User:Jlr311/Evaluate an Article

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Evaluate an article


This is where you will complete your article evaluation. Please use the template below to evaluate your selected article.

  • Name of article: Human rights and climate change
  • I chose this article because I have always been an advocate for the environment. I wish everyone knew their impact on the planet. Climate change is talked about but many still think that it's fake. If everyone knew that humans were causing the sea level to rise and the tons of plastic that are trashed somewhere on this planet is due to human activity, then maybe people would take it more seriously.


Guiding questions
  • Does the Lead include an introductory sentence that concisely and clearly describes the article's topic?
    • Yes, it is clear and sets a general overview about the topic.
  • Does the Lead include a brief description of the article's major sections?
    • Not really. It could do a better job structuring what topics will be mentioned.
  • Does the Lead include information that is not present in the article?
    • No, all information in the lead is covered in the article.
  • Is the Lead concise or is it overly detailed?
    • It is concise, but could add more about the topics that will be addressed later in the article.

Lead evaluation



Guiding questions
  • Is the article's content relevant to the topic?
    • Yes, everything is related to human rights and the environment.
  • Is the content up-to-date?
    • It appears to be. The last time the page was edited was August 28th, 2020. I feel that more information could be mentioned in the article, but I know that there are many types of articles that address these different concepts as well.
  • Is there content that is missing or content that does not belong?
    • No, all the content applies to the article. I can't think off the top of my head if any information is missing but from what I read, this article contains the history, issues still at large and general background information.
  • Does the article deal with one of Wikipedia's equity gaps? Does it address topics related to historically underrepresented populations or topics?
    • It talks about indigenous people briefly at the end, but it doesn't seem to have a gap.

Content evaluation


Tone and Balance

Guiding questions
  • Is the article neutral?
    • Yes
  • Are there any claims that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?
    • No
  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?
    • The development section could use more information. The viewpoint is not biased in anyway, but it just needs more information.
  • Does the article attempt to persuade the reader in favor of one position or away from another?
    • No

Tone and balance evaluation


Sources and References

Guiding questions
  • Are all facts in the article backed up by a reliable secondary source of information?
    • Yes
  • Are the sources thorough - i.e. Do they reflect the available literature on the topic?
    • Yes
  • Are the sources current?
    • No, they are older sources.
  • Are the sources written by a diverse spectrum of authors? Do they include historically marginalized individuals where possible?
    • Yes. Statements also have multiple sources for a sentence.
  • Check a few links. Do they work?
    • Some do not work and say that they cannot be found.

Sources and references evaluation



Guiding questions
  • Is the article well-written - i.e. Is it concise, clear, and easy to read?
    • Yes
  • Does the article have any grammatical or spelling errors?
    • Yes. Under the indigenous peoples section, there should be a semicolon after world. This is the sentence. The bold is incorrect.
      • "Due to climate change, indigenous people have been threatened with their livelihood and cultural idententies across the world North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Approximately 370 million indigenous people are affected."
  • Is the article well-organized - i.e. broken down into sections that reflect the major points of the topic?
    • Yes.

Organization evaluation


Images and Media

Guiding questions
  • Does the article include images that enhance understanding of the topic?
    • No.
  • Are images well-captioned?
    • No images.
  • Do all images adhere to Wikipedia's copyright regulations?
    • No images.
  • Are the images laid out in a visually appealing way?
    • No images.

Images and media evaluation


Checking the talk page

Guiding questions
  • What kinds of conversations, if any, are going on behind the scenes about how to represent this topic?
    • No conversations. Just a comment.
  • How is the article rated? Is it a part of any WikiProjects?
    • It is rated as C-Class and is apart of WikiProjects.
  • How does the way Wikipedia discusses this topic differ from the way we've talked about it in class?
    • I feel that we talk about it from an emotional and personal level when this has facts and history linked to it.

Talk page evaluation


Overall impressions

Guiding questions
  • What is the article's overall status?
    • This article still is up and running and it was made for a class back in 2017.
  • What are the article's strengths?
    • It is not biased and it covers good concepts about the article. It provides a vast amount of sources and for the most part, has very little issues with it grammatically.
  • How can the article be improved?
    • It could include images, have more current sources and make sure that they all work and more information overall about the topic.
  • How would you assess the article's completeness - i.e. Is the article well-developed? Is it underdeveloped or poorly developed?
    • I would consider this article to be underdeveloped. It doesn't seem like a completed article to me.

Overall evaluation


Optional activity

  • Choose at least 1 question relevant to the article you're evaluating and leave your evaluation on the article's Talk page. Be sure to sign your feedback

with four tildes — ~~~~

  • Link to feedback: