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Term/Phrase Definition
Cadit quaestio "The question falls." A legal term used to indicate that a settlement to a dispute has been reached. Abbreviated as "cq," the phrase is used in copy editing to indicate that a fact has been checked and found to be correct.
casus belli "Event of war." Refers to the event (aggression, attack, et al.) that caused a declaration of war.
caveat "Let him beware." A warning.
caveat emptor "Let the buyer beware." Warns buyers of property and other merchandise to be aware of the quality of what they are buying as a seller will not always be held liable for defects discovered after the sale has been closed.
certiorari "To be more fully informed." A writ seeking judicial review.
ceteris paribus "With other things equal."
cogitationis poenam nemo patitur "No one suffers punishment for mere intent."
compos mentis "Of a composed mind."
conditio sine qua non "Condition without with it could not be."
consensus facit legem "Consent makes the law."
consuetudo pro lege servatur "Custom is held as law."
contra "Against." Used in citations to show that cited source gives position opposing author's point.
contra bonos mores "Against good morals."
contra legem "against the law."
Contradictio in adjecto "A contradiction in terms." E.g. "A deafening silence."
contra proferentem "He has sworn." A formal statement of fact.
coram non judice "Another I." A second identity living within a person.
corpus "from bed and table." Divorce a mensa et thoro indicates legal separation without legal divorce.
corpus delicti "friend of the court." A person who offers information to a court regarding a case before it.
corpus juris "mind of harming." The subjective state of mind of the author of a crime, with reference to the exact knowledge of illegal content of his behaviour, and of its possible consequences.
corpus juris civilis "before."
corpus juris gentium "For the sake of argument."
corpus juris secundum "Hear the other side." Refers to the idea that one cannot be fairly judged unless the cases for and against them have been heard.
crimen falsi
cui bono
cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos
crimen injuria
cuius regio, eius religio
curia advisari vult
custos morum