skala measurement scale Scoville scale 48
1135 Terpene structural class of chemical entities Terpene 48
1136 Wang Mang human Wang Mang 48
1137 Stachelschwanzsegler taxon White-throated needletail 48
1138 Aue Ortsteil, mining community, urban municipality in Germany Aue, Saxony 47
1139 Schlacht bei Jena und Auerstedt battle Battle of Jena–Auerstedt 47
1140 Dritte Flandernschlacht battle Battle of Passchendaele 47
1141 Metro Brüssel rapid transit Brussels Metro 47
1142 Clara Barton human Clara Barton 47
1143 Radjedef human Djedefre 47
1144 Donkey Kong video game Donkey Kong (1981 video game) 47
1145 Felix Hausdorff human Felix Hausdorff 47
1146 Währungsreserve Foreign exchange reserves 47
1147 Gaia space telescope Gaia (spacecraft) 47
1148 Gregorios Palamas human Gregory Palamas 47
1149 Indische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team India national cricket team 47
1150 Infinite-Monkey-Theorem theorem Infinite monkey theorem 47
1151 Kevelaer urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Kevelaer 47
1152 Meritneith human Merneith 47
1153 Politisches System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland political system Politics of Germany 47
1154 Weiche Railroad switch 47
1155 Zweite Schlacht von El Alamein battle Second Battle of El Alamein 47
1156 St. Anton am Arlberg ski resort, municipality of Austria, rural municipality of Austria St Anton am Arlberg 47
1157 Toronto Maple Leafs ice hockey team Toronto Maple Leafs 47
1158 Dreifaltigkeitskloster von Sergijew Possad monastery, lavra, Stauropegic monastery Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius 47
1159 A7V combat vehicle model A7V 46
1160 ATP-Synthase cellular component, group or class of transmembrane transport proteins, family of protein complexes ATP synthase 46
1161 American Graffiti film American Graffiti 46
1162 Ariane 5 rocket series Ariane 5 46
1163 Asphalt Asphalt concrete 46
1164 Baryonyx fossil taxon Baryonyx 46
1165 Seeschlacht bei Abukir naval battle Battle of the Nile 46
1166 Coney Island beach, neighborhood, seaside resort Coney Island 46
1167 Kontemplation activity Contemplation 46
1168 Detroit Red Wings ice hockey team Detroit Red Wings 46
1169 Frauenkirche church building Frauenkirche, Dresden 46
1170 Schlacht um Guadalcanal military campaign Guadalcanal campaign 46
1171 Icelandair airline Icelandair 46
1172 Influenza-A-Virus H5N1 subtype Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 46
1173 Rallenkranich taxon Limpkin 46
1174 Magdalena Neuner human Magdalena Neuner 46
1175 Metallica album Metallica (album) 46
1176 Mesolongi human settlement Missolonghi 46
1177 Sumpf-Herzblatt taxon Parnassia palustris 46
1178 Shohreh Aghdashloo human Shohreh Aghdashloo 46
1179 U-Bahn Wien rapid transit Vienna U-Bahn 46
1180 Autokephale orthodoxe Kirche von Albanien autocephalous Eastern Orthodox church Albanian Orthodox Church 45
1181 Ankylosauria taxon, fossil taxon Ankylosauria 45
1182 Atopisches Ekzem class of disease, symptom or sign Atopic dermatitis 45
1183 Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld international airport Berlin Schönefeld Airport 45
1184 Malabar-Lackbaum taxon Butea monosperma 45
1185 Deportivo Guadalajara association football club C.D. Guadalajara 45
1186 Carmina Burana manuscript Carmina Burana 45
1187 Gemeiner Fuchshai taxon Common thresher 45
1188 Danelag territory Danelaw 45
1189 Emerson, Lake and Palmer supergroup, rock band Emerson, Lake & Palmer 45
1190 Fanny Hensel human Fanny Mendelssohn 45
1191 Friedrichstadt urban municipality in Germany Friedrichstadt 45
1192 Riesen-Bärenklau taxon Heracleum mantegazzianum 45
1193 Hirschau urban municipality in Germany Hirschau 45
1194 Blatthühnchen taxon Jacanidae 45
1195 Lecithine group or class of chemical substances Lecithin 45
1196 Lovis Corinth human Lovis Corinth 45
1197 Maneki-neko collectible Maneki-neko 45
1198 Maria Karolina von Österreich human Maria Carolina of Austria 45
1199 Mühldorf am Inn district capital, urban municipality in Germany Mühldorf 45
1200 Newski-Prospekt prospekt, historic site Nevsky Prospect 45
1201 Newtonverfahren approximation algorithm, root-finding algorithm Newton's method 45
1202 Pietro Bembo human Pietro Bembo 45
1203 Vorzeitiger Samenerguss class of disease Premature ejaculation 45
1204 Qubit unit of information Qubit 45
1205 Reserve Bank of India central bank Reserve Bank of India 45
1206 Main-Donau-Kanal canal, national waterways in Germany Rhine–Main–Danube Canal 45
1207 Seattle Seahawks American football team Seattle Seahawks 45
1208 Moosfarne taxon Selaginella 45
1209 Semerchet human Semerkhet 45
1210 Signs – Zeichen film Signs (film) 45
1211 Special Air Service United Kingdom Special Forces, special forces regiment Special Air Service 45
1212 Flughafen Stuttgart commercial airport Stuttgart Airport 45
1213 Tamilische Schrift abugida, unicase alphabet, natural writing system Tamil script 45
1214 Türme von Hanoi mechanical puzzle, mathematical puzzle, mathematical game Tower of Hanoi 45
1215 Urnenfelderkultur archaeological culture Urnfield culture 45
1216 Zurna type of musical instrument Zurna 45
1217 Begleitung Accompaniment 44
1218 Apache OpenOffice application, office suite, gratis Apache OpenOffice 44
1219 Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel urban municipality in Germany Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel 44
1220 Blasenkrebs class of disease Bladder cancer 44
1221 Schwanenblume taxon Butomus umbellatus 44
1222 Kettenbruch mathematical expression Continued fraction 44
1223 Dreadnought ship type Dreadnought 44
1224 Eschelbronn Gemarkung, non-urban municipality in Germany Eschelbronn 44
1225 Östliche Smaragdeidechse taxon European green lizard 44
1226 Erste Schlacht bei Panipat battle First Battle of Panipat 44
1227 Friedrich List human Friedrich List 44
1228 Gouldamadine taxon Gouldian finch 44
1229 Hämostase biological process Hemostasis 44
1230 Historia Augusta literary work Historia Augusta 44
1231 Geschichte Argentiniens history of a country or state History of Argentina 44
1232 Jalapeño cultivar Jalapeño 44
1233 Junkers Ju 52/3m aircraft family Junkers Ju 52 44
1234 Ken Livingstone human Ken Livingstone 44
1235 Landreform Land reform 44
1236 Haussegler taxon Little swift 44
1237 Stelzenrallen taxon Mesite 44
1238 Miklós Rózsa human Miklós Rózsa 44
1239 Nabonid human Nabonidus 44
1240 Mesopotamischer Damhirsch taxon Persian fallow deer 44
1241 Elisabeth von Hessen-Darmstadt human Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine 44
1242 Pudasjärvi town, municipality of Finland Pudasjärvi 44
1243 KZ Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Nazi concentration camp, military museum Sachsenhausen concentration camp 44
1244 Rastertunnelmikroskop Scanning tunneling microscope 44
1245 The Everly Brothers musical duo The Everly Brothers 44
1246 Atlas V rocket series Atlas V 43
1247 BMP-1 combat vehicle family BMP-1 43
1248 Bode Miller human Bode Miller 43
1249 Bondage Bondage (BDSM) 43
1250 CCD-Sensor camera parts, features and technologies Charge-coupled device 43
1251 Cindy Sherman human Cindy Sherman 43
1252 Demetrios I. Poliorketes human Demetrius I Poliorcetes 43
1253 Indischer Korallenbaum taxon Erythrina variegata 43
1254 Euclid city in the United States Euclid, Ohio 43
1255 Madagassische Raubtiere taxon Eupleridae 43
1256 Javelin Medium Antiarmor Weapon System weapon model FGM-148 Javelin 43
1257 Far Cry 4 video game Far Cry 4 43
1258 Borneodelfin taxon Fraser's dolphin 43
1259 Fred C. Trump human Fred Trump 43
1260 Huni human Huni 43
1261 Kagu taxon Kagu 43
1262 Methode der kleinsten Quadrate scientific method Least squares 43
1263 Magister militum position, ancient Roman military rank Magister militum 43
1264 Neuendettelsau non-urban municipality in Germany Neuendettelsau 43
1265 Otto Rehhagel human Otto Rehhagel 43
1266 Küsten-Kiefer taxon Pinus contorta 43
1267 Essigbaum taxon Rhus typhina 43
1268 SQL-Injection Weakness SQL injection 43
1269 Sahure human Sahure 43
1270 San Francisco 49ers American football team San Francisco 49ers 43
1271 Schepseskaf human Shepseskaf 43
1272 Glatter Hammerhai taxon Smooth hammerhead 43
1273 Terezín fortress, municipality of the Czech Republic, municipality with town privileges in the Czech Republic Terezín 43
1274 Tokio national capital Tokyo (d:Q7473516) 43
1275 USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, supercarrier, former entity USS Enterprise (CVN-65) 43
1276 Vanillin type of chemical entity Vanillin 43
1277 Weener urban municipality in Germany Weener 43
1278 Wolfspinnen taxon Wolf spider 43
1279 UEFA-Champions-League-Finale 2012 UEFA Champions League final, association football club match 2012 UEFA Champions League final 42
1280 Adolf von Nassau human Adolf, King of the Romans 42
1281 Aktion T4 project Aktion T4 42
1282 Flughafen Ankara-Esenboğa international airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Ankara Esenboğa Airport 42
1283 Anneliese Michel human Anneliese Michel 42
1284 Australische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Australia national cricket team 42
1285 Bazooka weapon functional class Bazooka 42
1286 Burgtheater employer, theatre company Burgtheater 42
1287 Canadian Football Canadian football 42
1288 Sonnenbarsche taxon Centrarchidae 42
1289 Gartenkunst in China Chinese garden 42
1290 Chromit mineral species Chromite 42
1291 Dekadenz Decadence 42
1292 Hominine Fossilien von Dmanissi fossil taxon Dmanisi hominins 42
1293 Untreue crime, elements of an offence Embezzlement 42
1294 Englische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team England cricket team 42
1295 Extreme Programming software development methodology, computer science term Extreme programming 42
1296 Felix the Cat comics character, animated character, anthropomorphic cat Felix the Cat 42
1297 Freistaat Preußen federated state Free State of Prussia 42
1298 Indonesischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg war, revolution Indonesian National Revolution 42
1299 Streitkräfte des Iran Security Forces Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces 42
1300 Jacksonville Jaguars American football team Jacksonville Jaguars 42
1301 Chaba human Khaba 42
1302 M60 combat vehicle family M60 tank 42
1303 Medebach Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany Medebach 42
1304 NGC 4565 edge-on galaxy, low-ionization nuclear emission-line region NGC 4565 42
1305 Nördlicher Kammmolch taxon Northern crested newt 42
1306 Altirische Sprache dead language, historical language Old Irish 42
1307 Oskar Lafontaine human Oskar Lafontaine 42
1308 Real Academia Española organization, national academy, language regulator Royal Spanish Academy 42
1309 Kettenviper taxon Russell's viper 42
1310 Enterprise Space Shuttle orbiter, test article, exhibit Space Shuttle Enterprise 42
1311 The Joshua Tree album The Joshua Tree 42
1312 Unkel urban municipality in Germany Unkel 42
1313 1. FC Magdeburg association football club 1. FC Magdeburg 41
1314 Akute lymphatische Leukämie class of disease Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 41
1315 Akira anime film, animated feature film Akira (1988 film) 41
1316 Berlin Hauptbahnhof tower station, tourist attraction, central station Berlin Hauptbahnhof 41
1317 Bibelübersetzung literary genre Bible translations 41
1318 Metro Kairo rapid transit, organization Cairo Metro 41
1319 Kapsid cellular component Capsid 41
1320 Schachuhr Chess clock 41
1321 Civilization video game Civilization (video game) 41
1322 Metro Kopenhagen automated rapid transit Copenhagen Metro 41
1323 Dura Europos administrative territorial entity, archaeological site, ancient city Dura-Europos 41
1324 Apnoetauchen sport Freediving 41
1325 General Dynamics F-111 aircraft family General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark 41
1326 Großer Hammerhai taxon Great hammerhead 41
1327 Grumman F4F aircraft family Grumman F4F Wildcat 41
1328 Harsewinkel town, urban municipality in Germany Harsewinkel 41
1329 Heinrich Barth human Heinrich Barth 41
1330 Hesychasmus prayer Hesychasm 41
1331 Iffeldorf non-urban municipality in Germany Iffeldorf 41
1332 Jaco Pastorius human Jaco Pastorius 41
1333 Klondike-Goldrausch occurrence Klondike Gold Rush 41
1334 Quendel-Ameisenbläuling taxon Large blue 41
1335 Werkzeugmaschine type of tool Machine tool 41
1336 Mars Exploration Rover unmanned spaceflight, NASA program Mars Exploration Rover 41
1337 Mittelgriechische Sprache language Medieval Greek 41
1338 Unzen volcano, highest point Mount Unzen 41
1339 Idioma de Signos Nicaragüense sign language, language, modern language Nicaraguan Sign Language 41
1340 Omotische Sprachen language family Omotic languages 41
1341 Pazifiksegler taxon Pacific swift 41
1342 Sidney Crosby human Sidney Crosby 41
1343 Belagerung von Konstantinopel battle, siege Siege of Constantinople (717–718) 41
1344 Spanische Eroberung Mexikos conflict Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire 41
1345 Ubiquitin protein family associated with domain Ubiquitin 41
1346 Userkaf human Userkaf 41
1347 Verl urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Verl 41
1348 Zell im Wiesental urban municipality in Germany Zell im Wiesental 41
1349 Gewöhnlicher Strandhafer taxon Ammophila arenaria 40
1350 Panzer vehicle family, combat vehicle family, weapon functional class Armoured fighting vehicle 40
1351 Österreichische Nationalbibliothek national library, museum Austrian National Library 40
1352 Bad Grönenbach Kneippkurort, market municipality of Germany, non-urban municipality in Germany Bad Grönenbach 40
1353 Bettie Page human Bettie Page 40
1354 Bio-basierter Kunststoff Bioplastic 40
1355 Gemeine Strandkrabbe taxon, model organism Carcinus maenas 40
1356 Carl Michael Bellman human Carl Michael Bellman 40
1357 Ascorbinsäure group of isomeric entities Chemistry of ascorbic acid 40
1358 Die Toten Hosen rock band Die Toten Hosen 40
1359 Georg Elser human Georg Elser 40
1360 Deutsche Frühjahrsoffensive 1918 military offensive German spring offensive 40
1361 Grand Tour Grand Tour 40
1362 Graveson commune of France Graveson 40
1363 Inari municipality of Finland Inari, Finland 40
1364 Vererbung concept Inheritance (object-oriented programming) 40
1365 József Mindszenty human József Mindszenty 40
1366 Ludwigsfelde urban municipality in Germany Ludwigsfelde 40
1367 Streit um den Namen Mazedonien international conflict, naming dispute Macedonia naming dispute 40
1368 Martin Bucer human Martin Bucer 40
1369 Oerlinghausen urban municipality in Germany Oerlinghausen 40
1370 Pfälzische Dialekte language, modern language Palatine German dialects 40
1371 Peronismus political movement, political ideology Peronism 40
1372 Pyu civilization, people, historical country Pyu city-states 40
1373 Römische Republik state with limited recognition, historical unrecognized state Roman Republic (1849–1850) 40
1374 Schmalkaldischer Bund military alliance Schmalkaldic League 40
1375 Severer dynasty Severan dynasty 40
1376 Sojus 11 human spaceflight, Soyuz 7K-T Soyuz 11 40
1377 Technische Universität Dresden public university, university of applied sciences, public research university TU Dresden 40
1378 Twin Peaks – Der Film film, prequel Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 40
1379 Oberlausitz geographic region, historical region Upper Lusatia 40
1380 Wollastonit mineral species Wollastonite 40
1381 Affoltern am Albis municipality of Switzerland, city of Switzerland Affoltern am Albis 39
1382 Titusbogen triumphal arch, archaeological site Arch of Titus 39
1383 Arnis urban municipality in Germany Arnis, Germany 39
1384 Bindungstheorie theory Attachment theory 39
1385 Backus-Naur-Form formal grammar Backus–Naur form 39
1386 Brühl non-urban municipality in Germany Brühl (Baden) 39
1387 Duell television film Duel (1971 film) 39
1388 Rettungsdienst Emergency medical services 39
1389 Narkose General anaesthesia 39
1390 Glioblastom class of disease Glioblastoma 39
1391 Gulden Guilder 39
1392 Holstein Kiel sports club Holstein Kiel 39
1393 Honigbeutler taxon Honey possum 39
1394 Hönir Norse deity Hœnir 39
1395 Julius Wellhausen human Julius Wellhausen 39
1396 Zitronenhai taxon Lemon shark 39
1397 Celsus-Bibliothek library, tourist attraction, archaeological site Library of Celsus 39
1398 Zerspanen Machining 39
1399 Mekong-Riesenwels taxon Mekong giant catfish 39
1400 Menkauhor human Menkauhor Kaiu 39
1401 Merkendorf urban municipality in Germany Merkendorf, Bavaria 39
1402 Berghaubenadler taxon Mountain hawk-eagle 39
1403 Mimir Norse deity Mímir 39
1404 Niedernberg non-urban municipality in Germany Niedernberg 39
1405 Rotkopfspecht taxon Red-headed woodpecker 39
1406 Ruprecht human Rupert, King of the Romans 39
1407 Flughafen Salzburg international airport Salzburg Airport 39
1408 Schepseskare human Shepseskare 39
1409 Sojus rocket family Soyuz (rocket family) 39
1410 Stardust space probe, sample-return mission Stardust (spacecraft) 39
1411 Super Mario Bros. 2 video game Super Mario Bros. 2 39
1412 Textdatei file format Text file 39
1413 Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis infectious disease, class of disease Tick-borne encephalitis 39
1414 Aspisviper taxon Vipera aspis 39
1415 Europawahl 2009 election to the European Parliament 2009 European Parliament election 38
1416 Alizarin type of chemical entity Alizarin 38
1417 Ministrant , Christian religious occupation Altar server 38
1418 Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof international airport Berlin Tempelhof Airport 38
1419 Big-Mac-Index economic indicator Big Mac Index 38
1420 Blomberg urban municipality in Germany Blomberg, North Rhine-Westphalia 38
1421 Bonnie Blair human Bonnie Blair 38
1422 Kap Arkona cape, headland Cape Arkona 38
1423 Schachkomposition sports discipline Chess problem 38
1424 Chinesische Wollhandkrabbe taxon Chinese mitten crab 38
1425 Knabenkräuter taxon Dactylorhiza 38
1426 Deidesheim Luftkurort, urban municipality in Germany Deidesheim 38
1427 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta special forces Delta Force 38
1428 Djedkare human Djedkare Isesi 38
1429 Ettore Majorana human Ettore Majorana 38
1430 Mumienporträt painting movement Fayum mummy portraits 38
1431 Five Nights at Freddy’s video game Five Nights at Freddy's (video game) 38
1432 Schöpfungsgeschichte creation myth, Bible story Genesis creation narrative 38
1433 Homeland television series Homeland (TV series) 38
1434 Hubble Deep Field astronomical survey, deep field Hubble Deep Field 38
1435 Chinesische Beamtenprüfung civil service examination Imperial examination 38
1436 In Rainbows album In Rainbows 38
1437 Wechselwirkende Galaxien astronomical object type Interacting galaxy 38
1438 Pangasius taxon Iridescent shark 38
1439 Chortyzja island Khortytsia 38
1440 Lester Young human Lester Young 38
1441 Lewis-Maschinengewehr weapon model Lewis gun 38
1442 Lüneburger Heide landscape Lüneburg Heath 38
1443 Mahdi-Aufstand war Mahdist War 38
1444 Notre-Dame-du-Haut church building, chapel Notre-Dame du Haut 38
1445 Abodriten Lechites, historical ethnic group, former administrative territorial entity Obotrites 38
1446 Weißstreifendelfin taxon Pacific white-sided dolphin 38
1447 Rhätische Bahn adhesion railway, railway infrastructure manager, railway network Rhaetian Railway 38
1448 Rasierhobel Safety razor 38
1449 Scheibbs municipality of Austria, place with town rights and privileges Scheibbs 38
1450 Tangerine Dream musical group Tangerine Dream 38
1451 Uruk-Zeit archaeological culture, archaeological period Uruk period 38
1452 William Bligh human William Bligh 38
1453 Zwinger palace, ruins, construction site Zwinger (Dresden) 38
1454 Luftkrieg type of war Aerial warfare 37
1455 Alpensalamander taxon Alpine salamander 37
1456 Gebänderte Prachtlibelle taxon Banded demoiselle 37
1457 Bagdadbahn railway company, railway line Berlin–Baghdad railway 37
1458 Bestwig non-urban municipality in Germany Bestwig 37
1459 Bobby Orr human Bobby Orr 37
1460 Chronische myeloische Leukämie class of disease Chronic myelogenous leukemia 37
1461 Clemens August Graf von Galen human Clemens August Graf von Galen 37
1462 Klimawandelleugnung propaganda, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience Climate change denial 37
1463 Apostelkonzil synod Council of Jerusalem 37
1464 Absarokee ethnic group Crow people 37
1465 Detektorempfänger Crystal radio 37
1466 Dark Passion Play album Dark Passion Play 37
1467 Herzogtum Braunschweig-Lüneburg historical country, state in the Holy Roman Empire Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg 37
1468 Eldfell mountain, cinder cone Eldfell 37
1469 Han Guangwu di human Emperor Guangwu of Han 37
1470 Gemäldegalerie art museum building Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 37
1471 Genter Altar polyptych, painting, winged altarpiece Ghent Altarpiece 37
1472 Hans Martin Sutermeister human Hans Martin Sutermeister 37
1473 Hutterer ethnoreligious group Hutterites 37
1474 Die Dämonischen film Invasion of the Body Snatchers 37
1475 Modallogik mathematical theory Modal logic 37
1476 Neuenrade Hanseatic city, urban municipality in Germany Neuenrade 37
1477 Neuseeländische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team, national cricket team New Zealand national cricket team 37
1478 OutKast musical group Outkast 37
1479 Oxyrhynchos archaeological site, ancient city Oxyrhynchus 37
1480 Pakistanische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Pakistan national cricket team 37
1481 Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus political party Party of Democratic Socialism (Germany) 37
1482 Knoblauchkröte taxon Pelobates fuscus 37
1483 Physikalismus philosophical theory Physicalism 37
1484 Pietro Locatelli human Pietro Locatelli 37
1485 Stellenwertsystem Positional notation 37
1486 Kleiner Klappertopf taxon Rhinanthus minor 37
1487 Steinkorallen taxon Scleractinia 37
1488 Tazacorte municipality of Spain Tazacorte 37
1489 Das Schloss des Cagliostro anime film, animated feature film The Castle of Cagliostro 37
1490 The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask video game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 37
1491 Akiba Rubinstein human Akiba Rubinstein 36
1492 Anna Ancher human Anna Ancher 36
1493 Anton Praetorius human Anton Praetorius 36
1494 Attersee lake Attersee (lake) 36
1495 Gefechte von Lexington und Concord battle Battles of Lexington and Concord 36
1496 Benfordsches Gesetz probability distribution, rule of thumb, empirical law Benford's law 36
1497 Hippe Billhook 36
1498 Kanadisches Englisch language, dialect of the English language Canadian English 36
1499 Cluster-Kopfschmerz disease, symptom or sign Cluster headache 36
1500 Kronenadler taxon Crowned eagle 36
1501 Diotima human Diotima of Mantinea 36
1502 Weißnestsalangane taxon Edible-nest swiftlet 36
1503 Enontekiö municipality of Finland Enontekiö 36
1504 Fiordland-Nationalpark national park Fiordland National Park 36
1505 Flamingos taxon Flamingo 36
1506 Fort Sumter sea fort, Passport to Your National Parks cancellation location Fort Sumter 36
1507 Hammondorgel musical instrument model Hammond organ 36
1508 Hamza diacritic, Arabic letter Hamza 36
1509 Herbert Chapman human Herbert Chapman 36
1510 Homunkulus class of mythical entities Homunculus 36
1511 Häg-Ehrsberg non-urban municipality in Germany Häg-Ehrsberg 36
1512 Stadtbahn Jerusalem light rail, Stadtbahn, tram system Jerusalem Light Rail 36
1513 Johannes Tauler human Johannes Tauler 36
1514 Flughafen Leipzig/Halle commercial airport Leipzig/Halle Airport 36
1515 Max Morlock human Max Morlock 36
1516 Merenre human Merenre Nemtyemsaf I 36
1517 Museum für anatolische Zivilisationen archaeological museum, national museum Museum of Anatolian Civilizations 36
1518 Operation Ten-gō military operation, naval battle Operation Ten-Go 36
1519 Passiflora incarnata taxon Passiflora incarnata 36
1520 Transformationskurve Production–possibility frontier 36
1521 Paleis op de Dam museum, rathaus, royal palace Royal Palace of Amsterdam 36
1522 STS-107 human spaceflight STS-107 36
1523 STS-125 human spaceflight STS-125 36
1524 Regenbaum taxon Samanea saman 36
1525 Sauroposeidon fossil taxon Sauroposeidon 36
1526 2. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten constitutional amendment Second Amendment to the United States Constitution 36
1527 Sierpinski-Dreieck fractal, Iterated function system Sierpiński triangle 36
1528 Schlafstörung class of disease, symptom or sign Sleep disorder 36
1529 Südafrikanische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team South Africa national rugby union team 36
1530 Sri-lankische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Sri Lanka national cricket team 36
1531 Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand film The Day the Earth Stood Still 36
1532 Bahnhof Tokio railway station, underground railway station, interchange station Tokyo Station 36
1533 Tour Down Under stage race Tour Down Under 36
1534 Massaker von Tulsa pogrom, ethnic riot Tulsa race massacre 36
1535 Walisische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Wales national rugby union team 36
1536 Wauwatosa city in the United States, second-class city Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 36
1537 West Indies Cricket Team cricket team, multinational sports team West Indies cricket team 36
1538 Zhang Zuolin human Zhang Zuolin 36
1539 Aby Warburg human Aby Warburg 35
1540 B-Baum data structure B-tree 35
1541 Exzessives Schreien im Säuglingsalter Baby colic 35
1542 Schlacht um Peleliu battle Battle of Peleliu 35
1543 Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe heritage site, English garden, museum Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe 35
1544 Maisbeulenbrand taxon, cultivated mushroom Corn smut 35
1545 Dörentrup non-urban municipality in Germany Dörentrup 35
1546 Edie Sedgwick human Edie Sedgwick 35
1547 Englische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team England national rugby union team 35
1548 God of War II video game God of War II 35
1549 Geschichte Somalias history of a country or state History of Somalia 35
1550 Jakob Fugger human Jakob Fugger 35
1551 Johann Friedrich Struensee human Johann Friedrich Struensee 35
1552 Kürnach non-urban municipality in Germany Kürnach 35
1553 Das Mädchen aus dem Wasser film Lady in the Water 35
1554 Regenwürmer taxon Lumbricidae 35
1555 Metro Montreal rapid transit Montreal Metro 35
1556 Nell Gwyn human Nell Gwyn 35
1557 Organisationskultur Organizational culture 35
1558 Panzerhaubitze 2000 combat vehicle model Panzerhaubitze 2000 35
1559 Produktregel general Leibniz rule Product rule 35
1560 Amerikanische Weiß-Eiche taxon Quercus alba 35
1561 Sami Frashëri human Sami Frashëri 35
1562 Situationistische Internationale political movement, philosophical movement Situationist International 35
1563 Südafrikanische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team South Africa national cricket team 35
