User:Aelita the Angel/Archive1

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Discussions of page User talk:Aelita the Angel from August 5, 2006 to September 9, 2007 can be seen on this archive page.

Do you or did you watch the show Code Lyoko? Aelita is one of the characters. Just Curious. --Yancyfry jr 03:24, 6 August 2006 (UTC)

Hey again. It has been awhile! I'm still here. Sadly I lost interest in Code Lyoko. I only liked the first 2 seasons. -Yancyfry

Really sorry. Another question. Is your name Erin? Cause I know an Erin who likes Code Lyoko. Either way, my name is Glenn. -Yancyfry 01:48, 20 June 2007 (UTC), my name isn't Erin (sorry!). My name is Marianne. Nice to meet you Glenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ Sorry you lost interest. I haven't had much time to watch lately, so I can't tell if the season is any good! ^_^; Thanks for being my only commentor so far.

Now a question for you............

do you know how to set up user pages (like yours!). I have no clue when it comes to HTML and such....mostly because I have no time to learn'd be a lot of help.

sorry if I don't check my page a lot but i'm busy with trying to survive summer!

thanks a billion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aelita the Angel 11:19 am, 20 June 2007

ps. what's UTC???

Well, UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, high precision atomic time, according to the Wikipedia article.

And Wikipedia has its own thing, not HTML. Although I had a class learning HTML, I can't remember a thing, except the absolute basic layout of a HTML page.

<html><body><a href="">Wikipedia</a></body></html>

Get your userboxes here.

You get templates, or create your own. I don't like to create my own. Anyway you can build a box the hard way with all the nonsense,

<div style="float: left; border: solid blue 1px; margin: 1px"> {| cellspacing="0" style="width: 238px; background: dodgerblue" | style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background: blue; text-align: center; font-size: 13.5pt" | '''fan-3''' | style="font-size: 8pt; padding: 4pt; line-height: 1.25em" | This user wholeheartedly believes that '''''[[{{{1}}}]]''''' is the greatest television program in the history of the world and parts beyond. |} </div><noinclude></noinclude> <--- nonsense

or use premade templates. Example: {{User:Doublediapason/userboxes/tv3|Code Lyoko}} gets you this

fan-3 This user wholeheartedly believes that Code Lyoko is the greatest television program in the history of the world and parts beyond.

There you are, a short Wiki-lesson. -Yancyfry

Oh and why aren't you using your username? You can create articles, upload pictures, and edit semi-protected pages. If you forget your password, I don't know what to tell you. If you do remember your password, but cannot log in because of Cookie blocker, go to Tools, click Internet options, and go to the Privacy tab, and turn off cookie blocker.

thanks!!!!!! this will take me a few days to master....i have commented but i haven't created any pages yet.............................................................oh well

i'll get to it! thanks again!

ps is yancyfry from doug yancy from Doug the nickelodeon tv show???

Nope. It's from the show Futurama. Main character Fry's nephew. But I used to watch Doug, a very long time ago. -Yancyfry

My brother loves Futurama, but he can't watch it too much...he's obsessed with the Star Trek episode.... I like Doug...they should put it on DVD...crazy people! Well, I'll start on my soon-to-be-awesome user page! 24 June 2007 1:00 Pacific Time (I'll figure out UTC later...)

I love your custom made userbox. You should make that a real one.

This user wholeheartedly believes that making your own Userbox is highly overrated and that pre-made is the only way to go unless you have divine patience and a computer for a brain.


Anyway, you want to start a blog kinda thing on Wikipedia? You can create one. I believe Wikipedia allows it. After all, I see pages that are not useful for anything, like pages for signing your name. And duplicates of the Main Page. So, if you really want to do a blog/journal thing, just click this red link and start writing to create a journal. -Yancyfry

Thanks Glenn! And good idea...though I don't see how I'd be very interesting, but I am writing some manga that I'll try entering in the Tokyopop contest thingy...I forgot it's name right now.........yeah....

Thanks! I'll start soon anyways........^_^

P.S. Thanks for putting it on those lists! I'm hopeless at this sort of thing right now.........

Hello, again. I might be getting annoying now, sorry. I want to tell you (so I don't get in trouble) that Wikipedia is not Myspace. There, I said it. Now other users shouldn't get on my case.

Do you have IM or email? I just got an email address about a week ago and I'm adding contacts like crazy (like 3 or 4). My email address is (don't laugh) . For my sake, delete my email address on this page afterwards (I don't want to be emailed by people I don't know.) -Yancyfry

it's you can probably see.......and i'm not's cute (from a girl's POV)....... no i don't have one personal computer has no internet hookup.....this is my family computer i use for internet..........................when i get one i'll let you know........if we're still in contact in a few years (student=no income....which means no internet 'cause i can't afford access yet.....) eh heh heh heh........

p.s. i don't have a myspace and people who put their whole lives on the computer are crazy 'cause unless they have no secrets or have been told their lives are completely interesting by several people they probably shouldn't..........yeah........^_^ *i'm so sleepy right now...*

pps. you're not annoying......

Why, thank you! I guess I'm not as annoying as I originally thought I was. And good for you, not having a myspace. I created a myspace, once, but didn't like it. I deleted my account. The only thing I would ever use myspace for is to contact old friends that I haven't seen for only God knows when. -Yancyfry

well Glenn...i may or may not be getting an e-mail's up in the air....but i'll let you know if i's nice talkin' to you...however short the conversations may be via the wide wide world of wikipedia..........................^_^

p.s. are you into transformers at all? the new movie's out and i'm psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not really into the transformers thing. Sorry. But I think I'm getting back into Lyoko. I saw an episode recently and I liked it.

So, you might be getting an email? Well, I don't think we could ever be online at the same time. You say you were born in California, if you're still there, there's a 3 hour difference between us. I'm in PA. -Yancyfry

ooooooooooooooh! i've been wondering where you're from (no wonder it takes a long time for us to get back to each other...^_^;) Yeah, I'm still in California and I don't plan on leaving for a while (I'm setting my sights on a UC college and since I'm going to be an animator when I graduate (but that's a few years away, seeing as I'm not in college yet...) I really don't need to leave California except for travel 'cause here in Los Angeles County (Burbank specifically) is where all the major animation studios have their headquarters. (I wanna work for Cartoon Network! ^_^) And I'm glad you're back to likin' Lyoko (heh heh, it ryhmes!) but I haven't seen much of the new series yet.....-_-

Enough about me you're from Pennsylvania....I hear there's pretty decent weather there (this from the girl who is ignoring the new right now and isn't bothering to watch the weather....)^_^; By the old are you????????? Not that it's really important and you don't have to answer.............I'm 15 (almost 16! yay drivers license!)


ooops gotta go i'll finish this properly later!

Oh goody! I was going to ask you that very question! I am 17, currently. May 5th, 1990. Alot of my friends seem to be a year younger than me, but then there's my best friend Thomas. He's 4 months older than, but acts like 13. Hmm.

Pennsylvania weather. YUCK! At least for this week. I'm going to sleep early in the morning, like 3-4am. I just can't fall asleep in this stinkin humidity. Its about 75'F and 80% humidity.

