User:Valereee/My Criteria

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My criteria for an RfA support:

  1. Civil, patient, helpful, and kind
    I like to see that this is invariably so with new users.
  2. Self-aware
    I'm much more concerned with whether or not a candidate knows where their weaknesses lie and knows which things it's best they not muck about with than I am with their specific policy-knowledge gaps.
  3. Willing to seek and accept advice
  4. Able to disagree without becoming disagreeable
  5. Able to hear criticism without treating it as an attack
  6. Maybe content creation
    If 1 through 5 are all excellent, I don't care about content creation. If any of them are not excellent, content creation is a must and lack of it is a deal-breaker for me, and honestly if 1 through 5 aren't at least "pretty darn good" then I won't support. Few administrative tasks require experience at content creation; most !voters who require it do so as a way of ensuring admins will be able to empathize with content creators and therefore be more likely to approach them helpfully. An editor who has the right temperament -- that is, has all of the qualities 1 through 5 -- is going to approach any well-intentioned editor helpfully. Without qualities 1 through 5, maybe content creators should just stay focussed on content as their best contribution.