1564 Steinway & Sons privately held company, business, enterprise Steinway & Sons 35
1565 Sue Bird human Sue Bird 35
1566 Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels video game Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels 35
1567 USS Constitution museum ship, sailing frigate USS Constitution 35
1568 Vietnam Veterans Memorial war memorial, National Memorial of the United States, Passport to Your National Parks cancellation location Vietnam Veterans Memorial 35
1569 Wostok Vostok (spacecraft) 35
1570 Wuppertaler Schwebebahn monorail, suspension railway, cross-city route Wuppertal Schwebebahn 35
1571 Eine dunkle Begierde film A Dangerous Method 34
1572 Amargasaurus fossil taxon Amargasaurus 34
1573 Anonymes Werk Anonymous work 34
1574 Atlantic City, USA film Atlantic City (1980 film) 34
1575 Bamberger Dom Catholic cathedral Bamberg Cathedral 34
1576 Schlacht von Fredericksburg battle Battle of Fredericksburg 34
1577 Schlacht um Khe Sanh battle Battle of Khe Sanh 34
1578 Bert Trautmann human Bert Trautmann 34
1579 Kanusport type of sport Canoeing and kayaking 34
1580 Carapax Carapace 34
1581 Codex Manesse manuscript Codex Manesse 34
1582 Koreanische Kultur culture of an area, culture by ethnic group Culture of Korea 34
1583 Schopfhäher taxon Cyanocitta 34
1584 Delta IV rocket series Delta IV 34
1585 Damenproblem mathematical chess problem Eight queens puzzle 34
1586 Kurmainz state, Prince-Archbishopric, historical country Electorate of Mainz 34
1587 Ringelröteln infectious disease, class of disease Fifth disease 34
1588 Erster Sikh-Krieg war First Anglo-Sikh war 34
1589 Fischer-Tropsch-Synthese chemical process Fischer–Tropsch process 34
1590 Französische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team France national rugby union team 34
1591 Gaius Musonius Rufus human Gaius Musonius Rufus 34
1592 Golfplatz Golf course 34
1593 Kessel von Gundestrup work of art, cauldron, archaeological find Gundestrup cauldron 34
1594 Hinte non-urban municipality in Germany Hinte 34
1595 Joseph E. Johnston human Joseph E. Johnston 34
1596 Kölleda urban municipality in Germany Kölleda 34
1597 Lennestadt urban municipality in Germany, medium-sized district town Lennestadt 34
1598 Levanteotter taxon Macrovipera lebetinus 34
1599 Megakaryozyt cell type Megakaryocyte 34
1600 Neandertal valley Neandertal (valley) 34
1601 KZ Neuengamme Nazi concentration camp Neuengamme concentration camp 34
1602 Octocorallia taxon Octocorallia 34
1603 Okunsches Gesetz economics law Okun's law 34
1604 Adele Bloch-Bauer I painting Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I 34
1605 ROT13 ROT13 34
1606 Reserpin type of chemical entity Reserpine 34
1607 Rödinghausen non-urban municipality in Germany Rödinghausen 34
1608 Plünderung Roms looting, sack Sack of Rome (410) 34
1609 Bogenstirn-Hammerhai taxon, cryptic species complex Scalloped hammerhead 34
1610 Super Mario Land video game Super Mario Land 34
1611 Teterow urban municipality in Germany Teterow 34
1612 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword video game The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 34
1613 Uran(VI)-fluorid type of chemical entity Uranium hexafluoride 34
1614 William Adams human William Adams (samurai) 34
1615 Fotokopie Xerography 34
1616 15-Puzzle mechanical puzzle, sliding puzzle 15 puzzle 33
1617 Großer Preis von San Marino 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 1994 San Marino Grand Prix 33
1618 AVL-Baum algorithm, self-balancing binary search tree, height-balanced binary search tree AVL tree 33
1619 Agnes von Poitou human Agnes of Poitou 33
1620 Konstantinbasilika church building Aula Palatina 33
1621 Australische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Australia national rugby union team 33
1622 Bangladeschische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Bangladesh national cricket team 33
1623 Einband literary term Book cover 33
1624 Stabkirche Borgund stave church, cultural property Borgund Stave Church 33
1625 Flughafen Bremen commercial airport Bremen Airport 33
1626 Clannad video game Clannad (video game) 33
1627 Crassulaceen-Säurestoffwechsel biological process Crassulacean acid metabolism 33
1628 Dautphetal non-urban municipality in Germany Dautphetal 33
1629 Demokratische Partei political party Democrat Party (Thailand) 33
1630 Extertal non-urban municipality in Germany Extertal 33
1631 Bundesverfassungsgericht constitutional court, supreme court, Federal courts (Germany) Federal Constitutional Court 33
1632 Ferrocen type of chemical entity Ferrocene 33
1633 Fester Wechselkurs Fixed exchange rate system 33
1634 Geraniol type of chemical entity Geraniol 33
1635 Geschichte Tunesiens history of a country or state History of Tunisia 33
1636 Judenchristen religious movement, de-nominalist church Jewish Christianity 33
1637 Johannes Hyrkanos I. human John Hyrcanus 33
1638 Julia Maesa human Julia Maesa 33
1639 Kalletal non-urban municipality in Germany Kalletal 33
1640 Katsudō Shashin short film Katsudō Shashin 33
1641 Lindlar non-urban municipality in Germany Lindlar 33
1642 Ludmilla von Böhmen human Ludmila of Bohemia 33
1643 Métro Lyon rapid transit, public transport network Lyon Metro 33
1644 Løgting unicameral legislature Løgting 33
1645 M109 combat vehicle family M109 howitzer 33
1646 Mare Imbrium lunar mare Mare Imbrium 33
1647 Margareten district of Vienna Margareten 33
1648 High Dynamic Range Image photographic technique Multi-exposure HDR capture 33
1649 Naumburger Dom Lutheran cathedral Naumburg Cathedral 33
1650 Niedernhausen non-urban municipality in Germany Niedernhausen 33
1651 Philosophische Anthropologie field of work, specialty, field of study Philosophical anthropology 33
1652 Rot-Schwarz-Baum data structure, height-balanced binary search tree Red–black tree 33
1653 Reinhardshagen non-urban municipality in Germany Reinhardshagen 33
1654 Risch municipality of Switzerland, city of Switzerland Risch-Rotkreuz 33
1655 Rohan Bopanna human Rohan Bopanna 33
1656 Rosi Mittermaier human Rosi Mittermaier 33
1657 Schlittenhund dog type Sled dog 33
1658 Plötzlich im letzten Sommer film Suddenly, Last Summer (film) 33
1659 Die Taschendiebin film The Handmaiden 33
1660 13. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten constitutional amendment Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution 33
1661 Tropikvögel taxon Tropicbird 33
1662 Drehen manufacturing process Turning 33
1663 Ubuntu Wikimedia disambiguation page Ubuntu (disambiguation) 33
1664 Unten am Fluss literary work Watership Down 33
1665 Walgesang Whale vocalization 33
1666 Ein neuer Stern am Himmel film A Star Is Born (1954 film) 32
1667 A*-Algorithmus search algorithm, pathfinding algorithm, graph algorithm A* search algorithm 32
1668 Adrien de Gerlache de Gomery human Adrien de Gerlache 32
1669 Dreieckskopfottern taxon Agkistrodon 32
1670 Alfred Redl human Alfred Redl 32
1671 Argentinische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Argentina national rugby union team 32
1672 Ariocarpus taxon Ariocarpus 32
1673 Barrett-Ösophagus class of disease Barrett's esophagus 32
1674 Schlacht von Suomussalmi battle Battle of Suomussalmi 32
1675 Bonnetiaceae taxon Bonnetiaceae 32
1676 Bouldern type of sport, climbing discipline Bouldering 32
1677 Fischläuse monotypic taxon Branchiura 32
1678 Brookhaven National Laboratory research institute, United States national laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory 32
1679 Color TV-Game sequence Color TV-Game 32
1680 Burg Hunedoara castle Corvin Castle 32
1681 Kristallviolett type of chemical entity Crystal violet 32
1682 Zombie film Dawn of the Dead (1978 film) 32
1683 Delta rocket family Delta (rocket family) 32
1684 Tauchsturmvögel taxon Diving petrel 32
1685 Elstertrebnitz non-urban municipality in Germany Elstertrebnitz 32
1686 Faustball type of sport Fistball 32
1687 Rhein-Main-Gebiet metropolitan region in Germany Frankfurt Rhine-Main 32
1688 Galapagoshai taxon Galapagos shark 32
1689 Großer Kremlpalast palace, tourist attraction, architectural landmark Grand Kremlin Palace 32
1690 Hans Tilkowski human Hans Tilkowski 32
1691 Resistenza resistance movement Italian resistance movement 32
1692 Johann Peter Hebel human Johann Peter Hebel 32
1693 Jumbo individual animal, zoo animal, circus elephant Jumbo 32
1694 Fichten-Reizker taxon Lactarius deterrimus 32
1695 Llywelyn ab Iorwerth human Llywelyn ab Iorwerth 32
1696 Landkärtchen taxon Map (butterfly) 32
1697 Furyo – Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence film Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence 32
1698 Ontologischer Dualismus philosophical theory Mind–body dualism 32
1699 Großgefleckter Katzenhai taxon Nursehound 32
1700 Operation Ichi-gō battle, military campaign Operation Ichi-Go 32
1701 Prora Ortsteil, human settlement, historic site Prora 32
1702 Römisch-Syrischer Krieg war Roman–Seleucid war 32
1703 Königliche Saline in Arc-et-Senans saltworks Royal Saltworks at Arc-et-Senans 32
1704 Schottische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Scotland national rugby union team 32
1705 Südschleswigscher Wählerverband political party in Germany South Schleswig Voters' Association 32
1706 Stuttgarter Kickers association football club Stuttgarter Kickers 32
1707 Städelsches Kunstinstitut art museum building Städel 32
1708 Super Mario 3D Land video game Super Mario 3D Land 32
1709 Sydney Tower transmitter mast, hyperboloid structure Sydney Tower 32
1710 Synthetic Aperture Radar Synthetic-aperture radar 32
1711 Vocaloid voice synthesizer software Vocaloid 32
1712 Watzmann alpine group Watzmann 32
1713 Wenzel Hollar human Wenceslaus Hollar 32
1714 Westliche Smaragdeidechse taxon Western green lizard 32
1715 Wuchang-Aufstand rebellion Wuchang Uprising 32
1716 Zumwalt-Klasse ship class Zumwalt-class destroyer 32
1717 Afghanische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Afghanistan national cricket team 31
1718 BAC 1-11 aircraft family BAC One-Eleven 31
1719 Bad Endbach designated spa town, non-urban municipality in Germany Bad Endbach 31
1720 Bainit steel, material, microstructure Bainite 31
1721 Schwarznestsalangane taxon Black-nest swiftlet 31
1722 Blanche of Lancaster human Blanche of Lancaster 31
1723 Constantius Gallus human Constantius Gallus 31
1724 Herzogtum Limburg duchy, historical country Duchy of Limburg 31
1725 Eßweiler non-urban municipality in Germany Eßweiler 31
1726 Ford Ka automobile model Ford Ka 31
1727 Franklin-Expedition research expedition Franklin's lost expedition 31
1728 Friedrich Dollmann human Friedrich Dollmann 31
1729 Gelbensande non-urban municipality in Germany Gelbensande 31
1730 George Mason human George Mason 31
1731 Georgische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Georgia national rugby union team 31
1732 Stadt Gernrode Ortsteil Gernrode 31
1733 Pangasius sanitwongsei taxon Giant pangasius 31
1734 Hamming-Code block code, linear code Hamming code 31
1735 Hermann Burmeister human Hermann Burmeister 31
1736 Endurance-Expedition research expedition, polar expedition Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 31
1737 Irische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Ireland national rugby union team 31
1738 Italienische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Italy national rugby union team 31
1739 Schokoladenhai taxon Kitefin shark 31
1740 Wolfgangsee lake Lake Wolfgang 31
1741 Lee Krasner human Lee Krasner 31
1742 Peter Ebdon human Peter Ebdon 31
1743 Peter Forsberg human Peter Forsberg 31
1744 Photorespiration biological process Photorespiration 31
1745 Porsche 924 automobile model, automobile model series Porsche 924 31
1746 Porsche 928 automobile model Porsche 928 31
1747 Scrapie sheep disease, class of disease Scrapie 31
1748 Stahlhelm product model Stahlhelm 31
1749 Bauernaufstand von Tambow rebellion, peasant revolt Tambov Rebellion 31
1750 Die Kunst der Fuge creative work, musical work/composition The Art of Fugue 31
1751 Erkenntnistheorie branch of philosophy Theory of knowledge 31
1752 William Murdoch human William Murdoch 31
1753 Bundestagswahl 2005 Bundestag election, snap election 2005 German federal election 30
1754 Palmensegler taxon African palm swift 30
1755 Arado Ar 196 aircraft family Arado Ar 196 30
1756 Kunsttherapie psychotherapy, specialty, field of study Art therapy 30
1757 ÖFB-Cup national association football cup Austrian Cup 30
1758 Bensdorf non-urban municipality in Germany Bensdorf 30
1759 Beothuk ethnic group Beothuk 30
1760 Cova Lima municipality of East Timor Cova Lima Municipality 30
1761 Fahrstuhl zum Schafott film Elevator to the Gallows 30
1762 Fieberkrampf disease, rare disease, symptom or sign Febrile seizure 30
1763 Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof central station Frankfurt (Main) Hauptbahnhof 30
1764 Mark currency, mark, obsolete currency German mark (1871) 30
1765 Flügel organ type Insect wing 30
1766 Jakobäa human Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut 30
1767 Jean Georges Noverre human Jean-Georges Noverre 30
1768 Julia Mamaea human Julia Avita Mamaea 30
1769 LZ 127 zeppelin, rigid airship LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin 30
1770 Lautém municipality of East Timor Lautém Municipality 30
1771 Burg Liechtenstein castle, museum Liechtenstein Castle (Maria Enzersdorf) 30
1772 Römische Bürgerkriege series of wars List of Roman civil wars and revolts 30
1773 Long-QT-Syndrom rare disease, class of disease Long QT syndrome 30
1774 Ludwig Wilhelm human Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden 30
1775 Lubok art genre Lubok 30
1776 Morteratschgletscher glacier Morteratsch Glacier 30
1777 Munster French cheese Munster cheese 30
1778 Jagdspinnen taxon Nursery web spider 30
1779 Deutsche Besetzung Polens 1939–1945 military occupation Occupation of Poland (1939–1945) 30
1780 Brieftaubenfotografie Pigeon photography 30
1781 Pinkafeld municipality of Austria, place with town rights and privileges Pinkafeld 30
1782 Post-Metal music genre Post-metal 30
1783 Geschmackliche Schärfe physical property Pungency 30
1784 Robert Indiana human Robert Indiana 30
1785 Robert Koldewey human Robert Koldewey 30
1786 Salon des Refusés art exhibition Salon des Refusés 30
1787 Samaritanischer Pentateuch Torah, religious text, literary work Samaritan Pentateuch 30
1788 Schottische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Scotland national cricket team 30
1789 Seawolf-Klasse submarine class Seawolf-class submarine 30
1790 Sechemib human Sekhemib-Perenmaat 30
1791 Dschabal Sindschar mountain range Sinjar Mountains 30
1792 The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening video game The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 30
1793 New Jersey fast battleship USS New Jersey (BB-62) 30
1794 Kfz-Kennzeichen Wikimedia list article Vehicle registration plates of Germany 30
1795 Virginia-Klasse submarine class Virginia-class submarine 30
1796 Bobonaro municipality of East Timor Bobonaro Municipality 29
1797 Kanarienvogel taxon, domesticated animal Domestic canary 29
1798 Taublatt taxon Drosophyllum lusitanicum 29
1799 Elde river Elde 29
1800 Estavayer-le-Lac village, neighborhood, former municipality of Switzerland Estavayer-le-Lac 29
1801 Olympische Sommerspiele 1912/Fußball Olympic sports discipline event Football at the 1912 Summer Olympics 29
1802 Fußball in Brasilien sport in a geographic region Football in Brazil 29
1803 Franz von Lenbach human Franz von Lenbach 29
1804 Schlacht bei Gorlice-Tarnów battle Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 29
1805 Hermann Abendroth human Hermann Abendroth 29
1806 Hernals district of Vienna Hernals 29
1807 Geschichte der Geologie aspect of history History of geology 29
1808 Hugo Haase human Hugo Haase 29
1809 James Buchanan Duke human James Buchanan Duke 29
1810 James Herriot human James Herriot 29
1811 Japanische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Japan national rugby union team 29
1812 Johannes Bugenhagen human Johannes Bugenhagen 29
1813 Julia Soaemias human Julia Soaemias 29
1814 Laches Platonic dialogue, written work Laches (dialogue) 29
1815 Ljubuški city Ljubuški 29
1816 M. Karunanidhi human M. Karunanidhi 29
1817 Mary Lou Williams human Mary Lou Williams 29
1818 München Hauptbahnhof dead-end railway station, S-Bahn station, central station München Hauptbahnhof 29
1819 Napoleon: Total War video game Napoleon: Total War 29
1820 Pinien-Prozessionsspinner taxon Pine processionary 29
1821 Alpen-Fettkraut taxon Pinguicula alpina 29
1822 Ray Reardon human Ray Reardon 29
1823 Rote Kapelle resistance movement Red Orchestra (espionage) 29
1824 Rose Cleveland human Rose Cleveland 29
1825 STS-109 human spaceflight STS-109 29
1826 Sauerland geographic region Sauerland 29
1827 Steinehüpfen playing, game of skill Stone skipping 29
1828 Kind von Taung type, Hominin fossil Taung Child 29
1829 Thamphthis human Thamphthis 29
1830 Ticonderoga-Klasse ship class Ticonderoga-class cruiser 29
1831 Straßenbahn Berlin tram system Trams in Berlin 29
1832 Simbabwische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Zimbabwe national cricket team 29
1833 Ein Zimmer für sich allein written work A Room of One's Own 28
1834 AIM-54 Phoenix weapon model AIM-54 Phoenix 28
1835 Abe Lenstra human Abe Lenstra 28
1836 Albert Gallatin human Albert Gallatin 28
1837 All Hope Is Gone album All Hope Is Gone 28
1838 Allalinhorn mountain Allalinhorn 28
1839 Basketball-Bundesliga sports league Basketball Bundesliga 28
1840 Schlacht von Hampton Roads battle Battle of Hampton Roads 28
1841 Ben Webster human Ben Webster 28
1842 Caspar Friedrich Wolff human Caspar Friedrich Wolff 28
1843 Silbergrüner Bläuling taxon Chalkhill blue 28
1844 Rangierbahnhof Classification yard 28
1845 Deutsche Eishockey Liga sports league, recurring tournament, ice hockey league Deutsche Eishockey Liga 28
1846 Dred Scott v. Sandford court decision, legal case, freedom suit Dred Scott v. Sandford 28
1847 Salanoia durrelli taxon Durrell's vontsira 28
1848 Empire: Total War video game Empire: Total War 28
1849 Fidschianische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Fiji national rugby union team 28
1850 Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus church building Frankfurt Cathedral 28
1851 Funktionalismus Functionalism (philosophy of mind) 28
1852 Schenkökonomie Gift economy 28
1853 Bounty shipwreck, collier, survey vessel HMS Bounty 28
1854 Geschichte Uruguays history of a country or state History of Uruguay 28
1855 Geschichte der Juden in Polen aspect of history History of the Jews in Poland 28
1856 Irische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national cricket team Ireland cricket team 28
1857 Ivo Pogorelich human Ivo Pogorelić 28
1858 Jahwist hypothetical person Jahwist 28
1859 Joe Sakic human Joe Sakic 28
1860 Bibliothek von Pergamon library Library of Pergamum 28
1861 Max und Moritz literary work Max and Moritz 28
1862 Melusine fairy, waterwoman, literary character Melusine 28
1863 Millennium Park urban park Millennium Park 28
1864 Nolina taxon Nolina 28
1865 OLPC XO-1 electronic device model OLPC XO 28
1866 Unternehmen Nordwind battle, conflict Operation Northwind (1944) 28
1867 Paolo Conte human Paolo Conte 28
1868 Philadelphia-Chromosom Philadelphia chromosome 28
1869 Porsche 968 automobile model Porsche 968 28
1870 Richard Baer human Richard Baer 28
1871 Andrea Doria ocean liner, steamship SS Andrea Doria 28
1872 Götterbaum-Spinner taxon Samia cynthia 28
1873 Sardana music genre, musical form, type of dance Sardana 28
1874 Siegfried Marcus human Siegfried Marcus 28
1875 Sikorsky CH-53 aircraft family Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion 28
1876 Weltraumwetter specialty, branch of science Space weather 28
1877 Ehemalige Hauptkirche St. Nikolai church building, cautionary monument St. Nicholas Church, Hamburg 28
1878 Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins video game Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins 28
1879 Der Baader Meinhof Komplex film The Baader Meinhof Complex 28
1880 The Forest video game The Forest (video game) 28
1881 Beruf: Reporter film The Passenger (1975 film) 28
1882 Im Netz der Leidenschaften film The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946 film) 28
1883 Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory video game Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 28
1884 Vol. 3: album Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) 28
1885 Präsidentschaftswahl in der Ukraine 2004 Ukrainian presidential election, re-run election 2004 Ukrainian presidential election 27
1886 Ammonios Hermeiou human Ammonius Hermiae 27
1887 Kunstwettbewerbe bei den Olympischen Spielen recurring sporting event, art competition Art competitions at the Summer Olympics 27
1888 Atlantischer Zitterrochen taxon Atlantic torpedo 27
1889 Schlacht von Cold Harbor battle, siege Battle of Cold Harbor 27
1890 Schabrackenschakal taxon Black-backed jackal 27
1891 Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet aircraft family Bombardier CRJ 27
1892 Braess-Paradoxon paradox Braess's paradox 27
1893 Kupfermantel-Sultanspecht taxon Buff-spotted flameback 27
1894 Kanadische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Canada national rugby union team 27
1895 Constantina human Constantina 27
1896 Tarnung biological process Crypsis 27
1897 Isabellaspinner taxon Graellsia isabellae 27
1898 Günther Anders human Günther Anders 27
1899 Halo-System safety instrumented system Halo (safety device) 27
1900 Hippias maior Platonic dialogue, written work Hippias Major 27
1901 Geschichte Londons history of a city History of London 27
1902 Geschichte Malis history of a country or state History of Mali 27
1903 Hobart International Airport international airport, airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Hobart Airport 27
1904 Hydro-Québec transmission system operator, distribution network operator, public utility Hydro-Québec 27
1905 Keeling-Kurve plot Keeling Curve 27
1906 Treppennatter taxon Ladder snake 27
1907 Linearbeschleuniger Linear particle accelerator 27
1908 Linlithgow Palace castle Linlithgow Palace 27
1909 Liu Shan human Liu Shan 27
1910 Langes s letterform, lowercase letter, Latin-script letter Long s 27
1911 Mosaikkarte von Madaba geographic floor mosaic Madaba Map 27
1912 Mallorca-Geburtshelferkröte taxon Majorcan midwife toad 27
1913 Marc-André Fleury human Marc-André Fleury 27
1914 Mercedes-Benz W 198 automobile model Mercedes-Benz 300 SL 27
1915 Gießen process, metallurgical technique Metal casting 27
1916 Moskau Jaroslawler Bahnhof station building, architectural landmark Moscow Yaroslavsky railway station 27
1917 Altenglische Literatur sub-set of literature Old English literature 27
1918 Pflaster use Pavers (flooring) 27
1919 Petljakow Pe-8 aircraft family Petlyakov Pe-8 27
1920 Périgord geographic region, historical region Périgord 27
1921 Queen-Elizabeth-Klasse ship class Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier 27
1922 Circuit de Reims-Gueux motorsport racing track Reims-Gueux 27
1923 Rumänische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Romania national rugby union team 27
1924 Roystonea taxon Roystonea 27
1925 Schnee literary work Snow (Pamuk novel) 27
1926 Wisconsin fast battleship USS Wisconsin (BB-64) 27
1927 Vulcanodon fossil taxon Vulcanodon 27
1928 Windchill meteorological index Wind chill 27
1929 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam women's association football club 1. FFC Turbine Potsdam 26
1930 Ausbruch des Mount St. Helens 1980 Plinian eruption 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens 26
1931 A Silent Voice anime film A Silent Voice (film) 26
1932 Banjo-Kazooie video game Banjo-Kazooie (video game) 26
1933 Brandenburg military unit Brandenburgers 26
1934 Carrara-Marmor Carrara marble 26
1935 Kathedrale der Unbefleckten Empfängnis architectural landmark, Catholic cathedral Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Moscow) 26
1936 Rothalssegler taxon Chestnut-collared swift 26
1937 Korona atmospheric optical phenomenon, meteorological term Corona (optical phenomenon) 26
1938 David human David the Invincible 26
1939 De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas album De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 26
1940 Dei verbum apostolic constitution Dei verbum 26
1941 Circuit de Dijon-Prenois sports venue, motorsport racing track Dijon-Prenois 26
1942 Empúries polis, Roman archaeological site, Ancient Greek archaeological site Empúries 26
1943 Eisenbahnunfall von Eschede train wreck, derailment, mass-casualty incident Eschede train disaster 26
1944 Euphronios human Euphronios 26
1945 Fender Precision Bass musical instrument model Fender Precision Bass 26
1946 Ferdinand Gregorovius human Ferdinand Gregorovius 26
1947 Futanari term, pornography genre Futanari 26
1948 Gefilte Fisch food Gefilte fish 26
1949 Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein human Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein 26
1950 Hippias minor Platonic dialogue, literary work Hippias Minor 26
1951 Geschichte Kap Verdes history of a country or state History of Cape Verde 26
1952 Geschichte Naurus history of a country or state History of Nauru 26
1953 John Parrott human John Parrott 26
1954 Just Cause 2 video game Just Cause 2 26
1955 Kammersrohr municipality of Switzerland Kammersrohr 26
1956 Kreutz-Gruppe comet family Kreutz sungrazer 26
1957 Lake Burley Griffin artificial lake Lake Burley Griffin 26
1958 Lustgarten park, square Lustgarten 26
1959 Madentherapie medical procedure type Maggot therapy 26
1960 Maligne Hyperthermie rare disease, class of disease Malignant hyperthermia 26
1961 Lindenschwärmer taxon Mimas tiliae 26
1962 Neokatechumenaler Weg Church Movement, Catholic organization Neocatechumenal Way 26
1963 Neugeborenengelbsucht class of disease Neonatal jaundice 26
1964 Niederländische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Netherlands national cricket team 26
1965 New Hollywood movement in cinema New Hollywood 26
1966 New Super Mario Bros. 2 video game New Super Mario Bros. 2 26
1967 Magicicada taxon Periodical cicadas 26
1968 Taiwan-Konflikt Political status of Taiwan 26
1969 Ursprüngliche Akkumulation concept Primitive accumulation of capital 26
1970 Reichsfürst noble title, position Prince of the Holy Roman Empire 26
1971 Preußische Armee army Prussian Army 26
1972 Trompetervögel taxon Psophia 26
1973 Straßenmarkierung Road surface marking 26
1974 McCords Schlangenhalsschildkröte taxon Roti Island snake-necked turtle 26
1975 Rudolf von Rheinfelden human Rudolf of Rheinfelden 26
1976 Sun Ce human Sun Ce 26
1977 Stress-Kardiomyopathie class of disease Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 26
1978 Tobin-Steuer policy Tobin tax 26
1979 Schiff von Uluburun archaeological site Uluburun shipwreck 26
1980 Ghetto island, neighborhood Venetian Ghetto 26