Anyway. You are interested in the animation business. Cool. My friend Abbie says I have the intelligence and the potential to go places, but I'm more interested in more physical work. Maybe its just that I don't want to deal with customers yelling at me for miscalculating their change. (i hate math)

See ya -Yancyfry

Cool! So...what are you going to be????????? If you don't like physical work, maybe you could do voice-overs for me when I make it big!!! ^_^ a little nepotism never hurt anyone! (though technically nepotism means blood relatives and you're not but you're my friend so it still counts, right?)

And I haven't heard anyone use "Oh, goody!" in a while! It's sooo cute! (I'm not making fun of you cuz this comes from the girl whose response to everything she doesn't know the answer to is "Uh...chicken?" or "Pikachu!" ^___^;)

You poor, humid thing! It's sooooo dry out here, but luckily we had some really late June Gloom so it's cooled down a little (it was 107 one day...argh! well, i'm used to it...southern california weather is H-O-T!) seriously! I came up with this (anecdote?): It's always so warm in SoCal (Burbank, specifically) that you could walk around in a bikini in the dead of winter (when it's not raining) and you'd only shiver a little bit in the wind! yeah............the heat keeps me up at night!

^_^ this is fun! like a chat room...that anyone else could see.....oh well! I'll find something better later...still workin' on the e-mail bit, gotta ask my parents and shtuff..............i still have your address though so i'll e-mail you when i do! ^_^

LOL, Aelita the Angel

ps. do you know anyone else who spells their name Marianne like i do? I'm trying to count how many people do...i'm up to

Actually, I want to congratulate you. You're the first Marianne I've ever met!

What am I going to be? I'll think about that when the time comes.

I've always wanted to know what California is like. What's the scenery like? I traveled through (VA, WV, TN, MS, AR, TX, NM, AZ, NV, and flew back home. That was my first trip. And it won't be my last. I haven't exactly made the official plan, but I believe I'm just going through Ohio, go down a few states and come back. That's my big summer plan.

You may not go on a trip like me, but I hope you have fun. -Yancyfry

As a native Californian, I may be biased in saying this, but...CALIFORNIA IS THE BEST STATE EVER!!!! (Well, besides Texas!) Yeah...actually, I've been to Texas too, because my dad's from Texas (Dallas, to be exact!). And I went to London back in summer '03...........but that's another story........

I'll just be going to San Diego like we always try to in summer this time...say hello to Shamu and stuff!

Well....the scenery in Los Angeles is amazing!!! (if you like smog and dirt and stuff....) .....^_^; That's just the bad parts of town, though....if you come to Cali, you HAVE to go to Hollywood....between you and me and the Internet, from my house it takes about fifteen minutes to walk down a few blocks, across a bridge over the freeway, and walk another block...and I'm in HOLLYWOOD! (I love Burbank!) The rest of California is great too....Disneyland rocks! You'd have to see that too! San Francisco is one of my favorite cities. I've scraped my knee twice on the Golden Gate Bridge (but it was worth it!) Just be careful if you drive in that city...the hills are killer on cars not made for hilly streets. I haven't been too far north...I haven't been to or past Sacramento. Between So Cal and San Francisco is a LOT of farmland...just remember to keep the air circulating (you know...have the car recycle the air instead of taking in new air from outside) when you pass near cattle farms....YUCK!!!!!!! We forgot to do that and it smelled like cow turd for half a mile after we passed it! You can sometimes just see the Sierra Nevada mountains from the highway in some parts of Middle California, as I call it. Oh, and don't forget to go to the beach...always go to the beach! The water in the Pacific is actually a LOT colder than people think it'll be, so don't be surprised!

Jeez...I sound like a travel brochure........>_<

Have fun, mkay!?!

I'm used to cow smell. As long as its not a pig farm, I'm fine.

Here, feel honored. This is the surrounding area of my house. Spring City PA. Yeah, I looked at Burbank with Google Maps. It's quite a sight. Oh, boy. Sorry for the short message. This stupid computer and it's dial-up internet is getting on my nerves. -Yancyfry

I want to ask you a few things. Like what is your favourite superhero? What do you consider yourself (nerd, geek, popular)? I am considered normal, of course that was said by my geeky friend Tim. I am not a geek, nerd, dork, or popular (although everyone knows me). I don't know what I am. So now, I ask you to diagnose me. What am I?

Lastly, what do you look like? Don't ask me to upload a picture of myself, I won't do that. I have white skin, red-hair. I am not skinny, not (really) fat, I am the 3rd strongest in the class at school (there was 6 people in weight-lifting class). Please, don't exaggerate your flaws. I've already got a friend that exaggerates enough for the world. Remember, I don't care what you look like, you're my friend. I just would like to know what you look like. -Yancyfry

I won't ask you to upload a picture...frankly it's a big risk (I've heard way to many horror stories about MySpace and stuff.....^_^;)

Um...lets see........Superhero? As far as classic Marvel or DC superheroes go, it's a tie between Wonder Woman and Superman (My dad bought a box set of the old black-and-white live action Superman TV show). What do I consider myself to be? To be honest, I guess would be an Art Freak (like in Mean Girls) except not THAT weird. I'm also an Anime Geek, a Dancer, a Choir Girl (well, a former one), and a Smart Kid (who everyone tries to copy off of if they're lazy) too.........actually, I don't fit in too much with any clique cuz I just do my own thing, which involves lots of reading (fantasy or manga), drawing, listening to music (like rock, pop, electronic, and dance), dancing, and writing. For flaws: I'm REALLY stubborn, impatient, forgetful, and I don't suffer fools gladly (I don't take the time to bother with idiots or jerks or etc)

Mkay....looks....: I've got brown hair and eyes (stereotypically Jewish girl looks), pale skin, and I'm slightly chubby but working on being healthier sized! *sweatdrop again!* I look just like my dad (Eastern European Jew) but I'm actually half Hispanic (if you ever saw my mom you'd believe me)

Also, I speak Spanish (a little, I'm still taking classes at school) and I can read Hebrew...just don't ask me to write, speak, or translate it! And if you couldn't guess by now, I'm Jewish (a Reform Jew, the least strict of all the sects because A. it's cool to me, but I'm biased and B. my mom is Christian...she never converted and Reform Jews don't care about stuff like that as long as you're a good person). I believe in Tolerance!!!! GO TOLERANCE!!!!! She and my dad raised my little brother and I Jewish...oh yeah, I have a little bro! Do you?

um...yeah......I guess you could call me a Detail Freak too............

p.s. :D Yay! Thanks for calling me your're nice! I guess I could call you "Glenn, the um...guy I met on the Internet"? just kidding. I think you're a....hmmm....a Cool don't fit in to cliques too much because you're Original! ^_^

Rock is good, as you've certainly seen my page, you can tell I like rock. I listen mainly to 70s and 80s. Recently I've accepted more types of music, such as metal (actually only one band, Nightwish), electronica too.

My 3 favourite superheroes are Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man.

Another question (sorry for interagating you), what school do you go to? I go to a place called West-Mont Christian Academy, a private school. Weird people there, mostly nice, but weird. you like the classics (of superheroes!) ^_^ My school's called John Burroughs High (I'll put a link later!) It's a public school...the only private ones are all-Christian schools (there's nothing wrong with's just they're really expensive and seem to...I dunno...what's the word? yeah! that's it....oh i'm so low on sugar now....zzzzzzz)

^_____________________________________^ lol.......

p.s. you're not interagating me (spelling?)!!!! and have you ever listened to Boston or Styx! CLASSICS OF 70'S ROCK!

Yeah, thanks for catching my error. (grrr)

West-Mont isn't snooty though. They're so poor, (how poor are they?) they're so poor that they have crappy bleachers and lockers, and cheapo wawa lunches.

Styx? Boston? Who HASN'T heard of them? They are two of my favourite bands of all time! I'm listening to Foreplay/Long Time right now on my computer. I'm real sad that Brad Delp is dead. The suicide note was even more depressing. A moment for Delp.

My favourite groups are Hall & Oates, The Police, Chicago, Styx, The Cars, The Spinners, Billy Joel, Eagles, Supertramp, Doobie Brothers, Aerosmith, Phil Keaggy, etc.

Anyway, I'm telling you to be prepared for no messages for a while cause, my computer seems to be failing. The problem is its been failing for about a year. My grandma, who I live with and owns the computer, has agreed that we need a new computer. I'm currently waiting for her to do something. I only hope we get a new computer soon that we don't have all these irreplacable files go missing.

Mkay....I'll miss you! (this is chat-like thing is fun!)^_^ you like the classics...good boy! My school isn't all that rich...the bleachers ARE crappy but they remodeled the entire school a few years ago and FINALLY put in air conditioning...and luckily before I got there!

Well...good luck with the computer! I'll be waiting! ^_^

D See ya later, Glenn!!!!! *waves goodbye...for now!*

p.s. If you're not going for a while tell me...>_< p.p.s. I forgot to tell you my birthday: it's October 11, 1991! And I'll be getting my license soon! yay!!!!! ^_^ :D

Still here? I guess you caught me online. Now that was just a warning. I'll still use the internet, but I'm very cautious about my computer.

kewl..........!!!!!!! i'm still here...but i'm actually supposed to be working on some English summer i may have to break off suddenly, but i'll let you know if i can....sorry! ^_^ it's what...11:00 over there? don't you ever sleep? ^_^;

No, I never sleep. jk. Well, its really stinkin hot, despite the rain we're getting outside. I normally (school night) go to sleep at 1am. Wake up at 6:30am. But since its summer, I go to sleep 2-3am, wake up 7-9 am. Before you say that I'm crazy, I do this cause I think sleeping is mostly a waste of time. Sure, God built us to sleep, so I get sleep, about 4-6 hours sleep, but its better than 8 hours. 8 hours is 1/3 a day. So, about 30 years of your life you spend sleeping. I try to make that less. Or at least that's my philosophy.

Yeah, summer reading really stinks, even more than the humidity and heat here. I am reading Roots and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

I had to read The March by E.L. Doctrow and it's depressing. Right now I'm into Magyk but it's a kids book (I needed some light reading...) and I'm gonna start on the 7th Harry Potter book when it comes out cuz there's a party thing at the Borders at the mall at midnight the night it comes out...^_^ i'm a groupie...yeah... I may even read The Lord of the Rings for the fourth time (yeah...I'm an uber over fan of LOTR!) >_< :D

How about this: you recommend one book and one song by any band/author you like and i'll do the same and we'll write back when we're done...make sure it's nothing you've told me about already or that i know of and vice versa. Hmm? It's dorky, but I'm bored of the same-old, same-old....^_^

I don't read alot. Heck, I don't even read much on Wikipedia. After a short-while, my eyes hurt, and I get one big headache. Sorry. poor child....i just don't get people who don't like reading (I mean...I understand...but I've been reading since I could speak almost...but mostly it's not really mind-expanding...oh well) i gotta go now, so see ya later!!! sweet dreams, you non-sleeper you......i like sleep, actually...just cuz i don't ever get enough to feel completely rested....well...bye!



Question: how do i archive this (like on your page?) cuz there's a lot of writing and i want to make room for more...... ^_^ just a question..... that wuz cool, catching you online yesterday! hope you got to sleep at some point even though you don't like sleep. and that's really weird....30 years spent wonder i like staying up's a waste of time! and the fact that i am SO NOT a morning person may be the result of this lack of enthusiasm for sleeping the night away...which is probably because i dislike the sun (only because it's sooo hot in L.A.) and i prefer the night and or cloudy days....

.....whoa.....that whole therapy session right there and i didn't have to pay a cent! ^_^ thanks for putting up with my insomniac insanity! *sweatdrop* ^_^

You want to archieve it on my page!? Sorry. First, this is your page, I already have stuff on my page. I won't create an archieve of your page without your permission. But here's the link. User Aelita the Angel/Archieve1. Once you contact me back, tell me what you want to do. Yancyfry

NO N-N-N-NO NO NO!!! I wanna archive it on MY page...I meant archive it like yours!!!!! >_< *gyaaahh!!!!* *waves arms in agitation and embarassment* SORRY SORRY SORRY! yeah...i just had chinese food and it makes me a bit you can see.....^_^; *sweatdrops* could you tell me how to archive it.........please? thanks Glenn! (or do you want me to stop saying Glenn and call you Yancyfry or whatever....sorry......

Actually, I don't archieve it. I just delete it (mine). I did archieve once, but I spelled it wrong, felt embarrassed and asked Phaedriel to delete it for me as a favor. So, you want me to move all the messages above to User Aelita the Angel/Archieve1?

Notice, I'm logging off early. I'm going to watch Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist, and go to sleep for work tomorrow.

I hate to rush you, but I'm going in 20 mins. Your time, 9:10.

mkay...go ahead thanx! sorry i was gunna answer you last night but i had to get off so yeah go ahead see ya! ^_^ (i'm rushed too....................>_<) enjoy whatever you're doing!

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! it's cool! it's exactly what i wanted! ^_^ ............................................... oy, my left arm is killing me (I'm left handed!) cuz of my crazy AP US History summer assignment...they're making us outline the first four chapters of the textbook...BY HAND! no typing! it sucks! and i'm only on chapter 2...gyargh! Hope you don't have summer work...if you don't you're sooo lucky! yeah.....thanks again!

Unfortunately, I am unlucky, but not as severe as you. I have to do 2 powerpoint presentations about my books. (1 per book) You're saying, "wow, that really easy! what are you complaining about?" I am complaining about it because I DON'T HAVE POWERPOINT! I heard it costs $200! Where am I going to get that money!? My mom pays enough for me to just attend West-Mont. I have to have those done, and show them in front of the class. Each presentation is about a test grade. And I'm not too good with Lit classes!

Here I am blathering again. This isn't like me. Maybe I just miss my school friends. I don't know.

