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The Multivalue logo

The multivalue database paradigm is an outgrowth of the ideas behind relational databases, hence the term 'post-relational' to detail the same concepts.

The basic premise of multivalued databases is that rather than each record (or item, see terminology below) ...

Database Structure


Arguably the most basic unit of a multivalue database is the file; every piece of data in a multivalue database is contained in some sort of file. The most important file is variously termed the master dictionary (MD), vocabularly file (VOC) or ..., but in each case the



Historically, multivalue databases have used a different terminology from standard relational databases, even though many of the concepts are directly equivalent. A 'file' in a multivalue database coresponds to a table, an 'item' to a records, and an 'attribute' to a field. 'Values' and 'subvalues' have no equivalent in relational databases, as do 'accounts'.

In this article, mutlivalue terms will be used.



There are several mutlivalue database systems available, some of which are listed below.

  • [1] A multivalued database