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A list of three-letter templates that could probably be expanded to a more obvious name, e.g. {{tlc}}{{template link code}}.

To be evaluated


Second opinion requested


Reasonable and/or not worth pursuing



Complete English words which accurately describe the template

Ship abbreviations


  • *mp - specifically kept for historical purposes
  • 4-1 - would be more hassle than it's worth to attempt to change
  • ADB - dab page
  • LH2 - Liquid hydrogen abbrev
  • X10 - sandbox
  • X11 - sandbox
  • X12 - sandbox
  • X13 - sandbox
  • X14 - sandbox
  • X15 - sandbox
  • X16 - sandbox
  • X17 - sandbox
  • X18 - sandbox
  • X19 - sandbox
  • X20 - sandbox
  • MAL - dab
  • SPA - dab
  • Top - dab
  • IPL - dab
  • AOL - kept for historical purposes
  • Rfc - Legobot would not be happy if this was renamed
  • CC0
  • Pre - named for consistency with <pre>...</pre>
  • CLU - programming language
  • FYI - normal abbreviation
  • Bdo - consistent with the HTML tag <bdo>...</bdo>
  • Qif - kept for historical purposes
  • Tor - the spelled-out "The Onion Router" is not even in the lead of the B-class Tor (network)
  • Sic
  • Gom
  • Wbr - for <wbr />
  • URL - I think most people would be hard-pressed to tell you what URL stands for, and our mainspace article on the subject is at URL
  • Var - for <var>...</var>
  • ATT - for the |att= parameter of {{orphan}}

