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pgTitle = new Array('055 Brigade', '11\'9\"01 September 11', '11 March 2004 Madrid train bombings', '13 June 2007 al-Askari Mosque bombing', '14 September 2005 Baghdad bombing', '1993 World Trade Center bombing', '1998 United States embassy bombings', '19 December 2004 Karbala and Najaf bombings', '19 June 2007 al-Khilani Mosque bombing', '2000 Kuala Lumpur al-Qaeda Summit', '2000 millennium attack plots', '2001 World Series', '2002 Bali bombings', '2003 Istanbul bombings', '2003 Marriott Hotel bombing', '2004 Irbil bombings', '2004 Osama bin Laden video', '2005 Amman bombings', '2005 Bali bombings', '2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction', '2005 Khanaqin bombings', '2005 Musayyib bombing', '2006 transatlantic aircraft plot', '2007 Baku terrorist plot', '2007 Glasgow International Airport attack', '2007 Iraqi Parliament bombing', '2007 London car bombs', '2007 Osama bin Laden video', '2008 Charsadda bombing', '20th hijacker', '22 February 2006 al-Askari Mosque bombing', '23 November 2006 Sadr City bombings', '30 September 2004 Baghdad bombing', '55th Arab Brigade \(Taliban\)', '9-11: American Reflections', '9-11 \(comics\)', '9/11: Press for Truth', '9/11: The Big Lie', '9/11 \(film\)', '9/11 advance-knowledge debate', '9/11 Citizens Watch', '9/11 conspiracy theories', '9/11 Family Steering Committee', '9/11 Memorial \(Arizona\)', '9/11 Memorial Project - Los Angeles', '9/11 opinion polls', '9/11 Public Discourse Project', '9/11 Truth Movement', '911: In Plane Site', 'Aafia Siddiqui', 'Abd al-Muhsin al-Libi', 'Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri', 'Abdelmalek Droudkel', 'Abdul Majeed al-Zindani', 'Abdul Rahman Abdallah Noor', 'Abdul Razzaq \(Taliban leader in Khandahar\)', 'Abdulaziz al-Omari', 'Abdullah Yusuf Azzam', 'Abdussattar Shaikh', 'Able Danger', 'Abraham Zelmanowitz', 'Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades', 'Abu Hafs Al Mauritania', 'Abu Obeida Tawari al-Obeidi', 'Abu Obeida training camp', 'Abu Omar al-Saif', 'Abu Turab Al-Urduni', 'Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri', 'Abu Yasir Al Jaza\'iri', 'Abu Zaid', 'Adam Yahiye Gadahn', 'Adel Abdel Bary', 'Advice and Reform Committee', 'Afghan training camp', 'After Time \(Third Watch\)', 'Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive', 'Aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Ahmed al-Ghamdi', 'Ahmed al-Haznawi', 'Ahmed al-Nami', 'Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani', 'Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh', 'Airport security repercussions due to the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Al-Khansaa \(magazine\)', 'Al-Kuaiti House', 'Al-Qaeda', 'Al-Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror', 'Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula', 'Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb', 'Al-Qaeda safe house', 'Al-Quds Mosque', 'Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory', 'Al Ansar guest house', 'Al Ansar guest house, Pakistan', 'Al Farouq training camp', 'Al Ghuraba training camp', 'Al Qaeda Handbook', 'Al Qaida guest house', 'Al Qaida guest house, Faisalabad', 'Al Qaida guest house, Kabul', 'Al Qaida guest house, Kandahar', 'Al Qaida guest house, Karachi', 'Al Qaida guest house, Konduz', 'Al Qaida guest house, Peshawar', 'Al Qaida safe house, Bosnia', 'Al Qaida safe house, Islamabad', 'Al Qaida safe house, Kandahar, 2000', 'Al Qaida safe house, Kandahar, 2001', 'Al Qaida safe house, Karachi', 'Al Qaida safe house, Pakistan', 'Al Qaida safe house, Rawalpindi', 'Al Qaida safe house, Yemen', 'Al Sadeeq training camp', 'Al Taqwa Bank', 'Alan Lipman', 'Algerian al Qaida guest house, Peshawar', 'Alneda', 'Amber Amundson', 'America: A Tribute to Heroes', 'American Airlines Flight 11', 'American Airlines Flight 77', 'Amjad Farooqi', 'And No Birds Sang', 'Answering the Call: Ground Zero\'s Volunteers', 'Anwar al-Awlaki', 'Anwar al-Awlaki', 'Arab guest house, Kandahar', 'Army of Islam \(Gaza Strip\)', 'Arsala Khan \(suspected al Qaida financier\)', 'As-Sahab', 'Asil training camp', 'Asmar Latin Sani', 'Assassination of Benazir Bhutto', 'At the Center of the Storm: My Years at the CIA', 'Ayman al-Zawahiri', 'Baghdad Belts', 'Bandar al-Hazmi', 'Barbara Olson', 'Battle of Abu Ghraib', 'Battle of Al Qaim', 'Battle of Baqubah', 'Battle of Donkey Island', 'Battle of Mir Ali', 'Battle of Ramadi \(2006\)', 'Battle of Tora Bora', 'Bay\'at al-Imam', 'Bayt al Arab \(OBL guest house\)', 'Benevolence International Foundation', 'Berry Berenson', 'Betty Ong', 'Beyond Belief \(documentary\)', 'Bin Laden Issue Station', 'Bojinka plot', 'Bombing of Afghanistan and Sudan \(August 1998\)', 'Bounce \(album\)', 'Breakdown \(book\)', 'Brian Clark', 'Canadian Action Party', 'Carol Lin', 'Carolyn Beug', 'Cee Cee Lyles', 'Celebrations of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Charles Bishop \(pilot\)', 'Charles Burlingame', 'Charles Edward Jones', 'Chlorine bombings in Iraq', 'Clarence Prevost', 'Class of 9/11', 'Closings and cancellations following the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Collapse of the World Trade Center', 'Communication during the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Controlled demolition hypothesis for the collapse of the World Trade Center', 'Controversies about the 2004 Madrid train bombings', 'Controversy surrounding the rebuilding of the World Trade Center', 'Countdown to Ground Zero', 'Courtesy of the Red, White, & Blue \(The Angry American\)', 'Daftar Al-Taliban', 'Dale Watson', 'Dan Briody', 'Daniel M. Lewin', 'Dave Karnes', 'David Angell', 'David Hicks', 'DC 9/11: Time of Crisis', 'Delmart Vreeland', 'Delta Air Lines Flight 1989', 'Derunta training camp', 'Detentions following the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Deutsche Bank Building', 'Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11', 'E-Ribbon', 'E-Ring', 'Eamon McEneaney', 'Edward P. Felt', 'Elizabeth Wainio', 'Emma E. Booker Elementary School', 'Encyclopedia of Afghan Jihad', 'EPA 9/11 pollution controversy', 'Eyad Alrababah', 'Fahd Faraj al-Juwair', 'Fahrenheit 9/11', 'FahrenHYPE 9/11', 'Failure of imagination', 'Fallout: The Health Impact of 9/11', 'Falluja Precursors', 'Families of September 11', 'Fatah al-Islam', 'Fatawa of Osama bin Laden', 'Fayez Banihammad', 'Fazul Abdullah Mohammed', 'FBI Most Wanted Terrorists', 'FBI Seeking Information - War on Terrorism list', 'Filippo Simeoni', 'Financial assistance following the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'First anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'First Battle of Fallujah', 'Flight 93 \(TV film\)', 'Flight 93 National Memorial', 'Foreign hostages in Iraq', 'Fowzi Saad al-Obeidi', 'Frank Roque', 'Freedom \(Paul McCartney song\)', 'Garnet Bailey', 'George Bergstrom', 'Global Guardian', 'Grounded on 9/11', 'Guest house, Kandahar', 'Hamburg cell', 'Hamza al-Ghamdi', 'Hamza Al Ghamdi House', 'Hani al-Sibai', 'Hani Hanjour', 'Harry Samit', 'Hassan al-Turabi', 'Health effects arising from the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Heart of Steel', 'Hidden Camera Jihad', 'Homeland Security \(film\)', 'Huffman Aviation', 'I Missed Flight 93', 'Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi', 'Ibrahim Hussein Abdel Hadi Eidarous', 'Ibrahim Mohammed Khalil', 'Image:P200086A.jpg', 'Image:P200086B.jpg', 'Iman University', 'In the Shadow of No Towers', 'In Their Own Words \(Third Watch\)', 'Inayatullah', 'Inside 9/11', 'Inside the Jihad: My Life with al Qaeda, a Spy\'s story', 'International Freedom Center', 'Into the Fire \(film\)', 'Iraqi insurgency', 'Islamic Emirate of Waziristan', 'Issa al Qaida guest house, Faisalabad', 'Jake \(rescue dog\)', 'Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna', 'James Woods', 'Jason M. Dahl', 'Jason Thomas', 'Jean-Charles Brisard', 'Jens Blauenfeldt', 'Jeremy Glick \(Flight 93\)', 'Jersey Girls', 'Jimmy Roberts', 'John J. Harvey \(fireboat\)', 'John McLoughlin \(World Trade Center attack survivor\)', 'John Ogonowski', 'John P. O\'Neill', 'Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001', 'Jules and Gedeon Naudet', 'Kenneth Feinberg', 'Khalden training camp', 'Khalid al-Fawwaz', 'Khalid al-Masri', 'Khalid al-Mihdhar', 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed', 'Lal Masjid siege', 'Larry Silverstein', 'Lauren Grandcolas', 'Lauren Manning', 'Layover al Qaida safe house, Kandahar', 'Leadership \(book\)', 'LeRoy Homer Jr.', 'Let\'s roll', 'Lisa D. Jefferson', 'List of audiovisual entertainment affected by the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'List of songs deemed inappropriate by Clear Channel following the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'List of tenants in Five World Trade Center', 'List of tenants in Four World Trade Center', 'List of tenants in One World Trade Center', 'List of tenants in Seven World Trade Center', 'List of tenants in Six World Trade Center', 'List of tenants in Two World Trade Center', 'Location of Osama bin Laden', 'Location of Osama bin Laden', 'Longitudes and Attitudes', 'Loose Change \(film\)', 'Lorie Van Auken', 'Madeline Amy Sweeney', 'Majed Moqed', 'Malek Military Center', 'Mamdouh Mahmud Salim', 'Mamoun Darkazanli', 'Manhattan-Kaboul', 'Mark Bingham', 'Marriott World Trade Center', 'Marwan al-Shehhi', 'May 2007 abduction of US soldiers in Iraq', 'Mes Aynak', 'Michael G. Vickers', 'Michael Scheuer', 'Mike Moran \(firefighter\)', 'Mike Williams \(freelance writer\)', 'Military operations of the War in Afghanistan \(2001–present\)', 'Millenium Hilton Hotel', 'Mir Ali', 'Miranshah', 'Mohamed Atta', 'Mohamed Atta\'s alleged Prague connection', 'Mohamed Atta\'s Nissan', 'Mohammed Haydar Zammar', 'Mohammed Nayim Farouq', 'Mohammed Nazir Bin Lep', 'Mohammed Yousef Mohamed Alqusaidi', 'Mohand al-Shehri', 'Moment of Silence \(poem\)', 'Muhammad Khalil al-Hukaymah', 'Muhammad Sa\'id Ali Hasan', 'Muhammed Rahim', 'Mushabib al-Hamlan', 'Mustafa Abu al-Yazid', 'Mychal F. Judge', 'Nawaf al-Hazmi', 'Neil Levin', 'Never Too Far/Hero Medley', 'Nezam Hafiz', 'Nibras guest house', 'Non-American casualties of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Offutt Air Force Base', 'Omar Nasiri', 'Operation Anaconda', 'Operation Herrick', 'Operation Red Wing', 'Operation SUPPORT', 'Operation Yellow Ribbon', 'Organizers of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Osama bin Laden', 'Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants', 'Pachir Wa Agam District', 'Patriot Day', 'Pavel Hlava', 'Pentagon Memorial', 'Pentagon Renovation Program', 'Pentagon road network', 'PENTTBOM', 'Peter J. Ganci, Jr.', 'Philip D. Zelikow', 'Philippine Airlines Flight 434', 'Phoenix Memo', 'Planning of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Post-9/11', 'Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present', 'Presidential Daily Briefing on bin Laden, August 6, 2001', 'Qal3ah', 'Qari Mohammad Yousuf', 'Qulio Urdo training camp', 'Raising the Flag at Ground Zero', 'Reactions to the 2004 Madrid train bombings', 'Reign Over Me', 'Religion of Peace', 'Rescue and recovery effort after the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Riad \(al-Qaeda host\)', 'Richard Guadagno', 'Rick Rescorla', 'Robert MacLean', 'Ronald Paul Bucca', 'Rudy Giuliani', 'Rudy Giuliani during the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Rumors about the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Sa\'ad Al-Faqih', 'Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda', 'Saeed al-Ghamdi', 'Saleh Ibn Abdul Rahman Hussayen', 'Salem al-Hazmi', 'Sandra Bradshaw', 'Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport', 'Satam al-Suqami', 'Sayyed Imam Al-Sharif', 'Searching for the Roots of 9/11', 'Second Battle of Fallujah', 'September 11, 2001 attack memorials and services', 'September 11, 2001 attacks', 'September 11, 2001 attacks in popular culture', 'September 11, 2001 attacks timeline beyond October', 'September 11, 2001 attacks timeline for October', 'September 11, 2001 attacks timeline for September', 'September 11, 2001 radio communications', 'September 11, 2001 timeline for the day of the attacks', 'September 11th Fund', 'September 11th Victim Compensation Fund', 'September 12th \(film\)', 'September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows', 'September Tenth \(Third Watch\)', 'Shah-i-Kot Valley', 'Shanksville, Pennsylvania', 'Sheikh Abu-Ali Urbuti', 'Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan', 'Slogans and terms derived from the September 11, 2001 attack', 'Sneha Anne Philip', 'Sofiane el-Fassila', 'St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church', 'Stairwell: Trapped in the World Trade Center', 'Stanley Praimnath', 'Steven O\'Brien', 'Strasbourg cathedral bombing plot', 'Strategic Assessments Branch', 'Survivor registry', 'Survivors\' Staircase', 'Survivors of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Suspect guest house', 'Suspect guest house, Jalalabad', 'Suspect guest house, Kandahar', 'Suspect guest house, Karachi', 'Suspect safe house', 'Suspect safe house, Bosnia', 'Taking Liberties \(film\)', 'Taliban', 'Taliban', 'Taliban guest house, Afghanistan', 'Taliban guest house, Baghlan', 'Taliban guest house, Jalalabad', 'Taliban guest house, Kandahar', 'Taliban guest house, Konduz', 'Taliban guest house, Qatar', 'Taliban guest house, Quetta', 'Taliban guest house, Spin Boldak', 'Taliban safe house', 'Taliban safe house, Konduz', 'Taliban safe house, Pakistan', 'Taliban safehouse', 'Taliban transit house, Jalalabad', 'Tank \(Pakistan\)', 'Tank \(Pakistan\)', 'Tarnak Farms', 'Tarnak Farms', 'Template:9-11 hijackers', 'Template:AfghanGuestHouse', 'Template:Sep11', 'Terrorism in Afghanistan', 'Terrorists Among Us - Jihad in America', 'The Bathtub', 'The CIA and September 11 \(book\)', 'The Concert for New York City', 'The Falling Man', 'The Flight That Fought Back', 'The Man Who Predicted 9/11', 'The Myth of Delusion', 'The New Patriotism Series', 'The New Pearl Harbor', 'The Path to 9/11', 'The Pentagon', 'The Pet Goat', 'The Rising \(album\)', 'The Secret History of 9/11', 'The Sphere', 'The Star Spangled Banner \(Whitney Houston single\)', 'The Terror Timeline', 'The terrorists have won', 'The World Trade Center: Rise and Fall of an American Icon', 'Thomas E. Franklin', 'Tiger Cruise', 'Time Bomb 9/11', 'Timeline of al-Qaeda attacks', 'Timeline of the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'Timothy Maude', 'Timothy Welty', 'Titan Corp.', 'Todd Beamer', 'Tom Burnett', 'Tora Bora', 'Toshiya Kuge', 'Tourist guy', 'Toxic Clouds of 9/11', 'Toxic Legacy', 'Toxic Legacy', 'Transportation 9-11 Medal', 'Transportation 9-11 Ribbon', 'Trapped in the Towers: The Elevators of 9/11', 'Triangle of Death \(Iraq\)', 'Tribeca Film Festival', 'Tribute in Light', 'Twin Towers \(film\)', 'U.S. government response to the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'U.S. military response during the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'U.S. v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al.', 'United 93 \(film\)', 'United Airlines Flight 175', 'United Airlines Flight 93', 'United Nations Security Council Committee 1267', 'United States military and Department of Defense ongoing and scheduled operations and exercises for September 11, 2001', 'United We Stand: What More Can I Give', 'User:Jaakobou/Celebrations', 'USS Cole bombing', 'Verizon Building', 'Videos of Ayman al-Zawahiri', 'Videos of Osama bin Laden', 'Visa Express', 'Wa\'el Hamza Julaidan', 'Wail al-Shehri', 'Waleed al-Shehri', 'Walid Muhammad Salih Bin \'Attash', 'War on Terrorism', 'What More Can I Give', 'Where Were You \(When the World Stopped Turning\)', 'Will Jimeno', 'William E. Caswell', 'William M. Feehan', 'William Rodriguez', 'Willie Brigitte', 'Wilson Flagg', 'Wilson Flagg', 'Windows on the World', 'Winter Garden Atrium', 'With Every Mistake', 'World economic effects arising from the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'World political effects arising from the September 11, 2001 attacks', 'World Trade Center', 'World Trade Center \(film\)', 'World Trade Center cross', 'World Trade Center Memorial', 'World Trade Center site', 'World Trade Center Site Memorial Competition', 'WTC View', 'Yacine Akhnouche', 'Yasmin \(film\)', 'Zeitgeist, the Movie', 'Zhe Zeng', 'Ziad Jarrah', 'Ángel Juarbe, Jr.');