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This user is a statistician.

I am a novice wikipedia author / editor. Please help coach me.

Wikipedia topics I may be able to help with

  • Data Mining
  • Predictive Modeling
  • Regression
  • Applied Statistics
  • Decision Trees
  • Statistical and Data Mining Software
  • Survey Research
  • Customer Attrition
  • Targeting Methods for Direct Marketing
  • Forecasting
  • Analytic CRM
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Analytic Consulting
  • Data Science
  • Business Intelligence
  • Residential Solar Power

Ideas for new pages

  • Some central and historical data mining people.
    • Gregory Piatetsky Shapiro
    • Usama Fayyed
    • Bharat Rao
    • Other people who have won SIG-KDD awards, especially lifetime or significant achievement awards
      • Ying Li
      • Osmar Zaïane
      • Sunita Sarawagi
      • Robert Grossman
      • Won Kim
      • Xindong Wu
      • Vipin Kumar
      • Ross Quinlan
      • Christos Faloutsos
  • Salford Systems (model the page after other smaller Data Mining Software company pages, e.g., KXEN, Angoss)

Ideas for pages that need editing

  • SPSS and SPSS Inc. pages
  • check the Kaggle page

About Me

  • Name: Karl Rexer, PhD
  • I've worked as a professor, teaching statistics, psychology, social science research methods, memory, psycholinguistics, etc.
  • I've worked as an applied statistician doing survey research in a bank, and then predictive modeling to help target customer communications and marketing efforts.
  • I've worked as an analytic consultant doing data mining and applied statistics for a wide range of industries. I did this for both small and large consulting firms.
  • I started my own company in 2002, Rexer Analytics. We have 3 full-time people, and we all work from home. If anyone's interested, you can do a google search on my company's name and easily find us. I can also be found on LinkedIn.
  • Personal interests: Solar power, electric vehicles, recycling / sustainable living, home cheese making, home brewing (beer).

Helping to further the field of applied analytics / data mining / data science, and using analytics to help others:

  • I guest lecture a few times a year at a couple local universities (MBA and undergraduate data mining classes).
  • I do periodic pro-bono statistical and data management work (e.g, for cancer researchers at MIT).
  • I serve on the Board of Directors of the Oracle Business Intelligence, Warehousing, & Analytics (BIWA) Special Interest Group (an elected, unpaid position).
  • A few years ago I served on SPSS's (IBM) Customer Advisory Board (an invited, unpaid position).
  • I have been on the organizing, review and awards committees of many international data mining workshops, competitions and conferences (e.g., IEEE-2006 & 2011 Data Mining Practice Prize; KDD-2001, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012; Oracle BIWA Summit 2008 & 2013; Oracle Collaborate 2010 & 2012).
  • I mentor several young data miners.
  • Since 2007 we conduct and freely distribute the widely read Annual Data Miner Survey. In 2011 over 1300 data miners from over 60 countries participated in the 5th Annual Survey. Over 4,000 people have requested copies of recent summary reports. We are now on a bi-annual schedule and preparing to launch the 6th survey in early 2013.
  • I am trying to make wikipedia contributions a part of my regular weekly schedule.