1981 Universitätssternwarte Wien astronomical observatory Vienna Observatory 26
1982 Westamerikanische Lärche taxon Western larch 26
1983 1st Cavalry Division cavalry division 1st Cavalry Division (United States) 25
1984 Kapsegler taxon African black swift 25
1985 Alfred Krupp human Alfred Krupp 25
1986 Arabische Legion army Arab Legion 25
1987 Bertha Pappenheim human Bertha Pappenheim 25
1988 Jararaca-Lanzenotter taxon Bothrops jararaca 25
1989 Caliga Caligae 25
1990 Carey Price human Carey Price 25
1991 Christoph Cellarius human Christoph Cellarius 25
1992 Schloss Loches castle Château de Loches 25
1993 Cliff Thorburn human Cliff Thorburn 25
1994 Daniel Negreanu human Daniel Negreanu 25
1995 Dennis Taylor human Dennis Taylor 25
1996 Agility Dog agility 25
1997 Progress Rail Locomotive brand, business Electro-Motive Diesel 25
1998 Weinbau in Georgien aspect in a geographic region Georgian wine 25
1999 Germanisches Nationalmuseum art museum, national museum Germanisches Nationalmuseum 25
2000 Rußsegler taxon Great dusky swift 25
2001 Gunda Niemann-Stirnemann human Gunda Niemann-Stirnemann 25
2002 Inka civilization Inca civilization (d:Q3404008) 25
2003 Jigsaw fictional human, film character, fictional vigilante Jigsaw (Saw character) 25
2004 Kofun Kofun 25
2005 Lockheed A-12 aircraft model Lockheed A-12 25
2006 Luciferine class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions Luciferin 25
2007 Flughafen Memmingen commercial airport Memmingen Airport 25
2008 Monetäre Basis Monetary base 25
2009 Naururohrsänger taxon Nauru reed warbler 25
2010 Olaf Ludwig human Olaf Ludwig 25
2011 Paul Kariya human Paul Kariya 25
2012 Römische Marine navy Roman navy 25
2013 Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza church building Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza 25
2014 Scanners – Ihre Gedanken können töten film Scanners 25
2015 Schrein des Buches building, literary museum Shrine of the Book 25
2016 Spanische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Spain national rugby union team 25
2017 Marienkirche church building St. Mary's Church, Lübeck 25
2018 Star Wars: Battlefront II video game Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005 video game) 25
2019 Susianna Kentikian human Susi Kentikian 25
2020 Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion anime film, original anime The End of Evangelion 25
2021 Tove Ditlevsen human Tove Ditlevsen 25
2022 Uschi Disl human Uschi Disl 25
2023 Vitalienbrüder pirate Victual Brothers 25
2024 Voivod rock band Voivod (band) 25
2025 Grindadráp whaling Whaling in the Faroe Islands 25
2026 Wilhelm II. human William II, Duke of Bavaria 25
2027 William Watson human William Watson (scientist) 25
2028 With or Without You single With or Without You 25
2029 Wiwaxia fossil taxon Wiwaxia 25
2030 Xenoblade Chronicles video game Xenoblade Chronicles (video game) 25
2031 Yorktown-Klasse ship class Yorktown-class aircraft carrier 25
2032 Zuiderzeewerke project, flood control Zuiderzee Works 25
2033 Amoklauf an der Polytechnischen Hochschule Montréal school shooting École Polytechnique massacre 25
2034 AFC South sports division AFC South 24
2035 Augustrevolution revolution August Revolution 24
2036 Zwergpuffotter taxon Bitis peringueyi 24
2037 Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander aircraft family Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander 24
2038 Burzum album Burzum (album) 24
2039 Italienische Schönschrecke taxon Calliptamus italicus 24
2040 Färöische Volkskirche national Church Church of the Faroe Islands 24
2041 Diolkos thoroughfare, Ancient Greek archaeological site Diolkos 24
2042 Afrikanisches Palmenhörnchen taxon Ebian's palm squirrel 24
2043 Die Satansweiber von Tittfield film Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! 24
2044 Frederick Trump human Frederick Trump 24
2045 Gabriel Yared human Gabriel Yared 24
2046 Hummelschwärmer taxon Hemaris fuciformis 24
2047 Skabiosenschwärmer taxon Hemaris tityus 24
2048 Jiang Wei human Jiang Wei 24
2049 John McDouall Stuart human John McDouall Stuart 24
2050 Jehuda ben Isaak Abravanel human Judah Leon Abravanel 24
2051 Mittelmeer-Laubfrosch taxon Mediterranean tree frog 24
2052 Meredith Monk human Meredith Monk 24
2053 Metallocene structural class of chemical entities Metallocene 24
2054 Ohmstal village, former municipality of Switzerland Ohmstal 24
2055 Olympiodoros der Jüngere human Olympiodorus the Younger 24
2056 Pat Garrett jagt Billy the Kid film Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid 24
2057 Paul Kane human Paul Kane 24
2058 Pinnacles-Nationalpark national park, National Park of the United States Pinnacles National Park 24
2059 Pitcairn island Pitcairn Island 24
2060 Portugiesische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Portugal national rugby union team 24
2061 Ragù dish Ragù 24
2062 Richeza human Richeza of Lotharingia 24
2063 Rohrbach in Oberösterreich municipality of Austria, Ortschaft, place with town rights and privileges Rohrbach in Oberösterreich 24
2064 Samoanische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Samoa national rugby union team 24
2065 Kleinaugen-Hammerhai taxon Smalleye hammerhead 24
2066 Kuheuterpflanze taxon Solanum mammosum 24
2067 Sonnenfinsternis vom 29. März 2006 solar eclipse, total solar eclipse Solar eclipse of March 29, 2006 24
2068 Solow-Modell economic model Solow–Swan model 24
2069 Kiefernschwärmer taxon Sphinx pinastri 24
2070 U-Boot-Krieg Submarine warfare 24
2071 Gemeine Winterlibelle taxon Sympecma fusca 24
2072 Tarkus album Tarkus 24
2073 The Boss of It All film The Boss of It All 24
2074 Semantische Rolle Thematic relation 24
2075 Thiaziddiuretika drug class Thiazide 24
2076 Tierpark Berlin zoo Tierpark Berlin 24
2077 Tongaische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Tonga national rugby union team 24
2078 USS Franklin aircraft carrier USS Franklin (CV-13) 24
2079 Midway aircraft carrier USS Midway (CV-41) 24
2080 Religiöse Speisevorschriften food or drink taboo Unclean animal 24
2081 Unterwasserfotografie photographic technique, photography genre Underwater photography 24
2082 Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft der Vereinigten Staaten national rugby union team United States men's national rugby union team 24
2083 V. U. Hammershaimb human Venceslaus Ulricus Hammershaimb 24
2084 Wilhelm von Conches human William of Conches 24
2085 World in Conflict video game, esports discipline World in Conflict 24
2086 Philosophie des 19. Jahrhunderts 19th-century philosophy 23
2087 Acantharia taxon Acantharea 23
2088 Agnostic Front punk band Agnostic Front 23
2089 Andreas Widhölzl human Andreas Widhölzl 23
2090 Säuglingsnahrung Baby food 23
2091 Schlacht von Cajamarca battle Battle of Cajamarca 23
2092 Belding-Ziesel taxon Belding's ground squirrel 23
2093 British and Irish Lions rugby union team, metaorganization British & Irish Lions 23
2094 Carl-Gustaf Rossby human Carl-Gustaf Rossby 23
2095 Carola von Wasa-Holstein-Gottorp human Carola of Vasa 23
2096 David Hamilton human David Hamilton (photographer) 23
2097 De officiis written work De Officiis 23
2098 ISS-Expedition 15 expedition to the International Space Station Expedition 15 23
2099 Alkibiades I Platonic dialogue, written work First Alcibiades 23
2100 Flower video game Flower (video game) 23
2101 Gisèle Freund human Gisèle Freund 23
2102 Schloss Glücksburg museum, water castle, château Glücksburg Castle 23
2103 Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus human Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus (consul 32 BC) 23
2104 Dom zu Gurk cathedral, parish church, co-cathedral Gurk Cathedral 23
2105 Hemipenis sex organ Hemipenis 23
2106 Kurzwelle ITU radio band High frequency 23
2107 Schenkelhalsfraktur Hip fracture 23
2108 Großer Weinschwärmer taxon Hippotion celerio 23
2109 Hydroformylierung organic reaction Hydroformylation 23
2110 Invincible-Klasse ship class Invincible-class aircraft carrier 23
2111 Inselhäher taxon Island scrub jay 23
2112 Kanon video game Kanon (video game) 23
2113 Motortorpedoboot boat type Motor torpedo boat 23
2114 Namibische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Namibia national rugby union team 23
2115 Narraganset ethnic group Narragansett people 23
2116 Nördlinger Ries National Geotope, rampart crater Nördlinger Ries 23
2117 Produktionswirtschaft academic discipline, type of management Operations management 23
2118 Digger-Kiefer taxon Pinus sabiniana 23
2119 Priesterschrift source Priestly source 23
2120 Rouen-les-Essarts motorsport racing track Rouen-Les-Essarts 23
2121 Stade Français rugby union team, rugby union club Stade Français 23
2122 Venezianische Kolonien administrative territorial entity Stato da Màr 23
2123 Dordrechter Synode synod Synod of Dort 23
2124 Berg-Hemlocktanne taxon Tsuga mertensiana 23
2125 Tsukumogami mythical animal Tsukumogami 23
2126 Klasse 212 A submarine class Type 212A submarine 23
2127 U-Bahn-Linie U7 rapid transit railway line U7 (Berlin U-Bahn) 23
2128 USS Forrestal supercarrier USS Forrestal 23
2129 Uruguayische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Uruguay national rugby union team 23
2130 Van Halen album Van Halen (album) 23
2131 Anamnesis theory Anamnesis (philosophy) 22
2132 Aquilinae taxon Aquilinae 22
2133 Schlacht um Luzon battle Battle of Luzon 22
2134 Hüftdysplasie des Hundes dog disease Canine hip dysplasia 22
2135 Ammen-Dornfinger taxon Cheiracanthium punctorium 22
2136 Chester Cheshire cheese 22
2137 Philokartie specialty Deltiology 22
2138 Dialektik der Aufklärung literary work, written work Dialectic of Enlightenment 22
2139 Eberhard Ludwig human Eberhard Louis, Duke of Württemberg 22
2140 5,7 × 28 mm weapon model, cartridge family FN 5.7×28mm 22
2141 Focke-Wulf Fw 44 aircraft family Focke-Wulf Fw 44 Stieglitz 22
2142 Gerrard Winstanley human Gerrard Winstanley 22
2143 Goldhörner von Gallehus drinking horn, archaeological artifact, archaeological find Golden Horns of Gallehus 22
2144 Heinrich Vogeler human Heinrich Vogeler 22
2145 Strand-Gerste taxon Hordeum marinum 22
2146 Horussegler taxon Horus swift 22
2147 Isenheimer Altar polyptych, winged altarpiece, cycle of paintings Isenheim Altarpiece 22
2148 Jeanne de Saint-Rémy human Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy 22
2149 Kid Icarus: Uprising video game reboot Kid Icarus: Uprising 22
2150 Kostas Karyotakis human Kostas Karyotakis 22
2151 Graugrüner Milchling taxon Lactarius blennius 22
2152 Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus taxon Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus 22
2153 Longisquama fossil taxon Longisquama 22
2154 Eine wie Alaska literary work Looking for Alaska 22
2155 Margit Slachta human Margit Slachta 22
2156 Marion Gräfin Dönhoff human Marion Dönhoff 22
2157 Mercedes-Benz Baureihe 126 automobile model Mercedes-Benz W126 22
2158 Metallcarbonyle structural class of chemical entities Metal carbonyl 22
2159 Midway-Klasse ship class Midway-class aircraft carrier 22
2160 Montana-Klasse ship class Montana-class battleship 22
2161 S-Bahn München S-Bahn Munich S-Bahn 22
2162 Massaker von Nemmersdorf mass murder, massacre Nemmersdorf massacre 22
2163 Owen Nolan human Owen Nolan 22
2164 Rebecca Clarke human Rebecca Clarke (composer) 22
2165 Rimatararohrsänger taxon Rimatara reed warbler 22
2166 Robert Blum human Robert Blum 22
2167 SU-122 combat vehicle model SU-122 22
2168 Solunt real property, archaeological site, archaeological park Soluntum 22
2169 Terry Griffiths human Terry Griffiths 22
2170 The Dinner Party installation artwork The Dinner Party 22
2171 Onkel Dagobert – Sein Leben, seine Milliarden comic book series The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck 22
2172 Große Kugelkaryatide N.Y. sculpture The Sphere 22
2173 Der Wolfsjunge film The Wild Child 22
2174 Tom Corbett human Tom Corbett 22
2175 Vlatko Marković human Vlatko Marković 22
2176 Simbabwische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Zimbabwe national rugby union team 22
2177 Steinmetz profession, Ausbildungsberuf stonemason (d:Q328325) 22
2178 Adler Mannheim ice hockey team Adler Mannheim 21
2179 Antestor musical group Antestor 21
2180 Abubakari II. human Atlantic voyage of the predecessor of Mansa Musa 21
2181 Zwergkrug taxon Australian pitcher plant 21
2182 Blut und Eisen oration Blood and Iron (speech) 21
2183 Calcidius human Calcidius 21
2184 Schloss Sully-sur-Loire château Château de Sully-sur-Loire 21
2185 Angeborene Hypothyreose class of disease Congenital hypothyroidism 21
2186 Verfassung der Niederlande constitution, contract Constitution of the Netherlands 21
2187 Edelweißpiraten resistance movement, youth movement Edelweiss Pirates 21
2188 Eisbären Berlin ice hockey team Eisbären Berlin 21
2189 Elagabal solar deity Elagabalus (deity) 21
2190 Geleitflugzeugträger ship type Escort carrier 21
2191 Benzindirekteinspritzung Gasoline direct injection 21
2192 Geneviève Thiroux d’Arconville human Geneviève Thiroux d'Arconville 21
2193 Stabkirche Gol heritage site, stave church Gol Stave Church 21
2194 Großmeisterpalast palace Grandmaster's Palace, Valletta 21
2195 Heinrich Zille human Heinrich Zille 21
2196 Heterogene Katalyse Heterogeneous catalysis 21
2197 Geschichte Anatoliens aspect of history History of Anatolia 21
2198 ICE 3 multiple unit class ICE 3 21
2199 Einfuhrkontingent trade restriction Import quota 21
2200 Independence-Klasse ship class Independence-class aircraft carrier 21
2201 Operation Seroja invasion Indonesian invasion of East Timor 21
2202 Johann III. human John III, Duke of Bavaria 21
2203 John Pulman human John Pulman 21
2204 John Spencer human John Spencer (snooker player) 21
2205 Katia Mann human Katia Mann 21
2206 Lexington-Klasse ship class Lexington-class aircraft carrier 21
2207 London Congestion Charge electronic toll collection, road pricing in the United Kingdom, congestion pricing London congestion charge 21
2208 Wüste Lop Nor desert, archaeological site Lop Desert 21
2209 Loving v. Virginia legal case, trial, United States Supreme Court decision Loving v. Virginia 21
2210 Mechanische Geduldspiele Mechanical puzzle 21
2211 Mishima – Ein Leben in vier Kapiteln film Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters 21
2212 Altsüdarabische Sprachen language family Old South Arabian 21
2213 Entstehung des Mondes hypothesis, creation, aspect of history Origin of the Moon 21
2214 Oscar Pettiford human Oscar Pettiford 21
2215 Pilgrimage of Grace rebellion Pilgrimage of Grace 21
2216 Pilosocereus taxon Pilosocereus 21
2217 Plessy v. Ferguson United States Supreme Court decision Plessy v. Ferguson 21
2218 Projekt A119 black project Project A119 21
2219 Q*bert video game Q*bert 21
2220 Bistum Mainz suffragan diocese, diocese of the Catholic Church Roman Catholic Diocese of Mainz 21
2221 Nummernschalter electrical element, Rotary dial 21
2222 Rudy Van Gelder human Rudy Van Gelder 21
2223 Spruance-Klasse ship class Spruance-class destroyer 21
2224 Tarawa-Klasse ship class Tarawa-class amphibious assault ship 21
2225 Tilla Tepe archaeological site Tillya Tepe 21
2226 USS Cole guided missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) 21
2227 Ukkusiksalik-Nationalpark national park of Canada Ukkusiksalik National Park 21
2228 VfB Lübeck association football club, sports club, badminton club VfB Lübeck 21
2229 Unglück am Mount Everest mountaineering accident 1996 Mount Everest disaster 20
2230 2nd Infantry Division infantry division 2nd Infantry Division (United States) 20
2231 AB Doradus multiple star AB Doradus 20
2232 Acorn business Acorn Computers 20
2233 Mexikanische Mokassinotter taxon Agkistrodon bilineatus 20
2234 Alexander-Krankheit rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Alexander disease 20
2235 Alpha-Beta-Suche search algorithm Alpha–beta pruning 20
2236 Anno 1404 video game Anno 1404 20
2237 Reichshofrat supreme court Aulic Council 20
2238 Kanadische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Canada national cricket team 20
2239 Mexikanischer Film cinema by country or region Cinema of Mexico 20
2240 Elektronische Archivierung specialty, field of study, academic discipline Digital preservation 20
2241 Fender Jazzmaster model series Fender Jazzmaster 20
2242 Fire Emblem: Three Houses video game Fire Emblem: Three Houses 20
2243 Friedrich Pollock human Friedrich Pollock 20
2244 Georges Vézina human Georges Vézina 20
2245 Aufrüstung der Wehrmacht armament German rearmament 20
2246 Schloss Gottorf residence, château Gottorf Castle 20
2247 Weinbau in Griechenland aspect in a geographic region Greek wine 20
2248 SC Hakoah Wien association football club Hakoah Vienna 20
2249 Heinrich Göbel human Heinrich Göbel 20
2250 Interpretationen der Quantenmechanik Interpretations of quantum mechanics 20
2251 Joe Johnson human Joe Johnson (snooker player) 20
2252 Kenianische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Kenya national cricket team 20
2253 Kidd-Klasse ship class Kidd-class destroyer 20
2254 Kopsia taxon Kopsia 20
2255 Lateran building complex Lateran 20
2256 Mandevilla taxon Mandevilla 20
2257 Marie Doro human Marie Doro 20
2258 Marika Kilius human Marika Kilius 20
2259 Mauritiussalangane taxon Mascarene swiftlet 20
2260 Mentalisierung mental process Mentalization 20
2261 Nepalesische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Nepal national cricket team 20
2262 Oliver-Hazard-Perry-Klasse ship class Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate 20
2263 Postleitzahl Postal codes in Germany 20
2264 Presidio urban park, neighborhood, military base Presidio of San Francisco 20
2265 Puffotter-Katzenhai taxon Puffadder shyshark 20
2266 Koranübersetzung Quran translations 20
2267 RC5 Feistel cipher RC5 20
2268 Rudolf Schmidt human Rudolf Schmidt 20
2269 Rasierpinsel personal hygiene item, product category, shaving equipment Shaving brush 20
2270 Skinwalker shapeshifter Skin-walker 20
2271 Sphenoclea zeylanica taxon Sphenoclea zeylanica 20
2272 Gemeiner Teppichhai taxon Spotted wobbegong 20
2273 Super Bowl XXXIX Super Bowl Super Bowl XXXIX 20
2274 The Course of Empire painting series The Course of Empire (paintings) 20
2275 Bois Belleau light aircraft carrier USS Belleau Wood (CVL-24) 20
2276 Cricket-Nationalmannschaft der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate cricket team United Arab Emirates national cricket team 20
2277 Samtiges Mausohr taxon Velvety myotis 20
2278 Ulcus cruris disease Venous ulcer 20
2279 Viktualienmarkt market, square, pedestrian zone Viktualienmarkt 20
2280 Waldsteppenotter taxon Vipera nikolskii 20
2281 Wasp-Klasse ship class Wasp-class amphibious assault ship 20
2282 Werner Krämer human Werner Krämer 20
2283 Zulu film Zulu (2013 film) 20
2284 Luftangriffe auf Japan military campaign, airstrike Air raids on Japan 19
2285 Albrecht II. human Albert II, Duke of Bavaria 19
2286 Amelios Gentilianos human Amelius 19
2287 Japanischer Eichenseidenspinner taxon Antheraea yamamai 19
2288 Apatheia philosophical concept Apatheia 19
2289 Schwarze Mangrove taxon Avicennia germinans 19
2290 Braunschweiger Dom lutheran church Brunswick Cathedral 19
2291 Michaelerkirche church building, parish church Church of Saint Michael, Vienna 19
2292 Folgen der globalen Erwärmung in der Arktis climate change by country or territory Climate change in the Arctic 19
2293 Coachella Valley valley Coachella Valley 19
2294 Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos human Constantine Paparrigopoulos 19
2295 Entchristianisierung politics, dechristianization in society, process Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution 19
2296 Fanny zu Reventlow human Fanny zu Reventlow 19
2297 Felix Draeseke human Felix Draeseke 19
2298 FlatOut 2 video game FlatOut 2 19
2299 Gus Hall human Gus Hall 19
2300 Hermann Esser human Hermann Esser 19
2301 Geschichte Gambias history of a country or state History of the Gambia 19
2302 Olivbrauner Schneckling taxon Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus 19
2303 Johan Kjeldahl human Johan Kjeldahl 19
2304 Kölner Haie ice hockey team Kölner Haie 19
2305 Schleifendiuretika Loop diuretic 19
2306 Marxists Internet Archive website, digital library Marxists Internet Archive 19
2307 Methanogenese biological process Methanogenesis 19
2308 Mundigak archaeological site Mundigak 19
2309 Murder, My Sweet film Murder, My Sweet 19
2310 Saubere Wehrmacht myth Myth of the clean Wehrmacht 19
2311 Nuda monotypic taxon Nuda (d:Q136620) 19
2312 Nuu-chah-nulth ethnic group Nuu-chah-nulth 19
2313 Polytechnique film Polytechnique (film) 19
2314 Porsche 917 racing automobile model Porsche 917 19
2315 FLoating Instrument Platform research vessel, former entity RP FLIP 19
2316 Radiosity software feature Radiosity (computer graphics) 19
2317 Rallycross sports discipline Rallycross 19
2318 Schloss Gödöllő château, royal palace Royal Palace of Gödöllő 19
2319 Rungholt archaeological site, lost city Rungholt 19
2320 San-Antonio-Klasse ship class San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock 19
2321 Sea Shadow stealth ship, former entity, experimental ship Sea Shadow (IX-529) 19
2322 Alkibiades II Platonic dialogue, written work Second Alcibiades 19
2323 Thomasschule zu Leipzig school St. Thomas School, Leipzig 19
2324 Star Wars: Empire at War video game Star Wars: Empire at War 19
2325 Tabgha district Tabgha 19
2326 The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes video game The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes 19
2327 Theodor von Neuhoff human Theodore of Corsica 19
2328 Schöpfungshöhe design requirement, criterion, legal concept Threshold of originality 19
2329 Louis Théodore Gouvy human Théodore Gouvy 19
2330 Théoneste Bagosora human Théoneste Bagosora 19
2331 Zottenbock taxon Tragosoma depsarium 19
2332 Tryggve Gran human Tryggve Gran 19
2333 Wilder Mann Wild man 19
2334 Schachweltmeisterschaft 1986 sports season World Chess Championship 1986 19
2335 Year Zero album Year Zero (album) 19
2336 Okeechobee-Hurrikan North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1928 Okeechobee hurricane 18
2337 AS-AD-Modell macroeconomic model AD–AS model 18
2338 Acherontia lachesis taxon Acherontia lachesis 18
2339 Aristolochia grandiflora taxon Aristolochia grandiflora 18
2340 Künstliches Neuron model Artificial neuron 18
2341 Grüne Buschviper taxon Atheris squamigera 18
2342 Schlacht von Cowpens battle Battle of Cowpens 18
2343 Gefechte um Tulagi und Gavutu-Tanambogo battle Battle of Tulagi and Gavutu–Tanambogo 18
2344 Bermudische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Bermuda national cricket team 18
2345 Binomial-Heap heap Binomial heap 18
2346 Schwarzweißfotografie photography genre Black and White Photography 18
2347 Luftangriffe auf Singapur military campaign, airstrike Bombing of Singapore (1944–1945) 18
2348 Färöer im Zweiten Weltkrieg military occupation British occupation of the Faroe Islands 18
2349 Charakene kingdom, vassal state, historical country Characene 18
2350 Stadtbahn Köln Stadtbahn, tram system Cologne Stadtbahn 18
2351 Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits railway company Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits 18
2352 Crossair-Flug 3597 aviation accident Crossair Flight 3597 18
2353 Kulhwch ac Olwen manuscript, Welsh-language literature, written work Culhwch and Olwen 18
2354 Cydippida taxon Cydippida 18
2355 Damaris Cudworth Masham human Damaris Cudworth Masham 18
2356 Drosera indica taxon Drosera indica 18
2357 Dunkerque-Klasse ship class Dunkerque-class battleship 18
2358 Düsseldorfer EG ice hockey team Düsseldorfer EG 18
2359 EHC Red Bull München ice hockey team EHC Red Bull München 18
2360 Francisco Toledo human Francisco Toledo 18
2361 Magendrehung disease Gastric dilatation volvulus 18
2362 Gastrointestinaler Stromatumor class of disease Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 18
2363 Georg von Sachsen human Georg, Crown Prince of Saxony 18
2364 Gibson ES-335 musical instrument model Gibson ES-335 18
2365 Green Belt Movement non-governmental organization, environmental organization Green Belt Movement 18
2366 Schnellfahrstrecke Hannover–Würzburg high-speed railway line Hanover–Würzburg high-speed railway 18
2367 Hans Litten human Hans Litten 18
2368 Hep-Hep-Krawalle pogrom Hep-Hep riots 18
2369 Herzog August Bibliothek library building, research library, heritage library Herzog August Library 18
2370 Forschungsgeschichte des Klimawandels aspect of history History of climate change science 18
2371 Geschichte der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung aspect of history History of probability 18
2372 Lebendschach Human chess 18
2373 Sanddornschwärmer taxon Hyles hippophaes 18
2374 Isaak ben Salomon Israeli human Isaac Israeli ben Solomon 18
2375 Julius Pomponius Laetus human Julius Pomponius Laetus 18
2376 K+S business K+S 18
2377 Kizito Mihigo human Kizito Mihigo 18
2378 Königspitze mountain Königspitze 18
2379 LGV Est européenne high-speed railway line LGV Est 18
2380 Lactoris fernandeziana taxon Lactoris 18
2381 Lauter river Lauter (Rhine) 18
2382 Mayaguez-Zwischenfall international incident Mayaguez incident 18
2383 Namibische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Namibia national cricket team 18
2384 Obregonia denegrii taxon Obregonia denegrii (d:Q137188) 18
2385 Blauflügelige Ödlandschrecke taxon Oedipoda caerulescens 18
2386 Glücksklee taxon Oxalis tetraphylla 18
2387 Halbinsel-Feldzug battle, military campaign Peninsula campaign 18
2388 Philip Freneau human Philip Freneau 18
2389 Picket Fences – Tatort Gartenzaun television series Picket Fences 18
2390 Plutonium(VI)-fluorid type of chemical entity Plutonium hexafluoride 18
2391 Polychlorierte Dibenzodioxine und Dibenzofurane structural class of chemical entities Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins 18
2392 Pulverbeschichten Powder coating 18
2393 Rhizanthella gardneri taxon Rhizanthella gardneri 18
2394 Anterastai literary work, written work Rival Lovers 18
2395 Rocket to Russia album Rocket to Russia 18
2396 America ocean liner, shipwreck SS America (1939) 18
2397 Seattle Storm basketball team Seattle Storm 18
2398 Shoshone National Forest United States National Forest Shoshone National Forest 18
2399 Silverpit-Krater impact crater Silverpit crater 18
2400 Skyliners Frankfurt basketball team Skyliners Frankfurt 18
2401 Sothis-Zyklus cyclic process Sothic cycle 18
2402 Südostanatolien-Projekt project Southeastern Anatolia Project 18
2403 Flughafen Makassar international airport, airport, commercial traffic aerodrome Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport 18
2404 Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England literary work The Condition of the Working Class in England 18
2405 Theages written work Theages 18
2406 Trouble rock band Trouble (band) 18
2407 Fetofetales Transfusionssyndrom class of disease Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome 18
