User:Rutledgecp/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Article title
Archaeological ethics
Article Evaluation
The article is rated Top-importance by WikiProject Archaeology and has a start-class quality rating. There is a strong framework for the topic but the issues could be expanded upon and the references are limited.
Sato, N. (2008). Can Archaeology Be Ethical? Artefact, 31, 14–18.
Moe, J. M., Coleman, C., Fink, K., & Krejs, K. (2002). Archaeology, Ethics, and Character: Using Our Cultural Heritage to Teach Citizenship. Social Studies, 93(3), 109.

Option 2

Article title
Experimental archaeology
Article Evaluation
This article is part of WikiProjects Technology and Archaeology on which the latter has given it a Mid-importance rating and a Start - class quality rating. My first impression of the article is that it is primarily focused on listing practitioners of experimental archaeology. There is a lot of room for expansion in regards to usage and applications.
Cherry, J. F., & Leppard, T. P. (2015). Experimental archaeology and the earliest seagoing: the limitations of inference. World Archaeology, 47(5), 740–755.
Aldeias, V., Gur-Arieh, S., Raquel, M., Monteiro, P., & Cura, P. (2019). 0RW1S34RfeSDcfkexd09rT2Shell1RW1S34RfeSDcfkexd09rT2 we cook it? an experimental approach to the microarchaeological record of shellfish roasting. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(2), 389-407. doi:

Option 3

Article title
Harris matrix
Article Evaluation
This article is rated High - importance by WikiProject Archaeology but has a start - class quality rating. The article primarily needs more inline citations and reference verification.
"The Use of the Harris Matrix to Document the Layers Removed during the Cleaning of Painted Surfaces." Studies in Conservation = Études De Conservation. 49.4 (2004): 245. Web.
Ashmore, W., & Sharer, R. J. (2014). Page 106-107. In Discovering our past: A brief introduction to archaeology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Option 4

Article title
Marxist archaeology
Article Evaluation
The article is rated by WikiProject Archaeology as B - class quality rated and of Mid - importance. This article is well written and developed but seems to lack some perspective on the theoretical impact of Marxist theory on archaeology and anthropology. I think the article compartmentalizes Marxist archaeology to the soviet union and fails to acknowledge its impact beyond that.

Christopher N. Matthews, Mark Leone, & Kurt A. Jordan. (2002). The political economy of archaeological cultures: Marxism and American historical archaeology. Journal of Social Archaeology, 2(1), 109–134.

Earle, T. (2000). Archaeology, Property, and Prehistory. Annual Review of Anthropology, 29, 39-60. Retrieved September 6, 2020, from

Option 5

Article title
Cultural resource management
Article Evaluation
The article has a start - class quality rating and no importance rating with WikiProject Archaeology. The article is a bit scattered and needs better organization. There is room for improvement particularly in regards to applications of CRM and how it is conducted nationally.
"Who Dominates the Discourses of the Past? Gender, Occupational Affiliation, and Multivocality in North American Archaeology Publishing." American Antiquity. 84.3 (2019): 379. Web.
Groover, M. D. (2013). Assessing Historical Archaeology Site Significance in Cultural Resources Management. North American Archaeologist, 34(3), 269–291.