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* Service school uniform: baseball cap with a frieze, shirt or polo shirt, pants, winter or summer, a jacket, shoes low safety belt.
* Service school uniform: baseball cap with a frieze, shirt or polo shirt, pants, winter or summer, a jacket, shoes low safety belt.

every firefighter has available a complete waterproof which is a pantavento and a windbreaker.
every firefighter has available a complete waterproof which is a pants and a windbreaker.

As of December 5th 2005, the firefighters and other institutional bodies, as defined by current laws of the Italian state, no longer provides the service of leverage, but takes the chance to play as the civil service for the duration of year. Under the approval of the Legislative Decree, as from 1 January 2006, begins the new reform of the national Fire Service, with the introduction of new qualifications and seniority steps.
Iveco Magirus Super Dragon X8 Iveco Magirus Super Dragon X8

New qualifications (not including subgroups due to the increment) are as follows and are distinguishable from the color of the helmet or the type of badge worn on the arm
Il Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco possiede mezzi speciali per ogni tipo di intervento. The National Body of Fire has special equipment for each type of intervention.

* Vigile del fuoco - Firemen (black helmet and green and red distinctions)
* Capo squadra - Team leader (red helmet and red distinctions)
* Capo reparto - Department head (red helmet and red and blue distinctions)
* Ispettore antincendio e Sostituto direttore antincendio - Fire Inspector and Deputy Director of Fire (silver helmets and blue distinctions)
* Direttore - Director (silver helmet and distinctive blue and gold)
* Primo dirigente - First leader (silver helmet and gold badge)
* Dirigente superiore - Senior executive (silver helmet and gold and platinum distinctions)
* Dirigente generale e Dirigente generale Capo - Director General and Chief General Manager (color silver helmet and distinctive platinum)
* IAW DM on 22/10/2007, The Ministry of Interior has approved the new badge of status and the new metal badges of recognition for staff in the role of the Fire Department, Department Heads and Team Leaders (all viewable on the site is [

AThe head of the Department of Fire is a [[prefect]], appointed by the Minister of the Interior, which does not belong to the role of the corps (but the career of the prefect) and thus has no uniform, while the head of a CNVVF general manager from the body has a uniform.

Some badges (up to a firefighter's fire inspector) bring a small "V" white (called "Whiskers") likely to indicate that they are volunteers.


The National Body of Fire has special equipment for each type of intervention.

===Land Vehicles===
===Land Vehicles===

Revision as of 17:07, 3 September 2009

Italian Fire Service Iveco Magirus Eurofire Stralis AT400

The Vigili del Fuoco, or officially Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco (National Corps of the Fire Watch) is an institutional body of the Italian Republic for civil defence, is part of the Ministry of Interior's Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e delle Difesa Civile (Department of Fire Brigade, Public Aid and Civil Defense). The task of institution of the Corps are to safeguard people, animals and goods, provide technical assistance and emergency fire prevention, in addition the Corps is working to ensure the security of the state in emergencies caused by acts defined "aggression to the Nation" . The Defense providing for the establishment of a national plan that defines the threats, including: chemical, bacteriological, radiological and nuclear weapons.


The Vigili del Fuoco was established by Royal Decree Law of February 27th 1939, later converted into Law 1570 of December 27 1941 and met all the bodies that previously existed on their territory in different cities. The purpose of its founding was to ensure adequate relief to the entire Italian population, having seen the difficulties that were created in the Calabrian-Sicilian earthquake of 1908, where for the first time, working together various bodies of Firemen from the Civic several Italian cities, each with their own equipment. This fact caused many problems, since not all were equipped the same way. The new fascist government, then, realizing this gap, commissioning the design of a Albert Giombini, born in Jesi on July 18 1898 which, great organizer, he was called by the Ministry of the Interior, to coordinate the birth of one Corps of Fire Brigades in Italy. He is the creator of all the organizational machine since then and until today, has meant that the personnel of CNVVF has enriched experiences, new skills, skills and equipment, making it one of the most advanced in the world; the same, therefore, became the first Director of the Directorate General Services Antincendi (DGSA) and was renamed from Fire (French Sapeurs-Pompiers derived from French) in Fire.Even the heavy death toll paid by each command in the Second World War, the men of the Corps, paid only to bring relief to the civilian population affected by bombing.

In 1942 the "Santa Barbara Battalion" was created and the creation takes place at a particular time of war that is, when the tables were overturned in favor of the Anglo-Americans, and the retreat from Russia, and the Battle of El Alamein lost with honor by the Italians (Italian soldiers, though defeated, had the honor of arms) are accountable to the Italo-German 's island of Malta, the British possessions, it is a real thorn in the side of the convoy bound for Africa North. Is conceived, so the idea of invasion of the island in the middle of the ladder of the fire brigade, mounted on mine-layers that were supposed to reach and surround the island and then, developed the sprints the stairs, picking up the soldiers who would thus have , invaded the territory.So Giombini, in secret, asked all the 94 corps a list of volunteers for that Battalion and the requests were so numerous that we were obliged to make a very strict selection for the manpower recruiting: the minimum requirement of staff spoke with age registry under 42 years. Vaguely alluded to "areas of operations" but never explicitly spoke of Malta. In October 1942 the heats met in Rome, housed in Capannelle, but wait until next. Il Comandante era l'ing. The Commander was the engineer. Piermarini and after the war, he became Commander of the SCA, and the motto adopted by the "Santa Barbara Battalion" was: Vigiles Victoriam anhelantes:

The operation, called "C3" by Italians and "Hercules" by the Germans, however, was abruptly abandoned in the same month of October, the Battalion disbanded, and in early November, due to the increase in Anglo-American bombing raids on Italian cities , the men were divided into 5 Centuries and sent in the cities hardest hit by enemy bombs (Turin, Genoa, Rome, Naples, Milan) in aid to the Fire Command concerned. The stairs were returned to unmount commands and staff who had been part of the battalion, was authorized to wear the badge on the uniform of the "Santa Barbara", had a degree of belonging, and the Administration reserves the prerogative, if need to rebuild the same. [1]

The National Fire Corps, is working alongside the children since 1989, since when he received the appointment of "goodwill ambassador" by the Italian Committee for 'UNICEF. Among the campaigns that participated, there is "Yes for Children", a manifesto for children's rights.

=1*1*5 Fire Emergency number

The number of Fire Rescue is 115. Activity is free throughout the country. Phone answers to the staff of the provincial command of the operations rooms where you call that then, depending on the area and the type of claim, decides which detachments, teams and equipment to send to resolve the problem. Moreover, these operations rooms are in close contact with other central stations 112, 113, 117, 118, 1515, 1530, local police to ensure a rapid response to all emergency vehicles. For matters of police all incoming calls to 115 are recorded.

Operational Staff

Technical assistance is provided from emergency work teams present throughout the country. In each province there is a provincial command and coordinate the activities of various detachments. Operating personnel may be permanent or volunteer. The latter is distinguished by the presence of a white mustache on the badge of status.

The Vigili del Fuoco (also known as pompieri, the prior name of Civici Pompieri ), also known as firefighters, the previous name of the Civic Fire) work on the autopompa serbatoio or APS (pumper tank) and other means which are normally found in detachments (autoscale, tanker ...). Teams are generally formed by 5 or 6 people.

To coordinate the relief activities of a single team is a team leader or as a replacement or acting as a senior at the time. It is the policeman with more 'years of service for the field experience and training knows all the technical rescue and firefighting. Manages the men on stage the event and coordinates them to optimize resources and time. It is distinguished from other firefighters for the frieze of red and qualifying for the helmet which is also red. The rest of the team 'consisting of the Vigili Permanenti or volunteers with several years of "seniority". Ranks progress as follows: VF, VFQ,VFE,VFC (Vigile semplice, Vigile qualificato, Vigile esperto, Vigile coordinatore), the most "senior" service, and in charge as well as by ministerial decree to act as deputy to the foreman in his absence or whenever necessary.

Operations on the scene of emergencies to be carried out by fighters operational. This staff gives a specific training of 6 months of basic training at schools in Rome Capannelle (SFB) and the training center operational Montelibretti (RM), (SFO). This training unit training that takes place every day during the hours of service means that the firefighter is ready to operate professionally and physically where normally other people would not want to be. This personnel is distinguished by a frieze of red and green status for the helmet in black. Some fighters also are entitled to run emergency vehicles (drivers) through a course at the end of which is granted a special license called for ministerial degrees (equivalent to a civilian category).

Operational staff has CNVVF functions of judicial police, public security, police and management and prevention. It is for the brigade in fact, in collaboration with other police forces, identify the causes of fires and determine whether it is arson.

Alongside the staff that work in overriding position, a number of other functions now belong on the rolls of Engineers and Architects, formerly a graduate (industrial experts and surveyors) placed in the Role of Technical Luce, who perform management functions and coordination in ' context of rescue and resource management.