Country/place codes

  • ABW (Aruba)
  • AFG (Afghanistan)
  • AGO (Angola)
  • ALA (Åland Islands)
  • ALB (Albania)
  • AIA (Anguilla)
  • ANA (Neutral Athletes)
  • AND (Andorra)
  • ANT (Netherlands Antilles)
  • ANZ (Australasia)
  • ARE (United Arab Emirates)
  • ARG (Argentina)
  • ARM (Armenia)
  • ART (Athlete Refugee Team)
  • DDR (East Germany)
  • DAG (Dagestan)
  • DEU (Germany)
  • DJI (Djibouti)
  • DMA (Dominica)
  • DNK (Denmark)
  • DOM (Dominican Republic)
  • DPR (Donetsk People's Republic)
  • DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • DZA (Algeria)
  • HKG (Hong Kong)
  • HMD (Heard Island and McDonald Islands)
  • HND (Honduras)
  • VAT (Vatican)
  • VCT (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
  • VEN (Venezuela)
  • VGB (British Virgin Islands)
  • VIR (United States Virgin Islands)
  • VNM (Vietnam)
  • VUT (Vanuatu)
  • ZAF (South Africa)
  • ZAI (Zaire)
  • ZMB (Zambia)
  • ZWE (Zimbabwe)
  • BGD (Bangladesh)
  • MSR (Montserrat)
  • USA (United States of America)
  • COD (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
  • GEO (Georgia)
  • PRB (Bulgaria)
  • SUR (Suriname)
  • MTQ (Martinique)
  • ASM (American Samoa)
  • ATA (Antarctica)
  • ATF (French Southern and Antarctic Lands)
  • ATG (Antigua and Barbuda)
  • AUS (Australia)
  • AUT (Austria)
  • AZE (Azerbaijan)
  • BAV (Bavaria)
  • BDI (Burundi)
  • BEL (Belgium)
  • BEN (Benin)
  • BES (Caribbean Netherlands)
  • BFA (Burkina Faso)
  • BGR (Bulgaria)
  • BHR (Bahrain)
  • BHS (Bahamas)
  • BIH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • BIR (Burma)
  • BLM (Saint Barthélemy)
  • BLR (Belarus)
  • BLZ (Belize)
  • BMU (Bermuda)
  • BOE (Bonaire)
  • BOH (Bohemia)
  • BOL (Bolivia)
  • BON (Bonaire)
  • BRA (Brazil)
  • BRB (Barbados)
  • BRN (Brunei)
  • BTN (Bhutan)
  • BVT (Bouvet Island)
  • BWA (Botswana)
  • CAF (Central African Republic)
  • CAN (Canada)
  • CCK (Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
  • CHE (Switzerland)
  • CHL (Chile)
  • CHN (China)
  • CIS (CIS)
  • CIV (Ivory Coast)
  • CMR (Cameroon)
  • COG (Republic of the Congo)
  • COK (Cook Islands)
  • COL (Colombia)
  • COM (Comoros)
  • CPV (Cape Verde)
  • CRI (Costa Rica)
  • CSK (Czechoslovakia)
  • CSR (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic)
  • CUB (Cuba)
  • CUW (Curaçao)
  • CXR (Christmas Island)
  • CYM (Cayman Islands)
  • CYP (Cyprus)
  • CZE (Czech Republic)
  • ECU (Ecuador)
  • EGY (Egypt)
  • ENG (England)
  • ERI (Eritrea)
  • ESH (Western Sahara)
  • ESP (Spain)
  • EST (Estonia)
  • ETH (Ethiopia)
  • ETM (East Timor)
  • EUR (Europe)
  • EUS (Sint Eustatius)
  • FIN (Finland)
  • FJI (Fiji)
  • FLK (Falkland Islands)
  • FRA (France)
  • FRG (West Germany)
  • FRO (Faroe Islands)
  • FSM (Federated States of Micronesia)
  • GAB (Gabon)
  • GBN (Great Britain)
  • GDL (Guadeloupe)
  • GGY (Guernsey)
  • GHA (Ghana)
  • GIB (Gibraltar)
  • GIN (Guinea)
  • GLP (Guadeloupe)
  • GMB (Gambia)
  • GNB (Guinea-Bissau)
  • GNQ (Equatorial Guinea)
  • GRC (Greece)
  • GRD (Grenada)
  • GRL (Greenland)
  • GTM (Guatemala)
  • GUF (French Guiana)
  • GUM (Guam)
  • GUY (Guyana)
  • GYF (French Guiana)
  • HRV (Croatia)
  • HTI (Haiti)
  • HUN (Hungary)
  • IDN (Indonesia)
  • IMN (Isle of Man)
  • IND (India)
  • IOT (British Indian Ocean Territory)
  • IRL (Ireland)
  • IRN (Iran)
  • IRQ (Iraq)
  • ISL (Iceland)
  • ISR (Israel)
  • ITA (Italy)
  • JAM (Jamaica)
  • JEY (Jersey)
  • JOR (Jordan)
  • JPN (Japan)
  • KAZ (Kazakhstan)
  • KEN (Kenya)
  • KGZ (Kyrgyzstan)
  • KHM (Cambodia)
  • KIR (Kiribati)
  • KNA (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
  • KOR (South Korea)
  • KOS (Kosovo)
  • KUR (Kurdistan)
  • KWT (Kuwait)
  • LAO (Laos)
  • LBN (Lebanon)
  • LBR (Liberia)
  • LBY (Libya)
  • LCA (Saint Lucia)
  • LIE (Liechtenstein)
  • LKA (Sri Lanka)
  • LSO (Lesotho)
  • LTU (Lithuania)
  • LUX (Luxembourg)
  • LVA (Latvia)
  • MAC (Macau)
  • MAF (Saint Martin)
  • MAR (Morocco)
  • MCO (Monaco)
  • MDA (Moldova)
  • MDG (Madagascar)
  • MDV (Maldives)
  • MEX (Mexico)
  • MHL (Marshall Islands)
  • MKD (North Macedonia)
  • MLI (Mali)
  • MLT (Malta)
  • MMR (Myanmar)
  • MNE (Montenegro)
  • MNG (Mongolia)
  • MNP (Northern Mariana Islands)
  • MOZ (Mozambique)
  • MRT (Mauritania)
  • MUS (Mauritius)
  • MWI (Malawi)
  • MYS (Malaysia)
  • MYT (Mayotte)
  • NAM (Namibia)
  • NCL (New Caledonia)
  • NER (Niger)
  • NFK (Norfolk Island)
  • NGA (Nigeria)
  • NIC (Nicaragua)
  • NIR (Northern Ireland)
  • NIU (Niue)
  • NLD (Netherlands)
  • NOR (Norway)
  • NPL (Nepal)
  • NRU (Nauru)
  • NZL (New Zealand)
  • OMN (Oman)
  • PAK (Pakistan)
  • PAN (Panama)
  • PCN (Pitcairn Islands)
  • PER (Peru)
  • PHL (Philippines)
  • PLW (Palau)
  • PMR (Transnistria)
  • PNG (Papua New Guinea)
  • POC (Pacific Oceania)
  • POL (Poland)
  • PRC (People's Republic of China)
  • PRI (Puerto Rico)
  • PRK (North Korea)
  • PRT (Portugal)
  • PRY (Paraguay)
  • PSE (Palestine)
  • PYF (French Polynesia)
  • QAT (Qatar)
  • REU (Réunion)
  • ROC (Republic of China)
  • ROK (Republic of Korea)
  • ROU (Romania)
  • RUS (Russia)
  • RWA (Rwanda)
  • SAU (Saudi Arabia)
  • SCG (Serbia and Montenegro)
  • SCO (Scotland)
  • SDN (Sudan)
  • SEN (Senegal)
  • SGP (Singapore)
  • SGS (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands)
  • SHN (Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha)
  • SJM (Svalbard and Jan Mayen)
  • SLB (Solomon Islands)
  • SLE (Sierra Leone)
  • SLV (El Salvador)
  • SMR (San Marino)
  • SOM (Somalia)
  • SPM (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
  • SRB (Serbia)
  • SSD (South Sudan)
  • STP (São Tomé and Príncipe)
  • SVK (Slovakia)
  • SVN (Slovenia)
  • SWE (Sweden)
  • SWZ (Eswatini)
  • SXM (Sint Maarten)
  • SYC (Seychelles)
  • SYR (Syria)
  • TAH (Tahiti)
  • TCA (Turks and Caicos Islands)
  • TCD (Chad)
  • TGO (Togo)
  • THA (Thailand)
  • TJK (Tajikistan)
  • TKL (Tokelau)
  • TKM (Turkmenistan)
  • TLS (Timor-Leste)
  • TON (Tonga)
  • TPE (Chinese Taipei)
  • TTO (Trinidad and Tobago)
  • TUN (Tunisia)
  • TUR (Turkey)
  • TUV (Tuvalu)
  • TWN (Taiwan)
  • TZA (Tanzania)
  • UAR (United Arab Republic)
  • UGA (Uganda)
  • UKR (Ukraine)
  • UMI (United States Minor Outlying Islands)
  • UNO (United Nations)
  • URS (Soviet Union)
  • URY (Uruguay)
  • UZB (Uzbekistan)
  • WAL (Wales)
  • WLF (Wallis and Futuna)
  • WSM (Samoa)
  • YEM (Yemen)
  • YUG (Yugoslavia)
  • GBR (Great Britain)

Chemical symbols


Can't think of what it could be changed to


Logical symbols (could be deleted?)


Canned responses at admin venues (change?)


All of the other templates in Category:Harry Potter book templates should also be fixed if we are going to do this