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RUY-17—A star located in the Milky Way, discovered in the 17th century. The distance to Earth is 480 ± 1.3 light years. The star is visible to the naked eye from 3/4 of the area of ​​the entire Earth. [2]Located next to the constellation Ursa Major. The two brightest stars in the constellation - Alioth and Dubhe - have a magnitude of 1.8 apparent magnitude. RUY-17 is an equally bright star that is not part of the constellation. In terms of its brightness, RUY-17 can be compared with the star Benetnash, a star of spectral class B3 of the main sequence in the constellation Ursa Major. RUY-17 is a non-setting star and is always above the horizon. The star can be observed after sunset or from the northern hemisphere during a solar eclipse. RUY-17 has a spectral class of A5V and is a white star. Its mass varies from 0.045 to 0.078 solar masses, its surface is heated to 8000-11000K, and its diameter is 1.3 times less than the diameter of the Sun. It has a luminosity 8 times greater than the luminosity of the Sun and its magnitude is 1.05 apparent magnitude. The star is also known for its high rotation speed, which is about 200 km/s at the equator. It can also be used as a reference star to determine the spectral types of other stars.