It's no biggie! You are talking to the queen of blathering, dallying, hobnobbing, chatting, going-on-forever, etc., my friend! Blather away! I don't mind one bit! I'm here for ya! ^_^

I'm a Powerpoint whiz (in France...aka i have little to no talent) I can do basic stuff, but i don't have the program on my computer... That sucks for you! *I mean that in a sincere non-mocking way* I'm good at lit class (cuz I've read so much i know all the vocab) but i've recently had a string of stupid and/or nitpicky jerks for teachers. I haven't learned a thing except some new vocab words in the last two years! All i've really done is perfect the art of BS-ing my way through a million papers! Argh! I appreciate your sympathy. I wish I could help with the powerpoint thing, but the only help i can really give is that you beg one of your compadres (friends) to let you use their powerpoint (if they have it!). Bribing helps, too! >_< *evil grin*

No, really. I wish i could help! I'll take your mind off it by doing a monkey dance! *does monkey dance in her awesome Dallas Cowboys p.j.'s* Feeling better? ^_^ *ha ha ha ha ha ha!*

Yeah...I going to go see Harry Potter 5 tomorrow with my mad crazy friends. Do you like HP Sauce, as i call him (there's this brand of worsteshire [i spelled that wrong so badly!] sauce called HP sauce...HP...Harry Potter...ha ha ha!)???? Yes, I'm certifiably crazy. Oh well!

No, not into the Harry Potter craze. I did enjoy the movies, but I won't go crazy over them.

My neighbor has powerpoint, but I trust his computer as far as I could throw it, y'know? His computer has an internet internet service a thousand times faster than mine and a thousand more viruses.

Anyway, my hands are preventing me from writing a long note. They are shaking uncontrollably. No, I don't think I have Parkinson's disease, but it sure feels like it. -Yancyfry

Sorry responding took so long...i just finished chapter 2 of my ap us assignment of doom! I'll write in belated fragments from now on, cuz my lil bro got out of summa school and when my mum went off to get him (and the computer was free) I usually used that time to write back, but now the computer will be in high demand! >_< gyargh! Sorry about the shaking hands syndrome (maybe you're tense? should i do the monkey dance again? ^_^) good luck on powerpoint! I may not be able to write back this weekend but i'll find time too by the week! *does monkey dance anyway! and panda dance too!* lol, Glenn! ^_^

Panda dance? Monkey dance? HAVE YOU LOST YOU'RE MIND!? Join the club. Anyway, this hand shaking is nothing more than what you said it was. I overworked my hands. It just has never been that severe. I couldn't use the keyboard properly. Now, I'm fine. The shaking's minor.

I want to ask you a relatively serious question. What's it like to have a brother? I don't have a brother/sister. Oftentimes I wonder what it would be like to have a sibling.

Sorry it took so long to write back. Well..... My brother is 16 months younger than me, so it's almost like we're twins (annoyingly so, in fact.) People always thought we were twins (until he got taller than me last year! argh!) It can be always have someone to hang out with, he understands my jokes (we have a lot of inside jokes) and he's an orange belt in kung fu, so he can beat up any weirdos who mess with me! ^_^ It can also really really suck, cuz he can be soooo annoying. but i love the little tyke anyways! ^_^ luckily he's got a good friend (his name's he's not Indian) so he doesn't bother me as much anymore. (phew!)'s both nice and tough....i dunno.


welp, gotta go for now....

serious question, though: what's it like not having siblings?

I sometimes feel so lonely in my house, I don't have anyone to talk to who could possibly understand. It would be fun to have a brother to blame things on, and to laugh at and to laugh with. Everyone, and I truly mean everyone in my family has a sibling, except for me. Along with a sibling, it would be nice to have a dad.

I don't have alot of social skills, you know. It's because of the lack of a dad. I never saw/met him. But with him, I'd be off worse. God helped me along with that. I accepted that when I found out what he was like.

And when you reply, don't apologize. All of my friends apologize, when there's nothing to apologize for. You did me no harm, nor did your question. I'm fine, and I have God to thank for it.

I'm glad you're okay about it. I won't ask what he was like, cuz I have a strict policy of not prying. I let my friends tell me the dark or secret things about their lives when they want to tell me. But I feel bad you didn't have a good dad. My dad is a good guy (he may look scary [he's a lawyer but a good one] but he's really a big softie) and I'm glad I got him. My mom's like you, but she's seen her dad (only twice). He was really bad to my grandma and left her when my mom was very little. Out of all my friends, I'm so thankful that my parents have the best marriage. Most of my friends' parents are divorced. my parents' 20th wedding anniversary is coming!

gotta go.........

Shalom to you! (peace)

Good for them. 20 years of shared pain and happiness and love. My mom (Lynn) is dating (Alan) a neat-freak with a great sense of humor. So she's fine.

A lawyer? Your dad's a lawyer? Oy! Now I have two friends with lawyer dads. Your dad sounds nice from what you've said about him. But Thomas' lawyer dad (George) is creepy weird. Yes, "creepy weird". George says his house is haunted with the ghost of his dad. Also, George wants his body to be left in their house for 3 days after he dies. I honestly don't know where these guys come from.

There's another question I want to ask you. Since your in the area of Hollywood, have you ever met/seen any actor/actresses in person? -Glenn

Hells yeah! I'm related to an actor (Robbie Benson, voice of the Beast and popular in the 70's) but he's a very distant cousin. I've seen: Hilary Duff, the chick who plays Sabrina the Teenage Witch (memory loss due to lack of sugar), Howie something-0r-the-other (bad day song guy) Bob Hope...a few more, but i'm tired so i don't lil bro's seen Ray Bradbury....^_^ *zzzzzz* my dad's seen a few greats himself...but i forgot! as you can see, my mind is a puddle of mush tonight. ^_^

i feel like a snorlax...and a munchlax...*mmm...Oreos!*

and a drowsee...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

question: (what a great game of question tag we're playing, huh? ^_^) If you could be anything (superhero, dog, fictional character, tree, etc) what would it be? and name your favorite superpower!

i'd be a dragon who could turn into a human and control fire...and i wish i could earth and fire bend like in Avatar: The Last Airbender! (looove that show!)

lol, Marianne

Personally, I think Nickelodeon sucks, but the one show I like on it is Avatar. I rented Book:Water and Book:Earth, waiting for the rest! Coming out in August! I miss Mako (a.k.a. Iroh).

Since you have seen and are related to a Hollywood actor/actress, I will go ahead and tell you that my neighbour is the nephew of Krista Errickson. And since I'm desperate enough to tell you, my grandpa met Tex Ritter, father of deceased John Ritter.

Now I know I've asked you questions like this before, but what shows do you watch? I watch Ed, Edd n' Eddy, Billy and Mandy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Avatar, Futurama, and Kolchak: The Night Stalker.

If I could be anything, I'd be a superhero with these superpowers: invisibility, ability to fly, super-strength (like lift up a building), and just because I love Star Wars, have a lightsaber by my side.


