User:Quiet Wanderer/sandbox

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the Sand room

well yeah there is not much here...Yet!

You enter a room, there is not much there. you notice there is sand on the floor. there is no wallpaper in this room the walls are bare, and no furniture save an empty chair no cats here(sorry). there is a light on the ceiling and some comments about how this user doesn't edit much. Why are you reading my sandbox?!

You're still reading aren't you? well don't sit here all day, click on a link and leave or keep reading...

two cats sleep on a red chair
non-existent cats!
sand on the floor.
a light on the ceiling

the Green room


this room has green wallpaper, a similar light as in the first one and has a small table with some papers on it.

the paper what it says:
the first one reads: keep calm, this is a test.
and another one that reads: my obsession is getting out of hand. I wish I could help but I don't know how. Everyone here seems to know more than me. I hope someday to actually write an article. or even make an informative edit not just correct technical stuff. Signed, Quiet Wanderer
a third one that says: you are very nosy aren't you? well follow me further if you want to know more!

the Invisible room


nothing to see here, it's invisible.No need to highlight that I suppose. this room is made out of glass, and you can see the green and sand rooms through it. over you is the sky, and adjacent to you is yet another room that you haven't yet explored. the only two walls that are not glass are the floor and one wall that has some posters.

the Sound room


this room is about as bare as the sand room, visually. that's because it's main focus is sound.

En-No climbing the Reichstag dressed as Spider-Man
Chicago - Saturday In The Park (
Peter Hogan introduction
Russell's Teapot
Three Laws Audio
1 Emergence - Michael David Crawford - Geometric Visions 1994 - Ogg Frog q6

fun isn't it? but now it's time to move on...into the dark.

The tunnel


in the sound room there is a stair case:

It seems to descend
straight down into the darkness
of unknown. You shiver, but remember
that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
and besides this is the only way to get to useful pages.

Or for you it is anyways. You step onto solid ground and trip a flashlight, which is useful,in fact just what you needed.

With flashlight in hand you walk confidently. you find that you have been wandering over subunits of someone's user page. you walk onward past other userpages, past unchecked and unpatrolled articles. you stop to look at a strange claim:"Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813 but was really written in 2012 because she's a ghost and a time traveller."[citation needed] After some surprised gaping at the seer ridiculousness of such a claim you stare for a while, then continue.on you continue past uncited and poorly cited onto fringe theories and conspiracy theories that are there simply because of notability.and onwards onto the field of early take a short break at Sigmund Freud's article. you are addressed by a person on the page:

Hi,I was wondering if you wanted a Freudian sandwich, they not only disturb your thoughts they are also guaranteed to bring back repressed memories and induce vomiting.Freudfan#1

umm, no thanks, I think I'll pass.thanks for offering though.You

They leave. You are somewhat happy with that, you are hungry, but you suspect the Freudian sandwich will only make it worse.from freud it goes faster and you quickly find yourself in featured well cleaned,articles.

Then, suddenly you see a light...

you lift a manhole to reveal the main page!The behind the scenes main page is really noisy and busy,to keep it calm and clear of vandalism.It looks a little bit like the invisible room,with a huge glass dome through which the sky is seen. You look for somewhere calm and quiet to find answers.

what is this?


first of all this is a sandbox if you haven't figured that out. secondly this is my sandbox. but also this is practising visual editing. I have always felt like all the pages on wikipedia were like rooms in a huge building and this is my version of that I have amused myself by giving each "room" a name and imagining how it looks. the sand room was the joke about what my sandbox would look and it quickly escalated from there. the result was me messing with the mind of a hypothetical reader and satirizing wikipedia in general. I originally meant for the tunnel to be a list of useful references, but that didn't work out. I am also thinking about "furnishing" my user page, and making a satirical article about what other places "look" like and linking it to the original. If you are reading this it probably already happened.