2408 USS Long Beach guided missile cruiser, surface combatant USS Long Beach (CGN-9) 18
2409 USS United States supercarrier, ship project USS United States (CVA-58) 18
2410 Cricket-Nationalmannschaft der Vereinigten Staaten national sports team United States national cricket team 18
2411 Oberharzer Wasserregal reservoir Upper Harz Water Regale 18
2412 NHL 2006/07 sports season 2006–07 NHL season 17
2413 25th Infantry Division infantry division 25th Infantry Division (United States) 17
2414 Acherontia styx taxon Acherontia styx 17
2415 Adriaen Coorte human Adriaen Coorte 17
2416 Schlacht bei Fehrbellin battle Battle of Fehrbellin 17
2417 De coniuratione Catilinae literary work Bellum Catilinae 17
2418 Bahnhof Berlin Gesundbrunnen interchange station, inter-city rail station Berlin Gesundbrunnen station 17
2419 Bernard Lown human Bernard Lown 17
2420 Brinkmanship Brinkmanship 17
2421 Brown-Séquard-Syndrom Brown-Séquard syndrome 17
2422 Chilenische Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Chile national rugby union team 17
2423 Kleitophon written work Clitophon (dialogue) 17
2424 Computerbetrug elements of an offence Computer fraud 17
2425 Sammelbilderproblem theorem, mathematical problem Coupon collector's problem 17
2426 U-Boot mit Marschflugkörpern submarine type Cruise-missile submarine 17
2427 EU-Emissionshandel system European Union Emissions Trading System 17
2428 Fabio Luisi human Fabio Luisi 17
2429 Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein labour party General German Workers' Association 17
2430 Deutsche Rugby-Union-Nationalmannschaft national rugby union team Germany national rugby union team 17
2431 Ludolf Camphausen human Gottfried Ludolf Camphausen 17
2432 Großadmiral naval officer rank Großadmiral 17
2433 Melbourne light aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne (R21) 17
2434 HMS Dorsetshire shipwreck, heavy cruiser HMS Dorsetshire (40) 17
2435 Holzvollernter Harvester (forestry) 17
2436 Hongkonger Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Hong Kong national cricket team 17
2437 ICE 1 rolling stock class ICE 1 17
2438 Reichsreform reform Imperial Reform 17
2439 Iserlohn Roosters ice hockey team Iserlohn Roosters 17
2440 Jacksons Shenandoah-Feldzug 1862 battle, conflict Jackson's Valley campaign 17
2441 Juana Manuela Gorriti human Juana Manuela Gorriti 17
2442 Kool Savas human Kool Savas 17
2443 Krefeld Pinguine ice hockey team Krefeld Pinguine 17
2444 Liebherr T282 truck model Liebherr T 282 series 17
2445 Madlax anime television series Madlax 17
2446 Mittelägyptische Sprache dead language, ancient language, chronolect Middle Egyptian language 17
2447 Spiegelstadium Mirror stage 17
2448 Mojave Air & Space Port spaceport, airport Mojave Air and Space Port 17
2449 New Historicism New historicism 17
2450 Kernwaffentechnik Nuclear weapon design 17
2451 Orzeł submarine, shipwreck ORP Orzeł (1938) 17
2452 Papstname Papal name 17
2453 Papua-neuguineische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Papua New Guinea national cricket team 17
2454 Peucetia taxon Peucetia 17
2455 Klaviersonate Nr. 30 musical work/composition Piano Sonata No. 30 (Beethoven) 17
2456 Pro-Ana ideology Promotion of anorexia 17
2457 Quartärforschung branch of science Quaternary science 17
2458 Rabid – Der brüllende Tod film Rabid (1977 film) 17
2459 Shinbutsu-Shūgō syncretism, religious syncretism Shinbutsu-shūgō 17
2460 Sokol Sokol space suit 17
2461 Schlitzrüssler monotypic taxon Solenodon 17
2462 Taxi zur Hölle film Taxi to the Dark Side 17
2463 The Shangri-Las musical group The Shangri-Las 17
2464 Die Seele des Menschen unter dem Sozialismus written work The Soul of Man Under Socialism 17
2465 Grab der Scipionen grave, archaeological site Tomb of the Scipios 17
2466 Vertrag von Versailles treaty Treaty of Versailles (1756) 17
2467 Wiener Dioskurides illuminated manuscript, literary work Vienna Dioscurides 17
2468 VW T1 automobile model Volkswagen Type 2 (T1) 17
2469 Deutsche Reparationen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg war reparations World War I reparations 17
2470 24: Live Another Day television series 24: Live Another Day 16
2471 Andreas Alföldi human Andreas Alföldi 16
2472 Tierhortung Animal hoarding 16
2473 Atlanta-Klasse ship class Atlanta-class cruiser 16
2474 Schlacht von Cabo de Palos naval battle Battle of Cape Palos (1938) 16
2475 Begriffsschrift written work Begriffsschrift 16
2476 Blumen ohne Duft film Beyond the Valley of the Dolls 16
2477 Jenseits der Mauer des Schlafes literary work Beyond the Wall of Sleep 16
2478 Brodick Castle château Brodick Castle 16
2479 Carl Schuricht human Carl Schuricht 16
2480 DB-Baureihe 101 locomotive class DB Class 101 16
2481 Daniel Hopfer human Daniel Hopfer 16
2482 Diallyldisulfid type of chemical entity Diallyl disulfide 16
2483 Gewöhnliche Steinplattenspinne taxon Drassodes lapidosus (d:Q140554) 16
2484 Emanuel Moravec human Emanuel Moravec 16
2485 Eugen Moritz von Savoyen-Carignan human Eugene Maurice, Count of Soissons 16
2486 Felix und Regula sibling duo, group of humans Felix and Regula 16
2487 George-Washington-Klasse submarine class George Washington-class submarine 16
2488 Stadtbahn Hannover Stadtbahn Hanover Stadtbahn 16
2489 Hans Filbinger human Hans Filbinger 16
2490 Heilung der Schwiegermutter des Simon Petrus miracles of Jesus Healing the mother of Peter's wife 16
2491 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen business Heidelberger Druckmaschinen 16
2492 Jali Jali 16
2493 Juiced video game Juiced (video game) 16
2494 Knox-Klasse ship class Knox-class frigate 16
2495 Schloss Lenzburg castle, architectural structure Lenzburg Castle 16
2496 Stausee Lipno reservoir Lipno Reservoir 16
2497 Litauerkriege des Deutschen Ordens war Lithuanian Crusade 16
2498 Costa Allegra container ship, cruise ship MS Costa Allegra 16
2499 Mangfall river Mangfall 16
2500 Mario Zatelli human Mario Zatelli 16
2501 Balkanfeldzüge des Maurikios military campaign Maurice's Balkan campaigns 16
2502 Natakamani human Natakamani 16
2503 Operation Praying Mantis battle Operation Praying Mantis 16
2504 Orgelpfeife musical instrument part Organ pipe 16
2505 Register Organ stop 16
2506 Papuaweihe taxon Papuan harrier 16
2507 Pfaueninsel island Pfaueninsel 16
2508 Kleine Pappelglucke taxon Poecilocampa populi 16
2509 Prato della Valle square Prato della Valle 16
2510 Fürstentum Lüneburg principality, state in the Holy Roman Empire Principality of Lüneburg 16
2511 Antennendiagramm electromagnetism Radiation pattern 16
2512 Rheinturm television tower Rheinturm 16
2513 S-Mine weapon model S-mine 16
2514 San Junipero television series episode San Junipero 16
2515 Sommieria leucophylla taxon Sommieria 16
2516 Southern Pacific Transportation railway company, business Southern Pacific Transportation Company 16
2517 St. George Mivart human St. George Jackson Mivart 16
2518 Stangeria eriopus taxon Stangeria 16
2519 Star Wars: Rogue Squadron video game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 16
2520 Staats-Shintō state religion, Shinto sects and schools State Shinto 16
2521 SuicideGirls website SuicideGirls 16
2522 Surimono art movement, art genre Surimono 16
2523 Tangier-Krankheit rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Tangier disease 16
2524 Der Ausdruck der Gemütsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Tieren literary work The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals 16
2525 Theretra alecto taxon Theretra alecto 16
2526 Multiphotonenmikroskop fluorescence microscope Two-photon excitation microscopy 16
2527 Virginia-Klasse ship class Virginia-class cruiser 16
2528 Wiborada human Wiborada 16
2529 Maliseet ethnic group Wolastoqiyik 16
2530 S-Bahn Zürich S-Bahn Zürich S-Bahn 16
2531 Alkinoos human Alcinous (philosopher) 15
2532 Alexander von Lykonpolis human Alexander of Lycopolis 15
2533 Alexandrowka wooden house, architectural ensemble Alexandrowka (Potsdam) 15
2534 Anno 1701 video game Anno 1701 15
2535 Gefecht von Jumonville Glen battle Battle of Jumonville Glen 15
2536 Binaurale Tonaufnahme technique Binaural recording 15
2537 Boeing YC-14 aircraft model Boeing YC-14 15
2538 Stadtbahn Bonn Stadtbahn Bonn Stadtbahn 15
2539 Bremer Räterepublik historical unrecognized state Bremen Soviet Republic 15
2540 Canadian Forces Base Goose Bay air base CFB Goose Bay 15
2541 California-Klasse ship class California-class cruiser 15
2542 Carl Severing human Carl Severing 15
2543 Schachprogramm Chess engine 15
2544 Heiliggeistkirche church building Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg 15
2545 City and South London Railway railway company City and South London Railway 15
2546 Crashtest-Dummy Crash test dummy 15
2547 Craters of the Moon National Monument national preserve, national monument, National Monument of the United States Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve 15
2548 Dazzle camouflage Dazzle camouflage 15
2549 Deutsche Physik social movement, school of thought Deutsche Physik 15
2550 Die Aktion magazine Die Aktion 15
2551 Don Preston human Don Preston 15
2552 Elly Beinhorn human Elly Beinhorn 15
2553 Jeffersons Handelsembargo Act of Congress in the United States Embargo Act of 1807 15
2554 Bundesgericht supreme court Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland 15
2555 Focke-Wulf Ta 154 aircraft model Focke-Wulf Ta 154 Moskito 15
2556 Griechische Sprachfrage social issue Greek language question 15
2557 Gewächshausschrecke taxon Greenhouse Camel Cricket 15
2558 Grizzlys Wolfsburg ice hockey team Grizzlys Wolfsburg 15
2559 Hannover Scorpions ice hockey team Hannover Scorpions 15
2560 Herpes-simplex-Enzephalitis disease, infectious disease Herpes simplex encephalitis 15
2561 Hesire human Hesy-Ra 15
2562 Geschichte der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik aspect of history, history of a country or state History of East Germany 15
2563 Geschichte der Färöer history of a country or state History of the Faroe Islands 15
2564 Hugo Stinnes human Hugo Stinnes 15
2565 I.G. Farben-Gebäude office building IG Farben Building 15
2566 Indian-Airlines-Flug 605 aviation accident Indian Airlines Flight 605 15
2567 KEK research institute, organization KEK 15
2568 Lafayette-Klasse submarine class Lafayette-class submarine 15
2569 Hauptverwaltung A intelligence agency Main Directorate for Reconnaissance 15
2570 Markgrafschaft Baden-Baden historical country, state in the Holy Roman Empire Margraviate of Baden-Baden 15
2571 Weinbau in der Republik Moldau aspect in a geographic region Moldovan wine 15
2572 Neptunium(VI)-fluorid type of chemical entity Neptunium(VI) fluoride 15
2573 Northern Soul music genre Northern soul 15
2574 Oda human Oda of Meissen 15
2575 Omanische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Oman national cricket team 15
2576 Römische Wandmalerei style of painting Painting in ancient Rome 15
2577 Philippine-Airlines-Flug 434 aviation accident Philippine Airlines Flight 434 15
2578 Piaggio P.149 aircraft family, aircraft type Piaggio P.149 15
2579 Pierre Le Gros der Jüngere human Pierre Le Gros the Younger 15
2580 Racey-Zwergfledermaus taxon Pipistrellus raceyi 15
2581 Porsche 930 automobile model Porsche 911 (930) 15
2582 Azorian-Projekt clandestine operation Project Azorian 15
2583 Ribonukleotidreduktase group or class of enzymes Ribonucleotide reductase 15
2584 Richard Wetz human Richard Wetz 15
2585 Yorck armored cruiser SMS Yorck 15
2586 Holz-Zebraspringspinne taxon Salticus cingulatus 15
2587 Schafsbrief statute Sheep letter 15
2588 Schwerter zu Pflugscharen idiom, quotation Swords to ploughshares 15
2589 Zwergameisenspringer taxon Synageles 15
2590 Herzfleckläufer taxon Thanatus 15
2591 USS Bainbridge guided missile cruiser USS Bainbridge (CGN-25) 15
2592 USS Cowpens light aircraft carrier USS Cowpens (CVL-25) 15
2593 Universitätsbibliothek Graz university library University of Graz Library 15
2594 Stadtmorphologie academic discipline Urban morphology 15
2595 Zweitpreisauktion Vickrey auction 15
2596 Worcester Sharks ice hockey team Worcester Sharks 15
2597 Eisen-Kohlenstoff-Diagramm phase diagram iron-carbon-diagram (d:Q1311201) 15
2598 Æthelwold human Æthelwold ætheling 15
2599 Österreichische Fußballmeisterschaft 2008/09 sports season 2008–09 Austrian Football Bundesliga 14
2600 Schweizer Fussballmeisterschaft 2008/09 sports season 2008–09 Swiss Super League 14
2601 Therme Vals indoor swimming pool 7132 Thermal Baths 14
2602 Aldwych underground railway station, station building, former railway station Aldwych tube station 14
2603 Alphastrahlung Alpha radiation 14
2604 Amyloidschichtpilze taxon Amylostereum 14
2605 Riesenfischerspinnen taxon Ancylometes 14
2606 Arachnitis uniflora taxon Arachnitis 14
2607 Bachhaus Eisenach museum Bach House (Eisenach) 14
2608 Baten Kaitos: Die Schwingen der Ewigkeit und der verlorene Ozean video game Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean 14
2609 Schlacht bei Mühldorf battle Battle of Mühldorf 14
2610 Beram settlement Beram 14
2611 Bessarabiendeutsche ethnic group Bessarabia Germans 14
2612 Eberzahnhelm Boar's tusk helmet 14
2613 Brücke bei Limyra Roman bridge, stone bridge, deck arch bridge Bridge near Limyra 14
2614 Keramikkondensator Ceramic capacitor 14
2615 Scheidengras taxon Coleanthus subtilis 14
2616 DB-Baureihe 120 locomotive class DB Class 120 14
2617 EHC Biel ice hockey team EHC Biel 14
2618 Erich Klausener human Erich Klausener 14
2619 Estrada music genre, performing arts genre Estrada (performing arts genre) 14
2620 Ethan-Allen-Klasse submarine class Ethan Allen-class submarine 14
2621 Executive Outcomes private military company Executive Outcomes 14
2622 Rampenlicht light fixture Footlight 14
2623 Früchte des vergifteten Baumes legal doctrine Fruit of the poisonous tree 14
2624 Heinrich Rantzau human Heinrich Rantzau 14
2625 Humphrey house cat, individual animal Humphrey (cat) 14
2626 Fledermausschwärmer taxon Hyles vespertilio 14
2627 MTAB IORE locomotive class Iore 14
2628 John Paul Stapp human John Stapp 14
2629 LNER-Klasse A4 locomotive class LNER Class A4 14
2630 Lycianthes taxon Lycianthes 14
2631 Maria Kunigunde von Sachsen human Maria Kunigunde of Saxony 14
2632 Rote und Blaue Mauritius postage stamp, stamp edition Mauritius "Post Office" stamps 14
2633 Mexipedium xerophyticum taxon Mexipedium xerophyticum (d:Q135713) 14
2634 Minos written work Minos (dialogue) 14
2635 Judenboykott Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses 14
2636 Operation Earnest Will military operation, naval battle Operation Earnest Will 14
2637 Ortrun Enderlein human Ortrun Enderlein 14
2638 Die kleinen Strolche film series Our Gang 14
2639 Paul Lorenzen human Paul Lorenzen 14
2640 Kaliumsparende Diuretika Potassium-sparing diuretic 14
2641 Pyometra class of disease Pyometra 14
2642 Westliche Azalee taxon Rhododendron occidentale 14
2643 Rieppeleon brevicaudatus taxon Rieppeleon brevicaudatus 14
2644 Ruhmeshalle building Ruhmeshalle (Munich) 14
2645 Sahl at-Tustarī human Sahl al-Tustari 14
2646 Shared Space concept Shared space 14
2647 Kapländische Zimmerlinde taxon Sparrmannia africana 14
2648 Spektr space station module Spektr 14
2649 Spirostachys africana taxon Spirostachys africana 14
2650 3. Sinfonie musical work/composition Symphony No. 3 (Schumann) 14
2651 Schlanker Ameisenspringer taxon Synageles venator 14
2652 Drehmelder electric machine Synchro 14
2653 Tirumala limniace taxon Tirumala limniace 14
2654 Außenhandelsquote macroeconomic indicator Trade-to-GDP ratio 14
2655 Satellitenbahnelement file format Two-line element set 14
2656 USS Greeneville attack submarine USS Greeneville 14
2657 USS Seawolf nuclear submarine USS Seawolf (SSN-575) 14
2658 Ugandische Cricket-Nationalmannschaft national sports team Uganda national cricket team 14
2659 Institut für Sozialforschung research institute University of Frankfurt Institute for Social Research 14
2660 Burg Vischering castle Vischering Castle 14
2661 Westliche Kalligrafie Western calligraphy 14
2662 Whidbey-Island-Klasse ship class Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship 14
2663 Stadtschloss Wiesbaden parliament building Wiesbaden City Palace 14
2664 Xianglong taxon Xianglong 14
2665 Gleitschirm paraglider (d:Q336209) 14
2666 Parlamentswahl in Kirgisistan 2015 Kyrgyzstani parliamentary election 2015 Kyrgyz parliamentary election 13
2667 Allradantrieb All-wheel drive 13
2668 Amanz Gressly human Amanz Gressly 13
2669 NR-1 nuclear submarine, deep-submergence vehicle American submarine NR-1 13
2670 Anthocercis taxon Anthocercis 13
2671 Apfelwein Apfelwein 13
2672 Arbitio human Arbitio 13
2673 Arroyo-Kröte taxon Arroyo toad 13
2674 Arthur Dake human Arthur Dake 13
2675 Axiochos written work Axiochus (dialogue) 13
2676 Bank of Credit and Commerce International credit institution, business Bank of Credit and Commerce International 13
2677 Berryteuthis magister taxon Berryteuthis magister 13
2678 Äthiopische Puffotter taxon Bitis parviocula 13
2679 Capsicum lanceolatum taxon Capsicum lanceolatum 13
2680 Charles-F.-Adams-Klasse ship class Charles F. Adams-class destroyer 13
2681 Chemehuevi federally recognized Native American tribe in the United States Chemehuevi 13
2682 Clara individual animal Clara (rhinoceros) 13
2683 Clara Katharina Pollaczek human Clara Katharina Pollaczek 13
2684 DB-Baureihe 103 locomotive class DB Class 103 13
2685 Doberaner Münster church building Doberan Minster 13
2686 Doug Mountjoy human Doug Mountjoy 13
2687 Elisabeth von Brandenburg human Elisabeth of Brandenburg, Duchess of Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen 13
2688 Emma von Böhmen human Emma of Mělník 13
2689 Eryxias written work Eryxias (dialogue) 13
2690 Färöische Küche national cuisine Faroese cuisine 13
2691 Föderalregierung executive branch, federal government Federal Government of Belgium 13
2692 Waldglas Forest glass 13
2693 Geometrisierung von 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten theorem, conjecture Geometrization conjecture 13
2694 Gerhard Rose human Gerhard Rose 13
2695 Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste literary work Grosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon 13
2696 Musterhaus Am Horn museum, single-family detached home Haus am Horn 13
2697 Hemileuca taxon Hemileuca 13
2698 Ina Garten human Ina Garten 13
2699 Joanna Hiffernan human Joanna Hiffernan 13
2700 Kyler Murray human Kyler Murray 13
2701 Lilium grayi taxon Lilium grayi 13
2702 Tomaten taxon Lycopersicon 13
2703 Marianne von Willemer human Marianne von Willemer 13
2704 Meister E. S. human Master E. S. 13
2705 Millennium Force steel roller coaster, gigacoaster Millennium Force 13
2706 Minima Moralia literary work Minima Moralia 13
2707 Newstead Abbey English country house, historic house museum, priory Newstead Abbey 13
2708 Nationalpark Nino Konis Santana national park Nino Konis Santana National Park 13
2709 Nordex SE public company, business, enterprise Nordex 13
2710 Panke river Panke 13
2711 Paul Schneider human Paul Schneider (pastor) 13
2712 Pizzakarton Pizza box 13
2713 Radisson Collection Hotel, Royal Copenhagen hotel Radisson Collection Royal Hotel, Copenhagen 13
2714 Ross Sea Party expedition Ross Sea party 13
2715 Rote Keulenschrecke taxon Rufous grasshopper 13
2716 Ryan Ellis human Ryan Ellis 13
2717 Solanum centrale taxon Solanum centrale 13
2718 Melonenblatt-Nachtschatten taxon Solanum citrullifolium 13
2719 Sonnenfinsternis vom 18. August 1868 solar eclipse, total solar eclipse Solar eclipse of August 18, 1868 13
2720 Außerchristliche antike Quellen zu Jesus von Nazaret Sources for the historicity of Jesus 13
2721 Sankt Marxer Friedhof cemetery St. Marx Cemetery 13
2722 Studentenverbindung Studentenverbindung 13
2723 Sturgeon-Klasse submarine class Sturgeon-class submarine 13
2724 Der dritte Schimpanse written work The Third Chimpanzee 13
2725 USS Yorktown guided missile cruiser USS Yorktown (CG-48) 13
2726 Utsuro-bune legend Utsuro-bune 13
2727 Wiener Stadtbahn rapid transit Vienna Stadtbahn 13
2728 Vincenz Grimm human Vincent Grimm 13
2729 Fürstliche Grabstätte von Vix tumulus, archaeological site, chariot burial Vix Grave 13
2730 William Paterson human William Paterson (banker) 13
2731 Virtue’s Last Reward video game Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward 13
2732 Volksaufstand in Thailand 1973 rebellion 1973 Thai popular uprising 12
2733 Bühne frei für Marge television series episode A Streetcar Named Marge 12
2734 Archaeamphora longicervia fossil taxon Archaeamphora 12
2735 Attikos human Atticus (philosopher) 12
2736 Berlin-Baumschulenweg locality of Berlin Baumschulenweg 12
2737 Talfest party Beautiful Festival of the Valley 12
2738 Biko musical work/composition Biko (song) 12
2739 Luftangriffe auf Chongqing military campaign, aerial bombing of a city Bombing of Chongqing 12
2740 Kreuzzug gegen Bosnien military campaign Bosnian Crusade 12
2741 Grüner Dornfinger taxon Cheiracanthium virescens (d:Q1313384) 12
2742 Westliche Bodentrichterspinne taxon Coelotes atropos (d:Q6483023) 12
2743 Conrad Gröber human Conrad Gröber 12
2744 Cosa roman colonia, archaeological site, Roman city Cosa 12
2745 Franziska Christine von Pfalz-Sulzbach human Countess Palatine Francisca Christina of Sulzbach 12
2746 Tauchmedizin medical specialty Diving medicine 12
2747 Edmond-Charles Genêt human Edmond-Charles Genêt 12
2748 Ellen Andrée human Ellen Andrée 12
2749 Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna human Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna 12
2750 Empyrium musical group Empyrium 12
2751 Farragut-Klasse ship class Farragut-class destroyer (1958) 12
2752 Keilzinkung Finger joint 12
2753 Forrest-Sherman-Klasse ship class Forrest Sherman-class destroyer 12
2754 François Bon human François Bon 12
2755 Georges Ruggiu human Georges Ruggiu 12
2756 Gesche Gottfried human Gesche Gottfried 12
2757 Gießen 46ers basketball team Giessen 46ers 12
2758 Girandoni-Windbüchse weapon model Girardoni air rifle 12
2759 Gravensteiner apple cultivar Gravenstein 12
2760 Graph U-boat HMS Graph 12
2761 Hagapark English garden, architectural ensemble Hagaparken 12
2762 Halkyon literary work Halcyon (dialogue) 12
2763 Harzburger Front political party Harzburg Front 12
2764 Kulturgeschichte der Kartoffel aspect of history History of the potato 12
2765 Hughes-Stovin-Syndrom class of disease Hughes–Stovin syndrome 12
2766 Hyles tithymali taxon Hyles tithymali 12
2767 Idia human Idia 12
2768 Instituto Nacional de Industria organization Instituto Nacional de Industria 12
2769 Isel river Isel (river) 12
2770 Jacob Emden human Jacob Emden 12
2771 James Henry Lane human Jim Lane (politician) 12
2772 Jud Süß literary work Jud Süß (Feuchtwanger novel) 12
2773 Kirkstall Abbey church building, abbey, monastery ruins Kirkstall Abbey 12
2774 Lews Castle country house Lews Castle 12
2775 Lilium maritimum taxon Lilium maritimum 12
2776 Lomatia tasmanica taxon Lomatia tasmanica 12
2777 M film M (1951 film) 12
2778 M-209 cipher machine M-209 12
2779 Marie Lafarge human Marie Lafarge 12
2780 Mary Cover Jones human Mary Cover Jones 12
2781 Gedächtnissport type of sport Memory sport 12
2782 LWL-Steckverbinder Optical fiber connector 12
2783 Spiralgallenlaus taxon Pemphigus spyrothecae 12
2784 Kleine Haubennetzspinne taxon Phylloneta sisyphia 12
2785 Sumpfgrashüpfer taxon Pseudochorthippus montanus 12
2786 Rethera komarovi taxon Rethera komarovi 12
2787 San-Zeno-Altar reredos, triptych, polyptych San Zeno Altarpiece (Mantegna) 12
2788 Schloss Benrath château, hunting lodge Schloss Benrath 12
2789 Schieferindustrie in Wales aspect in a geographic region Slate industry in Wales 12
2790 U-Bahnhof Spittelmarkt underground station, Berlin U-Bahn station Spittelmarkt (Berlin U-Bahn) 12
2791 Michaelskirche church building St Michael Chapel 12
2792 Storm of the Light’s Bane album Storm of the Light's Bane 12
2793 Schwedische Sackpfeife Swedish bagpipes 12
2794 Schweizer Bauernkrieg peasant revolt Swiss peasant war of 1653 12
2795 Tischtennisschläger Table tennis racket 12
2796 Thermische Oxidation von Silizium Thermal oxidation 12
2797 Balao attack submarine USS Balao 12
2798 Vril-Gesellschaft secret society Vril Society (d:Q20643375) 12
2799 Whity film Whity 12
2800 Wilhelm von Hirsau human William of Hirsau 12
2801 Frauenstimmrecht in der Schweiz aspect in a geographic region Women's suffrage in Switzerland 12
2802 Buchbinder profession bookbinder (d:Q1413170) 12
2803 Parlamentswahl in Portugal 2005 Portuguese legislative election 2005 Portuguese legislative election 11
2804 Adam Duncan, 1. Viscount Duncan human Adam Duncan, 1st Viscount Duncan 11
2805 Adler von Lübeck galleon, clipper, warship Adler von Lübeck 11
2806 Heide-Feenlämpchenspinne taxon Agroeca proxima 11
2807 Puente de Alconétar bridge, Roman bridge, stone bridge Alconétar Bridge 11
2808 Frankfurt-Altstadt old town, neighborhood of Frankfurt Altstadt (Frankfurt am Main) 11
2809 Altes Südarabien Ancient history of Yemen 11
2810 Belknap-Klasse ship class Belknap-class cruiser 11
2811 Bizzarrini GT 5300 automobile model Bizzarrini Strada 11
2812 Schwarzwaldbahn railway line, mountain railway Black Forest Railway (Baden) 11
2813 Bud Poile human Bud Poile 11
2814 Weinbau in Kanada aspect in a geographic region Canadian wine 11
2815 Basler Fasnacht Carnival, UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in Switzerland Carnival of Basel 11
2816 Blutversorgung des Gehirns Cerebral circulation 11
2817 Keilschriftrecht Cuneiform law 11
2818 Didymella bryoniae taxon Didymella bryoniae 11
2819 U-Bahnhof Ernst-Reuter-Platz underground station, Berlin U-Bahn station Ernst-Reuter-Platz (Berlin U-Bahn) 11
2820 Erythrodiplax umbrata taxon Erythrodiplax umbrata 11
2821 Eutiner Schloss museum, château, Schloss Eutin Castle 11
2822 Franz Stock human Franz Stock 11
2823 Georg Tannstetter human Georg Tannstetter 11
2824 Befreiungskriege military campaign German campaign of 1813 11
2825 Gotthard Günther human Gotthard Günther 11
2826 Historische Mühle von Sanssouci windmill Historic Mill of Sanssouci 11
2827 Vagina des Menschen class of anatomical entity, species organ type Human vagina 11
2828 Jillian Tamaki human Jillian Tamaki 11
2829 Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights video game Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights 11
2830 Khleang archaeological site Khleangs 11
2831 Klatskintumor class of disease Klatskin tumor 11
2832 Sprachen Nigers Languages of Niger 11
2833 Leahy-Klasse ship class Leahy-class cruiser 11
2834 City-Tunnel Leipzig railway tunnel Leipzig City Tunnel 11
2835 Lilium arboricola taxon Lilium arboricola 11
2836 Lisa als Vegetarierin television series episode Lisa the Vegetarian 11
2837 Michail Petrowitsch Petrow human Mikhail Petrov (general) 11
2838 National Scenic Byway conservation designation National Scenic Byway 11
2839 Neuronales Korrelat des Bewusstseins Neural correlates of consciousness 11
2840 Berlin-Niederschöneweide administrative territorial entity, locality of Berlin Niederschöneweide 11