I like Bleach and avatar but i haven't been able to follow bleach much.......but i looove the theme song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will write more soon...must go! lil bro wants computer and we just got harry potter 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i have my stupid AP stuff to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gyargh! will write back more by tuesday! ^_^ --Marianne

Which opening song? They have several! Ha! Well, yeah. I just got interested in it about 2 weeks ago.

Do you have a job? Most 16 year olds do. Of course I didn't when I was 16, but that's beside the point. I don't know if I told you about my job, and I'm too lazy right now to check the archive. I work for my cousin Jim cleaning out, painting, and fixing apartments. Most of them were home to drug addicts. And this is no more than 2 blocks from my school! But since this is my first official job, I get $5 an hour. Unless you consider feeding a dog for a week for $120 is a job. -Glenn

Sorry this took so long...... my favorite bleach theme is Asterisk' by Orange Range!!!!!!! I've memorized the chorus pretty much...though i'm sure instead of saying what they're meant to say the words that come out of my mouth probably say something dirty or nasty or's very fast...

$120 for one week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only got $20 for sitting a dog for a weekend! I know you worked longer than that but whoa!!!!!!!!!!

No I don't have a paying job...I volunteer occasionally at the Senior Center work mostly...i call myself the "Copy Monkey" cuz i do ALL the copying.....every thursday except i'm getting the summer off cuz they say they don't need me.........See...i need 200 hours of volunteering to get this medal thing at graduation...i'm sure i've got at least 150 but i dunno.....gyargh! i wanna work at AMC Theaters just cuz it sounds fun but i still dunno.....>_<

lol, Marianne

Well, I've always had one rich neigbour that owned a dog. But $120 did suprise me when I first saw it. I miss my $120. But $20 was the normal amount I get for a weekend.

You know, since you asked me that question, I want to know your answer. So, what superpowers would you want? -Glenn

I thought I'd said so? I wanted to be able to turn into a dragon (a big one and a small one, depending on the situation) and I wished I could earthbend and firebend like in Avatar: The Last Airbender!!! ^_^

By the way, I'm a HUGE Avatar freak. I'm obsessed (in a healthy way...I think...*twitch*...just kidding! ^_^) I can't wait for the new series!!! The teasers at Comic Con '07 are making me giddy!!!!! Aang has hair! I thought I'd never see the day! ^_^

Yeah...sorry....and sorry I haven't written in so long...I've been busy and the computer was not at my disposal until now...yeah....I HATE MY AP US SUMMER ASSIGNMENT!!!! >_<

okay, blabbing done! (see, i blather a lot too! ^_^)

so, another question (so many questions for each of us! but i think it's fun!): when do you start school again? what grade? and one more question: is there a Kwik-E-Mart (from the Simpsons) near you? there's one here in burbank cuz of all the studios we have here and it's crazy! crazy cool, i mean! ^_^;

lol, Marianne

I guess you did tell me what superpowers you would like to have. Sorry.

Marianne, EVERYONE hates summer assignments.

We don't have a Kwik-E-Mart, but I have met people in shopmarts who talk like Apu! Does that count? But we do have a tri-state chain of marts called Wawa.

When does school start? I never remember the actual date, but it is one day after Labor Day. When does yours start?

I'm sorry, I forget alot. Did I ask you what school you went to? I already told you that I go to West-Mont Christian Academy, that much I know. -Glenn

Well, I'm glad to know I'm human after all...I thought I was the only one who could loathe the Puritans with such a vile intesity...(they constituted the bulk of chapter 3....thank the fluffy little bunnies in Scotland I finished it yesterday! only one chapter left! hallelujah!) realize that I'm kidding about hating the Puritans, right? I just feel as slight dislike cuz they gave me a near-hernia......>_<

You did ask, but it's okay. I go to John Burroughs in Burbank. Here's a link (you put one up for West Mont so here's one from's nothing special, though)

I have such a short-term memory you wouldn't believe it...except for things I'm really into, like Avatar and my several fiction projects...since I'm going to be an artist/animator, it doesn't hurt to start up projects early, no? I've got about three mega projects in the work. No telling yet, though, since anyone can look here and copy....^_^; *sweatdrop*

Didya hear? Avatar starts SEPTEMBER 21!!!! Yay! Aang's got hair!!! go to for more info...that site's very reliable.

I'm listening to the Transformers movie soundtrack...I'm surprisingly into the Disturbed song This Moment. I usually hate metal. But I love techno, like this song by Julien-K called Technical Difficulties and the Transformers Theme by Mutemath. ^_^

What music do you like, or did I already ask you? (see, no memory space whatsoever!)


Oh, man! I thought Avatar was coming out in August! Now I have something to sulk about. Aang? With hair? Hehe, that's uh, that's quite, that's something. I prefer Aang with no hair.

Good. I was beginning to think I was the only one, other than my oblivious ex-girlfriend, to have this short memory.

I did tell you what music I like, but its nice that you asked again, cause now I have a reason to tell you. I like Rock, alot of guitar, Phil Keaggy, Eric Clapton, 70's & 80's music, not alot of heavy stuff. No rap, although I do accept it as a form of music. Metal songs, not my favourite. But there is one Metal band I like, Nightwish. My geeky friend Tim is into metal. I listened to it, and got interested. And of course, Japanese music, such as the song Tobira No Mouk e 2nd ending to the series and my favourite show Fullmetal Alchemist. So yeah. I guess I'm a bit talkative tonight. -Glenn

Oh, look at this story on Deviantart.

Hey!!!!! Nice story! Kinda funny...... i'm the queen of talkative should see me at bro calls me 711...cuz my mouth never closes!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!

check out ....they've got the season 3 trailer (offical one) from comic con '07!!!


yeah............saw Live Free or Die Hard and it was awesome! i luvvvv good action flicks!!!!!!!!! you should see it if you like humor and explosions!!

Kinda funny? You've broken my spirit...

Nah. But I would like to say I saw the Avatar season 3 trailer, but my computer is so dang slow that its near impossible to watch videos. I have dial-up, pity me. The longest video I've ever watched on YouTube was 10 minutes, worth it, but very long. Took 2 hours to fully load.

Action flicks. I like 'em. But I don't like alot of the ones produced recently. I'm waiting for The Bourne Ultimatum. Never been a "die hard" fan. Hehe. Get the joke? Hehe, (I'm so corny). Comedy films, I like, but once again, not alot were produced recently that I like. -Glenn

sorry this took so long...almost done wid ap, though... you're not corny, you're funny! sorry to break your spirit, but i thought it was funny! (the story) it was clever, very clever! xD hey, why don't ya go to the library...maybe they have better connections so you can see the avatar stuff and other such more! yeah...i'll be going on vacation next week or the week after possibly (san diego...we go there a lot and we have memberships to the zoos and stuff), so i won't write then, i'll try and let you know before i go.......

you should see the movie My Favorite Year starring this one guy and Peter O'Toole...itz hilarious and is kinda based off of Mel Brook's's soooo funny! it was made in the 80's and is set in the 40's/50's.

