Radix entomolaris

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The radix entomolaris is an additional root in human's mandibular molar teeth. The human mandibular teeth have two roots usually. In rare cases, however, a root may develop between the distal and the mesial roots which is called entomolaris, if it is located lingual to the tooth. Such a phenomenon is named radix paramolaris in case an extra root is buccal to a molar tooth.[1] An extra root can appear both in the first and second molars.[2][3][4][5]


  1. ^ Chauhan, R., and S. Singh. "Endodontic treatment of mandibular molars with atypical root canal anatomy: reports of 4 cases." General dentistry 63.3 (2014): 67-70.
  2. ^ Ragavendran, N., Ganesh T. Bhat, and Mithra N. Hegde. "Mandibular second molar with 3 mesial canals and a radix paramolaris." Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences 6.Suppl 1 (2014): S182
  3. ^ Shemesh, Avi, et al. "Prevalence of 3-and 4-rooted First and Second Mandibular Molars in the Israeli Population." Journal of endodontics 41.3 (2015): 338-342.
  4. ^ Agarwal, Manoj, et al. "The Radix Entomolaris and Radix Paramolaris: An Endodontic Challenge." The journal of contemporary dental practice 15.4 (2014): 496.
  5. ^ Park, Jun-Beom, et al. "Evaluation of root anatomy of permanent mandibular premolars and molars in a Korean population with cone-beam computed tomography." European journal of dentistry 7.1 (2013): 94.