2841 Pflegeprozess Nursing process 11
2842 Berlin-Oberschöneweide locality of Berlin Oberschöneweide 11
2843 Operation Kita military operation Operation Kita 11
2844 Personal Firewall Personal firewall 11
2845 Philipp von Hutten human Philipp von Hutten 11
2846 Pipe Spring National Monument national monument, National Monument of the United States, National Park System unit Pipe Spring National Monument 11
2847 Porsche 934 automobile model Porsche 934 11
2848 Stift Rein museum, abbey, cultural property Rein Abbey, Austria 11
2849 Roter Sand lighthouse Roter Sand Lighthouse 11
2850 Sedantag holiday Sedantag 11
2851 Schäbe Shives 11
2852 Schlangenbeschuppung Snake scale 11
2853 Sport anime and manga genre Sports manga 11
2854 Severikirche parish church St Severus' Church, Erfurt 11
2855 Strophocactus wittii taxon Strophocactus wittii 11
2856 Teltow plateau, historical region Teltow (region) 11
2857 Das Begräbnis der Sardine painting The Burial of the Sardine 11
2858 An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation von des christlichen Standes Besserung written work To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation 11
2859 Straßenbahn Naumburg tram system Trams in Naumburg 11
2860 Tróndur Patursson human Tróndur Patursson 11
2861 Tsatsiki – Tintenfische und erste Küsse film Tsatsiki, morsan och polisen 11
2862 USS Boston guided missile cruiser USS Boston (CA-69) 11
2863 USS Callister television series episode USS Callister 11
2864 USS Lake Erie guided missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG-70) 11
2865 Tullibee nuclear submarine, attack submarine USS Tullibee (SSN-597) 11
2866 Baka-Pyramide Egyptian pyramids, White elephant, smooth-sided pyramid Unfinished Northern Pyramid of Zawyet El Aryan 11
2867 Würzburg Hauptbahnhof central station Würzburg Hauptbahnhof 11
2868 Yoshida Mitsuyoshi human Yoshida Mitsuyoshi 11
2869 Präsidentschaftswahlen in Osttimor 2007 presidential election 2007 East Timorese presidential election 10
2870 Tour de Ski 2008/09 sports season 2008–09 Tour de Ski 10
2871 Ästhetische Theorie literary work Aesthetic Theory 10
2872 Anthonomus eugenii taxon Anthonomus eugenii 10
2873 Aristolochia arborea taxon Aristolochia arborea 10
2874 Schloss Augustenburg château Augustenborg Palace 10
2875 Avot de-Rabbi Nathan literary work Avot de-Rabbi Natan 10
2876 Harzhornereignis battle, battlefield Battle at the Harzhorn 10
2877 Christian Friedrich Hunold human Christian Friedrich Hunold 10
2878 Bremer Wappen local coat of arms Coat of arms of Bremen 10
2879 Dauerstrichradar Continuous-wave radar 10
2880 Mathildenkreuz processional cross Cross of Mathilde 10
2881 Direkte Numerische Simulation numerical methods in continuum mechanics Direct numerical simulation 10
2882 Disco Volante album Disco Volante (Mr. Bungle album) 10
2883 Dravida Nadu concept Dravida Nadu 10
2884 Bahnhof Dresden-Neustadt railway station, inter-city rail station, junction station Dresden-Neustadt station 10
2885 Osttexas geographic region East Texas 10
2886 Eduard Gaertner human Eduard Gaertner 10
2887 Emilie Zumsteeg human Emilie Zumsteeg 10
2888 Ferguson-Büchse Ferguson rifle 10
2889 Freiburger Bächle tourist attraction Freiburg Bächle 10
2890 Friedrichstadt quarter Friedrichstadt (Berlin) 10
2891 Doppelball-Versuch assembly Galilean cannon 10
2892 Gibson ES-150 musical instrument model Gibson ES-150 10
2893 Gibsoniothamnus taxon Gibsoniothamnus 10
2894 Greeklish Greeklish 10
2895 Schnellfahrstrecke Hannover–Berlin high-speed railway line Hanover–Berlin high-speed railway 10
2896 Helmut Schelsky human Helmut Schelsky 10
2897 Herbert Kegel human Herbert Kegel 10
2898 Internationales Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmondmuseum museum, memory institution, history museum International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum 10
2899 Idstedt-Löwe sculpture, monument Isted Lion 10
2900 J-Kurve J curve 10
2901 Zeugen Jehovas in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Jehovah's Witnesses of an area Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany (d:Q280737) 10
2902 Kessiner ethnic group Kessinians 10
2903 Auen-Blätterporling taxon Lenzites warnieri 10
2904 Lilium nanum taxon Lilium nanum 10
2905 Lilium papilliferum taxon Lilium papilliferum 10
2906 Louis Appia human Louis Appia 10
2907 Macellum von Pompeji building, ruins, archaeological site Macellum of Pompeii 10
2908 Manfred Lachs human Manfred Lachs 10
2909 Feindesliebe idea, verse of the Bible, biblical concept Matthew 5:44 10
2910 Moho computer program, 2D animation software Moho (software) 10
2911 Schwach koordinierende Ionen class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions Non-coordinating anion 10
2912 Noviomagus Regnorum Roman city Noviomagus Reginorum 10
2913 Braune Jägerspinne taxon Olios argelasius 10
2914 Oppidum von Manching oppidum, Celtic archaeological site Oppidum of Manching 10
2915 Oreostylidium subulatum taxon Oreostylidium 10
2916 Otto Peltzer human Otto Peltzer 10
2917 Port de Sóller locality Port de Sóller 10
2918 Gefangenenbibliothek Prison library 10
2919 Preußische Nationalversammlung constituent assembly Prussian National Assembly 10
2920 Puma automobile manufacturer Puma (car manufacturer) 10
2921 Strafpark film Punishment Park 10
2922 Ready Teddy musical work/composition Ready Teddy 10
2923 Reclam-Verlag book publisher, publisher, business Reclam 10
2924 Richard Laymon human Richard Laymon 10
2925 Roman Rosdolsky human Roman Rozdolsky 10
2926 Bahnhof Rosenheim railway station, station located on surface Rosenheim station 10
2927 Hanffaser Sliver (textiles) 10
2928 Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf cemetery Stahnsdorf South-Western Cemetery 10
2929 Stalin television film Stalin (1992 film) 10
2930 Pistazien-Prozessionsspinner taxon Thaumetopoea solitaria 10
2931 Die Zeremonie film The Ceremony (1971 film) 10
2932 Die See literary work The Sea (novel) 10
2933 Théodore Maunoir human Théodore Maunoir 10
2934 Tzeltalia taxon Tzeltalia 10
2935 USS Truxtun guided missile cruiser USS Truxtun (CGN-35) 10
2936 1902 Wright Glider aircraft Wright Glider 10
2937 Zersetzung crime against humanity, oppression, state crime Zersetzung 10
2938 Unruhen in Osttimor 2006 2006 East Timorese crisis 9
2939 Parlamentswahlen in Osttimor 2007 East Timorese parliamentary election 2007 East Timorese parliamentary election 9
2940 Adolf Schlatter human Adolf Schlatter 9
2941 Albert Ganzenmüller human Albert Ganzenmüller 9
2942 Aufbau Verlag book publisher, publisher, business Aufbau Verlag 9
2943 Barkowo village of Poland Barkowo, Lower Silesian Voivodeship 9
2944 Bayume Mohamed Husen human Bayume Mohamed Husen 9
2945 Boubou Hama human Boubou Hama 9
2946 Der Junge film Boy (1969 film) 9
2947 Zopf hairstyle Braid (hairstyle) 9
2948 Kap Hoornier nickname Cape Horner 9
2949 Charter Oak oak Charter Oak 9
2950 Chrysolopus spectabilis taxon Chrysolopus spectabilis 9
2951 Stadt auf dem Magdalensberg museum, archaeological site, cultural property City on the Magdalensberg 9
2952 Cliff Carlisle human Cliff Carlisle 9
2953 DKW RT 125 motorcycle model DKW RT 125 9
2954 ZMC-2 blimp Detroit ZMC-2 9
2955 Gedächtniskirche der Protestation church building Gedächtniskirche, Speyer 9
2956 Georg Danzer human Georg Danzer 9
2957 Corps German Student Corps 9
2958 Grunewaldsee lake Grunewaldsee 9
2959 Hamm (Westfalen) Hauptbahnhof railway station, central station Hamm (Westf) Hauptbahnhof 9
2960 Hans Wollschläger human Hans Wollschläger 9
2961 Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park provincial park of Manitoba Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park 9
2962 Hell and Back Again film Hell and Back Again 9
2963 Reichsgrafschaft Ortenburg countship Imperial County of Ortenburg 9
2964 Einkommensteuer income tax Income tax in the United States 9
2965 Industrielle Revolution in Deutschland technological transition Industrialization in Germany 9
2966 Iwein chivalric romance Iwein 9
2967 James Simon human James Simon (art collector) 9
2968 Jeanbon St. André human Jeanbon Saint-André 9
2969 Käfigturm fortified tower, city gate Käfigturm 9
2970 Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees transport company Lake Lucerne Navigation Company 9
2971 Langdon Winner human Langdon Winner 9
2972 Schloss Lembeck castle Lembeck Castle 9
2973 Liederkreis op. 39 musical work/composition, lyrico-musical work Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Schumann) 9
2974 Lilium debile taxon Lilium debile 9
2975 Hallenhaus Low German house 9
2976 Luisenstädtischer Kanal canal, park Luisenstadt Canal 9
2977 MTB-82 trolleybus model MTB-82 (d:Q1628197) 9
2978 Marienkirche church building Marienkirche, Dortmund 9
2979 Martin Luther und die Juden Martin Luther and antisemitism 9
2980 Maurizio Bianchi human Maurizio Bianchi 9
2981 Mindener Dom cathedral Minden Cathedral 9
2982 Moschee Sendling mosque, proposed building or structure, Mosque in Sendling 9
2983 Grænlendingar colony Norse settlements in Greenland 9
2984 Nänie musical work/composition Nänie 9
2985 Rotflügelige Ödlandschrecke taxon Oedipoda germanica 9
2986 Paul Maas human Paul Maas (classical scholar) 9
2987 Postpunktioneller Kopfschmerz Post-dural-puncture headache 9
2988 Preah Pithu archaeological site Preah Pithu 9
2989 Unsinkbarkeit Ship floodability 9
2990 Siegesallee boulevard, former thoroughfare Siegesallee 9
2991 Kriminologische Kontrolltheorie theory Social control theory 9
2992 SC Wacker Wien association football club Sportclub Wacker Vienna 9
2993 Efeu-Pergamentspinne taxon Tapinesthis inermis (d:Q2068939) 9
2994 In den Fängen einer Sekte animated series episode The Joy of Sect 9
2995 Der Herr der Ringe Rollenspiel tabletop role-playing game The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game 9
2996 Travolta-Kleid evening dress Travolta dress 9
2997 Triangulation Triangulation (social science) 9
2998 Tricoteuses profession Tricoteuse 9
2999 USS Guadalcanal ship USS Guadalcanal (CVE-60) 9
3000 USS Samuel B. Roberts frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) 9
3001 Väyrynenit mineral species Väyrynenite 9
3002 Waterfall Gully suburb Waterfall Gully, South Australia 9
3003 Hüftgelenksarthrose arthropathy, symptom or sign hip osteoarthritis (d:Q452368) 9
3004 Österreichischer Lloyd transport company, business Österreichischer Lloyd 9
3005 Britische Mount-Everest-Expedition 1922 mountaineering expedition 1922 British Mount Everest expedition 8
3006 Air Transport Auxiliary organization Air Transport Auxiliary 8
3007 Alejandro Álvarez human Alejandro Álvarez 8
3008 Andrew White human Andrew White (Jesuit) 8
3009 Österreichische Brasilien-Expedition research expedition Austrian expedition to Brazil 8
3010 Aviculariinae taxon Aviculariinae 8
3011 BMW R 27 motorcycle model BMW R27 8
3012 Berliner Goldhut golden hat Berlin Gold Hat 8
3013 Bernhard von Prittwitz human Bernard Pretwicz 8
3014 Betastrahlung Beta radiation 8
3015 Erwerb vom Nichtberechtigten term Bona fide purchaser 8
3016 Central London Railway railway company Central London Railway 8
3017 Karl von Lothringen-Commercy human Charles, Prince of Commercy 8
3018 Charlottenburger Tor gate Charlottenburg Gate 8
3019 Plexuspapillom class of disease Choroid plexus papilloma 8
3020 Schloss Carrouges château Château de Carrouges 8
3021 Schloss Tanlay château Château de Tanlay 8
3022 Kommen und Gehen literary work Come and Go 8
3023 Coniophis taxon Coniophis 8
3024 Couleur Couleur 8
3025 Da Da Da ich lieb dich nicht du liebst mich nicht aha aha aha song, single Da Da Da 8
3026 Dive Coaster roller coaster model Dive Coaster 8
3027 Documenta 12 documenta edition Documenta 12 8
3028 Dourtenga department of Burkina Faso Dourtenga Department 8
3029 Eli and the Thirteenth Confession album Eli and the Thirteenth Confession 8
3030 Neubaustrecke Erfurt–Leipzig/Halle high-speed railway line Erfurt–Leipzig/Halle high-speed railway 8
3031 Fix brewery, trademark Fix (beer) 8
3032 Frans Luycx human Frans Luycx 8
3033 Habsburgisch-französischer Gegensatz French–Habsburg rivalry 8
3034 Glutamatcysteinligase group or class of enzymes Glutamate–cysteine ligase 8
3035 Grayback-Klasse submarine class Grayback-class submarine 8
3036 Great Wheel Ferris wheel Great Wheel 8
3037 Herkules statue, replica, monument Hercules monument (Kassel) 8
3038 Hiddensee island Hiddensee (island) 8
3039 Geschichte von Tarent aspect of history History of Taranto 8
3040 Birnbaumer Wald mountain range, plateau Hrušica (plateau) 8
3041 Immersionslithografie Immersion lithography 8
3042 Indianer Nordamerikas ethnic group, population group Indigenous peoples of North America 8
3043 Ismar Boas human Ismar Isidor Boas 8
3044 John Sullivan Dwight human John Sullivan Dwight 8
3045 Jónas frá Hriflu human Jónas Jónsson 8
3046 MDR-Sinfonieorchester symphonic radio orchestra MDR Leipzig Radio Symphony Orchestra 8
3047 Magnús Eiríksson human Magnús Eiríksson 8
3048 Max Winter human Max Winter (politician) 8
3049 Adamou Moumouni Djermakoye human Moumouni Adamou Djermakoye 8
3050 Nala und Damayanti narrative Nala and Damayanti 8
3051 Oberhausener Manifest manifesto, film organization Oberhausen Manifesto 8
3052 Offensee natural lake Offensee 8
3053 Operation Sea Orbit military operation Operation Sea Orbit 8
3054 Autogenes Brennschneiden manufacturing process Oxy cutting 8
3055 Paul Nevermann human Paul Nevermann 8
3056 Polycomb-Körper group or class of proteins Polycomb-group proteins 8
3057 Kapitalgesellschaft type of business entity in the UK Private company limited by shares 8
3058 Pyramiden von Meroe archaeological site Pyramids of Meroë 8
3059 Fremdkörper in Anus und Rektum physiological condition Rectal foreign body 8
3060 Aufstand der venezianischen Siedler auf Kreta rebellion Revolt of Saint Titus 8
3061 Der Aufstand der Fischer film Revolt of the Fishermen 8
3062 Richard Mather human Richard Mather 8
3063 Rollei 35 camera model Rollei 35 8
3064 Cabo Machichaco steamship SS Cabo Machichaco 8
3065 Samsonit mineral species Samsonite (mineral) 8
3066 Schulenburg noble family Schulenburg (d:Q317662) 8
3067 Gefleckte Mausspinne taxon Scotophaeus scutulatus (d:Q2680164) 8
3068 SheiKra steel roller coaster SheiKra 8
3069 N-Wagen rolling stock class Silberling 8
3070 St. Martini church building St. Martin's Church, Bremen 8
3071 Verlorener Zug Holocaust train journey The Lost Train 8
3072 Tiger Force United States special operations forces Tiger Force 8
3073 Tyrosinämie Typ I rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Tyrosinemia type I 8
3074 Ulm Hauptbahnhof central station Ulm Hauptbahnhof 8
3075 Ummidia Quadratilla human Ummidia Quadratilla 8
3076 Valanga irregularis taxon Valanga irregularis 8
3077 Wikingerzeit auf den Färöern historical region, aspect of history Viking Age in the Faroe Islands 8
3078 Walter Grimshaw human Walter Grimshaw 8
3079 Kriegsschuldfrage debate War guilt question 8
3080 Westpark park Westpark (Munich) 8
3081 Mainzer Rad wheel Wheel of Mainz 8
3082 Zemannit mineral species Zemannite 8
3083 ZERO art movement, artist collective, art group Zero (art) 8
3084 The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle literary work Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle 8
3085 Windlade windchest (d:Q352289) 8
3086 Volksentscheid gegen den Young-Plan referendum 1929 German Young Plan referendum 7
3087 DEL 2005/06 sports season 2005–06 DEL season 7
3088 DEL 2007/08 sports season 2007–08 DEL season 7
3089 Alsenborn human settlement Alsenborn 7
3090 Bogotá-Pakt von 1948 treaty American Treaty on Pacific Settlement 7
3091 Anna Pappritz human Anna Pappritz 7
3092 Annette Beveridge human Annette Beveridge 7
3093 Anton Fahne human Anton Fahne 7
3094 António de Albuquerque Coelho human António de Albuquerque Coelho 7
3095 Athena-Marsyas-Gruppe sculpture Athena Marsyas Group 7
3096 Bergerac Bergerac wine 7
3097 Campanareliefs building ceramics Campana reliefs 7
3098 Penis der Hunde Canine penis 7
3099 Capsicum caballeroi taxon Capsicum caballeroi (d:Q1035035) 7
3100 Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway railway company Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway 7
3101 Schloss Courances château Château de Courances 7
3102 Wappen der Landeshauptstadt München local coat of arms Coat of arms of Munich 7
3103 Connewitz quarter in Leipzig, Germany Connewitz 7
3104 Krönung der russischen Zaren und Kaiser Coronation of the Russian monarch 7
3105 Weinbau auf Korsika wine-producing region Corsican wine 7
3106 Crawford-Feldzug military operation Crawford expedition 7
3107 Schwarze Szene subculture Dark culture 7
3108 Schluckbildchen Devotional pictures for swallowing 7
3109 Die Freundin LGBT magazine Die Freundin 7
3110 Dresdner Eislöwen ice hockey team Dresdner Eislöwen 7
3111 Echinococcus shiquicus taxon Echinococcus shiquicus 7
3112 Etschmiadsin-Evangeliar illuminated manuscript, Gospel Book Echmiadzin Gospels 7
3113 ETC Crimmitschau sports club Eispiraten Crimmitschau 7
3114 Esoteric heavy metal band Esoteric (band) 7
3115 Eversen Ortsteil Eversen (Bergen) 7
3116 Fairbanks, Morse and Company business Fairbanks-Morse 7
3117 Fedor Holz human Fedor Holz 7
3118 Kunststoff-Folienkondensator Film capacitor 7
3119 Francesco Cattani da Diacceto human Francesco Cattani da Diacceto 7
3120 Gaillac Gaillac AOC 7
3121 Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft sea rescue organization, charitable corporation German Life Saving Association 7
3122 Mainz-Gonsenheim Ortsbezirk of Germany Gonsenheim 7
3123 Konferenz von Guadeloupe convention Guadeloupe Conference 7
3124 Adolf von Kröner human Gustav Adolf Kröner 7
3125 Gustav Körner human Gustav Koerner 7
3126 Günter Kochan human Günter Kochan 7
3127 Günther Jakobs human Günther Jakobs 7
3128 Hans Albrecht von Barfus human Hans Albrecht von Barfus 7
3129 Hans Schmidt human Hans Schmidt (footballer, born 1893) 7
3130 Heilbronner Falken ice hockey team Heilbronner Falken 7
3131 Hier kommt Alex single Hier kommt Alex 7
3132 Höllentalbahn railway line Höllentalbahn (Black Forest) 7
3133 Ballonbombe weapon functional class Incendiary balloon 7
3134 Ingeram-Codex armorial Ingeram Codex 7
3135 Isaac Sailmaker human Isaac Sailmaker 7
3136 Isaac de Camondo human Isaac de Camondo 7
3137 Jost Winteler human Jost Winteler 7
3138 Kaskara weapon family Kaskara 7
3139 Statuette des Cheops sculpture Khufu Statuette 7
3140 Landrückentunnel railway tunnel Landrücken Tunnel 7
3141 Langlütjen island group Langlütjen 7
3142 Leben und leben lassen Live and let live (World War I) 7
3143 Marienaltar painting, altarpiece Marienaltar (d:Q323155) 7
3144 Michel Gaudin, duc de Gaëte human Martin-Michel-Charles Gaudin, duc de Gaëte 7
3145 Max Strub human Max Strub 7
3146 Meno Burg human Meno Burg 7
3147 Wasserstraßenkreuz Minden navigable aqueduct, junction Minden Aqueduct 7
3148 Müggelturm observation tower Müggelturm 7
3149 Noble Drew Ali human Noble Drew Ali 7
3150 Schlosspark Nymphenburg French formal garden, English garden, cultural heritage ensemble Nymphenburg Palace Park 7
3151 Parochialkirche church building Parochialkirche 7
3152 Parthische Kunst art style Parthian art 7
3153 Schloss Plön château Plön Castle 7
3154 Raymond FitzGerald human Raymond FitzGerald 7
3155 Trier, Stadtbibliothek, Hs. 171/1626 illuminated manuscript Registrum Gregorii 7
3156 Jesus außerhalb des Christentums Religious perspectives on Jesus 7
3157 SK Admira Wien association football club SK Admira Wien (d:Q459929) 7
3158 Schloss Johannisberg château Schloss Johannisberg 7
3159 Schloss vor Husum museum, château, cultural center Schloss vor Husum 7
3160 Selli Engler human Selli Engler 7
3161 Solanum subg. Leptostemonum taxon Solanum subg. Leptostemonum (d:Q2298307) 7
3162 Kilianskirche church building St. Kilian's Church, Heilbronn 7
3163 Stoney Creek Bridge truss bridge, railway bridge, deck arch bridge Stoney Creek Bridge 7
3164 Soliman captive mammal Suleiman (elephant) 7
3165 Schwäbisch-alemannische Fastnacht Carnival, social practices, rituals and festive events Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht 7
3166 Tasitolu lake, human settlement Tasitolu 7
3167 The Mismeasure of Man written work The Mismeasure of Man 7
3168 Das Outing two-part episode The Puppy Episode 7
3169 Schloss Valmer winery, château Valmer Castle 7
3170 Cueva de Villa Luz cave Villa Luz Cave 7
3171 Walk of Ideas sculpture Walk of Ideas 7
3172 Wiener Wasserversorgung water utility Water supply in Vienna 7
3173 Wobbler-Syndrom horse disease, dog disease Wobbler disease 7
3174 Wolfsburg castle, building Wolfsburg Castle 7
3175 Synchronmaschine synchronous machine (d:Q9048052) 7
3176 1. FC Phönix Lübeck association football club 1. FC Phönix Lübeck 6
3177 Sklavenaufstand an der German Coast slave rebellion 1811 German Coast uprising 6
3178 Air Australia airline Air Australia 6
3179 Alfred von Martin human Alfred von Martin (d:Q1445318) 6
3180 Kloster Allerheiligen monastery, monastery ruins, religious community All Saints' Abbey (Baden-Württemberg) 6
3181 Abtei Altenberg monastery, abbey, religious community Altenberg Abbey 6
3182 Altsüdarabische Kunst Ancient South Arabian art 6
3183 Ariane V88 unmanned spaceflight, maiden flight, launch failure Ariane flight V88 6
3184 Regionaler Naturpark Aveto protected area, regional park Aveto Natural Regional Park 6
3185 Gefecht bei Möckern battle Battle of Möckern 6
3186 Schloss Beuggen château, commandry Beuggen Castle (d:Q315097) 6
3187 Boudicca-Aufstand revolt Boudican revolt 6
3188 Buchkogel mountain Buchkogel (Plabutsch) 6
3189 Cafeteria roenbergensis taxon Cafeteria roenbergensis 6
3190 Caspar Schmalkalden human Caspar Schmalkalden (d:Q1048026) 6
3191 Chiemsee-Bahn narrow-gauge railway Chiemsee-Bahn 6
3192 Cliff Wilson human Cliff Wilson 6
3193 Clostridium ljungdahlii taxon Clostridium ljungdahlii 6
3194 Corrupted musical group Corrupted (band) 6
3195 Cotta Ortsteil Cotta (Dresden) 6
3196 Massaker von Deutsch Schützen massacre Deutsch Schützen massacre 6
3197 Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden periodical Deutsche Zeitung in den Niederlanden 6
3198 Kleinwüchsige im Alten Ägypten Dwarfs and pygmies in ancient Egypt 6
3199 Earthtone9 musical group Earthtone9 6
3200 Erich Everth human Erich Everth 6
3201 Ernst Gennat human Ernst Gennat 6
3202 Erzgebirgisch dialect Erzgebirgisch 6
3203 Europäische Expansion First wave of European colonization 6
3204 Fußball in Burkina Faso sport in a geographic region Football in Burkina Faso 6
3205 Druckform Forme (printing) 6
3206 Fort Union National Monument national monument, National Monument of the United States, architectural ensemble Fort Union National Monument 6
3207 Franziszeischer Kataster cadastre Franciscan Cadastre (d:Q593364) 6
3208 Galant Galant style 6
3209 Garfield Akers human Garfield Akers 6
3210 George Silk human George Silk 6
3211 Georges Scelle human Georges Scelle 6
3212 Deutsche Studentenschaft students' union German Student Union 6
3213 Gino Luzzatto human Gino Luzzatto 6
3214 Golmberg mountain Golmberg 6
3215 Granitschale im Lustgarten architectural structure, sculpture, porringer Granitschale im Lustgarten 6
3216 Bahnstrecke Gulbene–Alūksne railway line, narrow-gauge railway Gulbene-Alūksne railway (d:Q1021914) 6
3217 Fall Guðmundur und Geirfinnur criminal case Guðmundur and Geirfinnur case 6
3218 Bahnhof Göhrde railway station, station building Göhrde station 6
3219 Bahnstrecke Halle–Hann. Münden railway line Halle–Hann. Münden railway 6
3220 Israelitischer Tempel religious organization Hamburg Temple 6
3221 Heinrich Christian Burckhardt human Heinrich Christian Burckhardt 6
3222 Heinz Melkus human Heinz Melkus 6
3223 Hermannplatz square Hermannplatz 6
3224 Hidcote Manor Garden garden Hidcote Manor Garden 6
3225 Highly Accelerated Life Test Highly accelerated life test 6
3226 Hildebrand Veckinchusen human Hildebrand Veckinchusen 6
3227 Kloster Himmelkron monastery, religious community Himmelkron Abbey 6
3228 Geschichte Washingtons aspect of history History of Washington (state) 6
3229 Geschichte des Eishockeys aspect of history History of ice hockey 6
3230 Honda ST 1100 Pan European motorcycle model Honda ST1100 6
3231 Horace Trumbauer human Horace Trumbauer 6
3232 Grundrechte human rights by country or territory Human rights in Switzerland 6
3233 Jebel Khalid archaeological site, ancient city Jebel Khalid 6
3234 John Wolf Brennan human John Wolf Brennan 6
3235 Judge Rotenberg Educational Center school, 501(c)(3) organization Judge Rotenberg Center 6
3236 Jupiter und Antiope painting Jupiter and Antiope (Watteau) 6
3237 Kauf mich! album Kauf MICH! (album) 6
3238 Kristen Foxen human Kristen Foxen 6
3239 LNER-Klasse A3 locomotive class LNER Gresley Classes A1 and A3 6
3240 Landhaus Klagenfurt building Landhaus Klagenfurt 6
3241 Bahnhof Landsberg Bahnhof (station) Landsberg (Lech) station 6
3242 Lawrence Henry Gipson human Lawrence H. Gipson 6
3243 Learning English Lesson One album Learning English, Lesson One 6
3244 Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz human Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz 6
3245 Leopoldus Primus sailing ship Leopoldus Primus 6
3246 Heinrich-Heine-Denkmal fountain, sculpture Lorelei Fountain 6
3247 Mainzer Rosenmontagszug carnival parade Mainzer Rosenmontagszug 2015 (d:Q1885755) 6
3248 Maria Regina Martyrum church building Maria Regina Martyrum 6
3249 Market–Frankford Subway-Elevated Line rapid transit railway line Market–Frankford Line 6
3250 Mary Rudge human Mary Rudge 6
3251 Meister des Registrum Gregorii human Master of the Registrum Gregorii 6
3252 Stammesschule Mekteb-i Aşiret-i Humayun 6
3253 Stift Millstatt monastery, religious community Millstatt Abbey 6
3254 Miocorvus larteti monotypic fossil taxon Miocorvus larteti 6
3255 Neubrück city part of Cologne Neubrück (d:Q389803) 6
3256 Neuschwanstein meteorite Neuschwanstein (meteorite) 6
3257 Ngulu Ngulu (weapon) 6
3258 Opel-Gang album Opel-Gang 6
3259 Opium fürs Volk album Opium fürs Volk 6
3260 Ozy and Millie webcomic Ozy and Millie 6
3261 Pfalz wine-producing region Palatinate (wine region) 6
3262 Fast Patrol Craft boat class Patrol Craft Fast 6
3263 Perinealhernie class of disease Perineal hernia 6
3264 Peterskirche church building Peterskirche, Blansingen 6
3265 Plainberg mountain Plainberg (d:Q1785452) 6
3266 Kartoffelrevolution revolt Potato revolution 6
3267 Vorgeschichte Sibiriens Prehistory of Siberia 6
3268 Punt Returner American football position Punt returner 6
3269 Truppenübungsplatz Ralsko military training area Ralsko Military Training Area 6
3270 Ray Crist human Ray Crist 6
3271 Report on Manufactures report Report on Manufactures 6
3272 Reticulomyxa filosa taxon, model organism Reticulomyxa 6
3273 Höhlenarchitektur in Kappadokien hypogeum Rock-cut architecture of Cappadocia 6
3274 Ausschreitungen in Rostock-Lichtenhagen riot, violent crime Rostock-Lichtenhagen riots 6
3275 Rötteln noble family Rötteln (d:Q1560737) 6
3276 Send Me Some Lovin’ musical work/composition Send Me Some Lovin' 6
