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Font Families


For the details see Whole list here

  • To use the following font families, use the codes below:
  1. <span style="font-family: (desired font); font-size: 12pt">
  2. Enter the font you want
  3. Directly after the code, enter your text
  4. Enter </span>after the text

So, it should look like:

<span style="font-family: Monotype Corsiva; font-size: 12pt">Blah blah blah</span>

Which will turn out as:

Blah blah blah

List of Fonts

Font Name: Example of font:
Agency FB Example
Algerian Example
Andale Mono IPA Example
Arial Example
Arial Black Example
Arial Narrow Example
Arial Rounded MT Bold Example
Baskerville Old Face Example
Bauhaus 93 Example
Bell MT Example
Berlin Sans FB Example
Berlin Sans FB Demi Example
Bernard MT Condensed Example
Blackadder ITC Example
Bodoni MT Example
Bodoni MT Black Example
Bodoni MT Condensed Example
Bodoni MT Poster Compressed Example
Book Antiqua Example
Bookman Old Style Example
Bradley Hand ITC Example
Britannic Bold Example
Broadway Example
Brush Script MT Example
Californian FB Example
Calisto MT Example
Castellar Example
Centaur Example
Century Gothic Example
Century Schoolbook Example
Chiller Example
Colonna MT Example
Comic Sans MS Example
Cooper Black Example
Copperplate Gothic Bold Example
Copperplate Gothic Light Example
Courier New Example
Curlz MT Example
Edwardian Script ITC Example
Elephant Example
Engravers MT Example
Eras Bold ITC Example
Eras Demi ITC Example
Eras Light ITC Example
Eras Medium ITC Example
Felix Titling Example
Footlight MT Light Example
Forte Example
Franklin Gothic Book Example
Franklin Gothic Demi Example
Franklin Gothic Heavy Example
Franklin Gothic Medium Example
Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Example
Freestyle Script Example
French Script MT Example
Garamond Example
Georgia Example
Gigi Example
Gill Sans MT Example
GulimChe Example
Impact Example
Kristen ITC Example
Lucida Console Example
Lucida Handwriting Example
Marlett Example
MingLiU Example
Monotype Corsiva Example
MS Gothic Example
MS Hei Example
MS Outlook Example
MS Song Example
Old English Text MT Example
Symbol Example
Tahoma Example
Times New Roman Example
Trebuchet MS Example
Webdings Example
Wingdings Example
Wingdings 2 Example
Wingdings 3 Example

Infobox for University

Sardar Patel University
સરદાર પટેલ યુનિવર્સિટી
Mottoशीलवृत्तफलं श्रुतम्
Motto in English
Character and Conduct are the Fruits of Learning
ChancellorGovernor of Gujarat
Vice-ChancellorProf. B. G. Patel
Academic staff

This is the infobox for my university created by me. I am keeping it here as I need to understand the meaning of other fields and supply the information to them.

University Chancellor

Dr. Bharatkumar G. Patel
Present Vice Chancellor
13th Vice Chancellor of Sardar Patel University
Assumed office
17 May, 2007
Preceded byDr. Pravinchandra J. Patel
Personal details
ResidenceVallabh Vidyanagar
ProfessionProfessor of Pharmacy

This is the infobox created by me containing the information of my university's present Honourable Vice Chancellor. Of course, I would like to improve the source to make it more general. For example, I would like to add the term of the present Vice Chancellor, the number of present Vice Chancellor, the starting and the ending dates of his current tennure, the post he occupied before joining as a Vice Chancellor. I should also add if he was an acting Vice Chancellor earlier or not.

New Section

sample text sample text sample text sample text

Here I want to create a table with background not spanning horizontally the whole line. It should stop at the last letter of the row.

This user attends or attended the Sardar Patel University.

Editing Signature


Type the following in one line in your preference Signature.

[[User:Dineshjk|<span style="font-family: Bradley Hand ITC; font-size: 14pt">

'''Dr. Dinesh Karia'''</span>]]

<sup>[[User talk:Dineshjk|<span style="color:pink">(Talk)</span>]]


and get the following for your signatuer.

Two tilde ~~ gives ~~

Three tilde ~~~ gives Dr. Dinesh Karia(Talk) (contribs)

Four tilde ~~~~ gives Dr. Dinesh Karia(Talk) (contribs) 13:38, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

Five tilde ~~~~~ gives Dr. Dinesh Karia(Talk) (contribs) 13:38, 1 April 2009 (UTC)