Note that the National Fire Watch was one time supported by two figures operational details: conscript those incorporated in CNVVF Auxiliaries (Vigile Volontario Ausiliario)ei or VVA - Volunteer Auxiliary Watch) and discontinuous (Vigili Volontari discontinui or VVD - Fire Volunteers discontinuous). For the first (now no longer exist because there is no longer compulsory military service) were assigned tasks and logistical support but was prevented them, for example, access to the status of telephone operator assistance but only in urban or chauffeur service rescue. The story, unfortunately, told of many deaths, built by the military, who have lost their lives in operations of emergency services, regardless of their "limited operational belonging to the Body."

Discontinuous Volunteer fighters, however, are divided into two different categories of membership: former conscripts who have signed the day after his discharge, offering its willingness to continue the relationship with the body or citizens who have taken a course specifically at the controls of belonging, with favorable results. Discontinuous Volunteer brigades are serving or at the Provincial Commands and their detachments or permanent, and this is the case more particularly, at specific detachments volunteers. In the first case, the volunteers, are paid as provided to permanent but continue to be used only as figures of support, in the past, they were soldiers. It must be said that the discontinuous are precarious of Public Administration in every respect and that particular case, are called for 20 days, up to a maximum of 8 months a year. They are not granted any specific form of union protection, he is denied the opportunity to access the emergency switchboard (115) and are used as drivers on emergency vehicles are at the discretion of individual needs provincial commands, of course, if in possession the requirements and licenses required. In volunteer detachments, however, being forced into their self-management, covering all roles typical of permanent (from waking up to just more high-ranking official). The pay is triggered only and only if the event occurs that determines their action and is on an hourly basis. Nevertheless, the country is covert operation thanks to the work of the many hidden and unknown Fire Brigade Volunteers who work with a spirit of dedication truly remarkable. Lately he has taken shape a new form of support: the figure of civilian personnel, was operating in part for a period of one year which was also a logistic task of ex-military personnel (auxiliary) retibuito with monthly pay. Has no practical function except that "administrative".

Support Staff

Servizio Amministrativo Tecnico Informatico or SATI (Computer Technician Administrative Service)

To perform all the duties of administrative and accounting procedures, the National Body of Fire uses other professionals that manage the items of expenditure, payments to suppliers, payments of salaries, procurement of materials and means, administrative tasks relating to the investigation of the practices of fire prevention, etc.Also makes use of the technical area, consisting of a number of professionals with preparation inherent computer science, electrical engineering, telecom and others. SATI is placed in the staff role was not operating but can 'be used in support of operational facilities in public places affected by major disasters or emergencies in which the Fire Serviceis called upon to perform their tasks. In such situations assist operational staff in performing their duties. The grading of these professionals is different than other bodies of the State as the partnership are in the Fire Brigade in all respects but does not appear "urgent technical assistance interventions. Special mention goes to the IT sector of the national figure of providing for the computer technicians in each Provincial Command and its headquarters, where performing functions of administrator (then manage the internal networks of the various Provincial Commands and Regional and / or central offices) or system analysts and programmers (to develop the software that came with CNVV.F.). The roles of staff SATI are equivalent to those of operational staff. The progessioni occur to internal competition and there are even here the role of officials SATI (Managing Director and Information Technology) and the figures of Operators, Assistants, Staff and administrative as well as Deputy Director Information Technology.


Within the VdF there are several specializations. Trained personnel for special interventions that would complement the operations personnel, covers all types of


The Nucleo Investigativo Antincendio or NIA. (Fire Investigation Unit) is an organ of the Judicial Police, which is active in the National Body of Fire, which studies, research and analyze the causes of fire on its own initiative or upon specific request by judicial authorities.


The Nuclei di Soccorso Subacqueo ed Acquatico, the Fre Service has the Underwater Rescue and Water Units, on the national territory with 32 basess, active 24 hours and more than 360 operators who can intervene in various situations risk related to the element water from the fire aboard a ship in the presence of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, the search of persons at sea, lakes and rivers flood emergency. Peculiarities of divers of the Fire Service is the immersion in unconventional places such as aqueducts, wells, sewers and waste water.


Nucleo elicotteri (Helicopter units) - 12 helicopters in the national territory ensure an effective air support to the media on the ground for all types of interventions.