3277 Siebenarmiger Leuchter work, seven-branched candlestick Seven-branched candelabrum (Essen) 6
3278 Schnitterkennung detection Shot transition detection 6
3279 Chinesisch-Schwedische Expedition expedition Sino-Swedish Expedition 6
3280 Souls at Zero album Souls at Zero 6
3281 Sphärolith Spherulite (polymer physics) 6
3282 Marienkirche church building St. Mary's Church, Mühlhausen 6
3283 Stefan Weinfurter human Stefan Weinfurter 6
3284 Stream from the Heavens album Stream from the Heavens 6
3285 Susanne Miller human Susanne Miller 6
3286 The Merry Men literary work The Merry Men (short story) 6
3287 Die Säulen der Erde board game The Pillars of the Earth (d:Q1506762) 6
3288 Dreiseenbahn railway line Three Lakes Railway 6
3289 Tickle Me Elmo stuffed toy Tickle Me Elmo 6
3290 Grab der Hetepheres I. grave Tomb of Hetepheres I 6
3291 Deutsch-türkisches Kino Turkish-German cinema 6
3292 U. V. Swaminatha Iyer human U. V. Swaminatha Iyer 6
3293 USS Coontz ship USS Coontz 6
3294 USS Flounder submarine USS Flounder 6
3295 Vernagtferner glacier Vernagtferner 6
3296 Von Roll business Von Roll Holding 6
3297 We’wha human We'wha 6
3298 Wilhelm Ganzhorn human Wilhelm Ganzhorn 6
3299 Wirmer-Flagge Wirmer Flag 6
3300 Ádám Batthyány human Ádám Batthyány 6
3301 Recording ban strike 1942–1944 musicians' strike 5
3302 Landtagswahl in Niederösterreich 2008 public election 2008 Lower Austrian state election 5
3303 Amalie Raiffeisen human Amalie Raiffeisen 5
3304 Bahnstrecke Angermünde–Stralsund railway line, main line Angermünde–Stralsund railway 5
3305 Kloster Arnsburg monastery, benedictine abbey, monastery ruins Arnsburg Abbey 5
3306 Auswärtsspiel album Auswärtsspiel 5
3307 BVG-Baureihe E rolling stock class BVG Class E 5
3308 Babulo suco of East Timor Babulo (Uato-Lari) 5
3309 Basketball in Griechenland sport in a geographic region Basketball in Greece 5
3310 Fundplatz Bilzingsleben archaeological site Bilzingsleben (Paleolithic site) 5
3311 Bowl Championship Series championship Bowl Championship Series 5
3312 Bremen-Verdener Feldzug battle Bremen-Verden campaign 5
3313 Bundeshaus building complex Bundeshaus (Bonn) 5
3314 Burg Krems castle ruin Burg Krems 5
3315 Cam Ye O’er Frae France musical work/composition Cam Ye o'er frae France 5
3316 Cape Roberts Project human settlement Cape Roberts Project 5
3317 Catharina Klein human Catharina Klein 5
3318 Krambe taxon Crambe abyssinica 5
3319 Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts album Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts 5
3320 DR-Baureihe 252 locomotive class DR Class 252 (d:Q881351) 5
3321 Dachau-Hauptprozess war crimes trial Dachau camp trial 5
3322 Bahnstrecke Velgast–Prerow railway line Darßbahn (d:Q833219) 5
3323 Deutsches Zweirad- und NSU-Museum museum, automobile museum Deutsches Zweirad- und NSU-Museum 5
3324 Dom St. Blasien abbey church Dom St. Blasien (d:Q1236546) 5
3325 Dresdner Heide forest Dresden Heath 5
3326 Dresdner Parkeisenbahn children's railway, rideable miniature railway Dresden Park Railway 5
3327 Drewitz Ortsteil Drewitz (Potsdam) 5
3328 East Brother Light Station Integral Lighthouse, wooden lighthouse East Brother Island Light 5
3329 Östliche Abenaki dialect, language, dead language Eastern Abenaki (d:Q3515185) 5
3330 Ebenezer Cook human Ebenezer Cooke (poet) 5
3331 Wirtschaftsgeschichte Chiles aspect of history in a geographic region Economic history of Chile 5
3332 Eduard Heimann human Eduard Heimann 5
3333 Egon Jönsson human Egon Johnsson 5
3334 Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder musical work/composition Eisgekühlter Bommerlunder 5
3335 Bahnstrecke Eutingen im Gäu–Schiltach railway line Eutingen im Gäu–Schiltach railway line 5
3336 Falcon’s Fury amusement ride, drop tower Falcon's Fury 5
3337 Feline infektiöse Anämie cat disease Feline infectious anemia 5
3338 Fischbach Ortsteil, Gemarkung Fischbach (Taunus) 5
3339 Fluor-Liddicoatit mineral species Fluor-liddicoatite 5
3340 Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas market Frankfurt Christmas Market 5
3341 Friedrich Eckenfelder human Friedrich Eckenfelder 5
3342 Freundschaftsbrücke footbridge Friendship Bridge (Germany-France) 5
3343 GateKeeper Wing Coaster GateKeeper (roller coaster) 5
3344 George Appo human George Appo 5
3345 Gerhard A. Ritter human Gerhard A. Ritter 5
3346 Gerhardt Katsch human Gerhardt Katsch 5
3347 Fester Platz aspect of history German World War II fortresses 5
3348 Gustav von Mevissen human Gustav von Mevissen 5
3349 Zigeunerlager Auschwitz extermination camp, internment Camp for Romani people Gypsy family camp (Auschwitz) 5
3350 O 21 submarine HNLMS O 21 5
3351 Hans Staudinger human Hans Staudinger 5
3352 Hanseat Hanseaten (class) 5
3353 Herbert Grundmann human Herbert Grundmann 5
3354 Hermeneumata literary work Hermeneumata 5
3355 Geschichte der Chinesen in den Vereinigten Staaten aspect of history History of Chinese Americans 5
3356 Geschichte von Frankfurt am Main history of a city History of Frankfurt am Main 5
3357 Festung Hohentwiel fortress, castle ruin Hohentwiel Castle 5
3358 Neipperg noble family House of Neipperg (d:Q316842) 5
3359 Huey P. Long Bridge truss bridge, railway bridge, cantilever bridge Huey P. Long Bridge (Jefferson Parish) 5
3360 Expedition von Hume und Hovell expedition Hume and Hovell expedition 5
3361 Hutton-in-the-Forest Hall castle, garden, historic house museum Hutton in the Forest 5
3363 Eishockey in Lettland sport in a geographic region Ice hockey in Latvia 5
3364 Gletscherdynamik Ice-sheet dynamics 5
3365 Jannowitzbrücke road bridge, prestressed concrete bridge Jannowitz Bridge 5
3366 Jeanne Mandello human Jeanne Mandello 5
3367 Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche church building Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche 5
3368 Koninginnebrug bridge Koninginnebrug (d:Q2177384) 5
3369 Krake Dive Coaster, Floorless Coaster Krake 5
3370 Anaerobe Schwelle Lactate threshold 5
3371 Laaser Marmor Lasa marble 5
3372 Lendkanal canal Lendkanal (d:Q1473656) 5
3373 Leusden slave ship Leusden (ship) 5
3374 Monte Cervantes passenger vessel MV Monte Cervantes 5
3375 Mae West sculpture, hyperboloid structure Mae West (sculpture) 5
3376 Manfred Mohr human Manfred Mohr 5
3377 Kaumuskelmyositis dog disease Masticatory muscle myositis 5
3378 Mittelalterliche Steinkirchen in Finnland church building Medieval stone churches in Finland 5
3379 Mercedes-Benz OM 138 engine model Mercedes-Benz OM 138 5
3380 Metro Mondego transport network, proposed rail infrastructure Metro Mondego 5
3381 Misadventures album Misadventures (Pierce the Veil album) 5
3382 Kriegsnagelungen Nail Men 5
3383 Holocaust Names of the Holocaust 5
3384 Bahnhof Neu Isenburg railway station Neu Isenburg station 5
3385 Pariser Zeitung newspaper Pariser Zeitung (d:Q830866) 5
3386 Parson’s Cause legal case Parson's Cause 5
3387 Pythagoras in der Schmiede Pythagorean hammers 5
3388 Schloss Reinbek castle, museum, Northern Renaissance Reinbek Castle 5
3389 Rittersgrün Ortsteil, human settlement Rittersgrün (d:Q1284571) 5
3390 Robert Glutz von Blotzheim human Robert Glutz-Blotzheim 5
3391 Rolf Reuter human Rolf Reuter 5
3392 Rudolf Eickemeyer human Rudolf Eickemeyer 5
3393 Rymdkapsel video game Rymdkapsel 5
3394 Ariadne sail-steamer corvette SMS Ariadne (1871) 5
3395 Eugenio C. ocean liner SS Eugenio C 5
3396 Salmon Bay Bridge bascule bridge, railway bridge Salmon Bay Bridge 5
3397 Samuel Rea human Samuel Rea 5
3398 Schloss Kartlow château Schloss Kartlow 5
3399 Schloss Wickrath château Schloss Wickrath 5
3400 Sendlinger Mordweihnacht battle Sendling's night of murder 5
3401 Wendisches Seminar Catholic seminary Serbski seminar (d:Q124772503) 5
3402 Bahnstrecke Siegburg–Olpe railway line Siegburg–Olpe railway 5
3403 Gid Tanner and his Skillet Lickers musical group Skillet Lickers 5
3404 Stalwarts political faction Stalwarts (politics) 5
3405 Sue Klebold human Sue Klebold 5
3406 Maschinenstürmer civil disorder Swing Riots 5
3407 Südfriedhof cemetery Südfriedhof (Cologne) 5
3408 Tanganyika Groundnut Scheme plan Tanganyika groundnut scheme 5
3409 Raffinerieexplosion in Texas City explosion, industrial disaster Texas City refinery explosion 5
3410 Die folgende Geschichte written work The Following Story 5
3411 Der Kuss vor dem Hôtel de Ville photograph The Kiss at the Hôtel de Ville (d:Q3220202) 5
3412 Trachealkollaps des Hundes dog disease Tracheal collapse 5
3413 Unimog 405 off-road vehicle, truck model Unimog 405 5
3414 Unsterblich album Unsterblich 5
3415 We Insist! Freedom Now Suite album We Insist! 5
3416 Weißenberg mountain Weißenberg (Frankenweide) 5
3417 Westliche Abenaki dialect, language, modern language Western Abnaki (d:Q17502788) 5
3418 Konservierung von Pfarrwitwen Widow conservation 5
3419 Westbahn railway line Württemberg Western Railway 5
3420 Handelsgeschäft act of commerce (d:Q320276) 5
3421 Antialiasing anti-aliasing (d:Q14523347) 5
3422 Deutsche Nanga-Parbat-Expedition 1934 expedition, climbing disaster 1934 Nanga Parbat climbing disaster 4
3423 Viqueque-Rebellion 1959 Viqueque rebellion 4
3424 ASB Bridge road bridge, railway bridge, vertical-lift bridge ASB Bridge 4
3425 Aachener Thermalquellen spring, spa town Aachen thermal springs 4
3426 Aggertalhöhle show cave Aggertalhöhle (d:Q393205) 4
3427 Alexander Drummond human Alexander Drummond (consul) 4
3428 Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert human Alexandra Ramm-Pfemfert 4
3429 Keltische Frauen Wikimedia article page Ancient Celtic women 4
3430 Bahnhof Anklam Bahnhof (station) Anklam station 4
3431 Schlaf in der Sonne literary work Asleep in the Sun (d:Q5813573) 4
3432 Atlas Tyrolensis map Atlas Tyrolensis (d:Q535090) 4
3433 August Sabac el Cher human August Sabac el Cher 4
3434 BVG-Baureihe A rolling stock class BVG Class A 4
3435 Badische Hauptbahn railway line Baden main line 4
3436 Bahnbetriebswerk Bahnbetriebswerk (steam locomotives) 4
3437 Bares für Rares television program, television series Bares für Rares 4
3438 Gefecht auf der Scheideck battle Battle on the Scheideck 4
3439 Beatrix von Holte human Beatrix von Holte 4
3440 Bauchamphora des Nessos-Malers amphora Belly amphora by the Nessos Painter (d:Q473406) 4
3441 Berliner Hütte mountain hut, Alpine club hut Berliner Hütte (d:Q821559) 4
3442 Bochumer Verein organization, bell foundry Bochumer Verein (d:Q889107) 4
3443 Luftangriffe auf Heilbronn aerial bombing of a city Bombings of Heilbronn in World War II 4
3444 Buchenau Ortsteil Buchenau (Dautphetal) (d:Q998232) 4
3445 Carl Berendt Lorck human Carl Berendt Lorck (d:Q126206) 4
3446 Carl Hau human Carl Hau 4
3447 Castle Hill estate Castle Hill (Ipswich, Massachusetts) 4
3448 Charity Adams Earley human Charity Adams Earley 4
3449 Geschichte des Christentums in Österreich Christianity of an area Christianity in Austria (d:Q1517314) 4
3450 Cincinnati Southern Bridge railway bridge, vertical-lift bridge Cincinnati Southern Bridge 4
3451 Enfer special collections Collection de l'Enfer 4
3452 Kuckucksbähnel heritage railway, railway line Cuckoo Railway 4
3453 Curt von Prittwitz und Gaffron human Curt von Prittwitz (d:Q1145402) 4
3454 Dipsea Race Dipsea Race 4
3455 Kloster Doberan monastery, religious community Doberan Abbey 4
3456 Bahnhof Dresden-Friedrichstadt railway station Dresden-Friedrichstadt station 4
3457 Entlassung Osttimors in die Unabhängigkeit 2002 East Timor independence 4
3458 Mainz-Ebersheim Ortsbezirk of Germany Ebersheim (d:Q1885688) 4
3459 Ehrenfelder Gruppe resistance movement Ehrenfeld Group 4
3460 Emilie Vouga-Pradez human Emilie Vouga (d:Q97119813) 4
3461 Emily Rosdolsky human Emily Rosdolsky (d:Q87706) 4
3462 Francesco Torniello human Francesco Torniello 4
3463 Weltumsegelung des Francis Drake circumnavigation, expedition, marine navigation Francis Drake's circumnavigation 4
3464 Frankfurter Stadtwald forest, park, urban forest Frankfurt City Forest 4
3465 Freie Gewerkschaften labor union Free Trade Unions (Germany) 4
3466 Fritz Bleichröder human Fritz Bleichröder 4
3467 Stangerbad alternative medical treatment Galvanic bath 4
3468 Gary Gilmore’s Eyes single Gary Gilmore's Eyes 4
3469 George Alsop human George Alsop 4
3470 Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen fountain Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (d:Q195201) 4
3471 Glanzstoff Austria factory, cultural property, business Glanzstoff Austria (d:Q872946) 4
3472 Goodnight My Love single Goodnight My Love (1956 song) 4
3473 Grenzlandring road Grenzlandring 4
3474 Hannibal Bridge railway bridge Hannibal Bridge 4
3475 Harry Kramer human Harry Kramer (German artist) 4
3476 Hausvogteiplatz square Hausvogteiplatz (d:Q1591351) 4
3477 Bahnstrecke Lindern–Heinsberg railway line Heinsberg–Lindern railway 4
3478 Helios automobile manufacturer, enterprise Helios AG 4
3479 Hermann Heimpel human Hermann Heimpel (d:Q1611433) 4
3480 Horst Fuhrmann human Horst Fuhrmann (d:Q99480) 4
3481 Haus der Ewigkeit House of Eternity (Ancient Egypt) 4
3482 Höhenberg city part of Cologne Höhenberg (d:Q1699891) 4
3483 I-Umlaut I-mutation 4
3484 Eishockey in Deutschland sport in a geographic region Ice hockey in Germany 4
3485 Eishockey in Nordamerika Ice hockey in North America 4
3486 Reichsadlerhumpen Imperial Eagle beaker 4
3487 Innere Führung concept Innere Führung (d:Q736632) 4
3488 Pontin’s International Open Series snooker tournament International Open Series 4
3489 Japanischer Garten Japanese garden, park Japanischer Garten, Kaiserslautern (d:Q876793) 4
3490 Jüdischer Parasit ethnic stereotype Jewish parasite 4
3491 Kalk city part of Cologne Kalk (d:Q278675) 4
3492 Karma album Karma (Pharoah Sanders album) 4
3493 Katzenbergtunnel high-speed railway tunnel Katzenberg Tunnel 4
3494 Engel aus Staub film Killing Time (d:Q1341787) 4
3495 Klosterstraße street Klosterstraße (d:Q1776497) 4
3496 Hansekontor in Brügge kontor Kontor of Bruges 4
3497 Bahnhof Lambrecht railway station Lambrecht (Pfalz) station 4
3498 The Last Ninja video game series Last Ninja 4
3499 Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie poem, musical work/composition Last Thoughts on Woody Guthrie 4
3500 Lina Franziska Fehrmann human Lina Franziska Fehrmann 4
3501 Lunar Aurora musical group Lunar Aurora (d:Q257581) 4
3502 M8 rocket M8 (rocket) 4
3503 Schwert des Tiberius gladius Mainz Gladius 4
3504 Mamut Copper Mine quarry, artificial lake, copper mine Mamut Mine 4
3505 Marktiegelschanze ski jumping hill Marktiegelschanze (d:Q1681796) 4
3506 Max Steinthal human Max Steinthal 4
3507 Mechlenreuth Ortsteil Mechlenreuth 4
3508 Bahnstrecke Meckesheim–Neckarelz railway line Meckesheim–Neckarelz railway 4
3509 Metropolitan train and rail category, train operating company, passenger train service Metropolitan (train) 4
3510 Minneapolis Miracle American football game Minneapolis Miracle 4
3511 Motorradanhänger Motorcycle trailer 4
3512 Straßenbahn München Baureihe S tram model Munich Class S tram 4
3513 Murgtalbahn railway line Murg Valley Railway 4
3514 Nagel-Schreckenberg-Modell Nagel–Schreckenberg model 4
3515 Sächsische Schmalspurbahnen railway network Narrow-gauge railways in Saxony 4
3516 Einbürgerung Adolf Hitlers naturalization Naturalization of Adolf Hitler 4
3517 Bahnstrecke Neckarelz–Osterburken railway line part Neckarelz–Osterburken railway 4
3518 NYC Nr. 999 tender locomotive New York Central and Hudson River Railroad No. 999 4
3519 Nockherberg terrace Nockherberg 4
3520 Nordfriedhof cemetery Nordfriedhof (d:Q1997967) 4
3521 Schnellfahrstrecke Nürnberg–Ingolstadt high-speed railway line Nuremberg–Ingolstadt high-speed railway 4
3522 Oakland Cemetery cemetery Oakland Cemetery (Atlanta) 4
3523 Wallfahrtskirche Maria Straßengel fortification, , Catholic pilgrimage church Pilgrimage Church Maria Straßengel 4
3524 Psitticher und Sterner Adelsgesellschaft Psitticher und Sterner (d:Q1556494) 4
3525 Pyramide von Athribis Egyptian pyramids, step pyramid Pyramid of Athribis 4
3526 Reynke de vos literary work Reynke de vos (d:Q2147191) 4
3527 Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier mining region Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier 4
3528 Rheinuferpromenade architectural structure, waterfront promenade Rheinuferpromenade (d:Q1517664) 4
3529 Ringo single Ringo (song) 4
3530 Rituale written work Rituals (novel) 4
3531 Rudolf Schieffer human Rudolf Schieffer 4
3532 Rudolf de la Vigne human Rudolf de la Vigne 4
3533 Burg Hauenstein castle ruin Ruine Hauenstein 4
3534 Pont Ferroviaire Saint-Laurent railway bridge Saint-Laurent Railway Bridge 4
3535 Salomon Grumbach human Salomon Grumbach (d:Q108407) 4
3536 Sandridge Bridge girder bridge, footbridge, railway bridge Sandridge Bridge 4
3537 Felsengarten Sanspareil English garden, geotope, rock formation Sanspareil 4
3538 Schloss Oberhausen castle Schloss Oberhausen (d:Q881658) 4
3539 Schloss Wackerbarth château Schloss Wackerbarth (d:Q876179) 4
3540 Erkenntnis für freie Menschen literary work Science in a Free Society 4
3541 Sitzender Mann mit Stock painting Seated Man with a Cane 4
3542 Snodgrassella alvi taxon Snodgrassella alvi 4
3543 Solo Concerts Bremen/Lausanne album Solo Concerts: Bremen/Lausanne 4
3544 St. Marien am Behnitz church building St. Marien am Behnitz 4
3545 Stößenseebrücke truss bridge, road bridge, steel bridge Stößensee Bridge 4
3546 Tall Zira'a tell, archaeological site Tall Zira'a 4
3547 Tausendfüßler road bridge, prestressed concrete bridge Tausendfüßler 4
3548 Die Sage vom Hirschgulden German folklore, literary work The Story of the Florin (d:Q1215926) 4
3549 Thomas Davatz human Thomas Davatz (d:Q3525023) 4
3550 Vogelgrippe H5N1 Transmission and infection of H5N1 4
3551 Tropenhaus Frutigen botanical garden Tropenhaus Frutigen 4
3552 Type:Rider video game Type:Rider 4
3553 USS Josephus Daniels guided missile cruiser USS Josephus Daniels 4
3554 Watersnoodwedstrijd international association football match Watersnoodwedstrijd (d:Q1248294) 4
3555 Großmarkthalle München market hall Wholesale Market Munich 4
3556 Wilhelm-Marx-Haus commercial building Wilhelm Marx House 4
3557 Bahnhof Wolfratshausen S-Bahn station, station located on surface Wolfratshausen station 4
3558 Woodsy Owl mascot character, fictional owl, anthropomorphic character Woodsy Owl 4
3559 Yamaha TR 1 motorcycle model Yamaha XV920R 4
3560 Rundkirche Zum Friedefürsten church building Zum Friedefürsten Church 4
3561 Zwinger building Zwinger (Münster) 4
3562 Nomenklatur anatomical nomenclature (d:Q3343193) 4
3563 Wasservorkommen im Universum extraterrestrial water (d:Q4113678) 4
3564 Afrikanisches Wurfeisen mambele (d:Q14917140) 4
3565 Ursprünge des Hip-Hop source origin of hip hop (d:Q1432877) 4
3566 Édouard Nanny human Édouard Nanny 4
3567 Notre-Dame church building, chapel, minor basilica Église Notre-Dame de La Charité-sur-Loire (d:Q952235) 4
3568 18. Oktober 1977 painting series 18. Oktober 1977 3
3569 Landtagswahl in Tirol 2008 public election 2008 Tyrolean state election 3
3570 Zeche Alte Haase mine Alte Haase mine (d:Q169629) 3
3571 Het Apeldoornsche Bosch architectural ensemble, former hospital Apeldoornsche Bosch (d:Q2058130) 3
3572 Atmosphärische Gegenstrahlung Atmosphärische Gegenstrahlung (d:Q757523) 3
3573 Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Bibl.22 manuscript Bamberger Kommentar - Staatsbibliothek Msc.Bibl.22 (d:Q16541221) 3
3574 Barbecue-Smoker Barbecue Smoker (d:Q14552153) 3
3575 Barstow Yard motive power depot, rail yard Barstow Yard 3
3576 Biografie: Ein Spiel literary work Biography (d:Q864358) 3
3577 Blair Crossing Bridge railway bridge Blair Bridge (Union Pacific Railroad) 3
3578 Blausteinsee recreation area, , artificial lake Blausteinsee 3
3579 Bliestalbahn railway line Bliestalbahn (d:Q884080) 3
3580 Bockschaft Ortsteil, human settlement Bockschaft (d:Q889245) 3
3581 Botlekbrug railway bridge, vertical-lift bridge Botlekbrug (d:Q2240796) 3
3582 Botschaftsviertel neighborhood Botschaftsviertel (d:Q10473647) 3
3583 Boxheimer Dokumente document Boxheimer Dokumente (d:Q895657) 3
3584 Boßler family Boßler family (d:Q50984058) 3
3585 Technische Hochschule Brandenburg university of applied sciences Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences 3
3586 Bröltalbahn transport company Bröl Valley Railway 3
3587 Burgruine Obervoitsberg castle ruin Burg Obervoitsberg 3
3588 Burg Windecken castle Burg Windecken (d:Q1014626) 3
3589 Burgplatz square Burgplatz (d:Q201537) 3
3590 Byzantinische Herrschaft im Maghreb epoch, events in a specific year or time period Byzantine North Africa 3
3591 C. A. Seydel Söhne business C. A. Seydel Söhne 3
3592 Calandbrug bridge, truss bridge, road bridge Calandbrug (d:Q2498984) 3
3593 Cambodunum archaeological site Cambodunum (d:Q1028166) 3
3594 Burg Přimda castle, castle ruin Castle Přimda (d:Q1013542) 3
3595 Kastell Echzell castrum, archaeological site, ancient Roman structure Castra of Echzell (d:Q1657587) 3
3596 Catarina ketch Catarina (d:Q1050399) 3
3597 Ceciliengärten group of houses Ceciliengärten (d:Q1052438) 3
3598 Civitas Taunensium civitas Civitas Taunensium (d:Q685706) 3
3599 Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge railway bridge Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge 3
3600 Schneidstoff material Cutting tool material 3
3601 Bericht der 7. US-Armee zum KZ Dachau criminal investigation, intelligence activity, report Dachau (US Army report) 3
3602 Deutsche Jungenschaft vom 1. November 1929 Jugendbund Deutsche Jungenschaft vom 1.11.1929 3
3603 Die Weser steamboat Die Weser (d:Q972977) 3
3604 Vermischung von Dingos mit anderen Haushunden dog type Dingo–dog hybrid 3
3605 Hunslet Alice Class locomotive class Dinorwic Alice Class 3
3606 Dorfkirche Tempelhof church building Dorfkirche Tempelhof (d:Q1244763) 3
3607 Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital children's hospital, policlinic Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital 3
3608 Dry-Creek-Sprengstofflager building Dry Creek explosives depot 3
3609 EHC Neuwied ice hockey team EHC Neuwied 3
3610 Edignalinde remarkable tree Edignalinde (d:Q1284602) 3
3611 Edmund Weiskopf human Edmond Weiskopf (d:Q787779) 3
3612 Effektiver Wechselkurs Effective exchange rate 3
3613 Eistalbahn branch line Eis Valley Railway 3
3614 Ekke Nekkepenn merman, legendary figure Ekke Nekkepenn 3
3615 Elisabeth Siewert human Elisabeth Siewert (d:Q11246220) 3
3616 Elsbeth Weichmann human Elsbeth Weichmann (d:Q1306031) 3
3617 KZ Engerhafe concentration camp, Nazi concentration camp Engerhafe concentration camp (d:Q1719366) 3
3618 Enztalbahn railway line Enz Valley Railway 3
3619 Evangelische Kirche church building Evangelical Church (d:Q16831281) 3
3620 Typ-F-Gefängnis F-type prison 3
3621 Festung Germersheim fortress Festung Germersheim (d:Q1408880) 3
3622 Festung Jülich fortress Festung Jülich (d:Q1408912) 3
3623 Theorie der endlichen Kugelpackungen Finite sphere packing 3
3624 I. Wiener Hochquellenleitung water pipeline First Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline 3
3625 Flaucher park, recreation area Flaucher (d:Q1427434) 3
3626 Fort Madison Toll Bridge truss bridge, road bridge, railway bridge Fort Madison Toll Bridge 3
3627 Franz Konrad Macké human Franz Konrad Macké (d:Q108949) 3
3628 Freie Stadt Mainz free imperial city, historical country, former administrative territorial entity Free City of Mainz 3
3629 Straßenbahn München Baureihe R tram model GT6N in Munich (d:Q811819) 3
3630 Deutschland und die Deutschen oration Germany and the Germans (d:Q1206332) 3
3631 Ginsburg castle ruin Ginsburg (d:Q2672665) 3
3632 Glasenbachklamm narrow canyon Glasenbachklamm (d:Q1529400) 3
3633 Goethe passenger vessel Goethe (d:Q1534159) 3
3634 Große Stalburg building Große Stalburg (d:Q1548399) 3
3635 Grunow Ortsteil Grunow (d:Q1550847) 3
3636 Gundelshalm village, Ortsteil Gundelshalm (d:Q810430) 3
3637 Gymnasium Dresden-Plauen school building, Gymnasium in Germany Gymnasium Dresden-Plauen (d:Q1558099) 3
3638 Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg Gymnasium in Germany Gymnasium Laurentianum Arnsberg (d:Q612593) 3
3639 Göhrde-Morde serial murder, criminal case Göhrde murders 3
3640 Harahan Bridge truss bridge, railway bridge, cantilever bridge Harahan Bridge 3
3641 Hathwig human Hathwig (d:Q1555177) 3
3642 Hauingen Ortsteil Hauingen (d:Q1530389) 3
3643 Hebenon hapax legomenon Hebenon 3
3644 Drache von Henham Henham Dragon (d:Q1254188) 3
3645 Hinstorff Verlag book publisher, publisher, business Hinstorff Verlag (d:Q1619570) 3
3646 Geschichte der Berliner S-Bahn aspect of history History of the Berlin S-Bahn 3
3647 Geschichte des Senats der Vereinigten Staaten aspect of history History of the United States Senate 3
3648 Hlahol choir Hlahol Prague (d:Q12019693) 3
3649 Hochindustrialisierung in Deutschland aspect of history Hochindustrialisierung in Deutschland (d:Q874644) 3
3650 St. Jakob an der Birs quarantine facility Hospital St. Jakob at Birs (d:Q762914) 3
3651 Mission Hoyos Hoyos Mission 3
3652 Hugenotten in Berlin ethnic group, religious minority Huguenots of Berlin (d:Q1634147) 3
3653 Bahnstrecke Husum–Bad St. Peter-Ording railway line Husum–Bad St. Peter-Ording railway 3
3654 Ignatius Fortuna human Ignatius Fortuna 3
3655 Jackknife Bascule Bridge bridge Jackknife Bascule Bridge 3
3656 Jüdische Friedhöfe in Trier Jewish cemetery Jewish Cemetery in Trier (d:Q431509) 3
3657 Joachim human Joachim Ortenburg (d:Q1689933) 3
3658 Job-Demands-Resources-Modell Job demands-resources model 3
3659 Josef Garbáty human Josef Garbáty (d:Q1704637) 3
3660 Josef Vallaster human Josef Vallaster (d:Q1507494) 3
3661 Bahnstrecke Jülich–Dalheim railway line Jülich - Dalheim railway (d:Q802489) 3
3662 Kachelmann-Prozess criminal procedure Kachelmann trial (d:Q16216241) 3
3663 Kamal El-Helbawy human Kamal Helbawy (d:Q12236213) 3
3664 Karl Otmar von Aretin human Karl Otmar Aretin (d:Q1732528) 3
3665 Kastell Butzbach castrum, archaeological site, ancient Roman structure Kastell Butzbach (d:Q14906931) 3
3666 Katholische Liga Katholische Liga (d:Q1462658) 3
3667 Katzbachbahn railway line Katzbach Railway 3
3668 Kentucky and Indiana Terminal Bridge bridge, railway bridge Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Bridge 3
3669 Keokuk Municipal Bridge railway bridge, road–rail bridge, double-decker bridge Keokuk Rail Bridge 3
3670 Kia cee’d automobile model Kia cee'd (ED) (d:Q1740747) 3
3671 Kieler Schule Kieler Schule (d:Q784766) 3
3672 Killesbergturm observation tower Killesberg Tower 3
3673 Kloster Höchst monastery, religious community Kloster Höchst (d:Q1775372) 3
3674 Kloster Wedinghausen monastery, religious community Kloster Wedinghausen (d:Q1776261) 3
3675 Knepp Wildland nature reserve Knepp Wildland 3
3676 Konrad IX. human Konrad IX. (d:Q1500189) 3
3677 Kraichtalbahn branch line Kraich Valley Railway 3
3678 Kraichgaubahn railway line Kraichgau Railway 3
3679 Krankenhaus Moabit hospital, former hospital Krankenhaus Moabit (d:Q1786539) 3
3680 Kronberger Fehde battle, feud Kronberger feud (d:Q1789809) 3
