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Jarhurst - a strange name, derived from a previous house that was named after a racehorse and then adopted as a user id!

I have wide ranging interests with history, particularly battles, and particularly British battles high up, Roman history and their battles, and anything historical that interests me at the time of reading.

I am an avid follower of sport and in particular rugby. This has led to me creating the Andorra Fan Club and as a result the wikipedia page on Andorra rugby

I then created a wikipedia archive of all the international sevens results played in womens rugby.

I have also helped with the fifteen aside archive of the womens game

Musically I like metal although am open minded. This is mainly Iron Maiden and the less known Threshold.

I have always been a fantasy fan. I first stumbled across Sword Of Shannara for half a pence at a jumble sale in 1982. Ultimately this also led me to discover Eddings. The interest in fantasy also spread to Dungeons and Dragons and so many others. One particular favourite is the board game Talisman.

Having done all I can on the Andorra rugby and womens sevens pages (aside from keep them up to date), I am going to see if I can help with the Shannara project.

This user is a member of the
Shannara task force
of the Novels WikiProject.