Bourne Ultimatum sounds interesting, but i'm not a huge bourne fan...never seen the movies. i can't wait to see Hairspray so i can laugh at John Travolta in drag....hahahahahaha...sorry if you're a travolta fan. eh heh heh heh.............

see ya!!! --Marianne

That's alright, I'm not too crazy about Travolta. I only liked him in Welcome Back Kotter. Yeah, since I'm going on vacation soon, I'll inform you when it happens. Whenever that is.

Mel Brooks is hilarious! I love all of his movies! Except for the 2005 version of The Producers. Egh. -Glenn

I don't like it either, but my lil bro liked it...probably cuz there was more stupid songs........^_^

yeah....i'm almost done wid ap us...four more sections...must...go...on...ugh...i have a headache...-_-; ay yai yai...................

itz so hot in here...even though itz only supposed to be in the 80 degree range today and all week....gyargh!

yeah....wazzup with you? what's new? i think you should listen to this one song (if your computer will allow it...) called End of the World by Armor for Sleep...itz actually not all that depressing....^_^

lol, Marianne

I didn't get to listen to the song, but I read the lyrics. Yep. Sums up the apocolypse. Speaking of which, I personally believe that the apocolypse will happen within my lifetime. From what I see happening, it seems the apocolypse is near.

I'm down right now. I feel saddened. My friend is having a tough time. When she is sad, I'm sad. She isn't telling me what's wrong. If you pray, please pray for her. I can't seem to get out of this mood.

But other than that, I am fine. How are you doing? -Glenn

Mkay...I will. Find out what's wrong yet? Hope it's nothing too bad. However, my advice? If you think something is really wrong (something more than surfing the red tide, aka that time of the month) let her know you're there for her and want to help her. Be firm in letting her know that if something's wrong, that she should tell someone. (I'm a lawyer/former district attorney's daughter, I've heard of this kind of thing too much to not know by now not telling someone what's wrong will only make things worse and someone, usually them, will end up in a bad way. And I've heard of situations like this from real life, not just the tv shows.

Sorry about telling you about the depressing song if you were already depressed. um....i don't think the world will end in our lifetimes, but i feel sorry for whoever comes after us if we don't turn this thing around...bush will be gone soon...that's a start.) i don't want the world to turn into something like in Akira. How about this song: Hero by Nickelback. Very strong and somewhat uplifting. It's really just about being your own hero, to me at least. ^_^

I'm doing well......I FINISHED MY CURSED AP US ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!! well, not technically...i've got some touch-ups and extra questions left....ergh..........

You? You okay now? Get out of this mood!! or i will do the monkey dance!!!!!! it goes ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang!. yeah, i ripped off the witch doctor song...whatev!

lol, Marianne

Marianne, she isn't bugged by "that". She's fine now. She just seemed down. She is one of the 3 major friends who shaped my life. Seeing her sad, makes me sad.

Good news, everyone! I'm sending you off on a pre-paid trip to the Looney Bin! heh heh. Yeah, I'm fine. Hero by Nickelback is a great song (I have the Spiderman soundtrack).

Sorry, the section below is the largest of my message. And if you read this section, don't stop halfway, read to the last word.

Actually, this is where alot of people start yelling and cursing at me. I like Bush and support this war. I am a conservative. (glenn covers his ears) I hope that you don't react negatively. My bestfriend Tom from West-Mont hates Bush, and tells me how much he does. He tells me everything Bush has ever done wrong and how much he would like to see him dead. Before, I've simply said to Sean, a friend that I knew for years. I said, "I support Bush". He exploded in my face, and I never heard from him again. I sincerly hope you don't stop talking to me because of this. You're a wonderful person, and I would hate to lose you as a friend. -Glenn

AAAAAWWWWWW.........of course you won't lose me as a friend! (especially after complimenting me like that, you're so nice) I know wse've only been friends for a little while, but I'd think you could guess by what i've said that i wouldn't dump you as a friend for simply believing different than i do! I come from a totally wacked out totally different family...everyone thinks something different! tolerance is my number one policy! only if you had threatened to come after me with a knife or voodoo would i leave (please dont!) ^_^ *sweatdrop* no shouting here.

I dislike Bush, but i support the war. going in and getting rid of saddamm and making absolutely sure there were no weapons of mass destruction was the right thing to do, but the bush administration carried it out VERY poorly......very. i have two cousins in the army and navy and i worry about them...luckily they're both back in was in iraq and the other was on a world tour of duty. Both are distant but i love 'em. i've never met face to face the one in the army...long story i don't want to go into right now involving my mom's sister, my aunt, his mother. the other is my technical cousin, by marriage, and she was in the navy but now she's married and getting her honorable discharge soon. So yeah, i support the war but it needed better handling than bush could ever provide.

but that's just me. you're entitled to your own opinion. no big. ^_^ are we good?

You're absolutely right! pheww... I almost thought you'd abandon me like Sean did. Sorry for mistrusting you. The Bush administration didn't do a very good job. They have messed up, but I don't think I could've done a better job. If I may actually add something, me and Jim (screw grammar) both think they should launch an EMP on Iraq, getting rid of the cellphone detonated bombs.

Just another question. Could you suggest a couple of 1980s songs to me? I was thinking about one last night, but it slipped my mind. -your friend Glenn

will do! tomorrow.

mkay, itz this way by Aerosmith...there are 2 versions.....Don't Stand so close to me by The Police.....anything Queen, Pat Benatar, The Cars, Heart, Duran Duran, or Tears for Fears. The Beat or The English Beat as they're sometimes called, are good too! ^_^

mkay...i may not be able to right before i leave tuesday for san diego...will be gone until fri and may not be able to right until monday. so, ttfn...ta ta for now!

p.s. i'll be here for a few hours, so you may catch me or if i write before i leave. anyways, lol!


Thanks for the list!

Hope you have fun on your trip. I think I'm leaving for my trip for this summer on Aug 23 or something.

Here's a bunch of songs that I'm currently listening to. Orleans - Still the one; Modern English - Melt With You; Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the Dark & My Hometown; and Michael W. Smith - Place in This World -Glenn

Sorry...turns out I'm not going (my dad has a slight cold and we don't want it to get worse). Mmm...Modern English...that's a classic! Nice songs. I'm not overly into the '80s at the moment....more into Nickelback, Cascada (A Neverending Dream Deepforces Remix), and Timbaland. Yes, Timbaland. The Way I Are is growing on me. Also Utada Hikaru. I luvvvv Devil Inside and Sanctuary/Passion and Simple and Clean/Hikari. Try 'em! They're cool! Hey are you into Kingdom Hearts at all? I'm getting into it. Call me a vicious fangirl, but Riku is my fav....David Gallagher has such a hot voice....but you wouldn't be into that, seeing as you're a guy...erm....changing the subject before my foot goes any further down my throat.

So, watz new? seen Simpson's Movie yet? I haven't but i will soon. Registration for Juniors is on the 14th and I can't wait...not! I don't wanna go back to school...aka hell on earth! i hate the people there, except for the very few who are cool and are my friends. gyaaaaaaaarrggh!!!! yeah....--Marianne

Well, I hope your dad feels better soon.