3681 Kunst im Reich von Kusch art history, ancient art Kunst im Reich von Kusch (d:Q1392745) 3
3682 Königrufen card game, bidding-based game Königrufen 3
3683 Lauenstein village, Ortsteil, mining community Lauenstein (d:Q1807348) 3
3684 Leuben Ortsteil Leuben 3
3685 Leuchtturm Norderney lighthouse, tourist attraction, architectural heritage monument Leuchtturm Norderney (d:Q1821446) 3
3686 Haus Lichtenstein house Lichtenstein House 3
3687 Liesenstraße street Liesenstraße (d:Q1279331) 3
3688 Lift-off-Verfahren manufacturing process Lift-off (microtechnology) 3
3689 Lilium pardalinum subsp. pitkinense taxon Lilium pardalinum subsp. pitkinense 3
3690 Ludgeri-Kirche church building Ludgeri Church Norden (d:Q1873869) 3
3691 Löwenbruch village, Ortsteil, former municipality Löwenbruch (d:Q1794167) 3
3692 Lüneburger Sate Lüneburg Sate 3
3693 Maria Immaculata church building, Jesuit church Maria Immaculata (d:Q1742612) 3
3694 Altstadtmarktbrunnen fountain Marienbrunnen (Braunschweig) (d:Q445652) 3
3695 Massenricht village, Ortsteil Massenricht 3
3696 Mathias Joseph Fischer human Mathias Joseph Fischer (d:Q1573976) 3
3697 Matthias Lackas human Matthias Lackas (d:Q105191) 3
3698 Mellissia begoniifolia taxon Mellissia begoniifolia (d:Q143128) 3
3699 Messinghof Messinghof (d:Q1300525) 3
3700 Metropolis Bridge truss bridge, railway bridge Metropolis Bridge 3
3701 Minidoka War Relocation Center concentration camp Minidoka War Relocation Center (d:Q106420515) 3
3702 Kloster Molana priory Molana Abbey 3
3703 Montius Magnus human Montius Magnus 3
3704 Massaker von Mueda massacre Mueda massacre (d:Q10327164) 3
3705 NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organisation organization NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Programme Management Organisation (d:Q1213598) 3
3706 Nagoldtalbahn railway line Nagold Valley Railway 3
3707 Nerother Wandervogel organization Nerother Wandervogel (d:Q1779510) 3
3708 Neuengamme-Hauptprozess legal proceeding Neuengamme-Hauptprozess (d:Q1980011) 3
3709 Neukirchen locality, cadastral municipality of Austria Neukirchen (d:Q14551006) 3
3710 Neuperlach neighborhood, quarter Neuperlach 3
3711 Neues Frankfurt project New Frankfurt 3
3712 Niederau Ortsteil Niederau (d:Q4606) 3
3713 November 1918. Eine deutsche Revolution literary work November 1918: A German Revolution 3
3714 U-Bahnhof Oberbilker Markt/Warschauer Straße tram stop, underground station Oberbilker Markt/Warschauer Straße station 3
3715 Odenwaldbahn railway line Odenwald Railway (Hesse) 3
3716 Orgeln des Domes St. Stephan pipe organ Organs of St. Stephen's Cathedral (d:Q44093) 3
3717 Oscar Schuster human Oscar Schuster (d:Q2032969) 3
3718 Paul Hegelmaier human Paul Hegelmaier (d:Q2060045) 3
3719 Pergamentmakulatur Pergamentmakulatur (d:Q2070711) 3
3720 Perrine Bridge deck arch bridge Perrine Bridge 3
3721 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Bridge railway bridge Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Bridge (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) 3
3722 Bildrechte Photograph copyright (Germany) 3
3723 Physikalischer Verein academy of sciences, scientific society Physikalischer Verein (d:Q2089433) 3
3724 Practice Squad Practice squad 3
3725 Evangelische Kirche Konz-Karthaus church building Protestant Church (d:Q15742096) 3
3726 Kanzel des Stephansdoms pulpit Pulpit of the Stephansdom (d:Q23377) 3
3727 Ramspolbrug bridge Ramspol Bridge (d:Q2753532) 3
3728 Das Rauhe Haus foundation, educational institution, Rauhes Haus 3
3729 Reichraminger Hintergebirge mountain range Reichraminger Hintergebirge (d:Q1591344) 3
3730 Reinhard Goerdeler human Reinhard Goerdeler 3
3731 Richard Meister human Richard Meister (d:Q1766352) 3
3732 Rieseberg-Morde political murder Rieseberg murders (d:Q2152328) 3
3733 Roberto Vivarelli human Roberto Vivarelli (d:Q3939233) 3
3734 Roger Guérillot human Roger Guérillot 3
3735 Rubikon-Rede oration Rubicon speech 3
3736 Ein fliehendes Pferd film Runaway Horse (film) 3
3737 Union 03 Altona association football club SC Union 03 Altona 3
3738 Saalhof architectural structure Saalhof (d:Q1439172) 3
3739 Salzert Ortsteil Salzert (d:Q1276865) 3
3740 Schillerpromenade street Schillerpromenade (d:Q1167898) 3
3741 Schloss Bothmer château Schloss Bothmer 3
3742 Schloss Delitzsch château Schloss Delitzsch (d:Q2240605) 3
3743 Scholastica von Anhalt human Scholastica von Anhalt (d:Q1170058) 3
3744 Schtzngrmm literary work Schtzngrmm (d:Q2250523) 3
3745 Bahnstrecke Senden–Weißenhorn railway line Senden–Weißenhorn railway (d:Q803203) 3
3746 Siemens-Studio für elektronische Musik Siemens Synthesizer 3
3747 Soo Line High Bridge railway bridge, deck arch bridge Soo Line High Bridge 3
3748 Johanniskirche church building St. John's Church (Plauen) (d:Q1698942) 3
3749 St.-Katharinen-Kirche church building St. Katharinen (d:Q58395938) 3
3750 St. Maria church building St. Maria (d:Q2320597) 3
3751 Straßenbahn München Baureihe P tram model Straßenbahn München Baureihe P (d:Q811820) 3
3752 Streetlife Festival event Streetlife Festival 3
3753 Hängetrauma disease Suspension trauma 3
3754 Tabernae Roman archaeological site, former settlement, Samian Ware Discovery Site Tabernae (d:Q1788426) 3
3755 Jüdisches Museum Westfalen Jewish museum The Jewish Museum of Westphalia (d:Q1461968) 3
3756 Theodor Borrer human Theodor Borrer (d:Q2417380) 3
3757 Theodor Scherer-Boccard human Theodor Scherer-Boccard 3
3758 Tierpark Sababurg zoo Tierpark Sababurg (d:Q2351972) 3
3759 Tiny Rowland human Tiny Rowland 3
3760 Rathaus rathaus Town hall of Kempten (d:Q1385273) 3
3761 Ortsbefestigung fortification Town walls in Sulzbach am Main (d:Q21993976) 3
3762 Triola trademark Triola 3
3763 U-Bahn-Strecke A light rail line U-Bahn Line A (Frankfurt U-Bahn) 3
3764 U-Bahn-Strecke B railway line, light rail line U-Bahn Line B (Frankfurt U-Bahn) 3
3765 Ulvö gamla kapell chapel Ulvö kapell (d:Q10709021) 3
3766 Biosphärenreservat Thüringer Wald biosphere reserve, biosphere reserve Vessertal-Thüringen Forest 3
3767 Schatzfund von Vindelev hoard, treasure Vindelev Hoard (d:Q108416941) 3
3768 Von den Bewohnern der Gestirne literary work Von den Bewohnern der Gestirne (d:Q1324849) 3
3769 Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf sylvan theater Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf 3
3770 Wandlitz village, Ortsteil Wandlitz village (d:Q1429747) 3
3771 Wasserburg Kapellendorf water castle, château, architectural structure Wasserburg Kapellendorf (d:Q2550838) 3
3772 Wasserwacht aid agency, sea rescue organization Wasserwacht 3
3773 Heulen und Zähneklappern Weeping and gnashing of teeth 3
3774 Wendisch-Deutsche Doppelkirche church building Wendish-German double church 3
3775 Werner Pinzner human Werner Pinzner 3
3776 Wieslauftalbahn railway line Wieslauf Valley Railway 3
3777 Wurgwitz administrative territorial entity, Ortsteil Wurgwitz 3
3778 U-Bahn Zürich project Zürich Underground Railway 3
3779 Masoala-Halle botanical garden, palm house Zürich Zoo Masoala Hall (d:Q1907213) 3
3780 Rostocker Stadtbefestigung city walls city fortification of Rostock (d:Q2167887) 3
3781 Königskrönung Friedrichs III. von Brandenburg auto-coronation coronation of Frederick I of Prussia (d:Q1796417) 3
3782 Ende der Antike end end of classical antiquity (d:Q1340273) 3
3783 Messebau economic activity exhibition building (d:Q70732969) 3
3784 Extrusionsblasformen extrusion blow moulding (d:Q3062643) 3
3785 Fluordesoxyglucose type of chemical entity fludeoxyglucose (d:Q27121494) 3
3786 Kniegelenk class of anatomical entity knee joint (d:Q62394131) 3
3787 Lotsenhaus Seemannshöft office building, cultural heritage monument in Germany, pilot station pilot station Seemannshöft (d:Q114042) 3
3788 Sexualhygiene sexual hygiene (d:Q2275634) 3
3789 Stein noble family von Stein (d:Q1233517) 3
3790 Gemeinderatswahl in Graz 2008 municipal election 2008 Graz local election 2
3791 Kommunalwahlen in Hessen 2011 municipal election 2011 Hessian local elections (d:Q1780414) 2
3792 4 VD 14,5/12-1 SRW engine model 4 VD 14,5/12-1 SRW 2
3793 Abbamania fandom ABBAmania (d:Q371367) 2
3794 Kloster Fahan monastery Abbey of St. Mura (d:Q1775209) 2
3795 Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler stamp series Adolf Hitler on stamps (d:Q1445251) 2
3796 Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik im Deutschen Reich Agricultural economy and agricultural policy in the German Reich (1933-1945) (d:Q396298) 2
3797 Luftangriffe auf Engelskirchen aerial bombing of a city Air raids on Engelskirchen (d:Q18603958) 2
3798 Alboinplatz square Alboinplatz (d:Q2639701) 2
3799 Alembic Series I Alembic bass guitars (d:Q1442432) 2
3800 Alte Trinitatiskirche parish church Alte Propsteikirche (Leipzig) (d:Q436338) 2
3801 Alter Garten square Alter Garten (d:Q437931) 2
3802 Korsika im Altertum Ancient Corsica 2
3803 Annie’s Arboretum arboretum Annie's Arboretum (d:Q62624135) 2
3804 Triumphzug-Reliefs des Titusbogens relief sculpture Arch of Titus (Rome) - Reliefs (d:Q114896589) 2
3805 Siebeneck nach Archimedes heptagon, mathematical concept Archimedes' Heptagon (d:Q97380520) 2
3806 Arnold Köster human Arnold Köster (d:Q695652) 2
3807 Atari 600XL computer model Atari 600XL (d:Q24430211) 2
3808 Angriff auf Stalingrad battle Attack on Stalingrad (d:Q543166) 2
3809 Augsburger Straße street Augsburger Straße (d:Q2656367) 2
3810 Bachbahn railway line Bachbahn (d:Q798089) 2
3811 Bahnbetriebswerk Lüneburg locomotive depot Bahnbetriebswerk Lüneburg (d:Q800314) 2
3812 Bahnstrecke Lampertsmühle-Otterbach–Otterberg railway line Bahnstrecke Lampertsmühle-Otterbach–Otterberg (d:Q802599) 2
3813 Bahnstrecke Türkismühle–Kusel railway line Bahnstrecke Türkismühle–Kusel (d:Q803361) 2
3814 Baitz Ortsteil Baitz (d:Q804005) 2
3815 Barmer Anlagen park Barmer Anlagen (d:Q808355) 2
3816 Berliner Antisemitismusstreit controversy Berliner Antisemitismusstreit (d:Q821401) 2
3817 Berliner Ostbahnen transport company Berliner Ostbahnen (d:Q821674) 2
3818 Berufsfreiheit Berufsfreiheit (d:Q828878) 2
3819 Betreuungsdienst Betreuungsdienst (d:Q831708) 2
3820 Biehla village, Ortsteil, former municipality Biehla (d:Q857249) 2
3821 Riesenrad Blackpool Ferris wheel Big Wheel Blackpool (d:Q66023416) 2
3822 Afrikanerin mit Spiegel statue Black Venus (d:Q111104791) 2
3823 Briescht village, Ortsteil Briescht (d:Q18283754) 2
3824 Bruno Büchner human Bruno Büchner (d:Q993106) 2
3825 Burg Breuberg castle, youth hostel Burg Breuberg (d:Q1011184) 2
3826 Burg Stolberg castle Burg Stolberg (d:Q1014138) 2
3827 Burg-Waldeck-Festivals music festival Burg Waldeck Festivals (d:Q1010632) 2
3828 Burg-Gräfenrode Ortsteil Burg-Gräfenrode (d:Q1010612) 2
3829 Burghalde park, archaeological site Burghalde (d:Q1769871) 2
3830 Büro für ungewöhnliche Maßnahmen art group Büro für ungewöhnliche Maßnahmen (d:Q1021639) 2
3831 Burg Rothenstein ruins, hill castle Castle Rothenstein (d:Q1013742) 2
3832 Frau Stuckhatorin human, notname Choir Stalls in St. Lorenz Kempten (d:Q50348979) 2
3833 Christian Precht human Christian Precht (d:Q1081455) 2
3834 Judenmission discourse Christian mission to Jews 2
3835 Christoph Friedrich Leers human Christoph Friedrich Leers (d:Q1084902) 2
3836 Evangelische Kirche church building Church in Grüningen (d:Q14544129) 2
3837 St.-Jürgens-Kirche church building Church of St. Jürgen (d:Q2319800) 2
3838 Haus Kambach water castle Château de Kambach (d:Q1230028) 2
3839 City 46 movie theater, communal cinema City 46 (d:Q1093832) 2
3840 Cliquenanalyse analysis Cliquenanalyse (d:Q48308983) 2
3841 Wappen von Münster local coat of arms Coats of arms from Münster (d:Q1506382) 2
3842 Wappen des Bezirks Treptow-Köpenick coat of arms Coats of arms from Treptow-Köpenick (d:Q2548797) 2
3843 Kölner Dombaufest 1848 party Cologne Dombaufest 1848 (d:Q116950393) 2
3844 Corps Frisia Göttingen German Student Corps Corps Frisia Göttingen (d:Q2671495) 2
3845 DLT Deutsche Luftverkehrsgesellschaft airline DLT Deutsche Luftverkehrsgesellschaft (d:Q28102591) 2
3846 DSW21 transport company DSW21 (d:Q1155773) 2
3847 De Majesteit paddle steamer De Majesteit (d:Q1180130) 2
3848 Denkmal der Gattenzärtlichkeit und Volksliebe monument Denkmal der Gattenzärtlichkeit und Volksliebe (d:Q1187977) 2
3849 Der beste Tag meines Lebens album Der beste Tag meines Lebens (d:Q1198357) 2
3850 Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse voluntary association Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse (d:Q1202027) 2
3851 Dis wo ich herkomm album Dis wo ich herkomm 2
3852 Dreiländergarten landscape garden Dreiländergarten (d:Q107463634) 2
3853 Geschäftszentrale der Dresdner Bank bank building Dresdner Bank building (d:Q1518265) 2
3854 Der Doppelstaat literary work Dual state (model) 2
3855 Bahnstrecke Ducherow–Heringsdorf–Wolgaster Fähre railway line Ducherow–Heringsdorf–Wolgaster Fähre railway (d:Q802199) 2
3856 Dänische Sprachreskripte von 1851 Dänische Sprachreskripte von 1851 (d:Q18647486) 2
3857 EBuLa technical system EBuLa (d:Q1274010) 2
3858 Ostfriesische Teekultur tradition, tea culture of an area East Frisian Tea Culture (d:Q1798887) 2
3859 Eberhard von Rohrdorf human Eberhard von Rohrdorf (d:Q1279616) 2
3860 Eck-Prozess war crimes trial Eck trial (d:Q14404968) 2
3861 Wendelinskapelle chapel, timber-framed house Ehemalige Hospitalkapelle St. Wendelin (d:Q18029536) 2
3862 Verwaltungsgebäude für Arbeiterangelegenheiten job centre, architectural structure Ehemaliges Arbeitsamt München (d:Q2519341) 2
3863 Ehrenmal Marienfeld monument Ehrenmal Marienfeld (d:Q1300187) 2
3864 Eigentumstheorien Eigentumstheorien (d:Q1025583) 2
3865 Einhardsbasilika church building, minor basilica Einhardsbasilika (Steinbach) (d:Q1307629) 2
3866 Eiserne Hand Eiserne Hand (d:Q51338224) 2
3867 Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek bibliographic database Electronic Journals Library (d:Q1327244) 2
3868 Elektrizitätswerk Amstetten run-of-the-river power station Elektrizitätswerk Amstetten (d:Q1326605) 2
3869 Elisabeth von Bergh-s’Heerenberg human Elisabeth von Bergh (d:Q1330399) 2
3870 Elisabeth von Weida human Elisabeth von Weida (d:Q1330501) 2
3871 Erasmuskapelle church building, archaeological site Erasmus Chapel (d:Q1348107) 2
3872 Erich Meuthen human Erich Meuthen (d:Q1352846) 2
3873 Erste Internationale Dada-Messe exhibition Erste Internationale Dada-Messe (d:Q1361916) 2
3874 Erzkanal im Freiberger Nordrevier canal Erzkanal im Freiberger Nordrevier (d:Q1366255) 2
3875 Württembergische Landstände Estates of Württemberg 2
3876 Eva Faschaunerin human Eva Faschaunerin 2
3877 Evangelische Kirche Großen-Buseck church building Evangelische Kirche Großen-Buseck (d:Q15110541) 2
3878 Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche Holzheim church building Evangelische Kirche Holzheim (d:Q14541335) 2
3879 Evangelische Kirche Leihgestern church building Evangelische Kirche Leihgestern (d:Q15110544) 2
3880 Evangelische Stadtkirche church building Evangelische Stadtkirche Hungen (d:Q15110564) 2
3881 Exemplum-Tafeln des Kurfürsten Joachim II. painting series Exemplum-Tafeln des Kurfürsten Joachims II. (d:Q57594458) 2
3882 Falkenberg village, Ortsteil Falkenberg (d:Q18593899) 2
3883 Feldkirche church building Feldkirche (Neuwied) (d:Q1402694) 2
3884 Ferdinand von Raesfeld human Ferdinand von Raesfeld (d:Q1406021) 2
3885 Ferdinandsdorf abandoned village Ferdinandsdorf (d:Q66759158) 2
3886 Filialkirche St. Radegund am heiligen Wasser church building Filialkirche St. Radegund am heiligen Wasser, Gallmannsegg (d:Q18624101) 2
3887 Erster Vereinigter Landtag parliament First United Diet of Prussia (d:Q685574) 2
3888 Fischunkelalm mountain pasture Fischunkelalm (d:Q1420464) 2
3889 Fisch im Alten Ägypten Fish in ancient Egypt (d:Q1419692) 2
3890 Fließwiese Ruhleben Fließwiese Ruhleben (d:Q115756673) 2
3891 Four Horsemen of Notre Dame sports team Four Horsemen (American football) 2
3892 Fraktursonografie Fracture sonography 2
3893 Langobardenfeldzug war Franco–Lombard War of 773–774 (d:Q1805364) 2
3894 Freiheit album Freiheit (d:Q1454264) 2
3895 French Painting Today temporary art exhibition French Painting Today (d:Q56250605) 2
3896 Fridolinsmünster cathedral Fridolinsmünster Bad Säckingen (d:Q1456266) 2
3897 Friedenskirche church building Friedenskirche (d:Q1295361) 2
3898 Friedrich-Gymnasium Freiburg Gymnasium in Germany Friedrich-Gymnasium (Freiburg im Breisgau) (d:Q15688375) 2
3899 Friedrichshagener Straßenbahn transport company Friedrichshagener Straßenbahn (d:Q1464266) 2
3900 Friedrichstaler Kanal canal, park Friedrichstaler Kanal (d:Q1464350) 2
3901 Fünfjahrplan stamp series Fünfjahrplan (Briefmarkenserie) (d:Q1481998) 2
3902 Foto vom Torhaus Auschwitz-Birkenau photograph Gatehouse Auschwitz II (Stanislaw Mucha) (d:Q72734119) 2
3903 Geißbockversteigerung Geißbockversteigerung (d:Q1499098) 2
3904 Georg Ritter human Georg Ritter (d:Q67197635) 2
3905 Georg Tessin human Georg Tessin (d:Q1506185) 2
3906 George Westermann human George Westermann (d:Q1508580) 2
3907 Georgskapelle chapel Georgskapelle (d:Q1509524) 2
3908 Automatenmarke stamp series German variable value stamps (d:Q787137) 2
3909 Bahnstrecke Germersheim–Landau railway line Germersheim-Landau railway line (d:Q802335) 2
3910 Geschichte der Stadt Braunschweig aspect of history Geschichte der Stadt Braunschweig (d:Q1517011) 2
3911 Geschichte der Studentenverbindungen aspect of history Geschichte der Studentenverbindungen (d:Q1240752) 2
3912 Glienicker Weg street Glienicker Weg (d:Q1531394) 2
3913 Goldhort von Gessel archaeological find Goldhort Gessel (d:Q1535777) 2
3914 Sternwarte Gotha astronomical observatory Gotha Observatory (d:Q2346057) 2
3915 Grazer Kalvarienberg architectural ensemble Grazer Kalvarienberg (d:Q1167866) 2
3916 Gresgen Ortsteil Gresgen (d:Q1531652) 2
3917 Gymnasium Adolfinum Moers Gymnasium in Germany Gymnasium Adolfinum Moers (d:Q1558057) 2
3918 Gymnasium Neue Oberschule Gymnasium in Germany Gymnasium Neue Oberschule (d:Q30003529) 2
3919 Hafen Münster inland port Hafen Münster (d:Q1567813) 2
3920 Hans Simons human Hans Simons (d:Q1582536) 2
3921 Hans Winterstein human Hans Winterstein (d:Q1583142) 2
3922 Harlander Coats silk mill, business Harlander coats (d:Q1585462) 2
3923 Landwirtschaftsbetriebe des KZ Auschwitz concentration camp Harmense concentration camp (d:Q29054136) 2
3924 Hauptstraße street Hauptstraße (d:Q1589685) 2
3925 Haus zum Esslinger building Haus zum Esslinger (d:Q1590929) 2
3926 Heidenheimer SB sports club Heidenheimer SB (d:Q1285344) 2
3927 Heidenmauer archaeological site Heidenmauer (d:Q1739559) 2
3928 Heinrichshöhle show cave Heinrichshöhle (d:Q1599772) 2
3929 Hermann Hammerschmidt human Hermann Hammerschmidt (d:Q44413430) 2
3930 Herrenhof estate Herrenhof (d:Q1614103) 2
3931 Hiller-Kaserne barracks, building complex Hiller-Kaserne (d:Q1618720) 2
3932 Geschichte des Metals events in a specific year or time period History of metal (d:Q2967247) 2
3933 Geschichte der Eisenbahn in Württemberg aspect of history History of railways in Württemberg 2
3934 Holpertal valley Holpertal 2
3935 Horst-Dieter Hille human Horst-Dieter Hille (d:Q107740966) 2
3936 Kantonsspital Winterthur hospital Hospital Winterthur (d:Q1728154) 2
3937 Hugo Kreyssig human Hugo Kreyssig (d:Q1635342) 2
3938 Hugo Princz human Hugo Princz 2
3939 Höchster Markt square Höchster Markt (d:Q1643244) 2
3940 Hüle Hüle (d:Q1652208) 2
3941 Inkognito Inkognito (d:Q16565592) 2
3942 Rechtsschutz von Schriftzeichen legal doctrine Intellectual property protection of typefaces 2
3943 Isartalbahn railway line Isar Valley Railway 2
3944 Kleinbahn Bremen–Tarmstedt railway line, transport company Jan Reiners (d:Q1746313) 2
3945 Jargon der Eigentlichkeit written work Jargon of authenticity (d:Q1522255) 2
3946 Jens Petersen human Jens Petersen (d:Q43786697) 2
3947 Jüdische Gemeinde Wetzlar Jews in Wetzlar (d:Q1629856) 2
3948 Blockierung Joint locking (medicine) 2
3949 Joseph Antoine Morio human Joseph Antoine Morio de Marienborn (d:Q3184514) 2
3950 Judentum in Münster organization Judentum in Münster (d:Q1710945) 2
3951 Jüdische Gemeinde Emden organization Jüdische Gemeinde Emden (d:Q1715816) 2
3952 Jüdische Gemeinde Talheim qahal Jüdische Gemeinde Talheim (d:Q1649844) 2
3953 Jüdischer Friedhof Jewish cemetery Jüdischer Friedhof Gymnich (d:Q1716232) 2
3954 Jürgen Petersohn human Jürgen Petersohn (d:Q1717548) 2
3955 Kaiserin-Augusta-Denkmal monument Kaiserin-Augusta-Denkmal in Koblenz (d:Q1721649) 2
3956 Pfalz Wimpfen castle ruin Kaiserpfalz Bad Wimpfen (d:Q1388040) 2
3957 Kaiserswerther Straße street Kaiserswerther Straße (d:Q1721764) 2
3958 Kantonsschule Schaffhausen school building, Kantonsschule, educational institution Kantonsschule Schaffhausen (d:Q1728129) 2
3959 Karl Tschuppik human Karl Tschuppik (d:Q1351248) 2
3960 Karnischer Hauptkamm massif Karnischer Hauptkamm (d:Q3663379) 2
3961 Kauffmann-White-Schema classification scheme Kauffman–White classification 2
3962 Evangelische Kirche Fronhausen church building, choir tower church Kirche Fronhausen (d:Q14906629) 2
3963 Kleber-Express , named passenger train service Kleber-Express (d:Q1746088) 2
3964 Kloster Marienfließ building, monastery, religious community Kloster Marienfließ (d:Q1348805) 2
3965 Klosterruine Heiligenberg monastery, monastery ruins, religious community Klosterruine Heiligenberg (Jugenheim) (d:Q19826763) 2
3966 Fiasko von Knysna strike Knysna fiasco (d:Q1410411) 2
3967 Konrad Hahm human Konrad Hahm (d:Q59822842) 2
3968 Konzerthaus Ravensburg theatre building, concert hall Konzerthaus Ravensburg (d:Q1464212) 2
3969 Koppenplatz square Koppenplatz (d:Q1784110) 2
3970 Krankentransportwagen Krankentransportwagen in Germany (d:Q18604030) 2
3971 Kransberg Ortsbezirk of Germany, Gemarkung Kransberg (d:Q1786615) 2
3972 Kreisbahn Rathenow-Senzke-Nauen transport company, Kleinbahn Kreisbahn Rathenow-Senzke-Nauen (d:Q1787615) 2
3973 Kubacher Kristallhöhle show cave, natural monument in Germany Kubacher Crystal Cave (d:Q1790863) 2
3974 Kurpark Bad Hall spa park Kurpark Bad Hall (d:Q59771407) 2
3975 Kurt Hesse human Kurt Hesse (d:Q17322929) 2
3976 Kühhornshof fortified farm Kühhornshof (d:Q1796902) 2
3977 Künstlerhaus Kempten voluntary association Künstlerhaus Kempten (d:Q1797135) 2
3978 Lager Rollwald Lager Rollwald (d:Q1415048) 2
3979 Bahnstrecke Landstuhl–Kusel railway line Landstuhl–Kusel railway 2
3980 Laurentiuskirche church building, simultaneum Laurentius Church (Dirmstein) (d:Q1808218) 2
3981 Lautertalbahn branch line Lauter Valley Railway 2
3982 Le Bal des Laze song Le Bal des Laze (d:Q17277034) 2
3983 Lengfeld Ortsteil Lengfeld (Odenwald) (d:Q1817656) 2
3984 Liesenbrücken railway bridge Liesenbrücken (d:Q105045321) 2
3985 Live in Europe 1967: The Bootleg Series Vol. 1 album Live in Europe 1967: The Bootleg Series Vol. 1 2
3986 Lohmühleninsel island Lohmühleninsel (d:Q1307476) 2
3987 Pflegeversicherung Long-term care insurance in Germany 2
3988 Lord Vigo musical group Lord Vigo (d:Q62625368) 2
3989 Lucke mountain pass Lucke (d:Q64446024) 2
3990 Ludwig Heinrich Grote human Ludwig Heinrich Grote (d:Q1635239) 2
3991 Ludwig & Jakob Götz shipping line Ludwig und Jakob Götz (d:Q19964237) 2
3992 Septembertestament version, edition or translation Luther Das Newe Testament Deutzsch (d:Q109300862) 2
3993 Lutherkirche church building Lutherkirche (d:Q116454762) 2
3994 Main-Werra-Kanal architectural structure Main-Werra-Kanal (d:Q1885508) 2
3995 Märzrevolution 1848 in Berlin revolution March Revolution (d:Q808928) 2
3996 Margarethenkirche church building Margarethenkirche (Krofdorf) (d:Q15119373) 2
3997 Marienkapelle church building Marienkapelle (München) (d:Q25891647) 2
3998 Marienkirche church building Marienkirche Leipzig-Stötteritz (d:Q1897832) 2
3999 Markt market square Markt (d:Q1409635) 2
4000 Martinsturm observation tower Martinsturm (d:Q1905743) 2
4001 Meißner Schwein pig breed Meissner hog (d:Q18578634) 2
4002 Meißner und Meißner Vorland Special Area of Conservation Meißner und Meißner Vorland (d:Q60665098) 2
4003 Minox 35 camera model, 135 film camera Minox 35 (d:Q1937528) 2
4004 Mohrenhaus manor house Mohrenhaus (d:Q1942923) 2
4005 Moriz Schlachter human Moriz Schlachter (d:Q1948196) 2
4006 Bahnstrecke Mosbach–Mudau abandoned railway Mosbach–Mudau railway line (d:Q802793) 2
4007 Münster Ortsteil, Gemarkung Münster (d:Q2740268) 2
4008 Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch literary work Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch (d:Q1962855) 2
4009 Halsamphora des Exekias neck amphora, Greek vase Neck Amphora by Exekias 2
4010 Neckar-Enz-Stellung fortification, architectural structure Neckar-Enz-Stellung (d:Q1973658) 2
4011 Neulautern hamlet, Ortsteil Neulautern (d:Q1680298) 2
4012 Niederösterreichische Landesbibliothek library, museum Niederösterreichische Landesbibliothek (d:Q1988801) 2
4013 Nikolaikirche church building Nikolaikirche (Heilbronn) (d:Q1340126) 2
4014 Nicht-zufällige Segregation von Chromosomen Non-random segregation of chromosomes 2
4015 Nonnendamm street Nonnendamm (d:Q19297350) 2
4016 Nonnendammallee street Nonnendammallee (d:Q19963755) 2
4017 Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova map Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova (d:Q2002753) 2
4018 Novemberrevolution in Braunschweig Novemberrevolution in Braunschweig (d:Q1618803) 2
4019 Paper Print Collection archival collection Paper Print Collection (d:Q7132712) 2
4020 Pfarrkirche Kaprun parish church Parish church St. Margaret (d:Q38056633) 2
4021 Parkeisenbahn Wuhlheide rideable miniature railway Parkeisenbahn Wuhlheide (d:Q821672) 2
4022 Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche church building Paul Gerhardt church (d:Q1235733) 2
4023 Paul-Hertz-Siedlung Ortsteil Paul-Hertz-Siedlung (d:Q2058547) 2
4024 Pax-Gebäude administrative building, headquarters Pax building (d:Q43234189) 2
4025 Peterskirche aisleless church Peterskirche (Lindau) (d:Q19845367) 2
4026 Pfarrkirche Schöngrabern church building, parish church Pfarrkirche Schöngrabern (d:Q2082963) 2
4027 St. Vitus parish church Pfarrkirche St. Vitus (d:Q1425094) 2
4028 Tassiloquelle cultural property Pfarrkirchen bei Bad Hall Tassiloquelle (d:Q14544689) 2
4029 Pferdsbach Ortsteil, abandoned village Pferdsbach (d:Q2083743) 2
4030 Philip-Johnson-Haus office building Philip Johnson House (d:Q2086010) 2
4031 Poetenkolleg Poetenkolleg (d:Q2100461) 2
4032 Straßenbahn Portland tram system Portland Tramways (d:Q1304402) 2
4033 Postbriefkasten Post box in Germany (d:Q1763036) 2
4034 Gebet des Nabonid Prayer of Nabonidus (d:Q1496855) 2
4035 Propsteikirche St. Petrus und Andreas church building, provost church Propsteikirche Brilon (d:Q1787142) 2
4036 Rachid Kassim human Rachid Kassim (d:Q27999521) 2
4037 Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach hospital Rhein-Mosel-Fachklinik Andernach (d:Q1608058) 2
4038 Riparia Bridge bridge Riparia Bridge (d:Q70467920) 2
4039 Robert H. Vance human Robert H. Vance (d:Q41096345) 2
4040 SSC Karlsruhe sports club SSC Karlsruhe (d:Q61050562) 2
4041 SSV Ettlingen sports club SSV Ettlingen (d:Q1572871) 2
