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False claims about being "Lord of Hartforth"


There have been repeated attempts over many years to add claims about a named person being "Lord of Hartforth", but according to the Roll of the Peerage (the official list of British peers, from dukes down to barons, i.e. everyone entitled to call himself "Lord of This-or-that") from the College of Arms there is no "Lord Hartforth/Lord of Hartforth", so any such claims are false and should be removed at sight. - Tom | Thomas.W talk 19:50, 8 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

To be scrupulously fair, there is such a thing as "Lord of the Manor", which would not be listed as a peerage title because it isn't a peerage and doesn't make one part of the nobility. They can be bought and sold, often for a few thousand pounds, and mostly get you nothing other than the joy of calling yourself "Lord of something-or-other" and fooling gullible people into thinking you're an aristocrat of some sort. PohranicniStraze (talk) 03:43, 9 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
@PohranicniStraze: Not quite right, since being "Lord of the manor of This-or-that" isn't a (noble) title (it's a "non-physical property" under British law), does not make anyone a member of the nobility, and does not entitle anyone to call themself "Lord/Lady (of) This-or-that" (only members of the peerage can do that, and there's no way you can buy a genuine British title...). They can however add "Lord of the manor of This-or-that" after their name, provided it's a genuine manorial lordship they have bought, but the vast majority of all manorial lordships that are sold are totally fake, and have never existed. To make the fake manorial lordships they sell seem more genuine some title-peddlers claim they're selling "resurrected manorial lordships", named after old previously existing manors, but there is no such thing as a "resurrected manorial lordship", since all such that lapse automatically revert to the Crown. The small number of genuine manorial lordships that are sold are also very expensive, and sold through totally different channels, not through the title-peddlers that sell fake vanity titles (recommended reading for those who want to know more). - Tom | Thomas.W talk 07:03, 9 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]