I might watch the Simpsons Movie, but then I might not. I haven't been impressed with the Simpsons last few seasons. So, I might not.

One month until I run through the halls of my high school, and scream at the TOP OF MY LUNGS! Yeah, sorry. No Such Thing is one of my favourite songs. I'm going to be a senior. Finally! I'm at the top of the foodchain!!! I can't imagine what I will do without school. I hate school itself, but I love hangin out with my friends.

Once I get out of High School, I plan on traveling this country. My chatroom has agreed with me to have a get together. We call it Biblegeek-Con (the name of the channel). I plan visit you, unless you have any objections. -Glenn

i'm confused. the great gods of wikipedia think i did some three revert thing as an anonymous user? wats that?

Wha? You must mean WP:3RR. The 3 revert rule limits users to make only 3 edits on a page per day. It's probably got something to do with overloading the server, and bugging the Recent changes patrollers. Who warned you? I am checking your contribs and you are not breaking that rule. The only user violating any 3RR is a BOT. I never report people who "break" 3RR rule, and I certainly wouldn't report you. -Glenn

Something like "Hello Kitty Deathbot" or something with the words "Dark", "Emo" and definitely "Kitty." I disappeared. it was there when i wasn't logged in. I dunno. It's gone now.

Anyway, getting to what you wrote before........

He's feelin' better (my dad) but we're just gonna stick around town. You lucky dawg, you actually like school, you poor child. Yeah...i like the friends part. usually it's the people i hate, not the place or subject. I'm a history, english, and spanish geek....i'm REALLY good at those subjects. In math, a monkey does better than me. the only reason i'm in AP STATISTICS this year (i was in algebra 2 aka advanced algebra last year) is cuz my last teacher thought i'd do better in stats than in pre-calculus. i've always been pushed through to the next level cuz i always barely scrape a C- or something and the administrators don't want to bother with someone teetering at the edge. whatev......>_<. I'll be a junior this year, and one of the youngest ones (i'll only be turning 16 this b-day's October 11.) This is also the dreaded year for all high schoolers in burbank: all the *!@#$%^ *several mild cuss words* state and countrywide testing, like SAT's and CAT9's and all that *more swearing*. sorry...i hate state-mandated testing. itz so stupid. school used to be about it's all about the test scores. Bleepin' bush and his "no child left behind" crud. sorry, i know you like bush, but he's really screwed things up. i'm only starting on august 27 (really early, most of my life i started school in september, even if it was only september 1) cuz the district wants us to learn more before midterms and state-mandated testing so our score will look better.

sorry....i'm really passionate about this stuff. I'm sorry to vent on you, Glenn.

No, I wouldn't mind if you visited me after you graduate. I can show you all the cool places in burbank and tell you where to go in good ol' Cali. Just so you know, I'm a raging val (valley girl) so I can and will drag you to a few malls. don't worry, i won't make you buy clothes or wear make up or anything. ^_^ week is registration. itz were we get our schedules, books, and other supplies that the school gives us. my schedule SHOULD be (not in this order): intermediate dance (i need the p.e. credit and i luv dancing, even tho i'm chubby for a dancer), ap statistics, honors english 11, honors (maybe?) mirco marine biology (that or anatomy or physics, and i can't stand blood and i suck at math and i'm really good at all forms of biology), spanish 3 (i'm latina, what can i say? besides, it's practical in so cal, cuz the only other language is french and who speaks french outside of france and a few other isolated countries), and ap us history (i'm so bored with us history, but i need it for college cred...if i could, i'd do ap world but thatz not even an official subject yet).

and No Such Thing...who's it by? Chris Cornell or John Mayer?

yeah....well, gotta go! ^_^ love and peace! ---Marianne

Really? A Kittybot or something. Hmm. All depends on the wording on the message given to you. If it was grammatically incorrect, lower case letters, hateful words, and the message was deleted, and history of it was deleted, it was probably someone who created a username, vandalizing Wikipedians. There are plenty of those guys. I'm not an administrator, so I can't block users, but I report 'em.

Yes, No Such Thing by John Mayer.

SATs are stupid. I took SATs, and teachers went insane. I loved the SATs for that reason, and one more. I didn't have any homework for the whole week. Those the only reasons I like SATs.

This is none of my business, so answer this if you want to. Do you have a "boyfriend"? I feel weird asking that cause that when a boy asks a girl that, it normally means that he's coming on to her. But I'm not. So, I'm going to dare to save this page. -Glenn

no, i don't. but i do like this one guy...his name's andrew. will write more later. gotta go! ^_^ (itz cool though, i don't mind at all. never had a boyfriend. sad, yes, but i'm sure this one will work! wish me luck, he's so cute!) yeah...estrogen fest over hot guy! erm...yeah...gotta go! will write more later! tomorrow! ^_^

I had a psycho girlfriend. Well, she isn't psycho, but she was crazy. Her name is Gabrielle. Looking back, I wonder why I was ever interested in her. Unfortunately, she was my first girlfriend. She got me into a heap of trouble in school because she lied about me. I cussed her, which I don't do. She also stalks people. Yeah, I know. And the worse part was that she dated my three best friends and they warned me about her. I guess the major reason I went out with her, (for a few weeks) was that no one in school liked her, and I pitied her. That was 2 years ago, and she still calls me. Since I was inspired by the 3 people in my life, I am a different, kinder person. I should call her and tell her I'm sorry for the way I acted. -Glenn

hallo! listening to rise...very nice! i'll write more later...but could you plz delete all previous pages....plzzzzzzzz!!!!! ^_^ should clear more space.....lots of stuff I should like to keep betwee u and me.....thanx!

lol, M

Uhh... delete? I surely hope by that you mean "clear the page". Here's the thing, Wikipedia keeps a history of the page, of every page. I'm not an Admin. Only administrators and higher can delete pages. So I'm assuming you mean "clear the page".

And one last thing, if you want to reach me, I have mIRC. I don't know if you have it, or want to download it, but that's where you can reach me. I honestly don't know much about it, but you can reach me on channel #biblegeek -Glenn

Yeah! That's what I wanted! Thanx! mIRC?????? I'll have to check that out......... I dunno if me mum and dah will let me download it if it needs downloading...and they've heard too much bad shtuff about chat sites anyways....and our computer sucks........yeah...........

^_^ Only 36 days until Avatar!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be going to Disneyland next week, but I'll try and let ya know before I go...just some advanced warning...I won't be going until the end of the week.

I LUVVV Rise!!!!!!!!! It sounds exactly like what I want this one character of mine's voice to sound like (when she sings, of course!). ^___^ squee!!!!!!!!!

I think I'm getting overzealous with the userboxes.....whatever! Got my school pics taken and I got my schedgy (skeh-gee)!!!! aka schedule....yeah. This year they've got new printers so we didn't have to wait for our IDs until October like usual...we got em same day! It's the best resolution yet, but my cheeks look like I've got a bright pink sunburn with a thousand pounds of blush on.......argh! Freshman year I looked goth-pale and tired (yet very Hispanic....odd) and last year I was nearly orange! Our ID pics suck!!!!!

well.....what's new?

gotta run. lol ---Marianne

If it feels like I'm pressuring you into downloading mIRC, I apologize. I do not mean it to be that way.

