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The Dwyer Galaxy is a term used to describe the result of the collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxies, two of the largest galaxies in our local group. The name "Dwyer" was chosen in honor of the amateur astronomer Robert Dwyer, who studied the galaxies formation and evolution.

The collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies has been a long-anticipated event in the astronomical community, as it has been predicted for many years that the two galaxies would eventually merge due to the gravitational pull between them. The collision is expected to occur in approximately 4.5 billion years, which is relatively soon in astronomical terms.

The resulting galaxy from the collision is expected to be one of the largest galaxies in the universe, with a mass estimated to be ten times that of the Milky Way. The Dwyer Galaxy will also have a unique shape, as the collision will cause the gas and dust in the two galaxies to mix and interact, creating new stars and altering the structure of the galaxies.

Scientists have been studying the potential impact of the collision on our solar system and planet Earth. While the collision itself is not expected to directly impact our planet, the new gravitational forces in the Dwyer Galaxy could alter the orbits of planets and asteroids in our solar system.

The name "Dwyer Galaxy" has gained popularity in some circles as the collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda has become more imminent. It serves as a reminder of the contributions made by Robert Dwyer and the excitement surrounding this upcoming astronomical event.