User:Alanis C. Santos Alvira/sandbox

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Article Selection

Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Tooth discoloration

Article Evaluation

  • The content of this article is relevant to the topic, since it exposes from the causes to how to handle the tooth discoloration. In my opinion, this article is written in a neutral way, since at no time does it expose the writer's point of view or invite us to think in a certain way. A strong point of this article is that it has twenty-three sources and almost all are reliable sources, since they are from dental medicine books. However, in the text itself, there are two links that take us to non-existent pages; that's something that needs to be fixed. Also, the article has punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Finally, to this article I would add more information in the subtopic of dental caries and pulp necrosis.


Option 2


Article Evaluation

  • The content of the article is completely relevant to the topic. Also, it is written in a neutral way. It has an extensive list of sources, which were used to write the article, but some of these sources are not secure, since they are sources of magazines or companies and are not secure. In my opinion, gastronomy is such an extensive topic that this article could be more extensive. I mean, I think this article is lacking in information. First I would add information on the "history of gastronomy", I would also add information on how gastronomy develops in some countries of the world. Finally, I would fix the organization of the article a bit.


Option 3

Alter ego

Article Evaluation

  • This article is written in a neutral way and its content is relevant to the topic. The content of this article, in my opinion, complete; it has no lack of information or anything like that. On the other hand, the article has several sources of reference, but some are not reliable, for example, one of the sources is an article from the Rolling Stones Magazine. In my opinion, this article covers Wikipedia's equity gaps because when it shows examples of characters with alter egos, it mentions men, women, people of African descent and people from different countries around the world. In other words, it includes minorities. The only thing I would fix in this article would be punctuation errors.


Option 4

Eating live animals

Article Evaluation

  • This article left me with mixed thoughts. I say this because I liked the way in which the topics were presented, it is a breakdown of animals etc. But on the other hand, some statements in the text did not make sense, were very redundant or were not necessary. I would not know how to describe if this article is written in a neutral way, since it exposes people's experiences, which were acquired from an old newspaper. Also this article has some grammatical errors.