The Nucleo SAF (SAF Units) - Acronym for speleo-alpino-fluviale (cave-alpine river). And the staff that works where other methods can not. With techniques derived from caving, mountaineering and river and through a high level of professionalism these rescuers climbing rock walls, descend into pits and caves, or tackle the currents of rivers. The same techniques are also used to reach steeples, roofs and top floors of skyscrapers where the normal ladders do not come. An example of the disaster Pirelli tower in Milan on April 18 2002, where the action is these techniques to remove some of the debris to unsafe levels 22-26, or its use during the Umbria-Marche earthquake of September / October 1997.


Nucleo Cinofili (Canine Units) - K9 teams the carrying out Search and Rescue of all kinds, used throughout the country.


Personnel who presides over the security at domestic airports. They are equipped with special heavy duty vehicles (idroschiuma powder), equipped with cannons that shoot water and foam and powder in large quantities.


Water specialists who are excelling in deep-sea captains, masters and marine chief engineer, and naval units are equipped for rescue operations in sea SAR, fire on board ships and in ports. On the national territory with 28 detachments, the most diverse aquatic garrisons, active 24 hours on 24. The staff is constantly updated to keep pace with new technologies used in the marine field.


Nucleo NBCR (NBCR Units) - Nuclear-Biological-Chemical-Radiological Units. Committed to working under the most difficult because of the presence of substances of concern for public safety (contamination by nuclear radiation, attacks with unconventional weapons, releases of hazardous substances such as gas or fuel as a result of accidents ...)

Radio repair

Radioriparatori - Staff dedicated to verifying the proper operation of communication equipment CNVVF. Communications are of vital importance for the daily work of the teams engaged in the area.


Individual Equipment

The equipment of each individual volunteer firefighter or permanent it is consist of:

  • Fire-Rescue Kit summer: a protective helmet, fireproof balaclava, complete with flame-retardant (jacket with a frieze more overtrousers identifier, called Nomex and Nomex-Panta), fireproof polo shirt, pants with reflective summer, summer jacket with reflective, belts, amphibious, gloves Intervention (fire fighting, chainsaw, dielectric ...), for large quantities of smoke the Firemen wearing breathing can (cylinder of compressed air breathing when loaded at 200 bar steel and 300 if composite, which through a pipe Whip the mixture that leads to breathing air at a pressure relief with a facial mask that covers the entire face of the operator. Auto protection or the self has an average of 20-25 minutes (200 bar) or higher, if at 300 atmospheres) these are all means of helping the Fire (APS, AS, ABP).
  • Rescue Kit-fire winter is equal to that summer with the following variations to replace the fire-retardant jersey polo, pants, winter jacket winter. Gli anfibi sono sempre gli stessi estate e inverno. Amphibians are always the same summer and winter.
  • Service school uniform: baseball cap with a frieze, shirt or polo shirt, pants, winter or summer, a jacket, shoes low safety belt.

every firefighter has available a complete waterproof which is a pants and a windbreaker.


As of December 5th 2005, the firefighters and other institutional bodies, as defined by current laws of the Italian state, no longer provides the service of leverage, but takes the chance to play as the civil service for the duration of year. Under the approval of the Legislative Decree, as from 1 January 2006, begins the new reform of the national Fire Service, with the introduction of new qualifications and seniority steps.

New qualifications (not including subgroups due to the increment) are as follows and are distinguishable from the color of the helmet or the type of badge worn on the arm

  • Vigile del fuoco - Firemen (black helmet and green and red distinctions)
  • Capo squadra - Team leader (red helmet and red distinctions)
  • Capo reparto - Department head (red helmet and red and blue distinctions)
  • Ispettore antincendio e Sostituto direttore antincendio - Fire Inspector and Deputy Director of Fire (silver helmets and blue distinctions)
  • Direttore - Director (silver helmet and distinctive blue and gold)
  • Primo dirigente - First leader (silver helmet and gold badge)
  • Dirigente superiore - Senior executive (silver helmet and gold and platinum distinctions)
  • Dirigente generale e Dirigente generale Capo - Director General and Chief General Manager (color silver helmet and distinctive platinum)
  • IAW DM on 22/10/2007, The Ministry of Interior has approved the new badge of status and the new metal badges of recognition for staff in the role of the Fire Department, Department Heads and Team Leaders (all viewable on the site is [

AThe head of the Department of Fire is a prefect, appointed by the Minister of the Interior, which does not belong to the role of the corps (but the career of the prefect) and thus has no uniform, while the head of a CNVVF general manager from the body has a uniform.

Some badges (up to a firefighter's fire inspector) bring a small "V" white (called "Whiskers") likely to indicate that they are volunteers.


The National Body of Fire has special equipment for each type of intervention.

