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I'm an undergraduate at a naff English university. My degree involves learning an entirely useless language, mostly so I can read bad poetry written by a boring man that nobody cares about, though sometimes they let me do fun stuff. Mostly I just miss my cat.

I use more or less my real name on wikipedia because I couldn't think of a better one. I sometimes tell other people that I'm not English in the hope of appearing exotic and mysterious, but they normally laugh at me.

In my spare time, I get lost, get really lost, and fall off things, quite often in The Most Beautiful Place On Earth. Sometimes I got on holiday and mangage to combine getting lost with falling off things. I would like to go to cold places, but my best so far isn't that impressive. I have been known to spend my weekends sat in the back of a flimsy boat or being sworn at by big people, but neither of those things are really that fun. I also take great pleasure in watching fat men play cricket.

My dislikes include certain English cities, the other people at my univeristy, the things I have to read for my degree and eating fish.

I don't understand wikipedia, but nor do you.