Your computer sucks? Mine is probably worse anyway. I have dial-up. Yes, yes, pity me. Yes you do have to download mIRC. It's the only way you could use it. I will state it's problems straight forward. There are pervs, but you won't see them if you stay in the right channels. No problems except the log in. It can take a few tries before logging in. It is pretty fast, even for dial-up computers. I don't have big complaints about it. I wouldn't have downloaded mIRC if it weren't for my friend at school.

I saw your new userboxes. You like Trigun? I haven't had a real chance to watch it. But my other friend Mike likes it, so it can't be bad.

Going back to school already? Argh! Like I said, I'm going back in a few weeks, the day after Labor day. I don't want a countdown, it makes me depressed. I'll let it be a surprise to me. You know, I wake up some morning, my mom wakes me up "Surprise! It's 5:30am and you know what that means." Oy! -Glenn

Sorry this took so long. I've been WAY busy. Trigun rules!!!! I've read most of the manga, but I haven't seen much of the anime. Go, VASH!!!! I went to Anime Expo '04 and I was going to go as Meryl Strife, but I couldn't find a costume. My friend Max was Vash and my other friend Eric was Wolfwood. ^_^

So, I'll be on vacation on Thursday - Sunday most likely, so I won't be writing then. Advanced warning. Then, on the following Monday, school starts. That means less time to have fun. It'll take longer for me to write back, but I WILL write back. It'll just take time. I've got two AP classes this year and a truckload of work ahead of me. Sorry. The pains of being a smart kid in a world where the smart kids are shorted and we need to do everything we can to stay on top. Stupid No Child Left Behind. It's okay to help the lower-end kids who WANT to learn, but if they don't want to, let them fail. It's their lives. Argh. Too much anger today. I'll be fine later.

I LOVE RISE!!!!!! I'M OBSESSED! I'm listening to it right now! ^_^ yes, i'm a nutcase. As for those recommendations you asked for earlier (sorry that took so long too!) I've got a few: D-tecnolife by Uverworld (from Bleach) and the opening to The Melancholy of Haruhi (Something or the other!). The first is cool (but all in Japanese) and the second is hyper! yay! Well, gotta go! --M

Rise is a great song. So great I downloaded it! I like Bleach's 2nd theme, too.

How's the mIRC thing comin'? Do you have permission from your parents? If you don't, that's ok, don't worry about it. The only big problem is that you are 3 hours behind me, so it would be kind of hard to talk. If irc isn't available, there's good old reliable email. Or Wikipedia. Oh! There is a website I joined recently. The website belongs to my friend. It's mainly a forum, but you can send messages there. -Glenn

I'll check it out! ^_^ so, anyway, I'll be doing school shopping and such this week so I'll be busy so I may not be able to write back expediently. Nor will I be able to write at all from Thursday to Sunday. Argh! And that Monday I'll be starting school. Double Argh! >_< There's another song you should try. It's called Breathe by Prodigy. Not an anime song but I like it. It makes me wanna kick some bootie! *demonstrates pathetic fake ninja skills.....argh! I pulled something!* yeah...that was fun...not....argh! Are you a dog fan? I LUV DOGGIES! Personally, I hate cats. They're unfaithful, mean, and very flaky. Not to mention all but useless...unless you live in Asia and need food or rats killed. They eat cats (gulp...and dogs!) in some places's scary! Dogs are great! I mean, no wonder the good guy always has a dog and the villain has a cat! Sorry if you like cats. It's just my opinion. Someday we'll get a dog (after we fix a few things around the house) and it'll be a dachsund and it's name will be Einstein! ^_^ chaaaaa!!!!!!!!! yeah...estrogen fest! That's what I call my girly cutesy freak outs over cute things! ^_^ lol --- Marianne —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Aelita the Angel (talkcontribs) 03:44, August 20, 2007 (UTC).

Oh. I see. CAT HATER! DON'T BE HATIN'! I have a cat. He's not useless! He is my alarm clock, he licks me, he sleeps, he pushes his head into me, he sleeps. I love him! Great cat!

I had a dog, 2 actually. I did not name anyone of the dogs but we had a candy theme. Taffy was the first one I had, large large dog, in comparison to my 6 year old body. She had a thing about breaking her chain. 2nd dog, Cookie. She was a mix between a Cocker and King Spaniel. She never stopped being happy, until approx July of last year. I had to make a tough decision, keep her alive with a IV in her everyday, or put her down. I choose the latter. It was tough, I had her for about 7 years. But suprisingly, my mom was crying and I wasn't. I was sad though.

As you've seen, I'm not the typical 17 year old. I'm ok about sharing emotional details. Something that most "men" call effeminate. But these emotions were given to us by God, and if we hold all of them in, what's the point in having them? But what is important is to control them. So, I encourage you and all of my friends to share what they feel. I do not anger as easily because of this.

Anyway, I want a dog again. But I want a bulldog. Those short, fat, wrinkley bodies are hilarious! Of course there's always the Beethoven dog St. Bernard, which drools. Or the German Shepherd. I don't know where I'm going with this, so... Bye! -Glenn Yancyfry —The preceding signed but undated comment was added at 04:30, August 20, 2007 (UTC).

Short message. Must be quick! Shopping to do! I'm off to Disneyland! I'll write when I get back as soon as I can! ^_^ I'll have to write from my friend's house cuz my computer's on the fritz......argh!! so it'll take longer for me to write back!

I like bulldogs! ^_^ The emotions thing....GOOD FOR YOU! BALANCE IS KEY! ^_^ will write more on that subject soon! anyways, i won't be able to write back probably until after august 27......sorry! >_<

have a good end of summa! lol, Marianne —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Aelita the Angel (talkcontribs) 23:27, August 21, 2007 (UTC).

Looks as if that SineBot is going to be an annoyance. The SineBot logs every edit it makes, so this page is now in its log. I now will end my messages with ~~~~ to prevent it from editing here.

I'm here to inform you about my vacation. I won't be here from this Sunday to Tuesday. -Glenn 02:28, 25 August 2007 (UTC)

I'm back! My original plan was to go all around Ohio, but I changed the plan during the trip. I decided to go back to PA, but go upstate PA. Not that Ohio wasn't nice. We went to see the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. We were going back home, it was really really dark. But we were going through an area of PA that excites me. I saw this sign. It is the sign located outside of the ghost town Centralia. And I saw the abandoned road to Centralia.

So, I had fun, 'cept the headaches. -Glenn 02:51, 30 August 2007 (UTC)

Alright. Now, it's been a little over one year since I've joined Wikipedia. I am seriously thinking of quitting. Might be a phase, might be for real. I don't know. I just am getting kind of bored by the whole process. Don't take me wrong, I won't leave without giving you an alternate way of contacting me. -Yancyfry 02:23, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

Where'd you go? -Glenn 01:31, 10 September 2007 (UTC)