Land Vehicles

  • The most common is the APS, which stands for pumper tank, it is used for most of the interventions such as fires, traffic accidents, rescue people, etc. These means are characterized by good-specific equipment (hoses, ladder hook and ladder Italian, retractor, saw, cutter, etc..) And a good flow of water. The last vehicles are purchased Mercedes Actros, Iveco Stralis, and the Mitsubishi Canter.
  • The autoscale, a ladder vehicle used to reach high places as plans condominiums, trees, etc. The firefighters included ladders that can reach heights with the smaller vehicles arriving at up to 50 m 20 m for larger vehicles.
  • L'autobotte pompa (ABP) (pumper) which boasts a large flow of water (quantity can vary depending on the model of tank truck), is equipped with sufficient technical equipment.

These means are mainly used in large fires in support APS or forest fires.

  • Autogru - Autogru
  • Carro Fiamma/Polisoccorso - Fire rescue truck
  • Carro Schiuma - Foam trucks
  • Carro Soccorso - Tow trucks
  • Carro Crolli/Puntelli Carro - collapses / Props
  • Carro Bombole - Tanker trucks
  • Carro Viveri - Food trucks
  • Movimento Terra - Earth movers (ie Construction vehicles)
  • Boschivi - Forest
  • Anfibi - Amphibians
  • Fuoristrada - Four wheel drivesSUV
  • Vetture di Servizio - Service vehicles (ie Cars)

Nautical and port rescue

  • There are different types of MBP (motorboats pump) depending on the category of the port and the type of intervention. From larger and less fast (a maximum speed of 12 knots), the 1100 series length of 30 meters ft (overall, unit of measurement of water resources), but with a large water flow, clear sea, medium ones , like the 1000 series or C series significantly faster (20 to 30 knots) and a lower water flow rate, means RIB or equivalent, or inflatable boats of 9-10 m, which can reach 50 knots and have trasportale the purpose of the intervention team directly on vessels requiring assistance or to participate in the SAR
  • Locations of the Nuclei Portuali VVF:
    • Class I (ports of international importance): Ancona, Augusta (SR), Cagliari, Genoa, Gioia Tauro (RC), La Spezia, Livorno, Naples, Ravenna, Savona, Taranto, Trieste, Venice;
    • Class II (ports of national importance): Bari, Brindisi, Catania, Civitavecchia (Rome), Messina, Palermo, Porto Torres (SS);
    • Class III (ports of regional and interregional): Gaeta (LT), Trapani, Vibo Valentia.


The Fire Service has been equipped with four models of helicopters arranged in eleven Heli-units located at Alghero, Arezzo, Bari, Bologna, Catania, Genoa, Pescara, Salerno, Torino, Varese, Venice and the Aviation Center of Rome Ciampino.

The models currently in use are:

  • Agusta-Bell AB 412 used for transportation, rescue, fire extinguishing, etc..
  • Agusta-Bell AB 206 used by the body, especially for reconnaissance services (monitoring and control).
  • Agusta Westland A109 last half of them still come to the body if they can count only a few specimens it should replace the now old and obsolete AB 206.

Aircraft - two twin-engine turboprop aircraft, Piaggio P180 Avanti II (VF-181) and (VF-182), located at the Aviation Center of Rome Ciampino

The Fire Brigade used a fifteen helicopters AB 204 ASW removed from the Navy and "denavalizzati" from Agusta. Currently, these helicopters were also almost completely phased out. In precedenza i VVF hanno utilizzato pochi esemplari di AB 205 attualmente radiati. Earlier the VVF have used a few examples of AB 205 is currently disqualified. The first helicopter used by the Fire Service were the AB-47G, followed by AB-47J, both of these machines have long been retired.

Other resources

Also there are a number of other resources devoted to the various specialties of the body which means dedicated to divers, the SAF or airport ground staff.

Note that all the means employed by the body, have visual signaling devices (flashing blue) and sound (siren). This may be a whistle (no longer used but not uncommon to hear in our streets, given the age of some media that came with the body) or tone, as these resources are emergency vehicles.

The Band

The Fire Service band was formed around the late 30s, the band currently consists of more than 60 members from various provincial commands of Italy. They perform ceremonies at both official and not, as: parades, festivals, concerts, etc ... The band can boast that the performers are all members of the the band are normally employed in the various commands of Italy. The band is currently Director of the Master Donato Martil.

Notes and references

  1. ^ Most of the reports of the battalion were taken from the texts and the search for Alessandro Melli.