User:Charles Matthews/1920s anthologies

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The Golden Book of Modern English Poetry (1922), by Thomas Caldwell, from later and abridged edition. Lascelles Abercrombie - A. E. - Richard Aldington - Martin Armstrong - Maurice Baring - Hilaire Belloc - A. C. Benson - Laurence Binyon - Edmund Blunden - Wilfred Scawen Blunt - Gordon Bottomley - Francis William Bourdillon - Cloudesley Brereton - Robert Bridges - Rupert Brooke - Thomas Edward Brown - W. Bliss Carman - G. K. Chesterton - Mary Coleridge - Padraic Colum - Frances Cornford - Lord Crewe - Arthur Shearly Cripps - Henry Cust - Charles Dalmon - John Davidson - William Henry Davies - Walter de la Mare - Richard Watson Dixon - Austin Dobson - D. M. Dolben - Lord Alfred Douglas - Ernest Dowson - John Drinkwater - A. M. F. Duclaux - Lord Dunsany - Michael Field (pseudonym) - James Elroy Flecker - John Freeman (Georgian poet) - Norman Gale - W. W. Gibson - Eva Gore-Booth - Edmund Gosse - Gerald Gould - Robert Graves - Julian Grenfell - Thomas Hardy - William Ernest Henley - Maurice Hewlett - K. Tynan Hinkson - Ralph Hodgson - W. N. Hodgson - Alfred Edward Housman - Laurence Housman - Ford Madox Hueffer - Douglas Hyde - Violet Jacob - Lionel Johnson - Rudyard Kipling - Andrew Lang - D. H. Lawrence - Francis Ledwidge - Eugene Lee-Hamilton - Edward Cracroft Lefroy - Richard Le Gallienne - Shane Leslie - W. M. Letts - S. R. Lysaght - Rose Macaulay - John McCrae - Archibald McLeish - Philip Bourke Marston - John Masefield - Charlotte Mew - Alice Meynell - Richard Middleton - Harold Monro - T. Sturge Moore - Thomas Moult - John Middleton Murry - Henry Newbolt - Robert Nicols - Alfred Noyes - Moira O'Neill - Arthur O'Shaughnessy - Wilfred Owen - John Payne - J. D. C. Pellow - Phillimore J. Swinnerton - Ezra Pound - May Probyn - Arthur Quiller-Couch - Ernest Rhys - Charles G. D. Roberts - T. W. Rolleston - Sir Ronald Ross - Margaret Sackville - V. Sackville-West - George Santayana - Siegfried Sassoon - Alan Seeger - Edward Shanks - William Sharp - Dora Sigerson Shorter - Fredegonde Shove - C. H. Sorley - J. C. Squire - James Stephens - Robert Louis Stevenson - John Addington Symonds - Arthur Symons - Edward Wyndham Tennant - Edward Thomas - Francis Thompson - Herbert Trench - W. J. Turner - Evelyn Underhill - Samuel Waddington - William Watson - Theodore Watts-Dunton - Humbert Wolfe - Margaret Louisa Woods - William Butler Yeats - Francis Brett Young

An Anthology of Modern Verse (1922) by A. Methuen, from a later edition

A. E. - Lascelles Abercrombie - H. C. Beeching - Hilaire Belloc - Laurence Binyon - Edmund Blunden - W. S. Blunt - Eva Gore Booth - Gordon Bottomley - F. W. Bourdillon - Robert Bridges - Rupert Brooke - T. E. Brown - Joseph Campbell - G. K. Chesterton - Mary E. Coleridge - Padraic Colum - Francis Cornford - Henry Cust - John Davidson - W. H. Davies - Walter de la Mare - Austin Dobson - May Doney - Ernest Dowson - John Drinkwater - Helen Parry Eden - T. S. Eliot - J. E. Flecker - John Freeman - Rose Fyleman - W. W. Gibson - Sir Edmund Gosse - Gerald Gould - Robert Graves - Julian Grenfell - Thomas Hardy - W. E. Henley - Ralph Hodgson - Gerard Manley Hopkins - R. A. Hopwood - F. M. Hueffer - A. L. Huxley - Violet Jacob - Lionel Johnson - Rudyard Kipling - Andrew Lang - D. H. Lawrence - Francis Ledwidge - Sylvia Lynd - S. R. Lysaght - Rose Macaulay - John Masefield - George Meredith - Charlotte Mew - Alice Meynell - Richard Middleton - Harold Monro - T. Sturge Moore - Neil Munro - Sir Henry Newbolt - Robert Nichols - Alfred Noyes - Moira O'Neill - Seumas O'Sullivan - Wilfred Owen - Eden Phillpotts - Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch - Ernest Radford - Siegfried Sassoon - Edward Shanks - Fredegond Shove - Dora Sigerson - C. H. Sorley - J. C. Squire - James Stephens - Robert Louis Stevenson - Arthur Symons - Edward Wyndham Tennant - Edward Thomas - Francis Thompson - Herbert Trench - W. J. Turner - Katharine Tynan - Sir William Watson - Anna Wickham - Oscar Wilde - Iolo A. Williams - W. B. Yeats - F. Brett Young - E. Hilton Young - Geoffrey Winthrop Young

The New Spirit in Verse (1924) edited by Ernest Guy Pertwee

Maurice Baring - Hilaire Belloc - Gordon Bottomley - Robert Bridges - Rupert Brooke - Patrick R. Chalmers - Gilbert Keith Chesterton - A. Newberry Choyce - Padraic Colum - Frances Cornford - William H. Davies - Edward L. Davison - Walter de la Mare - John Drinkwater - James Elroy Flecker - John Freeman - Rose Fyleman - Crosbie Garstin - Wilfrid Wilson Gibson - Gerald Gould - E. Godfrey Hoare - Ralph Hodgson - R. A. Hopwood - Ford Madox Hueffer - Rudyard Kipling - John Masefield - Charlotte Mew - Richard Middleton - Irene McLeod - Harold Monro - Sir Henry Newbolt - Jane Prothero Nott - Alfred Noyes - Leslie M. Priest - William Kean Seymour - Edward Shanks - J. C. Squire - James Stephens - Arthur Symons - Edward Wyndham Tennant - Francis Thompson - W. J. Turner - William Butler Yeats - Francis Brett Young

OXFORD POETRY Oxford Poetry 1928, edited by Clere Parsons and B.B.. Published by Basil G. C. Allen, W. H. Lauden, Jocelyn Brooke, Arthur Calder-Marshall, Norman Cameron, R. M. J. Campbell, J. R. V. Collin, Mary Crozier, Jon Curling, A. S. T. Fisher, Phillis Hartnoll, Christopher Holme, C. J. Pennethorne Hughes, Louis Macneice, Clere Parsons, W. M. Phillips, Brian Roberts, Frederick G. Roberts, Nigel Maltby Robinson, J. M. Ross, E. J. Scovell, W. M. Spackman, Stephen Spender, Antony Thorne, Geoffrey Tillotson and Sholto Watt.