HP1 holin family

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The HP1 Holin (HP1 Holin) Family (TC# 1.E.7 ) is a member of the Holin Superfamily II.[1] Proteins in this family are typically found to contain two transmembrane segments (TMSs) and range between 70 and 80 amino acyl residues (aas) in length. A representative list of proteins belonging to the HP1 holin family can be found in the Transporter Classification Database.

The NucE protein (TC# 1.E.25.2.1) in Serratia marcescens shows homology to phage holin proteins involved in releasing lysozyme to the peptidoglycan of Gram-negative bacteria. The protein contains two characteristic transmembrane segments (TMSs) with a positively charged C-terminus. When the nucC operon carrying the nucEDC genes is placed in the Escherichia coli chromosome, NucE functions as a holin. Additionally, NucE can complement lysis-defective bacteriophage mutants to allow for plaque formation and release of phage. Although NucE can function as a holin it is not involved in the transport of nuclease, an extracellular protein encoded by the nucA gene.[2][3][4]

See also



  1. ^ Reddy, Bhaskara L.; Saier, Milton H. (2013-11-01). "Topological and phylogenetic analyses of bacterial holin families and superfamilies". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1828 (11): 2654–2671. doi:10.1016/j.bbamem.2013.07.004. ISSN 0006-3002. PMC 3788059. PMID 23856191.
  2. ^ Berkmen, M.; Benedik, M. J.; Bläsi, U. (1997-10-01). "The Serratia marcescens NucE protein functions as a holin in Escherichia coli". Journal of Bacteriology. 179 (20): 6522–6524. doi:10.1128/jb.179.20.6522-6524.1997. ISSN 0021-9193. PMC 179574. PMID 9335307.
  3. ^ Jin, S.; Chen, Y.; Christie, G. E.; Benedik, M. J. (1996-02-23). "Regulation of the Serratia marcescens extracellular nuclease: positive control by a homolog of P2 Ogr encoded by a cryptic prophage". Journal of Molecular Biology. 256 (2): 264–278. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1996.0084. ISSN 0022-2836. PMID 8594195.
  4. ^ Strych, U.; Dai, W.; Benedik, M. J. (1999-05-01). "The NucE and NucD lysis proteins are not essential for secretion of the Serratia marcescens extracellular nuclease". Microbiology. 145 ( Pt 5) (5): 1209–1216. doi:10.1099/13500872-145-5-1209. ISSN 1350-0872. PMID 10376837.

As of 10 March 2016, this article is derived in whole or in part from Transporter Classification Database (TCDB). The copyright holder has licensed the content in a manner that permits reuse under CC BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL. All relevant terms must be followed. The original text was at "1.E.7 The HP1 Holin (HP1 Holin) Family"