User:Sbandrews/swiss cheese features

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Mars Geyser

Artists impression of CO2 geyser, NASA


Hydrology of Mars

  • surface features
  • conditions needed for liquid water - were they ever there? Atmosphere
  • rovers - what evidence
  • satellites - what evidence other that pictorial - olivine?
  • polar lander - what will it find

See also




Ancient Geodynamics and Global-Scale Hydrology on Mars


The Martian Climate Database

Martian impact crater morphology


In the absence of more detailed information impact craters can tell us about a planetary surface's age and physical characteristics. Until recently the age of Mars' surface was based solely on impact crater densities but this has now been augmented by spectroscopic analysis of surface rocks from orbit. Crater morphology provides information about the physical structure and composition of the surface. Lobate ejecta blankets and central pit craters are common on Mars but uncommon on the Moon, which may indicate the presence of near-surface volatiles (ice and water). Degraded impact structures record variations in volcanic, fluvial, and aeolian activity[1].

splat creaters[Stones, Wind, and Ice: A Guide to Martian Impact Craters']


A volcanic crater that looks like an impact crater?[3]

Albor Tholus, taken by the space probe Mars global Surveyor

Albor Tholus is an extinct volcano in the area Elysium Planitia on Mars. It lies south the neighbouring volcanos Elysium Mons and Hecates Tholus. Albor Tholus is 4.5 km high and possesses at the base a diameter of 160 km. Its Caldera has a diameter of 30 km and is 3 km deep. Compared with terrestrial volcanos the Caldera is unusually deep. Evaluations by the Mars probe Mars Express found that the volcanos of the Elysium region were active over long periods.Albor Tholus with Google Mars

Mars volcanoes[4]

Entry template

Knowledge of Mars, our enigmatic red neighbour in the solar system is undergoing a renaissance. Visited by the Viking landers in the mid '70's, Mars was largely ignored for 20 years until the present day fleet of space craft, led by the Mars Global Surveyor and Pathfinder. Now they and four other space missions are shedding new light on the red planet including th discovery of a frozen sea, changes in the polar climate, and the observation of dust devils. New phenomenon include such things as the swiss cheese features and Martian spiders, all pictured by HiRISE, the solar systems second most powerfull space telescope. Future missions include the search for life, bigger, better rovers, and of course the inevitable manned mission.. , (more...)

A recently promoted featured article, Mars has had a high media profile recently with suspected climate warming and new results from the rovers and orbiters - and will soon be in the news again the the launch of phoenix....

ESA images


Wikimedia:Main Page


  1. ^ Press release. "NASA Findings Suggest Jets Bursting From Martian Ice Cap". NASA. Retrieved 2007-03-01.