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                                                                       Early life

Sri Rama Krishna also called as Master RK who is one among the most powerful Masters was born on October 14th 1948 in Machillipatnam village of Andhra Pradesh to Sri Kamaraju and Srimati Sakkubai upon the divine decision by Masters of star Sirius. Under the guidence of this grand father Someshwara, he has done doctrine (MSc. Phd) in Banares. Along with physical education, he learned spiritual education from 33 Masters in Banares. As per the advice of Satya Sai he went to Sri RamaSharma Acharya who was the founder of Gayatri Pariwar in Hardiwar. The aquaintence with him has brought many changes in his life. The relation ship between both of them is related to Lord Krishna and Arjuna and can be termed as Nara Narayana.

                                                                    Teachings and Works
    Master RK had became as Sage Agatsya in Andhra pradesh, though he has done the yagnas as per his Master Sri RamaSharma Acharya, his own practices are based on Samarda Saduguru Sparsa (eternal divine touch to entire humanity).  The knowledge of Yogamaya during Lord Krishna time has been given by him in the form of Time and Space education, i.e going beyond time.   While going beyond Time each disciple experiences the touch of his powerful Masters of Shamballa.  The representatives of them are termed as  Externalization of Hierarchy (Ursa Major or Great Bear or Saptarshi Mandalam practices - 14 Masters under 7 groups related to Ursa Major).  
     He has given Spirituality in a scientific way - Scientific Spirituality , explained various books written by Masters in Spirituality and philosophers which helped humanity in moving towards their evolution of life. His uniqueness lies in making people to incorporate the things into each and every cell of the body and also the chemicals within the body scientifically. Also he has given different kinds of Mantras,Yagnas,Sadhanas(practices),Meditations,Yantras for inner awakening and for the benefit of society. 

-> During the Year 1989 - 1994 he has given preaching’s on • Panchagni Vidya - (Utilizing 5 pranas and 5 upapranas using Fire -temperature). • Vedalu -Yagna vidya- (Learning things from Nature and utilizing it for the Humanity) . • Samskaralu (Birthday,Marriage,Pumsamana –Cultivation of Accomplishment i.e. Samskara) • Surya Vignan – (Knowledge of Sun in our body – How Sun works in our body)

-> During the Year 1995 - 2000 his discourses and practices went incredible on • He has given a unique group with whose incarnations the humanity is running now Akanda Gurusatta (Masters of Ursa Major)- (Master CVV- Blavatsky , Lahiri Mahasay - Parmhamsa Yogananda, Sri Aurobindo-Mother Mirra , Shiridi Sai-Satya Sai , Ramana Mahasri-Jillelamudi Amma , Ramakrishna paramhamsa-SaradaMata , SriRamasharma Acharya-MataBhagavatiDevi):-He explained the works done by them and how to implement them in our lives. • Panchakosha Jagarana- (How to develop 5 bodies within us) • Theosophy- (Explanation on various books written by prominent leaders of it) • Lalitha, Trimukhi Gayatri Sadhana-(Using weapons of Godess Gayatri and incorporating the qualities of Lalitha into the each and every cell of our body) • He has done a unique technique of Jagajanani Yogamaya and given Anugrahamala mantra • Lord Dattatreya – The knowledge of Dattatreya and how its works in Nature and among the World • Edgar Cayce’s Many Mansions and Law of Karma – (Different kinds of Karma ,its effects on us and how to reduce these in different ways) • Sanjeevini- Food and Mind(How cooking and eating impacts our Mind and Body)

-> During 2001 - 2014 he has given writings and teachings on • Discourses on Bhagavatam, Bhagavat gita Patanjali YogaSutras(Mind Management), Kathopanishad (Time Management) • Consciousness of Technology – (How to see the consciousness with in us) • Books written by Alice.A.Bailey and Dwjalakhul (How to use the 24 books written by her in 7 planes of our life) • Gayatri - Savitri- Kundalini (Knowledge of human body) • Narayana Theertha and Rukmini Kalyanam(How to prevent disasters by doing Rukmini Kalayanam as told by Naryana Theertha) • Satrayagam – (Coordination between different organizations and Inner awakeness) • Diya- Sikshavidya -(Personality Development,Yoga) • Tulasi Yoganidra -(Developing tulasi qualitites with yoganidra) • Suparna sadhana- (How to ulitise time and sleep) • Establishment of Sun temple in every one’s house