User:Frickeg/Labor splits

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Includes positions as they were before the split.

Remained with Labor Joined National Labor Independent Labor

Frank Tudor MP, Minister for Trade and Customs
Hugh Mahon MP, Minister for External Affairs
William Higgs MP, Treasurer
King O'Malley MP, Minister for Home Affairs
Senator Albert Gardiner, Vice-President of the Executive Council
Charles McDonald, Speaker of the House of Representatives

Billy Hughes MP, Prime Minister and Attorney-General
Senator George Pearce, Minister for Defence
Jens Jensen MP, Minister for the Navy
William Webster MP, Postmaster-General
Senator Edward Russell, Assistant Minister
Senator Thomas Givens, President of the Senate
William Archibald MP
Fred Bamford MP
Reginald Burchell MP
Senator Richard Buzacott
Ernest Carr MP
John Chanter MP
George Dankel MP
Senator Hugh de Largie
Senator Robert Guthrie
Senator George Henderson
John Lynch MP
Senator Patrick Lynch
Senator John Newland
Alexander Poynton MP
Senator William Senior
William Laird Smith MP
William Spence MP
Senator William Story
Josiah Thomas MP


John Estell MLA, Minister for Labour and Industry
John Cann MLA, Minister for Public Works

William Holman MLA, Premier
David Hall MLA, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General
William Ashford MLA, Secretary for Lands
William Grahame, Minister for Agriculture
Henry Hoyle MLA, Minister without portfolio
John FitzGerald MLC, Vice-President of the Executive Council
Frederick Flowers MLC, President of the Legislative Council
Guy Arkins MLA
William Bagnall MLA
George Burgess MLA
Nicholas Buzacott MLC
Ernest Farrar MLC
Robert Hollis MLA
Patrick McGarry MLA
James McGowen MLA
James Mercer MLA
James Morrish MLA
John Nicholson MLA
Robert Scobie MLA
Andrew Sinclair MLC

George Black MLA, Colonial Secretary, Minister for Public Health
Arthur Griffith MLA, Minister for Public Instruction
Richard Meagher MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
John Cusack MLA
Arthur Gardiner MLA
George McDonald MLA


John Chatham MLA
James McLachlan MLA
Alfred Outtrim MLA
William Plain MLA

Owen Sinclair MLA

Qld There was no split in Queensland, although John Adamson left the Labor Party to sit as an independent.

William Angwin MLA
Thomas Chesson MLA
Philip Collier MLA
James Cunningham MLC
John Drew MLC
Albert Green MLA
James Hickey MLC
John Holman MLA
William Johnson MLA
George Lambert MLA
Harry Millington MLC
Selby Munsie MLA
Peter O'Loghlen MLA
Bartholomew Stubbs MLA
Michael Troy MLA
Thomas Walker MLA
Arthur Wilson MLA

Richard Ardagh MLC
Harry Bolton MLA
William Carpenter MLA
James Cornell MLC
Jabez Dodd MLC
George Foley MLA
Edward Heitmann
Charles Hudson MLA
John Mullany MLA
William Price MLA
John Scaddan MLA
George Taylor MLA
William Thomas MLA
Henry Underwood MLA


Thomas Butterfield MHA
John Carr MLC
Ephraim Coombe MHA
Bill Denny MHA
John Gunn MHA
Lionel Hill MHA
James Jelley MLC
Andrew Kirkpatrick MHA
John Price MHA
Frederick Wallis MLC

Crawford Vaughan MHA, Premier, Treasurer, Minister of Education
Alfred Styles MLC, Chief Secretary
John Vaughan MLC, Attorney-General
Clarence Goode MHA, Minister of Agriculture
Harry Jackson MHA, Commissioner of Public Works
Reginald Blundell MHA, Minister of Industry, Mines and Marine
Frederick Coneybeer MHA, Speaker of the House of Assembly
Edward Anstey MHA
Henry Chesson MHA
William Cole MHA
George Dunn MHA
Thompson Green MHA
William Harvey MLC
John Herbert MHA
Ivor MacGillivray MHA
Maurice Parish MHA
William Ponder MHA
Peter Reidy MHA
Thomas Ryan MHA
Thomas Smeaton MHA
John Southwood MHA
John Verran MHA


John Earle MHA
Charles Howroyd MHA




Remained with Labor Joined UAP Lang Labor

James Scullin MP, Prime Minister, Minister for External Affairs and Industry
Ted Theodore MP, Treasurer
Senator John Daly, Vice-President of the Executive Council
Frank Brennan MP, Attorney-General
Arthur Blakeley MP, Minister for Home Affairs
Frank Anstey MP, Minister for Health
Albert Green MP, Minister for Defence
Parker Moloney MP, Minister for Markets and Transport
Senator John Barnes, Assistant Minister for Works and Railways
Frank Forde MP, Assistant Minister for Customs
Norman Makin, Speaker of the House of Representatives

Joseph Lyons MP, Postmaster-General, Minister for Works and Railways
James Fenton MP, Minister for Trade and Customs
Moses Gabb MP
Allan Guy MP
Charles McGrath MP
John Price MP

Jack Beasley MP, Assistant Minister for Industry
Senator James Dunn
John Eldridge MP
Rowley James MP
Bert Lazzarini MP
Senator Arthur Rae
Eddie Ward MP


Lang Labor Federal Labor Joined UAP

Jack Lang MLA, Premier and Treasurer
Jack Baddeley MLA, Secretary for Mines and Minister for Labour and Industry
Mark Gosling MLA, Colonial Secretary
Andrew Lysaght MLA, Attorney General
Joe Lamaro MLA, Minister of Justice
William McKell MLA, Minister for Local Government
James McGirr MLA, Minister for Health
Billy Davies MLA, Minister of Public Instruction
Jack Tully MLA, Secretary for Lands
Bill Dunn MLA, Minister for Agriculture and Forests
Mat Davidson MLA, Secretary for Public Works
Bill Ely MLA, Assistant Minister for Labour and Industry
James Concannon MLC, Honorary Minister
Frank Burke MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly

Albert Willis MLC, Vice-President of the Executive Council
Joseph Coates MLC
Edward Grayndler MLC
John Higgins MLC
Thomas Holden MLC
John Keegan MLC
James Minahan MLC
John O'Regan MLC
Mick Ryan MLC
Duncan Smith MLC
Frank Spicer MLC
Thomas Storey MLC

John Percival MLC

