User:7mdq/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

I have already decided which article I will be editing for the assignment after discussing with the professor, so I have only listed the one option.

I also added 7 sources which I will need to further analyze to find out if they fit my topic and include relevant information.

Option 1

Witchcraft in the Middle East
Article Evaluation
The section I will be expanding is the Modern Middle East Section, it contains sparse information on modern witchcraft despite it playing a big part in Middle Eastern culture. The only countries discussed are Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I will be expanding the section to include information on Modern Moroccan witchcraft.
Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery in Morocco: The Sociology of Evans-Pritchard and the Ethnography of Mustapha Akhmisse, M.D

A street in Marrakech : a personal view of urban women in Morocco

Paul Bowles, magic & Morocco

Ritual and Belief in Morocco. Volume 1.

Patience and Power: Women's Lives in a Moroccan Village by Susan S. Davis

Review by: Henry Munson, Jr.

CHAPTER 5 Hexes and Exes: Post-Breakup Curses in Fez, Morocco

Ibn Khaldūn on Magic and the Occult