List of Roman sites in Spain: Difference between revisions

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== Archaeological sites ==
''Main article is [[Hispania]]''
* [[Emerita Augusta|Archaeological Ensemble of Emerita Augusta]]
* [[Archaeological site of Cercadilla]]
* [[Archaeological site of Morerías]]
* [[Archaeological site of Santa Eulalia]]
* [[Casa de Orfeo]]
* [[Casa romana de la calle Añón de Zaragoza]]
* [[Cuarto Roble]]
* [[El Junquillo]]

== Amphitheatres ==
*[[Abdera, Spain|Abdera]] between modern [[Málaga]] and [[Cartagena, Spain|Cartagena]] (captured)
* [[Roman amphitheatre of Córdoba|Amphiteatre of Corduba]]
*[[Augusta Bilbilis]] now [[Calatayud|Calatayud, Spain]]
* [[Mérida amphitheatre|Amphiteatre of Emerita Augusta]]
*[[Carthago Nova]] now [[Cartagena, Spain]] (captured 209 BC)
* [[Amphitheatre of Italica]]
*[[Corduba]] now [[Córdoba, Spain]]
* [[Amphitheatre of Tarraco]]
*[[Emerita Augusta]] now [[Mérida, Spain]] (founded 25 BC)
*[[Hispalis]] now [[Seville]] (rebuilt in 206 BC)
*[[Interamnium Flavium]] now [[Ponferrada]]
*[[Italica]] 9 km NW of [[Seville, Spain]] (founded 206 BC)
*[[Osuna]] near the site of the [[Battle of Munda]]
*[[Saguntum]] (perhaps not fully Romanized)
*[[Sexi|Sexi Firman Iulium]] on the [[Costa del Sol]]

==Roman villas==
== Theatres ==
* [[Roman theatre of Zaragoza|Theatre of Cesar Augusta]]
*[[Carranque]], Toledo.
* [[Roman theatre of Córdoba|Theatre of Corduba]]
*[[La Olmeda]], Burgos.
* [[Roman theatre (Mérida)|Theatre of Emerita Augusta]]
* [[Roman theatre of Itálica|Theatre of Italica]]
* [[Roman theatre of Tarraco|Theatre of Tarraco]]

== Aqueducts ==
[[Category:Archaeological sites in Spain|Hispania]]
* [[Roman aqueduct of Albarracín-Cella|Aqueduct of Albarracín-Cella]]
[[Category:Roman sites in Spain|*]]
* [[Aqueduct Aqua Nova Domitiana Augusta]]
* [[Aqueduct Aqua Fontis Aureae]]
* [[Aqueduct of Bejís]]
* [[Aqüeducte de les Ferreres|Aqueduct of les Ferreres]]
* [[Aqueduct of Itálica]]
* [[Acueducto de los Milagros|Aqueduct of Los Milagros]]
* [[Roman aqueduct of Huelva|Aqueduct of Onuba Aestuaria]]
* [[Acueduct of Peña Cortada]]
* [[Aqueduct of Rabo de Buey-San Lázaro]]
* [[Aqueduct of Segovia]]
* [[Aqueduct of Valdepuentes]]
* [[Caños de Carmona]]

== Triumphal archs ==
* [[Arc de Berà]]

== Archs ==
* [[Arch of Trajan]] (Emerita Augusta)

== Bridges ==
* [[Bridge of Caesar Augusta]] (located on the site of the existing Puente de piedra and it was a mixed work of stone and wood).
* [[Roman bridge of Córdoba|Bridge of Corduba]]
* [[Puente Romano (Mérida)|Brigde of Emerita Augusta]]
* [[Roman bridge over the river Albarregas|Bridge over the river Albarregas]]

== Circus ==
* [[Circus Maximus (Mérida)|Circus Maximus of Emerita Augusta]]
* [[Roman circus of Tarraco|Circus of Tarraco]]

== Forums ==
* [[Roman forum of Caesar Augusta|Forum of Cesar Augusta]]
* [[Roman forum of Tarraco|Forum of Tarraco]]
* [[Colonial forum of Tarraco]]
* [[Forum adiectum of Córdoba|Forum adiectum of Corduba]]
* [[Colonial forum of Córdoba|Colonial forum of Corduba]]

== Mausoleums ==
* [[Mausoleum of Centcelles]]
* [[Roman mausoleum of Córdoba|Mausoleum of Corduba]]

== Palaces ==
* [[Palace of Maximian]]

== Public Baths ==
* [[Roman baths and snow pit of the Street Reyes Huertas|Baths and snow pit of the Street Reyes Huertas]] (Emerita Augusta)
* [[Roman Baths of Alange|Baths of Alange]]
* [[Roman baths of Caesar Augusta|Public baths of Caesar Augusta]]
* [[Major baths of Italica]]
* [[Minor baths of Italica]]
* [[Roman Baths of San Lázaro|Baths of San Lázaro]]

== Temples ==
* [[Roman temple of Córdoba|Temple of Corduba]]
* [[Temple of Diana]] (Emerita Augusta)
* [[Temple of Trajan|Temple of Trajan]] (Italica)

== Towers ==
* [[Tower of Hercules]]
* [[Torre dels Escipions]]
* [[Tower of Cuarto Roble]]

== Walls ==
* [[Roman walls of Zaragoza|Walls of Cesar Augusta]]
* [[Walls of Tarragona|Walls of Tarraco]]

== Quarry and mines ==
* [[Roman quarry of El Mèdol|Quarry of El Mèdol]]

== Christian buldings ==
* [[Early Christian Cemetery of Tarragona|Early Christian Cemetery of Tarraco]]
* [[Church of Santa Engracia de Zaragoza]]

== Ports ==
* [[Museum of the River port of Caesar AugustaRiver port of Caesar Augusta]]

== Other sites ==
* [[Gate of the Forum]] (Emerita Augusta)
* [[House of the amphitheater]] (Emerita Augusta)
* [[House of the Mithraeum]] (Emerita Augusta)
* [[House of la Exedra]] (Italica)
* [[House of Neptune]] (Italica)
* [[House of the Patio Rodio]] (Italica)
* [[House of Hilas]] (Italica)
* [[House of the Birds]] (Italica)
* [[House of the Planetary]] (Italica)
* [[Los Columbarios]]
* [[The imperial cult enclosure]] (Tarraco)

== Cities and towns ==
* [[Caesar Augusta]] (Zaragoza)
* [[Corduba]] (Córdoba)
* [[Emerita Augusta]] (Mérida)
* [[Itálica]] (Santiponce)
* [[Onuba (Huelva)|Onuba Aestuaria]] (Huelva)
* [[Tarraco]] (Tarragona)

== Villas ==
Roman villa dels Munts|Villa dels Munts

Revision as of 21:23, 17 April 2011

Archaeological sites




Triumphal archs







Public Baths




Quarry and mines

Christian buldings


Other sites

Cities and towns


Roman villa dels Munts|Villa dels Munts