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1. My name is Colin. Being of New Zealand origin, Papua New Guinea adolescence, Australian citizenship and having worked and/or lived in South-East Asia (Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia), Europe (France), Africa (Zaire, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia and Guinea) and Papua New Guinea (again), I consider myself more an inhabitant of the planet than of any one country.

2. My age can be estimated when I admit to having been born in the 1950s.

3. I am of the Seventh-day Adventist faith, and in recent years have served as a minister of that denomination in New South Wales until retirement.

4. My educational background includes a theology degree, graduate diploma in education, a Registered Nurse (General) qualification, and a Masters degree in Tropical Health.

5. In earlier years I have worked as a high school teacher, nurse, nurse educator, educational administrator, hospital manager, aid agency project writer and country director, and as a health consultant/coordinator.

6. When not otherwise occupied, I confess to fascination with maps, birds, stamps, coins (especially ancient), family history, not always in that order, and sometimes with unexpected periodicity! (My fascinations wax and wane and rotate when I least expect it!)

7. I am married and have three adult sons.

8. In addition to English, I am reasonably fluent in French, Hiri Motu and Tok Pisin.