4042 Saigerhütte Grünthal museum, mill, architectural structure Saigerhütte und Kupferhammer Grünthal (d:Q2212199) 2
4043 St. Fridolin parish church Saint Fridolin (d:Q1460096) 2
4044 Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church church congregation Saint John Will-I-Am Coltrane African Orthodox Church (d:Q1637404) 2
4045 Saline Luisenhall salt evaporation pond, architectural ensemble, business Saline Luisenhall (d:Q1324174) 2
4046 Sander name Sander (name) 2
4047 Sandhausener Dünen group Sandhausener Dünen (d:Q18289267) 2
4048 Scharnhäuser architectural structure Scharnhäuser (d:Q2231421) 2
4049 Schefflenztalbahn abandoned railway Schefflenztalbahn (d:Q2232406) 2
4050 Schloss Auhof château Schloss Auhof (d:Q2240129) 2
4051 Schloss Breitenburg château Schloss Breitenburg (d:Q2240387) 2
4052 Schloss Ebelsberg museum, château Schloss Ebelsberg (d:Q2240701) 2
4053 Schloss Hagen château Schloss Hagen (d:Q2241381) 2
4054 Moerser Schloss château Schloss Moers (d:Q1942390) 2
4055 Schloss Mückenberg château Schloss Mückenberg (d:Q104831901) 2
4056 Schloss Schrattenthal château Schloss Schrattenthal (d:Q2243405) 2
4057 Schwachhauser Heerstraße street Schwachhauser Heerstraße (d:Q1654192) 2
4058 Schweinsbach Ortsteil Schweinsbach (d:Q2255745) 2
4059 Seidel family Seidel (d:Q28499798) 2
4060 Sicherheitshafen port Sicherheitshafen (d:Q115914781) 2
4061 Siedlung Eisenheim quarter Siedlung Eisenheim (d:Q2282613) 2
4062 Silberberg human settlement Silberberg (Bad Saarow) (d:Q16262754) 2
4063 Wintersportgebiet Simmelsberg ski resort Skizentrum Simmelsberg (d:Q2585136) 2
4064 Slowakischer Nationalsozialismus events in a specific year or time period Slovak National Socialism (d:Q86517182) 2
4065 Schleuse Kleinmachnow lock Sluice Kleinmachnow (d:Q2239472) 2
4066 Sprengstofffabrik Hessisch Lichtenau Sprengstofffabrik Hessisch Lichtenau (d:Q15848241) 2
4067 Stadtpfarrkirche St. Dionysius parish church St. Dionysius (Neckarsulm) (d:Q1740830) 2
4068 St. Josef church building St. Josef (d:Q23562978) 2
4069 St. Marien parish church St. Marien (d:Q2320835) 2
4070 Martinskirche church building, choir tower church St. Martin's church Heuchelheim (d:Q14906824) 2
4071 St. Michaelis church building St. Michaelis Oberkleen (d:Q14544106) 2
4072 Evangelische Kirche Großen-Linden church building St. Peter (d:Q14906734) 2
4073 St.-Quintins-Kapelle church building St. Quintins-Kapelle (d:Q968047) 2
4074 St. Sebald am Heiligenstein church building St. Sebald am Heiligenstein (d:Q1740201) 2
4075 St.-Jakobus-Kirche church building St.-Jakobus-Kirche (d:Q2316184) 2
4076 Stadtaffe vitiligo Stadtaffe 2
4077 Stadtbefestigung Hanau city walls Stadtbefestigung Hanau (d:Q2326708) 2
4078 Stadtkirche Murrhardt church building Stadtkirche Murrhardt (d:Q2327408) 2
4079 Stadtkirche church building Stadtkirche in Bad Wimpfen (d:Q2327345) 2
4080 Stadtschloss Hanau archaeological site Stadtschloss Hanau (d:Q2328009) 2
4081 Stadtwerke Münster business Stadtwerke Münster (d:Q1285495) 2
4082 Stammstrecke 3 Stammstrecke, subway tunnel Stammstrecke 3 (d:Q2329884) 2
4083 Schloss Starhemberg museum, château Starhemberg Castle (d:Q2243586) 2
4084 Stadtkirche Sternberg church building Sternberg City Church (d:Q2327473) 2
4085 Stift Wetter monastery, Frauenstift, religious community Stift Wetter (d:Q14540253) 2
4086 Stiftskirche Walbeck monastery, religious community, church ruin Stiftskirche Walbeck (d:Q1555989) 2
4087 Straßenbahn der Gemeinde Steglitz transport company Straßenbahn der Gemeinde Steglitz (d:Q1365060) 2
4088 Stücken village, Ortsteil Stücken (d:Q2441) 2
4089 Geschichte der Juden auf Norderney aspect of history Synagogue Norderney (d:Q1516787) 2
4090 Brauerei Gebr. Sünner brewery, trademark Sünner (d:Q900091) 2
4091 TV Bretten sports club TV Bretten (d:Q107705997) 2
4092 Kneipe Tableround 2
4093 Taube sailboat Taube (d:Q17267685) 2
4094 Teltow-Werft shipyard Teltow-Werft (d:Q1739534) 2
4095 Der rote Christus painting The Red Christ (d:Q1199503) 2
4096 Thekenschaaf Thekenschaaf (d:Q1030778) 2
4097 Geschichte der Stadt Hannover Wikimedia timeline Timeline of Hanover 2
4098 Barlake Timorese wedding traditions 2
4099 Tisa von der Schulenburg human Tisa von der Schulenburg (d:Q1451858) 2
4100 Totenhütte von Benzingerode archaeological site Totenhütte von Benzingerode (d:Q1292069) 2
4101 Straßenbahn Aachen tram system Trams in Aachen 2
4102 Trümmerfrau-Denkmal statue, memorial Trümmerfrau memorial (d:Q2457242) 2
4103 Turmbefestigung Linz fortification Turmbefestigung Linz (d:Q1325557) 2
4104 Oberrheinische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft railway infrastructure manager, transport company Upper Rhine Railway Company 2
4105 Vaihinger Stadtbahn railway line Vaihinger Stadtbahn (d:Q2507432) 2
4106 Vermeer art exhibition, art catalog Vermeer (d:Q115955446) 2
4107 Vicke-Schorler-Rolle document Vicke-Schorler-Rolle (d:Q108675044) 2
4108 Dorfkirche Schmargendorf church building Village church of Schmargendorf, Berlin (d:Q1244711) 2
4109 Grund- und Mittelschule Memmingen-Amendingen school Volksschule Amendingen (d:Q1550426) 2
4110 W. Spindler business W. Spindler (d:Q1657820) 2
4111 Waldeck family, German noble family Waldeck (d:Q2541236) 2
4112 Waldheide glade Waldheide (d:Q1323439) 2
4113 Waldsiedlung Hakenfelde garden city, garden monument Waldsiedlung Hakenfelde (d:Q26268424) 2
4114 Walter Mayer human Walter Mayer (d:Q18881165) 2
4115 Wasserversorgung in Hamburg architectural structure Wasserversorgung in Hamburg (d:Q2551929) 2
4116 Stadtwaage building Weigh house (d:Q1536252) 2
4117 Geschichte des Antisemitismus bis 1945 Weimar antisemitism 2
4118 Burgruine Weibertreu castle ruin Weinsberg Castle (d:Q1015574) 2
4119 Weizklamm valley Weizklamm (d:Q22811568) 2
4120 Westpfälzer Wandermusikantentum West Palatine travelling music tradition 2
4121 Hexenverfolgung im Herzogtum Westfalen hunt of the witches Westfalen witch trials (d:Q1616855) 2
4122 Wieladingen family, German noble family Wieladingen (d:Q2568631) 2
4123 Wildenbruch Ortsteil Wildenbruch (d:Q1522443) 2
4124 Wilhelm Bruners human Wilhelm Bruners (d:Q108667152) 2
4125 Wilhelm Riedel human Wilhelm Riedel (d:Q42941672) 2
4126 Wilhelm Werner human Wilhelm Werner (d:Q23889245) 2
4127 Wolfstisch bei Hitzelrode geotope, architectural structure, rock Wolfstisch bei Hitzelrode (d:Q116749718) 2
4128 Wusterhausener Bär tower, architectural sculpture Wusterhausener Bär (d:Q2595458) 2
4129 Wälder und Wiesen bei Malsch Special Area of Conservation Wälder und Wiesen bei Malsch (d:Q60675198) 2
4130 Zeche König Ludwig mine Zeche König Ludwig (d:Q183824) 2
4131 Ziehenschule school Ziehenschule (d:Q198888) 2
4132 Herrschaft Schalksburg lordship Zollern-Schalksburg (d:Q1498434) 2
4133 Aquäduktenmarmor aqueduct marble (d:Q623435) 2
4134 Kapuzinerkloster Solothurn monastery, religious community capuchin monastery with church (d:Q1614030) 2
4135 Schlosslinde Augustusburg remarkable tree, natural monument in Germany castle lime Augustusburg (d:Q16856716) 2
4136 Radverkehr in Münster sport in a geographic region, cycling by country, region or city cycling in Münster (Westfalen) (d:Q1392580) 2
4137 Erpresserischer Menschenraub extortionate kidnapping (d:Q1361457) 2
4138 Zweirad mit Frontantrieb front wheel-drive bicycles (d:Q233049) 2
4139 Simultankirche Bechtolsheim church building, simultaneum interdenominational church Bechtolsheim (d:Q2288597) 2
4140 Regionaler Strukturwandel regional structural change (d:Q16354806) 2
4141 Drahtgewebe wire mesh (d:Q31842778) 2
4142 0816 album 0816 (d:Q161228) 1
4143 Absturz einer MiG-21 in Cottbus 1975 aircraft crash Absturz einer MiG-21 in Cottbus 1975 (d:Q51780410) 1
4144 Albert Wilkens human Albert Wilkens (d:Q2639051) 1
4145 Amerikanische Jugendliteratur literary genre American young adult fiction (d:Q65936993) 1
4146 An Old Woman’s Tale literary work An Old Woman’s Tale (d:Q1366338) 1
4147 Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung organization Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung (d:Q23787425) 1
4148 Artikel 8 des Grundgesetzes für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland article Artikel 8 des Grundgesetzes für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (d:Q44008896) 1
4149 Arzneimittel-Rabattvertrag contract Arzneimittel-Rabattvertrag (d:Q718651) 1
4150 Asyldebatte Asyldebatte (d:Q752570) 1
4151 August Kirch human August Kirch (d:Q762319) 1
4152 Ausstellungsrecht legal concept Ausstellungsrecht (d:Q780613) 1
4153 Bad Liebenstein Ortsteil, designated spa town Bad Liebenstein (d:Q14906336) 1
4154 Bahnbetriebswerk Uelzen locomotive depot Bahnbetriebswerk Uelzen (d:Q800329) 1
4155 KPD-Verbot party prohibition Ban of KPD (d:Q1718902) 1
4156 Barrikade nach Kämpfen in der Breiten Straße pencil drawing, watercolor painting Barrikade nach Kämpfen in der Breiten Straße (d:Q53451545) 1
4157 Basfia succiniciproducens taxon Basfia succiniciproducens (d:Q809947) 1
4158 Werksteinoberfläche Bearbeitung von Natursteinoberflächen (d:Q813009) 1
4159 Berg- und Lusthaus Hoflößnitz château Berg- und Lusthaus Hoflößnitz (d:Q2660674) 1
4160 Bergbau und Hüttenwesen im Odenwald Bergbau und Hüttenwesen im Odenwald (d:Q819417) 1
4161 Berliner Dampfstraßenbahn-Konsortium business Berliner Dampfstraßenbahn-Konsortium (d:Q27479370) 1
4162 Berliner Janus Berliner Janus (d:Q48757974) 1
4163 Betrug elements of an offence Betrug (d:Q113003594) 1
4164 Rennbahnkatastrophe von Berlin sports accident, motorcycle accident Bicycle track tragedy at Berlin (d:Q1377170) 1
4165 Blackbox bulletin board system, online community Blackbox (Online-Community) (d:Q880710) 1
4166 Brandgräberfeld von Mühlen Eichsen necropolis, archaeological site, grave field Brandgräberfeld von Mühlen Eichsen (d:Q898001) 1
4167 Brandstiftung Brandstiftung (d:Q15789660) 1
4168 Bremen zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Bremen zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (d:Q907483) 1
4169 Bremer Straßenbahnunruhen 1968 Bremer Straßenbahnunruhen 1968 (d:Q907889) 1
4170 Zypern in der Späten Bronzezeit archaeological period Bronze age Cyprus (d:Q245813) 1
4171 Brot und Wein im Abendmahlsgottesdienst Brot und Wein im Abendmahlsgottesdienst (d:Q97380458) 1
4172 Bund freier Jugend youth organization Bund freier Jugend (d:Q1005273) 1
4173 Burgk administrative territorial entity, Ortsteil Burgk (d:Q383392) 1
4174 Büdingen noble family Büdingen (d:Q23041441) 1
4175 Übergabe der Stadt Braunschweig Capture of Braunschweig (d:Q19964875) 1
4176 Continuous Query Language query language Continuous Query Language (d:Q1128927) 1
4177 Crowding-in Crowding-in (d:Q1141705) 1
4178 Darmstädter Wort Darmstädter Wort (d:Q1166495) 1
4179 Deminex enterprise Deminex (d:Q109352748) 1
4180 Deutscher Fechter-Bund sports governing body Deutscher Fechter-Bund (d:Q1204768) 1
4181 Diebstahl mit Waffen; Bandendiebstahl; Wohnungseinbruchdiebstahl Diebstahl mit Waffen; Bandendiebstahl; Wohnungseinbruchdiebstahl (d:Q24574687) 1
4182 Doppelehe Philipps von Hessen Doppelehe Philipps von Hessen (d:Q113458461) 1
4183 Drehstrom-Versuchsstrecke Groß-Lichterfelde–Zehlendorf railway line Drehstrom-Versuchsstrecke Groß-Lichterfelde–Zehlendorf (d:Q1256699) 1
4184 Duell Vincke–Bismarck duel, certain aspects of a person's life Duel Vincke c/a Bismarck (d:Q1263860) 1
4185 Mondkalender calendar Egyptian lunar calendar (d:Q1944246) 1
4186 Einschienenbahn am Taunusrand Gyro monorail Einschienenbahn am Taunusrand (d:Q1148088) 1
4187 Emden zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Emden zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (d:Q2692072) 1
4188 Ende der portugiesischen Herrschaft auf Timor Ende der portugiesischen Herrschaft auf Timor (d:Q59348925) 1
4189 Entwicklung der Ottokraftstoffe Entwicklung der Ottokraftstoffe (d:Q1345586) 1
4190 Entwicklungsgeschichte der Seekarte Entwicklungsgeschichte der Seekarte (d:Q1345651) 1
4191 Ernennung Otto von Bismarcks zum preußischen Ministerpräsidenten appointment, events in a specific year or time period Ernennung Otto von Bismarcks zum preußischen Ministerpräsidenten (d:Q108124855) 1
4192 Ernährung bei Niereninsuffizienz Ernährung bei Niereninsuffizienz (d:Q1361102) 1
4193 Erschleichen von Leistungen Erschleichen von Leistungen (d:Q2693050) 1
4194 Flachbahn tram system Flachbahn (d:Q1426096) 1
4195 Frankfurter Häuserkampf protest Frankfurter Häuserkampf (d:Q1444968) 1
4196 Franziskaner in Deutschland Franziskaner in Deutschland (d:Q61474068) 1
4197 Friedrich Wilhelm IV. in seinem Arbeitszimmer painting Frederick William IV in his Study (d:Q19961668) 1
4198 Fritz Arens human Fritz Arens (d:Q1465517) 1
4199 Fritz Rudolf Wüst human Fritz Rudolf Wüst (d:Q1387429) 1
4200 Fußachaffäre conflict Fußachaffäre (d:Q1475719) 1
4201 Färöische Sprachpolitik Färöische Sprachpolitik (d:Q1479085) 1
4202 Gabelzeit Gabelzeit (d:Q1488347) 1
4203 Gasometerexplosion in Neunkirchen accident, explosion Gasometerexplosion in Neunkirchen (d:Q1376726) 1
4204 Gebrüder Stumm business Gebrüder Stumm (d:Q1497224) 1
4205 Gebrüder Ziller architectural firm Gebrüder Ziller (d:Q1275071) 1
4206 Gedenkkugel Ravensbrück monument Gedenkkugel für die verfolgten und ermordeten lesbischen Frauen und Mädchen im ehemaligen Frauenkonzentrationslager Ravensbrück und Uckermark (d:Q117608868) 1
4207 Deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft der Amateure national amateur association football team Germany national amateur football team (d:Q1202771) 1
4208 Geschichte Niederösterreichs aspect of history Geschichte Niederösterreichs (d:Q1516551) 1
4209 Geschichte der Juden in Braunschweig aspect of history Geschichte der Juden in Braunschweig (d:Q1235248) 1
4210 Geschichte der Stadt Aurich aspect of history Geschichte der Stadt Aurich (d:Q1516993) 1
4211 Geschichte der Stadt Freistadt aspect of history Geschichte der Stadt Freistadt (d:Q1229150) 1
4212 Geschichte der Stadt Heilbronn aspect of history Geschichte der Stadt Heilbronn (d:Q999261) 1
4213 Geschichte der Stadt Münchberg aspect of history Geschichte der Stadt Münchberg (d:Q1517111) 1
4214 Geschichte des Alsergrunds aspect of history Geschichte des Alsergrunds (d:Q1406509) 1
4215 Geschichte des Bistums Mainz aspect of history Geschichte des Bistums Mainz (d:Q1517296) 1
4216 Geschichte des Geigenbaus in Klingenthal aspect of history Geschichte des Geigenbaus in Klingenthal (d:Q1517352) 1
4217 Geschichte von Görlitz aspect of history Geschichte von Görlitz (d:Q1517638) 1
4218 Geschichte von Hadeln und Wursten aspect of history Geschichte von Hadeln und Wursten (d:Q1517639) 1
4219 Geschichte von Kals am Großglockner aspect of history Geschichte von Kals am Großglockner (d:Q1517644) 1
4220 Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag (d:Q1518161) 1
4221 Green Grass of Texas musical work/composition Green Grass of Texas (d:Q1544593) 1
4222 Groovy Little Suzie musical work/composition Groovy Little Suzie (d:Q1361785) 1
4223 Große Berliner Straßenbahn transport company, tram Große Berliner Straßenbahn (d:Q108600166) 1
4224 Adenoviruspneumonie des Meerschweinchens taxon Guinea pig adenovirus (d:Q356215) 1
4225 Günther Fleischel human Günther Fleischel (d:Q2808054) 1
4226 Harfner Harfner (d:Q1289579) 1
4227 Hehlerei Hehlerei (d:Q1520494) 1
4228 Heidi in Japan fictional human Heidi in Japan (d:Q1594369) 1
4229 Herkulesbahn railway line, Kleinbahn Herkulesbahn (d:Q1610082) 1
4230 Hitlers Volksstaat Hitlers Volksstaat (d:Q1621150) 1
4231 Hochwasser in Bremen Wikimedia list article Hochwasser in Bremen (d:Q1622431) 1
4232 LGBT im Metal Homo-, Bi- und Transsexualität im Metal (d:Q25383014) 1
4233 Horst Wagner human Horst Wagner (d:Q1630040) 1
4234 Huggie’s Bunnies musical work/composition Huggie’s Bunnies (d:Q18412504) 1
4235 Hungersnot in Somalia in den 1990er-Jahren Hungersnot in Somalia (1990er) (d:Q1637882) 1
4236 ICE-Weltrekordfahrt am 1. Mai 1988 world record ICE-Weltrekordfahrt am 1. Mai 1988 (d:Q1653213) 1
4237 Insolvenzanfechtung Insolvenzanfechtung (d:Q1664585) 1
4238 Internationales Privatrecht Internationales Privatrecht (Deutschland) (d:Q1667817) 1
4239 I’m Just a Lonely Guy musical work/composition I’m Just a Lonely Guy (d:Q20827474) 1
4240 Jahrbuch für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich periodical Jahrbuch für die Geschichte des Protestantismus in Österreich (d:Q967736) 1
4241 Jüdische Gemeinde Aurich Jewish community Jewish Community in Aurich (d:Q1678238) 1
4242 Jüdische Friedhöfe in Lippstadt Wikipedia article covering multiple topics Jewish cemetaries in Lippstadt (d:Q106421349) 1
4243 Joachim Ehlers human Joachim Ehlers (d:Q1690048) 1
4244 Josef Brandl human Josef Brandl (d:Q64091729) 1
4245 Jüdische Gemeinde Dornum organization Jüdische Gemeinde Dornum (d:Q1715812) 1
4246 Jüdische Gemeinde Weener organization Jüdische Gemeinde Weener (d:Q1715986) 1
4247 Kali- und Steinsalzbergwerk Conow salt mine Kali- und Steinsalzbergwerk Conow (d:Q1722208) 1
4248 Karl Megerle human Karl Megerle (d:Q1732338) 1
4249 Katholische Arbeitervereine Katholischer Arbeiterverein (d:Q1562257) 1
4250 Kettenschifffahrt in Frankreich Kettenschifffahrt in Frankreich (d:Q1739966) 1
4251 Kettle Falls Railroad Bridge railway bridge Kettle Falls Railroad Bridge (d:Q96622212) 1
4252 Kirche der Granitsäulen architectural structure Kirche der Granitsäulen (d:Q1742788) 1
4253 Konzil in der Hochschule Konzil in der Hochschule (d:Q1783718) 1
4254 Krankenpflege im Nationalsozialismus Krankenpflege im Nationalsozialismus (d:Q1302375) 1
4255 Kriegsverrat im Nationalsozialismus legal concept Kriegsverrat im Nationalsozialismus (d:Q1655694) 1
4256 Kriminologische Lerntheorien Kriminologische Lerntheorie (d:Q54353691) 1
4257 Kurt Zentner human Kurt Zentner (d:Q15450078) 1
4258 Kölner Schule Kölner Schule (d:Q56296889) 1
4259 Landgraf-Carl-Kanal canal Landgraf-Carl Canal (d:Q1802924) 1
4260 Landschaft des vormaligen Fürstentums Lüneburg province Landschaft des vormaligen Fürstentums Lüneburg (d:Q1803751) 1
4261 Leopold Kölbl human Leopold Kölbl (d:Q1819733) 1
4262 AK Bibliothek Wien für Sozialwissenschaften library Library of the Austrian Chamber of Labour in Vienna (d:Q1727492) 1
4263 Lößnitz vineyard location Lößnitz (Großlage) (d:Q1880001) 1
4264 Lüth-Urteil Decision of Federal Constitutional Court of Germany Lüth Decision (d:Q1880410) 1
4265 Malassezien-Dermatitis des Hundes Malassezia dermatitis in dog (d:Q1886738) 1
4266 Markuskirche church building Markuskirche (d:Q1338372) 1
4267 Melanie Schulte motor ship Melanie Schulte (d:Q1919009) 1
4268 Missbrauch von Scheck- und Kreditkarten Missbrauch von Scheck- und Kreditkarten (d:Q1938953) 1
4269 Mordfall Jessica Mordfall Jessica (d:Q1493196) 1
4270 Männliche Kultfigur der Baule ›blolo bian‹/›asie usu‹ sculpture Männliche Kultfigur der Baule ›blolo bian‹/›asie usu‹ (d:Q18288321) 1
4271 Mössinger Generalstreik Mössinger Generalstreik (d:Q1958181) 1
4272 NS-Zwangsarbeit im Bereich Büdingen NS-Zwangsarbeit im Bereich Büdingen (d:Q1961440) 1
4273 Nahverkehr in Potsdam public transport network, transport by country or region Nahverkehr in Potsdam (d:Q1599339) 1
4274 Venusfigurinen von Nebra group of sculptures Nebra Venus figurines (d:Q1412232) 1
4275 Negergeld Negergeld (d:Q1796517) 1
4276 Neue Abteilung der Nationalgalerie Berlin im Kronprinzenpalais Neue Abteilung der Nationalgalerie Berlin im Kronprinzenpalais (d:Q1405437) 1
4277 Neugliederung des Bundesgebietes legal concept Neugliederung des Bundesgebietes (d:Q1980524) 1
4278 Nötigung Nötigung (Deutschland) (d:Q2790486) 1
4279 Operational History (German) Section Operational History Section (d:Q991586) 1
4280 Packsche Händel political crisis Packsche Händel (d:Q113111776) 1
4281 Perrudja literary work Perrudja (d:Q2071747) 1
4282 Persistenz Persistenz (d:Q1489008) 1
4283 Peter Holtz human Peter Holtz (d:Q2793452) 1
4284 Petermannchen painting Petermannchen (d:Q20088063) 1
4285 Pferdebahn der Gemeinde Französisch-Buchholz transport company, horse-drawn tram Pferdebahn der Gemeinde Französisch-Buchholz (d:Q2083658) 1
4286 Pommernfeldzug 1715/1716 military campaign Pommernfeldzug 1715/1716 (d:Q74212623) 1
4287 Pro-Bewegung umbrella organization Pro-Bewegung (d:Q2111329) 1
4288 Rangliste des deutschen Fußballs Rangliste des deutschen Fußballs (d:Q15841732) 1
4289 Raub Raub (d:Q1599096) 1
4290 Reformation in Bad Grönenbach aspect of history Reformation in Bad Grönenbach (d:Q2136765) 1
4291 Reformation in Biel events in a specific year or time period Reformation in Biel (d:Q112710249) 1
4292 Reinbert human Reinbert von Walbeck (d:Q18630112) 1
4293 Rodenstein noble family Rodenstein family (d:Q2161020) 1
4294 Rothenstein noble family Rothenstein (d:Q1518908) 1
4295 Räuberischer Angriff auf Kraftfahrer elements of an offence Räuberischer Angriff auf Kraftfahrer (d:Q20820336) 1
4296 Salter-Osteotomie Salter-Osteotomie (d:Q2215364) 1
4297 Satanische Verse album Satanische Verse (d:Q16942402) 1
4298 Sauerstoff-Langzeittherapie Sauerstoff-Langzeittherapie (d:Q1363537) 1
4299 Schelme von Bergen noble family Schelme von Bergen (d:Q2233111) 1
4300 Schildhornsage sage Schildhornsage (d:Q2235549) 1
4301 Schmalkaldischer Bundestag event Schmalkaldischer Bundestag (1537) (d:Q112963312) 1
4302 Schmerz Schmerz (Ausstellung) (d:Q2246090) 1
4303 Schule der Arbeitslosen literary work Schule der Arbeitslosen (d:Q2251000) 1
4304 Schwere Körperverletzung Schwere Körperverletzung (d:Q1683802) 1
4305 Sonderstimmung Sonderstimmung (Mundharmonika) (d:Q2301165) 1
4306 Soziologie im Nationalsozialismus Soziologie im Nationalsozialismus (d:Q2306081) 1
4307 Spandau-West–Hennigsdorfer Kleinbahn railway line Spandau-West–Hennigsdorfer Kleinbahn (d:Q1603641) 1
4308 Städtische Straßenbahn Spandau tram system Spandauer Straßenbahn (d:Q15848074) 1
4309 Stahlhelm-Putsch attempted coup d'état Stahlhelm-Putsch (d:Q2328980) 1
4310 Steckenpferd-Bewegung planned economy Steckenpferd-Bewegung (d:Q1493301) 1
4311 Strafrechtliches Rehabilitierungsgesetz Federal Act (Germany) Strafrechtliches Rehabilitierungsgesetz (d:Q2352900) 1
4312 Straßenbahn Adlershof–Altglienicke tram service Straßenbahn Adlershof–Altglienicke (d:Q2354372) 1
4313 Straßenbahn der Gemeinde Heiligensee an der Havel transport company Straßenbahn der Gemeinde Heiligensee an der Havel (d:Q1292604) 1
4314 Degendieb von Léopoldville photograph Sword thief of Léopoldville (d:Q108757319) 1
4315 TNT album TNT (d:Q2384609) 1
4316 Philips Tele-Spiel ES 2201 product model Tele-Spiel ES-2201 (d:Q65962710) 1
4317 The Ambitious Guest version, edition or translation The Ambitious Guest (d:Q1153269) 1
4318 Das Gemeindekind literary work The Child of the Parish (d:Q1168304) 1
4319 The Wives of the Dead literary work The Wives of the Dead (d:Q1212702) 1
4320 Theorie der interpersonalen Beziehung in der Pflege theory Theorie der interpersonalen Beziehung in der Pflege (d:Q1284265) 1
4321 Temporale Datenhaltung Time variance (d:Q573574) 1
4322 Tribun title of authority Tribun (Venedig) (d:Q2452530) 1
4323 Tötungsdelikte an der Startbahn West Tötungsdelikte an der Startbahn West (d:Q2464184) 1
4324 Unfallflucht Unfallflucht (Deutschland) (d:Q28499871) 1
4325 Universalien der Musikwahrnehmung Universalien der Musikwahrnehmung (d:Q1778865) 1
4326 Urkundenfälschung Urkundenfälschung (d:Q42758436) 1
4327 Verband deutscher Soldaten pressure group Verband deutscher Soldaten (d:Q27886915) 1
4328 Verfassungsdebatte bei Herodot chapter Verfassungsdebatte bei Herodot (d:Q2515444) 1
4329 Viri Mathematici Viri Mathematici (d:Q1512295) 1
4330 Walter Pahl human Walther Pahl (d:Q15448790) 1
4331 Wandereisen-Holzschnitte von 1523 series of prints Wandereisen-Holzschnitte von 1523 (d:Q810013) 1
4332 Wasserrettungsstation Wasserrettungsstation (d:Q2551390) 1
4333 Wie einer immer daneben tritt caricature, political cartoon Wie einer immer daneben tritt (d:Q48758263) 1
4334 Wilhelm Kühnert human Wilhelm Kühnert (d:Q1479553) 1
4335 Wittem-Projekt Wittem-Projekt (d:Q31836336) 1
4336 Württemberg zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus aspect in a geographic region, aspect in a historical period Württemberg zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus (d:Q2596792) 1
4337 Zentralbankbilanz Zentralbankbilanz (d:Q190239) 1
4338 Zentralinstitut für Diabetes organization, former hospital Zentralinstitut für Diabetes (d:Q190605) 1
4339 Ziller family, group of humans Ziller (d:Q203105) 1
4340 Medienrecht Zulässigkeit von Äußerungen in der Berichterstattung (d:Q228917) 1
4341 Zwiespalt album Zwiespalt (d:Q244671) 1
4342 Abditum mentis concept, Latin phrase abditum mentis (d:Q308232) 1
4343 Überfall auf die Zionskirche criminal case attack on the Zion Church (d:Q81829365) 1
4344 Bilateraler Wechselkurs bilateral exchange rate (d:Q860412) 1
4345 Atopische Dermatitis des Hundes inflammation, dog disease canine atopic dermatitis (d:Q757681) 1
4346 Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf compatibility of family and work (d:Q20826005) 1
4347 Gefährlicher Eingriff in den Straßenverkehr dangerous interference with road traffic (d:Q1498118) 1
4348 Verteidigung defense (d:Q2518516) 1
4349 Handelsbilanzüberschuss export surplus (d:Q1574830) 1
4350 Filmfestivals in Österreich film festivals in Austria (d:Q1414709) 1
4351 Futterallergie animal disease food allergy in animals (d:Q1475504) 1
4352 Gefährliche Körperverletzung gefährliche Körperverletzung (d:Q15811485) 1
4353 Giardiose des Hundes dog disease giardia in dogs (d:Q1522775) 1
4354 Meerschweinchenkrankheiten guinea pig disease (d:Q1916903) 1
4355 Geschichte Bad Grönenbachs aspect of history history of Bad Grönenbach (d:Q1516334) 1
4356 Geschichte von Cottbus aspect of history history of Cottbus (d:Q1517630) 1
4357 Geschichte Kärntens aspect of history history of Kärnten (d:Q78084802) 1
4358 Geschichte der Stadt Soltau aspect of history history of Soltau (d:Q26828100) 1
4359 Geschichte Westfalens aspect of history history of Westphalia (d:Q1516654) 1
4360 Geschichte der Stadt St. Gallen aspect of history history of the city of St. Gallen (d:Q1231871) 1
4361 Eishockey in Dortmund sport in a geographic region ice hockey in Dortmund (d:Q107752264) 1
4362 Intensivtransporthubschrauber aircraft functional class intensive care transport helicopter (d:Q1628220) 1
4363 Schamlippenverkleinerung labia minora reduction (d:Q14552542) 1
4364 Megalithik in Sachsen-Anhalt megalithic tombs in Saxony-Anhalt (d:Q1431505) 1
4365 Atomkreuzer ship type nuclear cruiser (d:Q757621) 1
4366 Wohnungsbesetzungen in der DDR occupation of apartments in the German Democratic Republic (d:Q2254537) 1
4367 Antisemitismusforschung research on Antisemitism (d:Q583336) 1
4368 Saline Königsborn salt evaporation pond salt evaporation pond Königsborn (d:Q2214421) 1
4369 Slughorn wind instrument slughorn (d:Q7542259) 1
4370 Ulcus cruris venosum disease varicose ulcer (d:Q2474600) 1
4371 Völkerrechtliche Verträge in der Schweiz treaty völkerrechtliche Verträge der Schweiz (d:Q111528665) 1
Average ✓ With English: en/de (German) = 3599/4371 (82.3%) 38.7
Sum ✗ No article or article with the same title: 594
No label: 178

See also
