User:Owais Al Qarni/02

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Its full name is "Nüzhetü’l-ḫavâṭır ve behcetü’l-mesâmiʿ ve’n-nevâẓır." It is the author's most important work, containing the biographies of about 4,500 scholars, mystics, writers, politicians, and statesmen who lived in India between the 7th and 20th centuries. After seeing the scattered notes on the lives of scholars from his teacher, Muhammad Na'im al-Ansari al-Laknawi, Abdulhay al-Hasani decided to write this work (al-I'lam, introduction by Abu’l-Hasan Ali al-Hasani al-Nadwi, I, 20). The first volume of this eight-volume work covers famous figures from the beginning of Islam to the 13th century, and each subsequent volume covers the biographies of scholars from the following centuries. The author states that he prepared the work by using and correcting errors from more than 300 sources in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu.

The second volume was published before the others as a supplement to Ibn Hajar's "ad-Durar al-Kamina fi A'yan al-Mi'a al-Thamina" (Hyderabad 1350/1931), and later, the first volume, which covers the lives of various scholars in specialized fields, was published (see below). The author's son, Abdulali al-Hasani al-Nadwi, wrote a preface for this volume. After Abu’l-Kalam Azad became the minister of education, the remaining volumes, except for the last one, were published between 1947 and 1959. After the author's death, the incomplete biographies in the last volume were completed by his other son, Abu’l-Hasan al-Nadwi (Hyderabad 1390/1970; Karachi 1396/1976).

"Nüzhetü’l-ḫavâṭır" is not just a biography book; it contains significant information on various scientific, historical, political, and religious topics about the Indian subcontinent. The eighth volume remains the only work on the recent scholars of India. However, the book has been criticized in some aspects. The condensation of the first seven centuries into a single volume has led to insufficient biographies in that volume, the omission of all companions and followers who went to the Indian subcontinent (Kudretullah al-Husaini, pp. 243-244), the brevity of some biographies, the lack of explanation on the selection criteria for the biographies, insufficient information about scholars outside the author's region, and the omission of some important scholars in those regions. The occasional use of less-known names and Urdu spelling makes it difficult to benefit from the work.

"Nüzhetü’l-ḫavâṭır" was published by Dâiretü’l-maârifi’l-Osmâniyye in Hyderabad: I, 1366/1947; 1380/1961; II, 1350/1931; III, 1371/1951; IV, 1373/1954; V, 1375/1955; VI, 1376/1957; VII, 1377/1958; VIII, 1390/1970, 1980. The second edition was published under the same name (Hyderabad 1393/1973), and later as "al-I'lam bi-men fi tarikh al-Hind min al-a'lam" (I-IV, Beirut 1420/1999).



"Nüzhetü’l-ḫavâṭır ve behcetü’l-mesâmiʿ ve’n-nevâẓır" is an eight-volume Arabic work containing the biographies of approximately 4,500 scholars, mystics, writers, politicians, and statesmen who lived in India between the 1st and 14th centuries AH (7th and 20th centuries CE). The first volume is dedicated to the 1st to 7th centuries AH, and each of the subsequent volumes is dedicated to one century starting from the 8th century AH. The second volume was first published as a supplement to Ibn Hajar al-Askalani's work "ad-Durar al-Kamina," which covers the biographies of 8th-century AH scholars (Hyderabad 1350/1931). The other volumes up to the seventh were published between 1366-1378 AH (1947-1959 CE), and the eighth volume was published in 1390 AH (1970 CE) in Hyderabad.

Ali, Mohsin


Ansary, Shafiqul Islam


Among these books, Nazhah al Khawatir is the best book of Abd al Hai al-Hasani. This book is classified into eight large volumes consisting of valuable information regarding religious, political and educational history of India. The author has expressed in it many things about the leading personalities of the Indian subcontinent, their glorious deeds which are connected with their deeds, miracles, habits, dwelling places and so on from the first century of Islam up to the demise of author. Generally, it is the valuable work derived from three hundred works in Persian, Urdu and Arabic. The style of this book is arranged in easy language and smooth construction. This book was first published in Hyderabad.

Bhat, Samee Ullah


His father Mawlana Hakim Syed Abdul Hayy Nadwi al-Hasani was an accomplished Islamic scholar in his own right and had written many books, one of which, Nuzhat al-Khawatir- monumental biographical dictionary of the Indian Muslim `ulama in Arabic language is very famous and consists of eight volumes.

Engineer, Asghar Ali


Maulana Hakim Syed Abdul Hai Hasani who wrote an encyclopaedic book in the name of Nuzhatul Khwatir wa Bahjatul Masam'i wa Nawazirin eight volumes. This book has been reprinted with the name of Al-Elam biman fil Hind minal Aalam by his able son and author of many books, Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Hasani.

Nadwi, Abul Hasan Ali Hasani


Musa, Muhammad Hasan


"Informing about those in the history of India among the notable figures by Sayyid Abdul Hayy al-Nadwi. This book has been printed in two editions; an Indian edition not carefully produced, and another Indian edition in collaboration with Dar Shamiyyah, with the attention of Professor Abu al-Hasan al-Nadwi. It was printed in eight volumes with clear handwriting." (18)

"And the book - as is evident from the title - is specifically about the news of India, meaning Greater India, which today comprises India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Tibet, and Sri Lanka.

The book is a scientific treasure in its field; because historical books rarely mention the news of India, let alone expand on it to this extent."(19)