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Dr Merle Audrey Jacobs PhD

Toronto. Ontario

Department of Equity Studies, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. York University



Employment equity for racial minorities and aboriginal people: including Social Justice, Setup and Backlash, Nursing and collegiality: Vicarious trauma when working in helping professions; race as a category

Burmese refugees in Canada: social justice and human rights, relocation, and ties with Burma/ related activist groups in Canada

New Area of Research: Anglo Burmese culture: a sub culture within Burma.

Indigenous ethnicity: The Rakhine

War and forced migration in the Middle East.

(A Eight-year Internationally collaborative, multilateral partnership project with Universities in Kurdistan)

“War and forced migration in the Middle East”.

(A Eight-year Internationally collaborative, multilateral partnership project)


2007                 The Cappuccino Principle: Health, Culture and Social Justice in the Workplace. Ontario: de Sitter Publication (pages 231)

2008                 Women’s Work: Racism and Trauma. Toronto: APF Press (pages 164)

2013                 Women’s Work: Racism Revisited. Toronto: APF Press (pages 232) (refereed)

2015                 Social Dislocation to Geographical Dislocation: Trauma & Resilience  (Ed). Toronto, APF Press. (refereed)

2015                  Righting Humanity: In My/Our Time (Ed) with L. A. Visano. Toronto. APF Press (pages 524) (refereed)

2017                  Race In-Equity: Intersectionality, Social Determinants of Health, & Universal Rights

August 2017 (Ed) with  Ouedraogo, Awalou . Toronto. APF Press (refereed)


2013                  Social justice and human rights: inequalities relating to health status (Ed) with L. A. Visano.  Toronto: APF Press.  (pages 246)(refereed)

2011                 Social Dislocation, Trauma, and the Lived Experience. Toronto, APF Press

2010                 The Professionalization of Work   (Eds) with Stephen Bosanac .Ontario: de Sitter Publications.  2nd Edition

2008                 Critical Reading in Health (Ed) Toronto: APF Press.

2007                 Justice Health and Culture  (Ed) Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

2006                 A Reader in Social Justice: Local and Global (Ed) Ontario: Thomson Nelson.

2006                 The Professionalization of Work   (Eds) with Stephen Bosanac .Ontario: de Sitter Publications. 

2002                 Is Anyone Listening?: Women, Work, and Society (Ed)Toronto: Women’s Press.

PUBLICATIONS—Chapters in Books

2010    Understanding Bureaucracies(with Claudio Colaguori) in Canadian Society: Global Perspectives,( Eds) McCauley, Timothy P. and Janice Hill. (pp. 95-103) Ontario, de Sitter Publications.  


Reader for Courses

2011                 The Intersections Collections, Health and Equity, Pearson Custom Sociology: Pearson Learning Solutions

2006                 A Reader in Social Justice: Local and Global. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

2006                 Sociology: Families and Social Change. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.

2005                 Intersections: Readings in Sociology. Customized Reader Canada: Pearson Custom Publishing.

PUBLICATIONS—Published Professional Reports

2005                 Implementing Accountability For Equity And Ending Racial Backlash (Eds) Hagey, R., Jacobs. M., Turrittin J., Prudy, M., Lee, Ruth.,  Cooper Brathwaite A., & Marianne Chandler. Toronto: Canadian Race Relation Foundation.


Journal Articles

2010   “Speaking, Hearing and Understanding the Stories We Hold as Health Care Providers.”


Patricia McGillicuddy, Tracy Johnson, Phyllis Jensen, Margaret Fitch, Merle Jacobs. Canadian Social Work Journal Volume 12(1).
